
Monday, April 22, 2013

Teresa Cooper ~ Trust No One!

Teresa Cooper 

Trust No one

My Review of Her Book!

Teresa's book is a true story, a very true story that opens ones eye's about "Places" that Children get put when Parent's can't afford to take care of them. No one really likes to think about those places, but yes, they exist. 

You're also supposed to think that you're Children are safe in the hands of Children Services, as they are often referenced here in the States. They go by multiple names, HRS, CPS, whatever initials they want to use, they are suppose to the be here to protect the Children.  

Or um....

So we think....

England, apparently is no different from the United States of America, which leaves me to wonder about other Countries too. And I wont lie to you, I actually used to put England on a pedestal. However now I see that their Child Care system, just like America, is something left to be desired! 
Teresa Cooper 14 years while in Kendall House

This book is very eye opening, and as I am reading it, things start happening, and I am thinking to myself, as they are happening, "You know what- I bet she's being raped." But then I am like: "No, it can't be, it's gotta be something else. I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill." You know the routine, "I watch too much TV!" 
Teresa is the one with the BLUE DOT this is NOT in Kendall House!

Well low and behold, I was right, and Teresa wasn't dreaming it, she managed to wake up during one session and there they were not one, but two men! And of course, no one believes her! 
PLEASE NOTE: Teresa has NO mental disorder what-so-ever prior to going to KH

I end up hating "Kendall House" along with several characters in the book. I want to climb through my Computer screen and bash some skulls! I so very much hate bullying! Bridget and Nicole were such haters, thank God for Jules. 
All the drugs KH felt the need to put Teresa on
The reaction that Teresa ended up having, hating her own life, I imagine most of us would've had the same reaction. Persistent bullying, constant medications that make you unable to function, raped, unable to eat, Parents that couldn't afford to take her in. It seemed to her like no one loved her, and wanted her. To her, her life had no meaning what-so-ever.
Behind this door Teresa spent 163 days at one time, once with NO light bulb!
She started cutting herself, over and over again. She ran away many times, only to be unsuccessful. And yes. she managed to even run away once, to be with her Father, only to discover how he lived, stayed with him a day or two, tried to contact her Mother by Phone, and she couldn't even get to speak to her that time, because of one of her Mom's boy friends. She had no choice, but to go back, to the place she hated most, along with her friend.
Proof Teresa was sexually abused while under the care of KH
The details, are intense, she remembers so much, pain, agony, loss. It is so heart wrenching. You will cry, you will feel everything.
I laughed only in one place:

When her Father was beating her so badly, and screaming at her at the same time. While in doing so, his teeth flung across the room. Teresa, although in a lot of pain, couldn't help but laugh as his teeth landed across the room. At first her Father looked, then was stunned, but couldn't help but laugh too. They both ended up laughing together, and as luck would have it, this was the end of that beating! At least one good thing came out of that, well three actually. A place to laugh in her book, a stopped beating, and they laughed together!

All in all, you truly need to read this book, because it is a total exasperating book, that will open your eyes in so many ways, and leave you totally baffled! I am not kidding.

In the end, you want to join Teresa's fight and stop the drugging of Children whom are under the care of the Government. It is not the way to "Control" a Child, and or "Discipline" a Child, just because you don't want to "take care of them!"

I give this book:
 five stars
 it is a definite mood changing eye opener, that the World needs to read!

My Review Questions for the Beautiful:

 Teresa Cooper: 

1. Do you still have night mares about Kendall House?
Yes. I have regular nightmares about Kendall House although I dream a lot about various aspects of my life. I remember all my dreams on waking. They feel very real. I have never been able to shut them out.

2. Have you ever found any of the Children from your past, from Kendall house, since you have became an Adult?
Yes. I have had contact with twenty five Kendall House girls who were drugged and abused. I find it difficult because I feel responsible for each and everyone of them because I exposed the abuse. All their children have birth defects and all the KH girls are ill.

3. Have you done any interviews regarding Kendall House?
Yes. For UK media.

4. Have you done any book tours?
No I haven't done any tours as my publisher and agent do not arrange such events

5. Is Kendall House the only place drugging the Children in England that you are aware of?
The forced drugging of children is a widespread problem in England although UK media is very behind in exposing it. It is also a serious problem in the United States although there is a lot more media support in exposing the forced drugging. Many children's lives are destroyed because it such a traumatic experience physically, mentally and the side effects of the psychotropic drugs.

6. Since you have written your book, have any other people. or Children came forward telling you their stories about being drugged and/or raped while in the care of places "like" Kendall House?
Yes there have been many adult survivors contact me although mainly from the USA because it is widely publicized by the media and public. England is far behind in the exposure. It was first exposed in England 1979 and remained ignored to this day by the police and Government who felt it was not their problem despite the children being in corporate care. It continues to this day although behind closed doors. I continue to expose the abuse but until it is seen as abuse there will not be any change in the near future.

7. Did you use real names, or aliases in your book?
I used aliases to protect the Kendall House girls abused but also because the police requested the staffs names to be changed and their true descriptions to, in their opinion, avoid anyone fabricating any event or identity if/when making allegations of abuse.

8. Is your Mother still alive?
My mother is deceased many years now. We never regained the mother and daughter relationship. The English care system destroyed our relationship with lies when I was still a child. It is very hard to rekindle the bond once its broken to that extent.

9. Your Foster Father "Doug" were charges ever brought up on him? Or did he get away with his Crime(s)?
His real name is Brian. He was never charged as he was in at least one meeting with social services, at least two with Kendall House and the police failure to investigate also contributed to him avoiding prosecution at the time. It was re-opened in 1994 for that reason. He was arrested and despite being told not to contact witnesses, he contacted them. They let him get away with what he done to me a second time whilst the same police department were prosecuting him for similar crimes to another young person put in his care after me. He was put on the sex offenders register. I wasn't aware of it until after.

10. Do you "think" the people at Kendall house actually knew the Children were being raped & didn't care, or do you think they were actually oblivious to the fact? Be honest.
Yes they did know because they documented the injuries, took swabs in-house that came back as sexual infections and they ignored it as did social services who were also informed. They were also fully aware the drugging was a total misuse but they continued to do it anyway. Before I went to Kendall House it was exposed in the media after a small number of staff made complaints but it was ignored by the Government and was allowed to continue. It was first exposed in 1979 via a newspaper and TV LWT documentary as seen on youtube

11. Do you still have scars all over your arms?
From my wrists to shoulder on both arms there are hundreds of scars. Most don't show now unless in sunlight or if I get a sun tan as it tends to make them more visible. I am used to them and the bigger ones on the wrists I cover with bangles if I go out. Most people don't notice them unless they look for them. Jules name is visible on my left arm though.

12. How long did it take for you to return to your normal healthy weight and height?
I was very damaged when I left Kendall House physically and mentally. It took around two years to recover from the withdrawal symptoms. It was terrible. I grew to 5'10 (five foot ten UK height chart) by the time I was twenty one years old. I remained underweight for many years. 
Another beautiful picture of Teresa
13. Do you receive Counseling after all of this?
I did have counseling once when I was around twenty two and I only attended three sessions. The therapist cried on the 3rd session which upset me as she found it hard to hear. She also had a questionnaire I had to do every session. I was happy to answer the questions but I refused to change my answer to one question. I refused to accept my abusers were mentally ill and that I must feel sympathy for them. I did not feel sorry for them because abusing others is not a mental illness. They do it by choice and free will. The therapist didn't feel I could heal unless I accepted my abusers suffered from a mental illness and I should in some way feel a sense of sympathy for them. It wasn't going to happen so I stopped attending for that reason. 

I had therapy 2 years ago and I was on the waiting list nearly three years before I was seen. I didn't attend many throughout that year but the sessions I did attend, I found very helpful. Sadly therapy ends after one year where I live and I needed at least three years. I was with a bad partner so the sessions became about him because he was misusing my childhood abuse to control me in a very negative way. The therapy helped me understand a lot of things. I wish I was able to continue with the same therapist as I trusted him a lot but we are not allowed to see the same therapist a second time on NHS once the year is up. I have never trusted any psychotherapist or psychiatrist since Kendall House so it's a great pity I am unable to reconnect with him given the trust I developed with him. If I was given the chance to receive therapy I would grab it with both hands because I need it. Probably now more than ever.

14. Have you since been diagnosed with anything after all of this trauma? Like PTSD  or anything from all the hell you went through?
I was diagnosed with BPD and PTSD because of the abuse at Kendall House and forced drugging. Naturally I do not agree with the diagnoses as I do not appreciate the psychiatric system giving me a label for something they are responsible for. Yes it has affected me.

15. Does anything in your past, effect your life today, still? Like cause you to sometimes flip out for no reason, or sometimes just break down and cry, etc.

My past has often caused me problems that can't be avoided. There are too many to mention. It tends to be other people who use my past against me or judge me when they don't know me. Things I do for example... If I drink alcohol, sedated for any medical reason or anaesthetised for surgery my mind associates it with being in KH and I literally relive the abuse in my mind as if its happening. It's very traumatic. I am not sure how that can be changed. It's probably too deep for normal therapy. 

I am a very strong woman and I can take a lot more than most and get back up again but I do hide away and cry sometimes. More often than people think. I can tweet on twitter and all of a sudden my happiness turns to tears very fast. I deal with so much abuse on a daily basis, it's a lot for the human mind to cope with alone whilst trying to deal with my own abuse and behave the way others expect of me. Sometimes I just want to be myself and have timeout to do or say something that's not associated to abuse. I am a fun person and like laughing but it shocks people that I am able to laugh so I don't laugh as often as I would like to. I am a people pleaser. Then I feel miserable because I do worry what people think of me.

16. Can you share with us any pictures from your Childhood, if you have any?
There are a lot on twitpic (Twitter name is @TeresaCooper) & Deneale snagged a few photos for this interview and review from twitpic!

17. What are you doing today, to help enlighten the World to these issues?
I have been fighting and campaigning twenty years now and I have done so much I don't even know where to begin. I dedicated my adult life to campaigning. I don't tell people most of my achievements because I don't feel I need too. I support survivors who contact me, all the KH girls, legal fights which I tend to win, my book, publicity, research and the list is endless. I fight/campaign every day of the week 365 days a year and when most are asleep I am writing emails to the government and many others including survivors.

18. Please provide us with links to your book(s) your web site info, and any extra info you can give us about you, and your book:

amazon uk

My book is available on all good online book stores and to order in book stores

I found THIS when I researched Kendall House Online! Simply Follow the Links to learn more:

Here they interviewed Teresa: 

Thank YOU Teresa! Obviously YOU were meant to do good things, and God has wonderful plans for you. I personally thank you for this opportunity to have read your book and interviewed you. Although I cried, and had one little laugh, I still feel close to you, and am honored that you have allowed me to do so. You are a wonderful woman, a strong woman, and a God send! May the Lord bless you, and may you keep doing His glorious work! Thank you again, and again!