
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Book Review: Nine Seconds by Scott Curtis McElhaney

Bored, at the Doctors office, I decided to open the Kindle app on my phone. I scrolled through my iCloud devise, and downloaded a book by: Scott Curtis McElhaney called "Nine Seconds."

Now mind you, this was a short story, but it was a very deep and eye opening one. And once we managed to get to the part where time froze, and The Lord divulged about a plane; and freezing time, it was than in the back of my head, it made me think about the twin towers. It wasn't until the end of the book, the I was enlightened to that, and the memories of nine eleven just started flooding in. 

But that was only one aspect. The other was how I could see what it would be like to be given the opportunity to fix where someone else failed. How much of a complete honor that would be, especially for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To me, that would be an honor, and I couldn't do for Him fast enough. But than again, my thoughts would be, would anything I do; ever be good enough? So many thoughts. And than even more: He could hear my thoughts! And than that part was even proved to be true, as he answered a thought as Spencer thought it. My mouth dropped.

I felt like I read this book in nine seconds, myself. I'm not kidding, and yes, I am a quick reader, I won't lie. But I just couldn't put the book down. 

And than, to be .... Ah yes, always with Scott- time traveled back, and than told to paint a home, and not to question it. There must be a reason. Like Spencer, at first I was curious, but knew I would too would be compliant. And than to find the woman was the Aunt to the silver screen woman he was sent to help. 

Francesca Bride, a silver screen movie star, whose autobiography Spencer Rice had read; and dearly loved. Someone he blamed Jesus for not helping. Something Spencer didn't understand. He ached, he felt that he could've helped, he prayed, he wanted answers.

And than: nine seconds before the plane hits the twin towers, Jesus Christ appears to Spencer, as he is confronting a woman he has longed to date, but had never been brave enough to do so. Now Christ comes to Spencer, and answers his prayers, and explains how He feels that out of anyone, even other Angels; Spencer is the one person who can fix one failed attempt even Christ made. 

Will he do it? Should he do it? What is right? What is right and what is wrong? Nine seconds and his life will be over, or he can be "transplanted" somewhere in the 1900 what's?! What should he do? Can he fix Francesca? 

You truly need to read this book. It is utterly amazing. Nine seconds, is a real eye opener, it will make you think your life over, and about things you "Wish you would've" and the "What if" factors. 

Give this book a try. I give it five of five stars! It's utterly amazing! 

Thank you Scott McElhaney for opening our minds and our eyes!