
Thursday, August 28, 2014

"The Fault in Our Meows" by Kitty Glitter

"The Fault in Our Meows" by Kitty Glitter 

I was pleased to read my first book written by a cat. Yes, you read right. And it was quite an new found experience for me, I might add!

The cat, is very depressed because his owner Kathryn just took her own life, and he is missing her. Lucky for the cat, at one point, he makes a friend, a bird. 

The cat and bird travel and reminisce and you see through the cats eyes, heart actually-how painful it is at the loss of their humans, and how inconsiderate the humans tend to be, not thinking of others when they go on and take their own lives; and who all it will affect. 

It is a love story through the eyes of a cat, and than at the end, it is even more heart wrenching as you realize just how lost the poor kitty: Kittles is without Kathryn. I like to have cried, because I could feel the loss, as the book ended.

I however, enjoyed this book, because it was a very different read. It brings you to the reality that people need to see. One, think before you do something stupid. Two, animals needs us just as much as we need them, and three, all life matters. And I might add: for good reason. However, that's just my opinion. 

I give this book 5 stars. I realize as an ebook, the books aren't as "big" but I was left "wanting" more. I think, perhaps it has left me drawn to the Author. It is an entertaining read, in fact, I think teens would enjoy it, to help enlighten them, as to what "not" to do. I also would suggest pursuing this book along with suicide prevention, because it is a simple and understanding format, to help people "see the light!" There are many paths this book takes with enlightening the reader..... If you just open your mind.....

I personally suggest reading it, you'll see what I mean. In fact, the interview with Kitty Glitter is even rewarding. I very much enjoyed working with him, and hope to again in the future, if he will have me! 

My Interview Questions for Kitty Glitter:

1. Was there a reason behind this book?
The story was based on the feelings I had at the time I wrote it.  My favorite poet Anne Sexton used to talk about taking your mental illness and using it to create art.  I wouldn't say my writing was very artsy, but I would rather write a story about suicide than kill myself.  It all came from very genuine feelings of loss and unrequited love.

2. What kind of bird is that the was flying around with Kittles?
I pictured it as a pigeon, but it could be any bird.  I left it open so that people could imagine whatever bird was cutest to them.   
3. What kind of Kitty is Kittles?
Kittles is a regular kitty, like the kind you'd get at a shelter, not purebred.  I think I pictured him as being gray and kind of defective looking with a wonky eye.  Katy Perry has a wonky left eye, and I think it's one of the things that make her adorable.  I find perfection and symmetry to be ugly, even though those things are normally considered to be the standards for beauty

4. What drove Kathryn to suicide (or do we know?) 
Probably her boyfriend's infidelity was the trigger, but she was probably mentally ill, which is part of why she felt like the only time she ever felt okay was while riding the roller coasters at Six Flags.

5. Can you tell us about Kitty Glitter and how he/she came to exist?
When I first came out as Kitty Glitter I was pretending to be a hot black girl, and I used a picture of a model.  But that wasn't real. Later on I decided to reveal my true self, I am actually a gray male kitty.  :)
But the initial reason I published under then name Kitty Glitter was because I'd always written stories and submitted them to magazines and it never really went anywhere.  Then my friend told me to try self-publishing on Kindle and I used this fan fiction I wrote called "Wesley Crusher: Teenage Fuck Machine".  It ended up becoming a best seller.  There are a lot of articles about it, and old interviews. 
Here is an interview I did about it on

6. How many books has Kitty Glitter written?
I currently have 24 available for sale on

7. Do you write under any other pen names & if so are you willing to reveal them?
Yes, I've written one book under the name Matthew Deschanel.  I love the name Deschanel, because I love Zooey Deschanel's music.  I hate her as an actress though, it's weird, I can't stand watching her in movies or TV shows but I listen to her albums all the time and go to her concerts whenever she plays NYC.  I mean it's not just her, it's She & Him, but I feel like I only like it because of her, because her partner M. Ward is a lame hipster.
8. What are you views on catnip?
I think catnip is bad actually.  I have not used catnip in the past 18 months and actually used to have a huge problem with it.  I am involved in a 12-step program that helps me deal with this issue.

9. How many cats do you have.... Or.... Uh.... Owners....
I have no owners currently.  My owner actually was someone named Kathryn, and she abandoned me. I feel like I will never find another owner.  Nobody wants a silly gray kitty I guess.   
10. Have you ever been high on catnip?
Yes.  It was a way of escaping from pain and a way to not have to deal with life.  For me to use catnip again would be like my death.  It's a bad drug!

11. How many lives have you used up so far, if any?
I feel like I've used up eight already, I'm at my limit. My next death will be permanent.  The first eight deaths were suicides. Hanging, wrist-slashing, bridge-jumping, pills, bullet in my brain, exit bag, and two more hangings.

12. How long have you been writing?
Probably like a billion-kajillion years in kitty years.

13. How many books have you written?
This is the same as the sixth question. 
14. Please provide for us all your links to your sites, and reading material:
Buy my books:
Twitter: @Kglitter69
Kitty Genovese:   
If you want to listen to really awesome music you need to check out Kitty (formerly Kitty Pryde), she is my greatest inspiration:

Monday, August 18, 2014

"Naughty Wives Collection" 1 by Reed James

Naughty Wives Collection 
by Reed James

When I started reading, I couldn't put it down. I read it in one evening. The book just grabbed me, and pulled me in. 

Husbands and wives always want to spice up their marriages, and these couples do it. And you can't help it, but follow along and read. 

Only once did I get drop jaw, and that was with the Police Officer. Frank and Evie play "naughty hooker" but for real on the streets and out of the bedroom. I knew when they were taking it to the streets, right there was a mistake. 

And low and behold an officer of the law sees her strutting her stuff on the corner, and than "A John" pick her up, and her accept money. Mistake number one. They try to convince the officer their married, and it's just for fun, but he won't hear of it. Instead he cops a feel. And in the long run, he gets the deal of a century, and makes out with the money too! 

Eventually Evie confesses to her best friend Cherry, and eventually she gets involved. Cherry's husbands job causes him to travel a lot, and he cheats, but he still loves his wife. 

My favorite is that no matter what happens, these people see and work their problems, through sexual frustration, and stay together. 

Personally, I think in the long run, the should become a four some, or swingers or something, together. But.... That's just my opinion. 

However, I enjoyed this book very much. It's very well written, easy to understand, and I very much; enjoyed it. I give it five out of five stars! 

My Interview Questions for Reed:

Image of Reed James 

1. Did you live these fantasies out, out of curiosity? If not, are they your fantasies?
No, I didn't live out any of these fantasies, they are all the product of my over-active imagination.

2. Are any of these characters by chance, you?
Afraid not. I'm far more boring than anyone in my stories.

3. How did you come up with these sexual idea's?
I don't know how it is for other erotica authors, but these are my own sexual fantasies. So when I'm 'brainstorming' I think about scenarios and keep thinking about them until they really excite me. If I'm excited, so will someone else.

4. The story behind the Evie & Frank and Officer Connolly and him stealing $160, wherever did you come up with that story? In the end, I kind of laughed. The story was intense!
The stealing the money was an after thought. I had written the story and during editing I realized that the officer had pocketed the money Frank had 'paid' his wife as part of their roleplay and it struck me as funny and a nice way to end the story.

5. Some couples might have broken up over these situations, like cheating, yet these people just became more horny and sexual. Why?
Because it's hot. Because they love each other and it gives them pleasure to see their partner experience their fantasies and have some joy. It takes a strong bond of trust to delve into the world they do, but trust is a fragile thing and it can so easily be broken. Evie skirted that line, praying that she knew her husband well enough while she enjoyed her fantasy.

6. How long have you been writing?
I have been writing off and on since Junior High. When I turned thirty a few years ago, I realized I had never seriously pursued my dream of being a writer and had let my twenties slip away. Even then, it took me a while to really develop the discipline to begin writing. I started writing a Fantasy novel and felt my writing skills weren't honed enough. So I decided to write other things for practice and I had always liked writing dirty stories, so I began doing that and posting them on free stories sites. I received a lot of great feedback and encouragement, as well as tips on cleaning up my grammar, and felt I was ready to self-publish erotica while writing my non-erotic novel.

7. What kinds of education have you had?
High School graduate and a community college drop out. Dumbest decision I ever made.

8. What all have you written thus far?
Besides the Naughty Wife Series, I've written a lesbian series called 'Seducing Straight Women' about Aurora who makes a bet that she can seduce any woman, no matter how straight, and it chronicles her various seductions. I have a supernatural story called the Virgin Possessed, a series on wifes who cheat right under their husbands noses, and I'm writing Futanari stories.

9. Have or are you currently on book tour?
I'm not on any book tours.

10. Why did you choose to write erotica?
When I was in Junior High my parents bought me a computer and I had internet access in my bedroom. This was the nineties when it was dial-up on 33.3k modem. Within the first hour I was browsing porn. No it took forever to download a single, low-res photo and that wouldn't do, but then I found, a now defunct XXX story site. I was already an avid reader and here was porn I could easily download and enjoy. Soon I was writing my own stories, but I never finished them or posted them, and then I graduated high school and started working and I stopped writing. So when I took up writing again, erotica seemed like a great way to practice my writing as well as write the sort of stories that excited me.

11. Do you yourself get horny as you write? (IE: does your own writing turn you on?)
Yes. I'm always turning myself on. If you can't turn yourself on with your erotica, then maybe you're doing it wrong. Even during rewrites and editing when I'm rereading my erotica I often get turned on.

12. Who is your favorite Author?
Robert Jordan who wrote the amazing Wheel of Time series. Not only is he my favorite author, he also has had the most profound effect on my writing style. I also enjoy Tolkein, Brandon Sanderson, David Eddings, R. Scott Bakker, Steven Eriksen, and Jim Butcher.

13. Please provide for us all of your links, to your Facebook, Twitter, web pages, etc, so your fans can find, follow and buy your books:

14. Anything you would like to add:
Thank you Deneale for providing me with this opportunity. I had a lot of fun!

"His Reign" by Sascha Illyvich (the Opeth Pack Saga Book 1)

"His Reign" the Opeth Pack Saga Book 1 
by Sacha Illyvich

As usual, here I sit, tantalized by Sacha. Wolves and sex. Oh wait..... And cigars. Oh... And more sex. This book is very interesting indeed. 

You learn of family values, per the Wolves. You end up hating Kiba, who is the current Alpha of their tribe, but has went seemingly insane. You fall in love imagining Ilona and Lukina long for, try to fix, repair and want for their Alpha and lover Józsi to protect them, and become the new pack leader.... If only they can first conquer and kill Kiba. The story takes place in America and Hungary, back and forth.  

The three wolves grew up together, but Józsi left as a young teen, because he didn't believe strongly in the prophecy, fought with Kiba, and knew sooner or later Kiba would prove to be a lousy leader. He left, but secretly came back, to check on his pack mates. He made a new life for himself, but still missed the women he loved deeply. 

One day, she arrives and fetches him to take him back, to rescue his other lover, and try to put an end to it. Eventually, he does so, and brings them back to America, it wasn't an easy task mind you. There were fights, turmoils and problems along the way. 

The book is very understanding, very deep, and heart felt. The book totally pulled me in, and kept me wanting more and more as I read! 

I give this book five stars, and encourage others to check it out, it is a very unique and deep read. Also very sensual. I found it well worth my money spent, and time reading too! 

 My Interview Questions for Sascha:

1. Is this Hungarian/Wolf language real?
Yup. Hungarian is a real language. 

2. As a frequent reader of your books, is it normal for the male Character to resemble "You" or is that just "me" doing that?
Józsi isn't actually one of "me" per se, he's actually more based on Vin Diesel from Chronicles of Riddick and Pitch Black, with some good old angst thrown in for good measure. 

3. Do you create your own wolf rules?
I do indeed.  The world itself was loosely based on the anime "Wolf's Rain" which is a very empty, almost apocalyptic world where wolves are extinct or nearly so.  Mine is not so much the same though.  Not so much extinction, just fear of the wolves from mankind.   

4. Are you "secretly" a wolf? giggling?
Come closer, Red…

5. How many wolf books have you written?
Five in the Opeth Pack Saga, Torn to Pieces makes five, Endangered coming soon from Red Sage, makes six and I'm sure I have a few more from other publishers. 

6. I've also notice cigars are in your books, and that you also smoke them. Is that too; on purpose?
As of now, it is.  The uniqueness of characters who smoke cigars is a rarity, a trait in manly men we are seeing sadly disappear from books, TV and movies in favor of some health and control nonsense.

7. Out of your books, all of them- which is your favorite and why?
Probably so far, ENDANGERED, which you'll get to review again as it comes out September first from Red Sage

8. Other than yourself, whom is your favorite Author?
Even though I heard less than great things about The King, I'd still have to say JR  Ward.  I have to read the book and make up my own mind, obviously. Her dark worlds and characters inspire me to bring out the inner demons of my own characters. 

9. What are your favorite books to read?
Paranormal romances mostly. 

10. How much time do you spend writing?
Depends on if I'm on deadline or not.  I can knock out a first draft in two months with a total of 400 pages written, or about 100,000 words just in the draft alone.

11. What is your favorite cigar and why?
It's a toss-up between the Don Cervantes Masaterpiece Platinum, the Tres Maduro or the Propio Léon all by ACC Cigars.  All three cigars are masterfully made by the folks at ACC Cigars using the finest tobaccos to create a complex, rich flavor that's satisfying and rewarding to those who can afford the price of quality. 

12. Do you pen pal or epal with your fans?

13. Currently how big is your fan base?
Ginormous and growing!

14. Are you married or involved?
Those involved know the answer.

15. Do you get "horny" as you write your own sex scenes?
I fap it twice a day, so…maybe.

16. As always: please include all links, and ways to contact you:

17. Any additional comments you'd like to include:
Look out for Fall Into Love, Book Four of the Opeth Pack Saga coming soon from Secret Cravings, and ENDANGERED coming out from Red Sage September 1st!  On that note, I hope you enjoy reading my books and I thank all my fans, old and new for supporting me.  You're a part of my world!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"Taken Unaware" by Sascha Illyvich

"Taken Unaware" by Sascha Illyvich


Sascha and I are personal acquaintances on Twitter. And as he is trying to push another book onto me, I decided to look him up on and see what exactly he had out there that just might tantalize my taste buds. I read the summary on each book, and when I found this one, I knew it was for me. I fell in love immediately with the description. so I bought it, as well as the other book, that he wants me to review. 

Naturally I read this one first, in forty minutes I might add. I couldn't put the darn thing down. And trust me, I had full intentions of doing so, because I was laying in bed, tired and ready to go to sleep. My husband beside me snoring, here I am reading. 

Big mistake. Its a seductive book. Her name is Dee. What is my nickname? Yeah, you got it. She waiting on her husband; well after she went to the store, anyway. Goes into take a bath because shes sweaty hot, remembering her home town of Hawaii, missing the clear waters, that she could just bask in and dive right into when she had gotten too hot. So she climbs into her tub to relax. 

Rory, her husband won't be home for a while. After laying there for a bit, she lathers her hair, stands to rinse off the suds, and from behind her someone comes in, and he wont allow her to see him. He promises not to rape her, but to be her gentle lover. 

She is in fear at first, but he whispers in her ear, and low and behold her body doesn't cooperate with the desire to fight him away. She doesn't understand because, she considers everything about sex dirty, something that has caused her and Rory problems all through their marriage.

The sexy sounding stranger promises only to be gentle and to be her lover, tells her how beautiful she is, and how he has longed for her. 

This whole time while reading, I personally was in fear of the husband coming home and finding this stranger there and ruining her marriage. But no, the very best part of the book, is at the end. I was so pleased with the ending. I smiled, and was totally impressed.

The book is not what you think. Trust me, you too, will be impressed, as well as your sexual impulses will be aroused. This book is everything I dreamed it would be and more! I give this book five stars and more and if I could! I adored this book, and suggest that you, those that like to read adult erotica, go out and buy this book immediately! It is amazing!

Here are my Interview Questions for Sascha:

1. What made you decide to write a book about a seductive man, that's not actually a rapist, that wants to be a lover?
This is actually a story my publisher had asked me to write.  If memory serves, the cover was created for an author who backed out and Jean Marie had asked if I could bang out a story with this premise.  I told her, yeah give me a week and a bottle of whiskey.  Both were given to me and it was done first draft in like three days.  I took a day to rest, then edited it. 

2. What made you decide to make this character be "Sascha?" & does this mean, she's reading one of your books and it makes her horny, and this is how it plays out?
I think this was a case of my own ego inserting itself into the story LOL!  Yes of course she's reading one of my books!

3. How did the idea of this book come to you?
Given the premise to write a story about a woman who is seduced by a stranger is an easy one, overdone to the point that it's played out.  But my twist isn't a usual one and I thought, what the hell.  I created this prudish woman, gave her a reason to like and enjoy love making in all its dirty forms, and then thought, what would the twist be?

4. What are you currently working on?
Promotions for ENDANGERED, out soon from Red Sage.  Promotions for Fall Into Love, out soon from Secret Cravings Publishing.  As for projects, I'm currently planning the 5th Opeth Pack book, and doing a major rewrite on the second Nights of Lust book (Sequel to ENDANGERED) for Red Sage. 

Endangered is the story of a trio finding comfort in the love they develop for each other even as the world tries to break them. 

Fall Into Love: Can we avoid a fate set in motion since before birth or can we change our destiny?  Unity through love is the key to Paradise and only a select group of wolves and their mates can open the way for the other wolves on Earth.

5. How long have you been writing?
15 years and then some. 

6. What all education and training and skills do you have?
Nothing related to writing.  My background is in I.T., I'm a former Tech GOD, but I gave that godhead to my brother.  Real fiction writers don't go to school to write, that saps creativity with nonsensical rules that confuse the crap out of the writer and stifle their creativity.  Now I have spent a great deal of online time in my earlier days talking to my mentor about Craft and storytelling.

7. What all parts of the World have you seen?
I haven't seen your bedroom yet…

8. Have you or are you on a book tour?
I will be but it won't be the expected usual haunts most authors hit up.  Those are useless to me.  Look for me through my passions outside writing!

9. Who is your publicist?
Deborah Riley Magnus is someone I'm proud to call a lot of things, including publicist.

10. Please list your links to your web sites, Twitter, Google, etc, so your fans can find and follow you:
Opeth Pack Home:
Nights of Lust Home:

11. Anything extra you would like to add?
I still haven't seen your bedroom…

Outside of that, I'd like to thank my readers, old and new, and the ones who have made a huge difference in how I function because they are my family.  
Thank you Sascha!!

Taken UnawareTaken Unaware by Sascha Illyvich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sascha and I are personal acquaintances on Twitter. And as he is trying to push another book onto me, I decided to look him up on and see what exactly he had out there that just might tantalize my taste buds. I read the summary on each book, and when I found this one, I knew it was for me. I fell in love immediately with the description. so I bought it, as well as the other book, that he wants me to review.

Naturally I read this one first, in forty minutes I might add. I couldn't put the darn thing down. And trust me, I had full intentions of doing so, because I was laying in bed, tired and ready to go to sleep. My husband beside me snoring, here I am reading.

Big mistake. Its a seductive book. Her name is Dee. What is my nickname? Yeah, you got it. She waiting on her husband; well after she went to the store, anyway. Goes into take a bath because shes sweaty hot, remembering her home town of Hawaii, missing the clear waters, that she could just bask in and dive right into when she had gotten too hot. So she climbs into her tub to relax.

Rory, her husband won't be home for a while. After laying there for a bit, she lathers her hair, stands to rinse off the suds, and from behind her someone comes in, and he wont allow her to see him. He promises not to rape her, but to be her gentle lover.

She is in fear at first, but he whispers in her ear, and low and behold her body doesn't cooperate with the desire to fight him away. She doesn't understand because, she considers everything about sex dirty, something that has caused her and Rory problems all through their marriage.

The sexy sounding stranger promises only to be gentle and to be her lover, tells her how beautiful she is, and how he has longed for her.

This whole time while reading, I personally was in fear of the husband coming home and finding this stranger there and ruining her marriage. But no, the very best part of the book, is at the end. I was so pleased with the ending. I smiled, and was totally impressed.

The book is not what you think. Trust me, you too, will be impressed, as well as your sexual impulses will be aroused. This book is everything I dreamed it would be and more! I give this book five stars and more and if I could! I adored this book, and suggest that you, those that like to read adult erotica, go out and buy this book immediately! It is amazing!

View all my reviews