
Saturday, October 25, 2014

"My Prison Without Bars" by Taylor Evans Fulks

My Prison Without Bars: 
the Journey of a Damaged Woman to Someplace Normal

By Taylor Evans Fulks

When I went to Taylor about reviewing her book, she warned me about it first. Giving me an escape: should I want or need one. I assured her I didn't, and decided to read it, and also found a real soul Sister along the way as well. 

Through out Twitter, as well as email, Taylor and I chatted as I read. We opened up to one another and found a lot of similarities. But, that's not what you're here for is it? 

This book is eye opening. I have underwent so many emotions as I read, I couldn't keep up with myself. If anyone had been watching me read, they would've thought I was insane. Not only do I read abundantly faster then most, I talk to myself out loud. Especially when characters um.... (How to word this professionally) irritate me. I was laughing at her word choices: "ass crack of dawn" and the fact that Taylor speaks just how she would in person as she does in this book. She holds back nothing. You can tell, your opinion, my opinion? It doesn't matter. She just wants to teach others not to suffer as she has, to learn from her mistakes; (not that the mistakes were hers in the first place!) I also feel, that as Taylor wrote this, somehow she was hoping; like a journal "God willing" maybe it would or could help her to move on. Whether it has or not, only Taylor knows. 

Taylor is a survivor. Whether or not her Mother truly even "wanted" her as a Child, only God and her Mother know, but with these words and life lessons that Taylor has and had endured, it shows us: she survived and so can we! She went through terrible things, many of them. Always surviving and striving to succeed. 

In the end, at the very last chapter and the Epilogue I was crying profusely. Before that, I was dumbfounded to learn that all along, her Mother knew she was being raped and molested. In so many ways, I found it hard to contain my anger and upset with the "people" who had been in Taylor's life. 

I will tell you this: I do give the book five stars. I wish I could give it more. It was a deep and painful read. But very close to my heart. And I am truly grateful that Taylor Fulks was born and is alive today to educate us and share with us, so that others will stand up and speak out against their attackers, even if they are: "family!" Family or not, that is not love! 

To Taylor: You have survived for reasons and sharing your story was and is one of them, to teach others that where there is a will~there is a way.

Here is the back cover of the book:

My interview Questions for Taylor:

If your Mother is still alive, how is your relationship with her now?

Yes...My mother is still living and resides about forty miles from where I live. Her revelations, which I stated in the book, were a game changer for me, though it took years, and writing about them to finally digest their impact. I severed all ties with her early in 2014. 

If you're still with Tony, how is your relationship with him now?

Tony and I are still together, though we are more like roommates than husband and wife. Many women can forgive infidelity, unfortunately, I cannot. I've had so many betrayals in my life; I finally drew the line with his. You cannot raise the dead, and my love for him died a long time ago.
I'm bound to him financially...owing jointly on an enormous annuity loan.

Do you still only have Jaden and Charlotte or have you had more Children since?

The two best things to come out of my life are Jaden and Charlotte. Jaden is twenty-three and graduating from nursing school in May of 2015. She came and observed me doing Open Heart Surgery, and decided she wanted to do what I do.
Charley is nineteen, a freshman in college, majoring in pre-med, and my social butterfly. Like her dad, she doesn't know a stranger, and loves the social spotlight. 
Neither has read my book, and swear they never will. 

Have you sought counseling?

Right after my mother divorced Gene, she took me to a counselor at our church. He was a male and of little use to me. Then in college, I took a few psychology courses (again, trying to please my mother) and met a counselor in the department. She took me on for the better part of a year, coming to the conclusion that I was ANGRY, and needed to confront my mother. At the time, I couldn't fathom doing that.
Years went by, and I had children of my own. When Jaden was eight (the age I was the first time Gene raped me) I had the dream I described in the book. Jaden had taken my place in the scene...she had become the one defiled and damaged! I couldn't sleep for weeks, the shadow of the dream always under the surface. I feared sleeping!

So I sought counseling. Again, I was informed that I was ANGRY! (Ha! Really?)

Soon after that, I had the knock-down-drag-out with my mother in my kitchen. My girls say they'll never forget day. I dare say I won't either!

Do you still have nightmares?

Not as often as I used to. As my girls reached their teens, my mind put the fears away. Unfortunately the nightmares returned with a vengeance when I wrote my book, and continued, as I had to re-read it for editing. I've had a two-year respite from the nightmares, until recently, when I had to listen to my book in audio for edits. Listening to it, reading it, and reliving the hell I endured, puts me in a funk I find very hard to come out of, and get over.

Since the publication of this book, have you seen or been reacquainted with the persons in this book?

Do you mean my abusers? If so, No. I haven't seen Gene since I was twelve; the last time he raped me. I did see him in a 4 x 5 pic as described in my book. mother and stepfather did have lunch with him and his son.

I haven't seen my birth father, Gerald, (sperm donor) in twenty-three years. The story of that severance is way too long for this interview. His father, Leonard, died when I was a teen, and his mother, Vivian, died in her nineties, two years ago.

Isabelle, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and died one year after I found out about Tony's affair. I had thrown him out of our home, and he lived with and took care of his dying mother. He moved back home shortly after her death.

What education do you have?

I have a degree in Nursing. I’ve worked in Surgery for twenty-nine years. I have been a Certified RN First Assistant, specializing in Open Heart Surgery for nineteen years. I harvest the vein from the patient’s leg through a scope (Endo-scope and camera) then prepare it as a conduit (a graft) for bypassing a blockage on the heart. I assist the surgeon in bypassing the blocked arteries, then wire the chest closed and sew up the skin…Easy-Peasy!

What do you do now, in your spare time?

Heehee…What spare time? 
Before writing and publishing my book, I was busy coaching travel-softball with my daughters. Both girls were awesome pitchers. I also loved to garden and landscape. I was diagnosed with skin cancer and had to give all that up. Now, I’m the "nocturnal gardener” and I’ll soon be working on my next novel.

What does everyone think of your book? Is it helping others to "see the light" and escape their captors?

I never expected more than twenty people to read my book, so the awards, reviews, and response to it have been humbling and overwhelming. I’ve had over five hundred emails, private messages on Facebook and Twitter, and contacts via my website from other warriors facing their own demons. I’d like to think it has brought the subject out in the open, and encouraged dialogue, though child sexual abuse still remains taboo in mainstream media. 
Some have hated me, and my book. I have suffered my share of cyber bullying, hate mail, death threats, and trolls on Goodreads and Amazon. I still don’t understand the need to victimize a survivor all over again. It takes all kinds, I suppose…

Where have you lived?

I was born in Texas, and lived in just about every major city in that state. Because my stepfather was in the Air Force, we lived in Arkansas, and Michigan. My mother and I lived in Oklahoma until I moved to Ohio, to live with Tony. I’ve lived in this little river town on the banks of the Ohio River for thirty-two years.

Do you feel your book will help others?

That’s a difficult question to answer. You see…I didn’t write it for other victims. I have warnings about the content and subject matter on my Amazon page as well as inside the book. It is definitely a trigger for CSA victims. No…I wrote my book in a rage after the Penn State case, involving Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno. A group of students and administrators were interviewed on TV after the riots on the campus. One man, a professor or administrator, looked into the camera and said, “The punishment to the University is 'too harsh’ for the crime!” 

Needless to say, I saw red! I tore up my original manuscript and started over, determined to enlighten the ignorant about the hopelessness and darkness, that is the “everyday life” for sexual abuse victims.

Did writing this help you move on in any way?

It’s been an ongoing process, but yes, it has helped me move forward. I can’t change my past, nor can I have a do-over in regards to the decisions I’ve made, and things I’ve done in my life. In essence, I’ve learned acceptance. I lived my life, viewing myself as the little girl from the trailer court, always the victim with a secret to hide. That little girl is gone, replaced by the woman I have become. I just recently recognized that woman. I really like her, and who she has become…

Have you had any speaking events to help enlighten women?

No…Unfortunately, the subject matter is still taboo and not viewed as suitable for discussion. Several of my daughter’s friends asked the High School principle to invite me to speak. He declined the idea. It remains a subject that is better left unspoken. It is a crime of secrets and shame, perpetrated from behind closed doors. It’s something we can’t stop from happening, unless we give up our rights to privacy, and that won’t happen. So, the only option is too teach children (age appropriate) to tell. Teach teachers and school officials to recognize and encourage children to do so. It doesn’t correct the abuse that’s already occurred, but maybe it can be stopped before a child is irreparably ruined. That’s my hope, anyway. 

How is your relationship with your daughters?

God has blessed me beyond measure! I have two of the most wonderful young women in the world, call me MOM! They are happy, healthy, well-adjusted young women, and we are very close. I consulted them before I published my book, explaining the fallout that could and probably would occur, as well as the personal aspect of sharing my story with the world. They responded in unison, “Go for it, mom!”

Is anyone in your family upset with you for writing this book?

Of course…
My mother remains in denial, telling my daughters that I’m lying and vindictive. My husband and daughters haven’t and don’t plan to read it, so they are oblivious to the contents. My husband’s family is mortified for the most part, and neighbors and friends have asked me to divulge the identity of players in my drama…much like the town’s folk in THE HELP, when all the maids finished the book with the reporter. High school friends, who never knew about my life, have offered sympathy and support, while others who know the players, deny my story. To each his own. I lived it…
But the beauty of fiction is that only I know the true identity of the players.

Do you ‘still' feel you are the ‘cause' of all your problems?

Children are very literal creatures. They believe what they see, and learn what they are told. Essentially, children learn what they live. I’ve had to overcome years of believing my mother’s accusations…”if you hadn’t done this,” or “you always did that, so that’s why he did it.” I marched right into adulthood believing on some level, that I was the root cause of all my problems, and I continued to believe that for many years. As I said, this is an ongoing process, but the little girl from the trailer court, the victim, is gone. Truly, this revelation is what ultimately ended my relationship with my mother. No child causes abuse of any kind!

What have you learned…from your life?

Oh my...This blog post would be endless if I could list everything! I learn something new about myself, everyday. 

I am strong; stronger than I ever imagined I could be...
I’ve learned it’s OK that I don’t love my mother, anymore…
I’m not a victim or a survivor. I am a warrior…
I am worthy…
I’m no longer ashamed…
I’m not dirty…
I am free…

There are so many things, but those come to mind right now. 

Are there things left out of the book?

Obviously, I couldn’t tell everything that happened in my life, within the confines of a book. But I took the most memorable and life-altering experiences, penned them to make my points, and put them into a story…my story, told my way. The sexual abuse I endured went on for nine years of my life, day in and day out, with no hope of ever ending. It was my existence, my reality. It also carved the path of my life, affecting my decisions, my view of myself, and my relationships with others. 

How, and what, truly made you so strong?

I truly believe that there’s a warrior in all of us, whether buried really deep, or just under the surface, but he/she is there innately. It all depends on where we are when we need to call on the warrior. Some are lucky, like me, and the warrior evolves and comes forward when the need arises. Others are not so lucky. Maybe fear or circumstances beat the warrior down. Who knows? But for whatever reason, I feel I was meant to have this life and eventually find the courage to tell my story. All I can truly say is that I am so grateful that God saw fit to send me down this path. 

Please provide us with links to all of your sites to buy your book, follow you, and become your fans:

I’m thrilled to be able to announce that my book will be in audiobook format on iTunes,, and Amazon in mid-November, 2014. My lovely, and talented narrator, Em Eldridge, is the voice of MY PRISON WITHOUT BARS. I can’t wait for everyone to hear her.
My exclusive obligation to Amazon is over, and I will also be distributing both eBook and print versions on KOBO, NOOK, iBOOKS, OYSTER, SCRIBD, and so on, very soon... 

Facebook Author Page:
Twitter URL: @Taylortfulks20

Are there any last comments you would like to add?

No one’s hell is worse than another’s…but when we are there, we endure it alone. 

If I could give one piece of advice to anyone who has been touched by child sexual abuse, whether as a victim, or a loved one just becoming aware…
Write your story. Not to publish or share with anyone else. Write it for yourself. Be descriptive…the smells, the color of the curtains, the way the room looked, and the situation before, during, and after the abuse. Write how you felt then, and now. Write what you did, didn’t do, and what you think you could have done. Sign it, then read it. Read it again, and again, and again. Then burn the damn thing!

Self-flagellation, you say? No, it’s personal validation. In nursing, we are taught that if you don’t write it down and sign it, it didn’t happen. So, write it, sign it, and read it. There is something very healing in the writing and the reading. Even if no one sees it or reads it, or for that matter, believes you…it still happened! Once you’re able to see it, you can start to deal. We don’t heal from these types of wounds, ever! But we can staunch the bleeding, and move on with the business of living.

I wish you all peace from whatever demons you hide…


Displaying Interview with Deneale.docx.
My Prison Without Bars: The Journey of a Damaged Woman to Someplace NormalMy Prison Without Bars: The Journey of a Damaged Woman to Someplace Normal by Taylor Evan Fulks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I went to Taylor about reviewing her book, she warned me about it first. Giving me an escape: should I want or need one. I assured her I didn't, and decided to read it, and also found a real soul Sister along the way as well.

Through out Twitter, as well as email, Taylor and I chatted as I read. We opened up to one another and found a lot of similarities. But, that's not what you're here for is it?

This book is eye opening. I have underwent so many emotions as I read, I couldn't keep up with myself. If anyone had been watching me read, they would've thought I was insane. Not only do I read abundantly faster then most, I talk to myself out loud. Especially when characters um.... (How to word this professionally) irritate me. I was laughing at her word choices: "ass crack of dawn" and the fact that Taylor speaks just how she would in person as she does in this book. She holds back nothing. You can tell, your opinion, my opinion? It doesn't matter. She just wants to teach others not to suffer as she has, to learn from her mistakes; (not that the mistakes were hers in the first place!) I also feel, that as Taylor wrote this, somehow she was hoping; like a journal "God willing" maybe it would or could help her to move on. Whether it has or not, only Taylor knows.

Taylor is a survivor. Whether or not her Mother truly even "wanted" her as a Child, only God and her Mother know, but with these words and life lessons that Taylor has and had endured, it shows us: she survived and so can we! She went through terrible things, many of them. Always surviving and striving to succeed.

In the end, at the very last chapter and the Epilogue I was crying profusely. Before that, I was dumbfounded to learn that all along, her Mother knew she was being raped and molested. In so many ways, I found it hard to contain my anger and upset with the "people" who had been in Taylor's life.

I will tell you this: I do give the book five stars. I wish I could give it more. It was a deep and painful read. But very close to my heart. And I am truly grateful that Taylor Fulks was born and is alive today to educate us and share with us, so that others will stand up and speak out against their attackers, even if they are: "family!" Family or not, that is not love!

To Taylor: You have survived for reasons and sharing your story was and is one of them, to teach others that where there is a will~there is a way.

View all my reviews

Sunday, October 19, 2014

"A Christmas Favour" by Sascha Illyvich

A Christmas Favor
By Sascha Illyvich

Sascha is a regular in my blog, in case you haven't noticed. I consider myself one of his biggest fans, because he literally keeps me entertained. I don't know what I would do without his writing, because- now this is the truth: his writing helps me relax. I fantasize with his writing, and his writing is one I can actually get into. If you read as much as I do, there are certain writers whose words just don't "do it" for you. Sascha is not one of them. For me, he can get me to visually see and believe anything. Seriously, if you haven't read any of his books, my question to you is this: "Why not?" Because you don't know what you're missing!

Anyway, allow me to tell you about: "A Christmas Favour". At first I thought the book was going to be an, "Oh no!" Book. Because right from the start Christian seemed to not want to take things any further  with Angela. But then, I kind of understood why. People hate ruining friendships, once they turn into romance, the friendship tends to get ruined. But their was love; they both did feel the same for one another. 

Of course, there are obstacles, as with any relationship. And by all means, yes! I mean: yes! Yes! Yes! There is sex in this book. You don't think Sascha would write a book and leave that out do you?!

I was extremely impressed that there was a "Happily Ever After!" Sometimes you just need those! And especially a marriage! I love that! The perfect Wedding, that you can even fantasize about it. Every woman's dream! 

This book is heart warming, and worth the read. I truly enjoyed it, and give it five stars. I especially loved the fact that all the character names in this book were easy to pronounce and normal names. I really appreciate that, it made it much easier to read too! I like it when the names aren't difficult and out of the ordinary! (Much like my own name!)

Sascha is an extraordinary writer with amazing talent and skill. And every book he puts out, just proves more and more, that he can put his mind to anything! 

My Questions for Sascha:

*Remember I have interviewed Sascha numerous times, so this time I tried to come up with different questions. To see "normal" questions please seek the other interviews in this blog! Thank you! ~Deneale
1. Why did you write this book?
My sister was havng a hard time with life when I started my career so I wanted to write her a happy ending, because she deserves one.  

2. Have you ever been to Dallas?
Lived there for about a year.

3. Do you yourself have "computer tech" knowledge to speak of it?
I'm a former Tech GOD so yes.

4. Doesn't it make you feel good to make your Characters end & live happily ever after so to speak?
I do enjoy writing the HEA.

5. How long did it take you to write this book?
Oh hell, probably about three months or so?  It was my first story based on a short story I'd written to again give my sister a happy ending.  

6. What are you currently working on?
The 5th book in the Opeth Pack Saga.  I'm having to redo some of the writing because I think it needs to have both hero and one heroine's POV, rather than two heroines with the hero as the outsider, so 10,000 words of that is getting rewritten before I go back to moving the story forward. But the basis of the story is that Aurelia, the missing mate from Bianca and VIktor, must come to warn them of danger and an attack on Albuquerque, NM.  She brings not just bad news but her love with her, as uncertain as she is, and reluctantly, Bianca and Viktor must trust her and themselves to let things play out as they will, until Aurelia's attempt to save them causes Viktor to fall pray to perilous illness.  What will they do?

7. What are you reading?
Right now, I'm not reading anything for fun.  No spare time.  I edit for Ardnet Books, Secret Cravings and Sizzler Editions and have a huge back list, plus the 5th Opeth Pack book is due December 1st, 2014, I just finished a new menage story for a super secret project withi Kim Carmichael, et. al. and my Beloved is giving me new memories to associate with Thanksgiving, and November since I was so out of it last year around this time.

8. What are your favorite hobbies, if any?
Why don't you put on something comfortable, bring a bottle of champagne and come over.  I'll show you...

9. What do you do for entertainment when NOT writing?
The question is who do I do, and she knows exactly who she is, who must be made sweet love to often...

10. What are you passionate about?
My authors at Ardent Books, my own stories, my new relationships, cigars and alcohol...

11. What is/are your favorite color(s)?
Black, black, dark blue, purple....

12. Please provide all of your links for your fans:

13. Any extra comments to add:

I'm grateful for every fan I've ever had and will have as my market expands and I conquer this world!

A Christmas FavourA Christmas Favour by Sascha Illyvich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sascha is a regular in my blog, in case you haven't noticed. I consider myself one of his biggest fans, because he literally keeps me entertained. I don't know what I would do without his writing, because- now this is the truth: his writing helps me relax. I fantasize with his writing, and his writing is one I can actually get into. If you read as much as I do, there are certain writers whose words just don't "do it" for you. Sascha is not one of them. For me, he can get me to visually see and believe anything. Seriously, if you haven't read any of his books, my question to you is this: "Why not?" Because you don't know what you're missing!

Anyway, allow me to tell you about: "A Christmas Favour". At first I thought the book was going to be an, "Oh no!" Book. Because right from the start Christian seemed to not want to take things any further with Angela. But then, I kind of understood why. People hate ruining friendships, once they turn into romance, the friendship tends to get ruined. But their was love; they both did feel the same for one another.

Of course, there are obstacles, as with any relationship. And by all means, yes! I mean: yes! Yes! Yes! There is sex in this book. You don't think Sascha would write a book and leave that out do you?!

I was extremely impressed that there was a "Happily Ever After!" Sometimes you just need those! And especially a marriage! I love that! The perfect Wedding, that you can even fantasize about it. Every woman's dream!

This book is heart warming, and worth the read. I truly enjoyed it, and give it five stars. I especially loved the fact that all the character names in this book were easy to pronounce and normal names. I really appreciate that, it made it much easier to read too! I like it when the names aren't difficult and out of the ordinary! (Much like my own name!)

Sascha is an extraordinary writer with amazing talent and skill. And every book he puts out, just proves more and more, that he can put his mind to anything!

View all my reviews

Monday, October 13, 2014

"Beyond the Event Horizon" by Scott Curtis

Beyond the Event Horizon by Scott Curtis McElhaney

A Novel by Scott Curits
This book is three hundred and ten pages long. And when it ended, I was quite upset, because I was left wanting more.

I feel this book could very much be an ongoing mini-series or saga. I in fact contacted the writer and told him so. After all, we are all entitled to our opinions.

This book leads you in many different directions, and you will want to read it if you like time travel, mystery, suspense, science fiction with a bit of humor and romance all wrapped up into one! Yes, it can be done, and was even done so with tact and best of all-enough class to throw in Christianity!

And before you go jumping to conclusions, for those of you who feel the "Christianity" has made you "not" want to read this book, let me advise you before you turn away- this version of Christianity within the words written by Scott Curits are not pushy, and meant to force God upon you. His words may in fact just be meant to familiarize you with the Lord, and get you to " thinking." If anything.
And as you read these well written words by Scott Curtis, you will be forced to do just that---think!!

You will look at our World today, and wonder what it "may" be like in the future, because after all, we are an ever changing World. And if you are anything like me, as I read his words, I remembered our past. Hitler came to mind for me. Because within this Novel Skylar Raines, who times travels and reads journals written by the people from the future learns, people from our past have somewhat experienced, in some ways. Not every event is the same, it is in fact has became much worse, that if more people would read this book-it just might open their eyes to a reality that we might not want.
Now, into the details of my read:

As I read the book, in the beginning, I found the book very similar to Scott Curtis' other book, "Life could be a dream" reading about Skylar Raines. Then it changed dramatically. I dearly loved how the computer system and Skylar became friends, and the "Hal" comparison from 2001 space odyssey. I couldn't help but chuckle there. Then when we switched to the future characters on the ship, I was upset, because I still wanted to learn more about Skylar and what he had learned and found.

However, I fell in love with the characters on the ship, too. Autumn and Chasen, you can't help but want their future to work out. You have a mystery to wonder about, a murder, and some other strange things. It is very engaging and keeps you involved and wanting more. Then you learn about the older people on the ship, and how they tried to make it a catastrophe, and failed. Then you learn about the planet where the ship is heading to. You feel bad for those people, and what all they have been through.

Then after a while, the book takes you onto the planet, and you learn of those people. In one section, again I ended up chuckling, because of the families down there on said planet. There are children there, a blind woman, elderly people, and the people on the planet have had their fair share of attacks, and illnesses, and trials and tribulations.

My favorite section with the people on the planet was when the young adults who lived with their mother and friend, recently married decided to sneak and have sex. Mind you, they are married! To do so, they put their dresser in front of their bedroom door. They called this moving furniture. There was a conversation a few months later or so between the son's mother, the daughter in law and the son. I can't remember exactly, but it embarrassed the daughter in law, and the son said they were moving furniture. The daughter in law, explained that the furniture moving had caused her to become pregnant. The mother became ecstatic and said they could move all the furniture they wanted, in fact, get in their right now, if it meant having more grand babies she didn't care. I couldn't help but laugh! Now the son had became embarrassed, it was a great section, you really have to read it!

The spaceship makes it to the planet. Luckily the good people on the planet were in hiding because the spaceship was set up with heat censored bombs. On the other side of the planet were the bad people. No one really knows if the bad people received the forewarning transmission from Amber and Chasen that they were coming. Then as you read, you are made aware that the good people on the planet had been building a boat to get to the other side of the planet. But you are left to wonder, did they ever really make it there, and did the people ever colonize together -- .what all happened and what all could have happened.

Then you are taken back to Skylar Raines. He lands on the planet, by an escape pod, because the planet has guns and rays to shoot any landing ships out of the sky. He loses his best friend, the awesome computer I told you about. He lands safely on the planet, finds the journals and writings of these people who seemed to be missing, or dead, or -- ..something -- --  

This is where I think many different ways could go with the next book -- ..  

Maybe they are on the other side of the planet? Maybe they are dead -- .who's to say?

Will Scott entice us yet again with another awesome book, continuing the journey where Autumn and Chasen left off, or "what!?!?" -- ..what can Scott tell us next?

And in case you are wondering, yes Skylar Raines did return to his normal time period.

This book is two thumbs up in my eyes, and I would most definitely like to read each and every book Scott writes, as always I am a loyal fan to Scott Curtis. He is an excellent writer and I enjoy his "way with words and his imagination!" Keep it up Scott! I am a fan for life!

Mommy's Choice by Scott Curits McElhaney

Mommy's Choice 

 by Scott Curtis McElhaney

Christian Suspense Novel

When I received a copy of "Mommy's Choice" written by first time author (when this book was first released): Scott Curtis McElhaney, I truly wasn't in the mood to read. But curiosity got the best of me, and I picked it up and read the back, and decided I needed to find out more. So I started reading. The next thing you know, it was nightfall and I couldn't put it down. I didn't want to go to sleep; I wanted to find out exactly what it was I was missing. So I read it, until I finished it that night.

Scott Curtis really opens your eyes, and makes you think. Not many people can actually do that for you anymore with their writings. It has a very unique and unpredictable ending, to which one cannot really and truly write about, because it will ruin it for you, the interested party. You honestly need to grab yourself a copy, so you too- can be drawn in; unable to put it down, and open up your mind and heart!
The book helps you look and relate with the relationship between a Mother and Son, and as the title states, "Mommy's choice." The characters are really people you and I can relate to! It also can help you understand Christianity, and the need to have a relationship with our Lord.

This book is something everyone should read, especially teens. It will help you, to think before you make your choice. Perhaps this story just might touch the right person, or even persons, and help them through a tough decision that could change their life forever; it is in fact-an eye opening book, which you will not be able to put down! However, as with most anything, this book could possibly cause controversy within a crowd. The book is also written in the Christian format, and helps you relate to Christianity, and understand becoming and the need to be a Christian as well. It is truly a wonderful Christian Suspense Novel.

This book enlightens you on Childbirth, and Abortion, and choices. Truly, it is eye opening. And I truly mean, eye opening. Something you may never think about. And perhaps you should. Those who are Pro~Choice and Pro~Life, will definitely agree, this book needs given to the youngsters of today, to make them think even before they make mistakes. Just a thought, and a good one I might add.

"Mommy's Choice" can be found at the following locations:, and On a more personal note, I have found is always very descent with their pricing on just about anything! This is a small paperback- and this small paperback, had a huge impact on me! I give this book a ten on a scale of one through ten! Thank you, Scott Curtis McElhaney-for a wonderful story, to open our minds, hearts and eyes, all in one read! God has truly blessed this writer with talent!

Here is a photo of Scott with his wife Jenny. Scott live in Ohio, and has two Sons. He is a Christian, and writes in his spare time. Scott is also the third child of four siblings. Scott teaches Sunday School, and works at as an associate sales manager with a big tool company. 


Mommy's Choice by Scott Curtis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I received a copy of "Mommy's Choice" written by first time author (when this book was first released): Scott Curtis McElhaney, I truly wasn't in the mood to read. But curiosity got the best of me, and I picked it up and read the back, and decided I needed to find out more. So I started reading. The next thing you know, it was nightfall and I couldn't put it down. I didn't want to go to sleep; I wanted to find out exactly what it was I was missing. So I read it, until I finished it that night.

Scott Curtis McElhaney really opens your eyes, and makes you think. Not many people can actually do that for you anymore with their writings. It has a very unique and unpredictable ending, to which one cannot really and truly write about, because it will ruin it for you, the interested party. You honestly need to grab yourself a copy, so you too- can be drawn in; unable to put it down, and open up your mind and heart!

The book helps you look and relate with the relationship between a Mother and Son, and as the title states, "Mommy's choice." The characters are really people you and I can relate to! It also can help you understand Christianity, and the need to have a relationship with our Lord.

This book is something everyone should read, especially teens. It will help you, to think before you make your choice. Perhaps this story just might touch the right person, or even persons, and help them through a tough decision that could change their life forever; it is in fact-an eye opening book, which you will not be able to put down! However, as with most anything, this book could possibly cause controversy within a crowd. The book is also written in the Christian format, and helps you relate to Christianity, and understand becoming and the need to be a Christian as well. It is truly a wonderful Christian Suspense Novel.

This book enlightens you on Childbirth, and Abortion, and choices. Truly, it is eye opening. And I truly mean, eye opening. Something you may never think about. And perhaps you should. Those who are Pro~Choice and Pro~Life, will definitely agree, this book needs given to the youngsters of today, to make them think even before they make mistakes. Just a thought, and a good one I might add.

"Mommy's Choice" can be found at the following locations:,,, and On a more personal note, I have found is always very descent with their pricing on just about anything! This is a small paperback- and this small paperback, had a huge impact on me! I give this book a ten on a scale of one through ten! Thank you, Scott Curtis-for a wonderful story, to open our minds, hearts and eyes, all in one read! God has truly blessed this writer with talent!

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