
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Book Review: Forever by Judy Blume!

Forever: A Novel by Judy Blume

#1 New York Times Best Selling Author!

Deneale K. Williams
Did you know that Judy Blume writes adult books too? That's right she does. And my ultimate favorite was Wifey, when I first read that book....I was like freaked out. But this time, I found a new one on the shelves the other day, and decided to read it. It is called Forever...and I want to share my thoughts of this book, with you! (It is also featured in this blog!)

Firstly, I found this book more along the line of young adult, rather than adult. It would be helpful to those who are new to sex, and true love, or puppy love. I wish I would have found it when I was experiencing this.

Katherine is a virgin, and wants her first time to be perfect, and with someone she really loves. Michael is more experienced, and even has a name for his private parts. He wants to make love to Katherine, but forces himself to respect her wishes. Katherine's grandmother works for Planned Parenthood. That is another thing I found quite informative, and professional.

To encourage getting protection, sticking to your guns, and young love. This book was very good, and eye opening. I must admit, I didn't expect things to go array when Katherine and Michael had to find Summer jobs. But it proves, that there are other fish in the sea for any of us, and that you can love ore than one person, and respectfully do the right thing.

I don't want to blow the story line to you, but I think if you have teen age children, they specifically need to read this book. I will be point blank and honest, I have a fourteen year old daughter, and her best friend became pregnant at this very age. So I gave this book to my daughter, because I wanted her to be aware, your first love, is not always your last love.

I wanted her to see from someone else's eyes, not just mine, and this book, was the perfect way to let her see. And so she read the book, I even quizzed her on it, to make sure she actually did read it, and didn't fake it. She too, liked this book, and also found it informative.

On a scale of one to ten I give this book a nine, because they rate it adult, when it is more along the lines of young adult. I think it needs to be released, and even told to young adults, to read it. It will help them to relate. I liked the book, it was very easy to read, very informative about ways to seek help, which ways to turn, how your friendships will change, and relationships, and how to say no, and mean it.

This is an excellent read, and like I said, if you have teen agers, you need to get this book, and give it to them to read. Now mind you, you may already know Judy Blume, your child should. She has entertained the child, for ages with books like: Superfudge, and Are you there God, It's me Margret, and many many more. She is an avid writer, and now she entertains one and all. She is a very good writer, and very open and honest. I am impressed.

Judy Blume lives in Key West with her husband George Cooper.
Published by Deneale K. Williams

Book Review: Wifey: An Adult Novel by Judy Blume!


An Adult Novel by Judy Blume


Over Three Million Copies Sold of This Book!!

If you know me, I am an avid reader. But Judy Blume, believe it or not, is someone I didn't read. As you may have noticed, previously I wrote a review on Judy Blume's book Forever.... within that review, I mentioned her book Wifey. Wifey, was my first read, of Judy Blume's, and since that point, I have been a fan.
Wifey, is claimed to be Judy's first adult novel. And adult, it certainly was. When I found her book in a yard sale, I picked it up because my son told me she wrote the book Fudge, and Superfudge, and that she made him laugh, and he really liked her books. As I read the book, I told my son, this book, was not one of her kid- style books, this book was for adults. And my son proceeded to ask me if I had read anything of hers, to which I told him I did not. He then suggested that I get the book. So I spent a quarter, and decided "How can I go wrong?!"

Later that night, I picked up the book and started reading. I was impressed with her style, she wasn't testing my brain with enormous words, and phrases, and things that I needed to research. The story is of a housewife, and oh how she has a dirty mind! The cover states that, just to entice you, and then it states that over three million copies have sold. As I read, there was no doubt in my mind, it was probably "us" three million housewives, that bought the book! WOW!

Judy Blume helps the modern housewife put thoughts that they don't usually allow into their heads, into print. She is a wonderful writer, easy to understand and relate to. If you are looking for something to peak your sexual desires, and interests, this is the book for you. Her character Sandy, if you are a housewife, sometimes you might even be able to relate to also. When will you have a minute to yourself? Take the kids to School, help the kids with their home work, fix dinner, and then what about "you" time. That is something always far and few between. And it is also something we dare not speak of-our needs and desires.

Ages ago sex, was something you whispered about, and sometimes even spelled when the kids were around, like they couldn't figure out what that small three letter word was! Agreeably, today's age, is quite different and a little less discreet. This book is copyrights for 1978, if that tells you how different times were and are, you will well enough see it in the writing. When I first read this, I was new to the sex, somewhat, and a new wife, and mother. Housewife. Then- I found her book, enticing and intriguing. I have since read the book again, several times to be exact, and each time, I find something new in it, if that's possible. But the book, is still interesting to me. I truly enjoyed it, and yes, it made my insides melt. If you are anything like me, when you read, you can see pictures in your head, this is of course, your imagination. And I see, and felt, and even desired. But that of course, is me.

As you already know, I do not blow details in my reviews, because if I like the book enough to review it, then I think you should get it, and read it too. I have read many of books, and you see how many reviews I have written thus far-even though yes- I am behind. But this book on a scale of one to ten, gets a ten plus-plus! It was wonderful read, and if you are at all like me, when you get bored, and haven't got the money to get something to read, and you desire and good read, you will re-read it again.

Judy Blume is a wonderful writer, and she knows how to please any and all readers. As I have said, she writes book for people of all ages, children, adult-teens, even. She has a nice sized list of books out there to enjoy. And a writer that can please one and all, as she does, deserves your applause, and a chance! She knows what she is doing! Trust me. And if you are a husband reading this, or even a boy friend, if you want to spice up your life with your significant other, I suggest getting this. I read a few chapters aloud to my husband- and it did just the trick I was hoping it would! Sometimes reading to one another, rather then watching a DVD, can be just as warm and wonderful as foreplay, it's just a gentler start. Like me, what have you got to lose?

I give this book five very hot, hot hot stars! Once you pick it up, you will not be able to put it down, I promise you that!

WifeyWifey by Judy Blume
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you know me, I am an avid reader. But Judy Blume, believe it or not, is someone I didn't read. As you may have noticed, previously I wrote a review on Judy Blume's book Forever.... within that review, I mentioned her book Wifey. Wifey, was my first read, of Judy Blume's, and since that point, I have been a fan.

Wifey, is claimed to be Judy's first adult novel. And adult, it certainly was. When I found her book in a yard sale, I picked it up because my son told me she wrote the book Fudge, and Superfudge, and that she made him laugh, and he really liked her books. As I read the book, I told my son, this book, was not one of her kid- style books, this book was for adults. And my son proceeded to ask me if I had read anything of hers, to which I told him I did not. He then suggested that I get the book. So I spent a quarter, and decided "How can I go wrong?!"

Later that night, I picked up the book and started reading. I was impressed with her style, she wasn't testing my brain with enormous words, and phrases, and things that I needed to research. The story is of a housewife, and oh how she has a dirty mind! The cover states that, just to entice you, and then it states that over three million copies have sold. As I read, there was no doubt in my mind, it was probably "us" three million housewives, that bought the book! WOW!

Judy Blume helps the modern housewife put thoughts that they don't usually allow into their heads, into print. She is a wonderful writer, easy to understand and relate to. If you are looking for something to peak your sexual desires, and interests, this is the book for you. Her character Sandy, if you are a housewife, sometimes you might even be able to relate to also. When will you have a minute to yourself? Take the kids to School, help the kids with their home work, fix dinner, and then what about "you" time. That is something always far and few between. And it is also something we dare not speak of-our needs and desires.

Ages ago sex, was something you whispered about, and sometimes even spelled when the kids were around, like they couldn't figure out what that small three letter word was! Agreeably, today's age, is quite different and a little less discreet. This book is copyrights for 1978, if that tells you how different times were and are, you will well enough see it in the writing. When I first read this, I was new to the sex, somewhat, and a new wife, and mother. Housewife. Then- I found her book, enticing and intriguing. I have since read the book again, several times to be exact, and each time, I find something new in it, if that's possible. But the book, is still interesting to me. I truly enjoyed it, and yes, it made my insides melt. If you are anything like me, when you read, you can see pictures in your head, this is of course, your imagination. And I see, and felt, and even desired. But that of course, is me.

As you already know, I do not blow details in my reviews, because if I like the book enough to review it, then I think you should get it, and read it too. I have read many of books, and you see how many reviews I have written thus far-even though yes- I am behind. But this book on a scale of one to ten, gets a ten plus-plus! It was wonderful read, and if you are at all like me, when you get bored, and haven't got the money to get something to read, and you desire and good read, you will re-read it again.

Judy Blume is a wonderful writer, and she knows how to please any and all readers. As I have said, she writes book for people of all ages, children, adult-teens, even. She has a nice sized list of books out there to enjoy. And a writer that can please one and all, as she does, deserves your applause, and a chance! She knows what she is doing! Trust me. And if you are a husband reading this, or even a boy friend, if you want to spice up your life with your significant other, I suggest getting this. I read a few chapters aloud to my husband- and it did just the trick I was hoping it would! Sometimes reading to one another, rather then watching a DVD, can be just as warm and wonderful as foreplay, it's just a gentler start. Like me, what have you got to lose?

I give this book five very hot, hot hot stars! Once you pick it up, you will not be able to put it down, I promise you that!

View all my reviews

Book Review: The Husband by Dean Koontz

The Husband 

by Dean Koontz

New York Times # 1 Best Seller!

This was my first time reading anything by Dean Koontz. My favorite authors are Iris Johansen and John Grisham.
My son has been pushing me, and pushing me into giving Koontz a try, so I finally gave in. I figured I would try this book, after all- talking about a husband, now this ought to be interesting! How can I go wrong?!
The book started off with a bang, and I mean literally. I was shocked, a lot of writers, start off slow. Not this one, he gets you going with the husband, Mitch. He is a gardener. And he isn't rich at all, he does own his own business, but that is about it.

His wife Holly is a secretary at a local real estate office. She is also studying to become a Realtor. Presently Mitch and Holly don't have any children, but you learn later in the book, she just found out she was pregnant. Yes, they had been trying, and getting their hopes up. But every time, they were let down. So when Holly missed her period, nine days late, she bought a test, and keeps quiet.

As I was reading this, the name Holly made me remember the Die Hard Movies. And as you get farther into the book, Mitch does portray a Bruce Willis kind of character. He had his fill, he wanted his wife back, and that was that. Holly was kidnapped and held for ransom.

And as you know, greed interferes within the kidnappers, and they start plucking one another off one by one. Mitch himself, accidentally kills one in the garage attic. Eventually only one is left, to Mitch, this makes everything easier. But he also knows, there is also a risk once the kidnappers are paid, that they could kill Holly, and or even him.

Once you get three quarters through the book, you don't want to put it down. It draws you in, and you can hardly wait for what will happen next. I don't really want to blow the whole story out of the water for you, the reader, but it is very interesting.

The one thing that I found really strange was how Mitch and his siblings were raised. I didn't like it, it wasn't right. It was a form of child abuse. I never heard of such ways, but because they are people who want to work within the so-called mind,

I guess it makes sense. When you learn of their strange disciplinary ways, you will be dumbfounded. It is definitely original!!

The only thing that I particularly don't like about Koontz, is the very big words. I told my son this, and he responded with, "Mom, when you learn a new big word, where else are you gonna get to use it? So why not use it in your writings. Besides it will make the reader wiser." I agree, but disagree. Because I can't remember what the word was, but it dumb founded me. I didn't look it up, either, I read and re-read the sentence again, still couldn't figure it out, and went on. I like people to write where it is easy enough to understand. Yes, we all need to widen our vocabulary, but sometimes writers do go too far in the words.

This is why I like Iris Johansen. Most of her books are really easy to read, relate and understand. And when she does use big words, you can figure out what it is she is trying to say, or mean. Maybe, because she speaks of the field of study I am, I understand and relate to her better, though- I don't know.

On a scale from one to ten, though I do give this book a nine. It was very interesting, and nothing like I had suspected. I was impressed with the ending. As I was getting closer and closer to the end, I was hoping and hoping that Mitch and Holly would make it. And if you are anything like me, you imagine as you read, and I truly seen Holly from Die Hard, and Mitch as Bruce Willis.

Those characters really seem to go along, and fit with this book. It is a book about love, survival, and how family will and can end up being your own worst enemy.

This book would make for a good movie, and if it ever does become one, I will want to see it. (Even though I know they rearrange movies, not completely and totally following the books!)

Dean Koontz has written many best selling books, and manages to always stay on top with his writings. He lives in Southern California, and has a wife and a pet dog named Trixie. You can correspond with Koontz by writing to the following address:

Dean Koontz
P.O. Box 9529
Newport Beach, California

The HusbandThe Husband by Dean Koontz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was first featured on Yahoo Contributor Network, AKA Yahoo Voices and Associated Content and Published by me on August 29, 2007. It is also featured on my blog:

This was my first time reading anything by Dean Koontz. My favorite authors are Iris Johansen and John Grisham.

My son has been pushing me, and pushing me into giving Koontz a try, so I finally gave in. I figured I would try this book, after all- talking about a husband, now this ought to be interesting! How can I go wrong?!

The book started off with a bang, and I mean literally. I was shocked, a lot of writers, start off slow. Not this one, he gets you going with the husband, Mitch. He is a gardener. And he isn't rich at all, he does own his own business, but that is about it.

His wife Holly is a secretary at a local real estate office. She is also studying to become a Realtor. Presently Mitch and Holly don't have any children, but you learn later in the book, she just found out she was pregnant. Yes, they had been trying, and getting their hopes up. But every time, they were let down. So when Holly missed her period, nine days late, she bought a test, and keeps quiet.

As I was reading this, the name Holly made me remember the Die Hard Movies. And as you get farther into the book, Mitch does portray a Bruce Willis kind of character. He had his fill, he wanted his wife back, and that was that. Holly was kidnapped and held for ransom.

And as you know, greed interferes within the kidnappers, and they start plucking one another off one by one. Mitch himself, accidentally kills one in the garage attic. Eventually only one is left, to Mitch, this makes everything easier. But he also knows, there is also a risk once the kidnappers are paid, that they could kill Holly, and or even him.

Once you get three quarters through the book, you don't want to put it down. It draws you in, and you can hardly wait for what will happen next. I don't really want to blow the whole story out of the water for you, the reader, but it is very interesting.

The one thing that I found really strange was how Mitch and his siblings were raised. I didn't like it, it wasn't right. It was a form of child abuse. I never heard of such ways, but because they are people who want to work within the so-called mind,

I guess it makes sense. When you learn of their strange disciplinary ways, you will be dumbfounded. It is definitely original!!

The only thing that I particularly don't like about Koontz, is the very big words. I told my son this, and he responded with, "Mom, when you learn a new big word, where else are you gonna get to use it? So why not use it in your writings. Besides it will make the reader wiser." I agree, but disagree. Because I can't remember what the word was, but it dumb founded me. I didn't look it up, either, I read and re-read the sentence again, still couldn't figure it out, and went on. I like people to write where it is easy enough to understand. Yes, we all need to widen our vocabulary, but sometimes writers do go too far in the words.

This is why I like Iris Johansen. Most of her books are really easy to read, relate and understand. And when she does use big words, you can figure out what it is she is trying to say, or mean. Maybe, because she speaks of the field of study I am, I understand and relate to her better, though- I don't know.

On a scale from one to ten, though I do give this book a nine. It was very interesting, and nothing like I had suspected. I was impressed with the ending. As I was getting closer and closer to the end, I was hoping and hoping that Mitch and Holly would make it. And if you are anything like me, you imagine as you read, and I truly seen Holly from Die Hard, and Mitch as Bruce Willis.

Those characters really seem to go along, and fit with this book. It is a book about love, survival, and how family will and can end up being your own worst enemy.

This book would make for a good movie, and if it ever does become one, I will want to see it. (Even though I know they rearrange movies, not completely and totally following the books!)

Dean Koontz has written many best selling books, and manages to always stay on top with his writings. He lives in Southern California, and has a wife and a pet dog named Trixie. You can correspond with Koontz by writing to the following address:

Dean Koontz
P.O. Box 9529
Newport Beach, California

View all my reviews

The White Trash Mom Handbook by: Michelle Lamar w/ Molly Wendland

The White Trash Mom Handbook
by Michelle Lamar with Molly Wendland

I was at the book store the other day and checking out the clearance shelves for good book at a lower price and found this book for only a dollar. It caught my eye because I seen "white trash" on it. I looked at it, because I wanted to know what the Author considered "white trash." And since it was only a dollar, I decided I couldn't go wrong and bought it.
As soon as I brought the book home, I couldn't wait to read it. As a handbook for Mothers, I was sure it might be an even more interesting read!
In the beginning, the writer gives acknowledgements to darn near everyone in her life. People she applauds as "white trash," friends and family. She acknowledges everyone, and I am certain she managed to not leave out a soul! I was impressed to find someone who actually took out the time to acknowledge everyone, I always wondered if you could do that when you write a book. So this little introduction, impressed me.
Then comes her little preface to explain the purpose in her book. Ok, I am still interested and want to read, sort of. I mean some things she is mentioning already; I am rolling my eyes at- but you have to give the book a chance, and I can't just up and judge it just yet- that isn't fair.
Then I go on to read Chapter one. "Everyone has a little WT inside." By WT she is meaning "white trash". With the title, I do agree. You might not want to agree, but deep down, everyone has a little bit of "everything" in them. It just depends on "what" it takes to make "that" part of you come out! Reading the Chapter, again I am rolling my eyes. The woman acts like she invented the buy cookies from the grocery store for the PTA bake sale and pretend you baked them routine. STOP! Think about this! How many television shows have you seen this on? This woman no way in heck invented this, and it is not something new to anyone. People who didn't know this- must be closet parents! But, I will move on and see what else there is to justify writing a book about.
This woman thinks the perfect parent skill requires that you be involved in PTA, or your child will have a rough life and will not be the "popular" child. Where ever does she get these ideas? Not every parent is involved in PTA, not every parent can do PTA and not every parent does PTA. Children do not judge because their parents are involved in PTA. The writer claims that it is in grade school where children are dependent upon the parents being involved in PTA. Grade school is where the children are actually learning, more so then in Junior High- where they are being beaten or bullied and judged by their clothing and popularity. Grade school is a lot less judgmental and children don't go around saying: "Ha! Ha! no one likes you because your Mom isn't in PTA!" If anything a child might be noticing the small things like, "Are your Mommy and Daddy still together? Because I don't know what I did but my Mommy and Daddy are getting-I forget the word-a break up, I think!" Grade School children are not the judgmental little heathens like Junior High School kids! So I don't know where this woman was raised, and where she is getting her ideas, but yes, I do beg to differ. And yes, I am entitled to my opinion, as are you.

According to the back of the book, Michelle Lamar has twenty five years of experience in the advertising business. She began blogging about "white trash mom's" and she has many followers on her web site and it averages more then 3,500 unique visitors per week and counting, and her blog more then 25,000 readers per month. She also writes for Disney's and contributes to Celebitchy, which also has more than 2.5 million readers a month. But one thing you need to consider, just because she has followers, doesn't mean that every reader agrees with the woman. Not every hit is a positive one, and not every reader and follower has positive feedback all of the time. However, they do say, even bad publicity is good publicity. Maybe that's how Michelle see's it.
I also wanted to touch on Chapter twelve. "If the Health Department Isn't Coming, It's Clean Enough" Yeah-no. Let me remind you, people are judgmental. No matter who is coming, they are going to look around your house, and inspect it. Friends, family, even Child Services all judge you like the Health Inspectors that they are. And clean includes smells, make sure it even smells clean! But I would like to tell you, the reader, not to worry. If your friends and family can't accept you for whom and what you are, and the way you are, then maybe they aren't worth your time and efforts. But obviously this woman never had real experiences with back stabbing friends and family......
This writer has no clue what "white trash" or even "trailer trash" is. She obviously has never had bad friendships, with real, true life back-stabbers. She has never been burned at the stake by her own family members. So the moral to my "story" here is Michelle Lamar has some good tips within her little book, but she has absolutely no clue the definition of "white trash." And I was raised that you weren't allowed to use a word if you didn't know its proper definition. And I think her Parents must have forgotten to teach her that parental lesson, because she obviously missed it.
"White trash and Trailer trash" are people who "usually" put themselves before their Children. They will buy beer before their groceries. They are usually having children every nine months, and living off of the Welfare system, NOT working for a living! In Michelle's book, her definition of a "white trash Mom" she works for a living, is in the PTA and has a car, a home, and her utilities are on. Many "white trash and trailer trash people" don't always have their utilities on. Do you see what I mean about the difference between fact and fiction?
I am not trying to be judgmental; I have just SEEN many REAL-LIFE "White trash trailer Moms!" And her book of judging- is way off base. Some of her advice is good, but her judgments are wrong! I did however like the book, it was interesting, but I don't appreciate the labeling. She can say that she is labeling herself, and doesn't intend for it to be labeling, or even judging, but technically-it is and yes, she did.
At least I only paid ONE dollar for the book!!!! :-)