
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sex Magick: Book One (the Rune Witch Series) by Laura Stamps

  Meet Laura Stamps!

Some of you, such as myself, may remember her from as @SexWitch, which is no longer, and if you're anything like myself, you consider that to be heart wrenching. However, as an Author; as well as a busy woman herself, Laura has much to do, and found and to be overwhelming as with everything else she had going on. She decided to put everything into one simple atmosphere, and make it easier on everyone. 

LAURA STAMPS is Seelie Fey, a Wiccan Witch, and a Fey sorceress. She is also the author of 55 novels, novellas, short story collections, and memoirs published by numerous publishers.  Her sexy, Pagan novels land on several Amazon Kindle Top 100 bestsellers lists every year.  A fulltime author for 26 years, she writes about contemporary Pagans living in the Deep South.  All her novels are wildly positive, empowering, and most contain real Pagan spells, chants, and rituals.  Her literary short stories and poetry have been published in over 1000 literary journals, magazines, and anthologies worldwide.  She is the recipient of many awards, including a "Pulitzer Prize" nomination and seven "Pushcart Award" nominations.  Laura lives in South Carolina next to a state forest with her two husbands and seven cats.  She’s also vegan, a runner (10-12 miles/week), and an avid gardener.

         Now lets talk about what I read! 

I am reviewing the book that which I read by Laura Stamps: Sex Magick: Book One (the Rune Witch Series).

Let me start off by saying, I purchased the book from and had it sent to my kindle, for a dollar ninety nine. A descent price, which is something people look for when it comes to reading materials. I simply searched: "Laura Stamps" at "Amazon" and it brought up a listing off all of her books, and even briefly entitles you to Author details, for your viewing pleasure once you find her name. 

After purchasing the book, I decided to look into it, and see what I had "gotten myself into" if you will. You can say, I expected something like a "Preface" or maybe something....but I clicked, and just started reading..... And reading..... And reading. 

My husband went to speak to me several times, and I hushed him, and said "Not now!" Finally, he managed to interrupt me enough times, and demanded to know what I was reading. I told him. He asked me to tell him what I had thought so far, at which point when he interrupted I was three quarters of the way done. 

I told him this, which to him; he said~explained enough: "If I were a smoker, I would've needed a cigarette a few times already, it's just "that" good!" End quote!

I dearly love the pet cats name "Anubis" as I am a big time "StarGate SG1" fan, and it instantly made me think of the show! Sorry, I couldn't resist. 

I like the fact that there aren't too many characters, therefore you don't get lost in the script. It's an easy, comprehending read, something you can understand, as well as allow your desires to turn onto, without over working your brain in thought. Therefore; the reading is relaxing you, as well as working with your mood and desires. 

However, the upsetting part is when you get to the end, Wynn is promising to practice "Sex Magick" and he's speaking, or rather~he's attempting to "Talk" Noelle into marrying him; as well as working with her sexual needs. You're seeing everything in your imagination, you're getting your hopes up, you're getting excited, and what?!?!? way!!! 

I flip the page, and it says "About the Author" I'm thinking to myself, I accidentally clicked too many times, I click back. If you would have seen me, my husband said I stuck out my lip like a little kid who just had their candy taken away. 

Talk about a book that will make you buy the next one?! I found it! Oh yes, I did! 

This book is very sexual, very romantic, and detail oriented. I was impressed with the tact, manner and couth in which it was written. I've read a lot in my time, and Ms. Stamps knows exactly how to keep you interested, and even wanting more. Very classy, I didn't even find any typo's which I frequently look for as I oft interview as well, (a pet peeve of mine!) 

I give this book five stars of five. It is worth the read, worth the spend, and you will be glad that you even took the time to read it! And trust me, you will go on to the next book!

My Interview Questions for Laura:

1.  How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing 26 years, since 1987.  I’m a literary novelist and love the small press!  As of 2010 all my books are in Kindle.  That was the year the last of my paperback publishers went out of business, so I decided it was time to get all of my books in Kindle with my company,Kittyfeather Press.  That way I never have to worry anymore about them going out of print when the publishers go out of business, as most of mine have in the last 5 years in this crazy economy. ~lol~  I still publish fiction in literary magazines.  My story “Otherkin Fey” was accepted for publication this month by Epiphany Magazine and will appear in the August issue.  I have a page on my Tumblr blog that lists stories that have been accepted for publication and when they will appear.  It also lists reviews and news for 2013.

2. What made you write erotica?
I’m Seelie Fey, so I’m only half human.  The Fey are very sexual beings.  Writing about sex comes naturally to me.  I love sex.  I have a lot of sex.  It’s natural for me to write about it. 

3. Which of your books/series is your favorite?
What a fun question!  I have lots of fav books rather than a fav author, because things change rapidly in this biz.  Most of my fav erotic  authors were my favs when they were writing edgy books for small presses.  As soon as they were picked up by big publishers the edginess was edited out of their books.  I also read several kinds of fiction, including lots of literary fiction, so I have lots of favs.  My fav erotica novels are “Wicked Pleasure” and “Only Pleasure” by Lora Leigh, “Demon’s Fire” by Emma Holly, and “Colters’ Woman” by Maya Banks.  My fav literary author is Anne Beattie.  Love her short story style.  Brilliant!  I just finished reading her “New Yorker Stories” and it was the best book of short stories I have ever read.  As for classics I have read all the Bronte sisters.  Love Charlotte’s and Anne’s novels best.  I have also read all of Jane Austen’s novels.  “Mansfield Park” is my fav.

4. What are your writing plans for the future?
I always have tons of book deadlines, and this year is no different.  At the moment I am working on 4 new novellas in two of my series, as well as writing a literary short story each month.  It sounds like a lot, doesn’t it?  But I only finish one or two novellas every year, even though I write 7 days a week.  I’m a meticulous editor, and that takes time.  I’m lucky in that I never get writer’s block.  All my series are related, including the new one I’m working on this year (The Faery Witch Series).  When I finish one book I start on the next one in one of my series.  I like to write short stories while I’m working on a novella.  They, too, feature characters from my series, so no matter what I’m writing, a novella or a short story, I stay in my wonderful fictional Pagan world.  Fun!

5. Have you "Had" any of these steamy style romances & escapades you write about, in any way shape or form?
Ha!  I’m famous for that.  If you’ve ever read my “Memoir Series” you know that to be true.  I never write a sex scene in one of my novels unless I’ve taken it for a test drive first.  I write responsible sex, because I know some of my readers use my books as sex manuals.  It’s important to me that all the sex scenes I write are safe and feel good.  Besides that I have two husbands.  And I’ve had scads of lovers in the astral realms where I fly every night.  And lots of cybersex guys.  It’s a fun life!  ~wink~  My readers also know the character of Sara in “A Vampire’s Kiss” is a clone of me.  Or she used to be.  These days I’m more like Savannah in “What Witches Want.”

6. Of your "Characters" whom is your favorite?
I really don’t have one.  All my men are so yummy it’s hard to choose.  I do know Donnie from “What Witches Want” is my dream man.  I often say no one was more shocked than I was when four years later I met my “Donnie” who became my husband last year (Ken).  But Dray is so yummy.  And Wynn is HOT.  And Blaine is a dream.  And Troy is a clone of the way Ken was when we first met.  And I adore all the women.  Noelle and Sara crack me up.  It’s just impossible to choose!!

7. Please provide ALL your links, sites, and ways to reach you and purchase your products for my readers:

Laura Stamps
Sexy Pagan Novels & Short Stories
(Romantic vampires, Witches, faeries, shapeshifters)
All my novels, novellas, and memoirs in the Kindle Store ($1.99 - $2.99):

8. Any last words for your fans:
If you’re a fan of my books be sure to get on my “Fan Email List.”  Those awesome people receive a newsletter three times every month, featuring the best of my Tumblr blog posts, as well as updates on books.  I love making those newsletters entertaining and pretty for my fans.  Squeeeee!  If you’d like to be on the list, just send an email and you’re on.  I’m at Tumblr and LinkedIn every day.  I found I can only be at two sites and still have time to meet all my book deadlines.  So hook up with me there, too.  I’ve very active at both sites and love to network with my fans.

Thank you for your time!!!
You’re most welcome!!  It was a pleasure.  ~massivetacklehug~

Please check out Laura's book's when you get a chance! I promise you won't be disappointed! ~Deneale K. McElhaney-Williams