
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Endangered by Sascha Illyvich

Endangered by Sascha Illyvich

As you may well have noticed, this is my second review and interview with Sascha. Therefore, I expected, much of the same material. Boy was I wrong!

I knew from the intro, I was going to be experiencing a bit of a different realm. Here we are dealing with Vampires and the world of darkness, so to speak. So my outlook is thinking a bit on the side of blood thirsty, and hoping Sascha will throw in his curve balls of sexuality and the spin of a tale of lovers uniting. This is what I'm kind of picturing, even before I start. 

Never try to figure a writer out, it just doesn't work that way.

This book was deeper, more intense. Darker if you will. As I was reading it, I just wanted to curl up into a ball, it made me feel like I myself was in a deep, dark place, and sometimes cold. The literature as you read, the surroundings, you can physically see your dwellings, and they are all dark and cold. Maybe I let my imagination get too over whelmed as I read, but I just felt as if I was there. As if I was longing to become a Vampire myself. 

The main character, Josef seems to be a real "hottie" if you will. At least in "my" imagination he is! But living the life of the undead, just doesn't seem very fulfilling, and I think that too, was part of the things that Josef was bantering with himself. I think, and this is just my personal assumption here, that maybe his character was wondering what it would be like to be human, or even different, as in something else. To me, he always seemed to be pondering, like his mind was off in a distance. A dark place, thinking, and wondering. But again, this was just my take, of the essence of the character. 

Josef is someone; women will dream about after reading this book. He deals with a lot, and his character is very real. As I read, I felt that the Author was very into this character, very related, and even a part of him, if you will. 

This book was a interesting read. A different role in writing was portrayed here, through Sascha, and I could feel the depths of darkness and what even seemed to be depression. I could be wrong, but as we all know~ were all entitled to our opinions. 

I enjoyed the book, "Endangered" as I personally felt that I could even be on the list of "Endangered" people myself. One thing you will learn, as have I~Sascha Illyvich pulls his readers into his work. He's just "that" good! His writing; becomes visual within you, providing you have an imagination! A work if art, something to dream about, and live through his very words!

I give this book five stars of five stars! You should honestly check it out, it's worth reading! Especially, if you like Vampires, and of course: using your imagination! Sascha Illyvich does it again! He is top notch!
~Deneale K. McElhaney~Williams

Here are my interview Questions for Sascha!

1.  What made you write this book?
ENDANGERED was a book I wrote for the growing vampire/werewolf market several years back.  As it turns out, the hero needed something more than what I as an author could give him over the years until I finally figured out what that was.  You'll have to read the series to learn what though!

2. Do you now frequently write about 'Vampires, Werewolves' as well as 'Shape Shifters' or do you like to mix it up a bit?
I've written vampires and wolves, one of my agents has a story involving Pumas and witches, and I've written about faeries too. 

3. Have you ever written erotica without 'Mythical Creatures' in it?
Erotica and erotic romance, yes.  I have a lot of contemporary romance titles. 

4. Out of ALL of your own work, do you have a favorite Character, if so~ who would it be?
I've been saying Joséf from Endangered because his story rings true to how I've felt.  Need to do good in the world, but alas, love isn't for me.  Considering events of late, I'd be hard pressed to say if I still held that belief or not but he's a rough character who uses any means necessary to get the job done. 

5. Who is your favorite Author of ALL the Authors in the World?
Probably JR Ward right now.  Even though the head hopping shit irritates me, her stories pull you in and make you invest yourself in the characters and the world.

6. Do you read 'Erotic Novels' yourself, and I don't mean, just your own work? (If so~ whom do read and prefer?)
Yup.  The usual suspects. JR Ward, Lora Leigh, Christine Feehan, Laurel K. Hamilton, Christina Dodd, every now and then you'll find me with a historical romance in my hands by Julie Templeton. 

7. What made you write a Novel with 'Vampires' in it? We're you trying to 'Follow the crowd' per se?
First off, the crowd follows me.  *ahem*  Second, it was something I wanted to do for years actually, write about the Goth, the undead, the sensuality, the darkness. 

8. When writing, sometimes I note your work to be deep, dark, and heart felt. Is this some of your one 'persona?'
Always.  It's most of it actually.  What you're missing is my legendary "artistic" temper tantrums I'm trying hard not to let out anymore, or my rage. 

9. When writing 'sexual scenes' have you ever done, or experienced what you have written?
Quite a bit yeah.  Especially with recent experiences mimicked by a story I wrote involving a pretty writer fan and Fiji.

10. Do you oft get turned on, as you are writing your sexual scenes?
Yeah it happens.

11. Other than your writing, what do you use as an 'out?' Meaning: a way to vent?
Sadly I really don't have any means of venting other than cigars and alcohol.  I tend to not overdo it anymore on either front because of health reasons and the fact that I prefer relaxation rather than getting all stressed out. 

12. Does your writing often reflect your mood?
It can and does. I'm found often in my work even when I mean not to insert myself. 

13. Were you in a dark place when you wrote this manuscript? If not, how did you manage to make 'this' book seem & 'sound' so much differently, compared to the last book I read of yours? What IS your secret?
I've said before my books are that good and I'm that talented an author and that's what it boils down to.  People think you can simply write a story and then bam, it's good but if the story doesn't make you feel something, or if it doesn't move you, then it's not complete.  I was in a period of change when I wrote ENDANGERED, whereas the book you first reviewed, Burning for Derrick was a much lighter story because my world was better then, and the agent of awesome told me to lighten the hell up.  There is no secret, you simply cut your heart open and pour it over the pages.

14. Do you have more books in the works?

I do.  I'm in the middle of starting a romantic suspense, Endangered has a sequel (it's actually a series.  The tag line is: A small group of unlikely heroes faces an entire Criminal Organization for the fate of the world while discovering true love.)  Plus I have my Covenant of Wolves series we're in the middle of reworking slightly.  I have tons of material for years, practically.  All in romance, of course. 

15. Please provide for me all area's to contact you, and see your work:

16. Anything you would like to add:
I'm looking forward to sharing Endangered and the Nights of Lust series (out Sept '14 from Red Sage) with all of your fans and mine. 

Thank you Sascha for allowing me to review and interview you once again, I hope to do this again in the near future, as I do so very much, enjoy you, and your work!