
Monday, October 13, 2014

"Beyond the Event Horizon" by Scott Curtis

Beyond the Event Horizon by Scott Curtis McElhaney

A Novel by Scott Curits
This book is three hundred and ten pages long. And when it ended, I was quite upset, because I was left wanting more.

I feel this book could very much be an ongoing mini-series or saga. I in fact contacted the writer and told him so. After all, we are all entitled to our opinions.

This book leads you in many different directions, and you will want to read it if you like time travel, mystery, suspense, science fiction with a bit of humor and romance all wrapped up into one! Yes, it can be done, and was even done so with tact and best of all-enough class to throw in Christianity!

And before you go jumping to conclusions, for those of you who feel the "Christianity" has made you "not" want to read this book, let me advise you before you turn away- this version of Christianity within the words written by Scott Curits are not pushy, and meant to force God upon you. His words may in fact just be meant to familiarize you with the Lord, and get you to " thinking." If anything.
And as you read these well written words by Scott Curtis, you will be forced to do just that---think!!

You will look at our World today, and wonder what it "may" be like in the future, because after all, we are an ever changing World. And if you are anything like me, as I read his words, I remembered our past. Hitler came to mind for me. Because within this Novel Skylar Raines, who times travels and reads journals written by the people from the future learns, people from our past have somewhat experienced, in some ways. Not every event is the same, it is in fact has became much worse, that if more people would read this book-it just might open their eyes to a reality that we might not want.
Now, into the details of my read:

As I read the book, in the beginning, I found the book very similar to Scott Curtis' other book, "Life could be a dream" reading about Skylar Raines. Then it changed dramatically. I dearly loved how the computer system and Skylar became friends, and the "Hal" comparison from 2001 space odyssey. I couldn't help but chuckle there. Then when we switched to the future characters on the ship, I was upset, because I still wanted to learn more about Skylar and what he had learned and found.

However, I fell in love with the characters on the ship, too. Autumn and Chasen, you can't help but want their future to work out. You have a mystery to wonder about, a murder, and some other strange things. It is very engaging and keeps you involved and wanting more. Then you learn about the older people on the ship, and how they tried to make it a catastrophe, and failed. Then you learn about the planet where the ship is heading to. You feel bad for those people, and what all they have been through.

Then after a while, the book takes you onto the planet, and you learn of those people. In one section, again I ended up chuckling, because of the families down there on said planet. There are children there, a blind woman, elderly people, and the people on the planet have had their fair share of attacks, and illnesses, and trials and tribulations.

My favorite section with the people on the planet was when the young adults who lived with their mother and friend, recently married decided to sneak and have sex. Mind you, they are married! To do so, they put their dresser in front of their bedroom door. They called this moving furniture. There was a conversation a few months later or so between the son's mother, the daughter in law and the son. I can't remember exactly, but it embarrassed the daughter in law, and the son said they were moving furniture. The daughter in law, explained that the furniture moving had caused her to become pregnant. The mother became ecstatic and said they could move all the furniture they wanted, in fact, get in their right now, if it meant having more grand babies she didn't care. I couldn't help but laugh! Now the son had became embarrassed, it was a great section, you really have to read it!

The spaceship makes it to the planet. Luckily the good people on the planet were in hiding because the spaceship was set up with heat censored bombs. On the other side of the planet were the bad people. No one really knows if the bad people received the forewarning transmission from Amber and Chasen that they were coming. Then as you read, you are made aware that the good people on the planet had been building a boat to get to the other side of the planet. But you are left to wonder, did they ever really make it there, and did the people ever colonize together -- .what all happened and what all could have happened.

Then you are taken back to Skylar Raines. He lands on the planet, by an escape pod, because the planet has guns and rays to shoot any landing ships out of the sky. He loses his best friend, the awesome computer I told you about. He lands safely on the planet, finds the journals and writings of these people who seemed to be missing, or dead, or -- ..something -- --  

This is where I think many different ways could go with the next book -- ..  

Maybe they are on the other side of the planet? Maybe they are dead -- .who's to say?

Will Scott entice us yet again with another awesome book, continuing the journey where Autumn and Chasen left off, or "what!?!?" -- ..what can Scott tell us next?

And in case you are wondering, yes Skylar Raines did return to his normal time period.

This book is two thumbs up in my eyes, and I would most definitely like to read each and every book Scott writes, as always I am a loyal fan to Scott Curtis. He is an excellent writer and I enjoy his "way with words and his imagination!" Keep it up Scott! I am a fan for life!

Mommy's Choice by Scott Curits McElhaney

Mommy's Choice 

 by Scott Curtis McElhaney

Christian Suspense Novel

When I received a copy of "Mommy's Choice" written by first time author (when this book was first released): Scott Curtis McElhaney, I truly wasn't in the mood to read. But curiosity got the best of me, and I picked it up and read the back, and decided I needed to find out more. So I started reading. The next thing you know, it was nightfall and I couldn't put it down. I didn't want to go to sleep; I wanted to find out exactly what it was I was missing. So I read it, until I finished it that night.

Scott Curtis really opens your eyes, and makes you think. Not many people can actually do that for you anymore with their writings. It has a very unique and unpredictable ending, to which one cannot really and truly write about, because it will ruin it for you, the interested party. You honestly need to grab yourself a copy, so you too- can be drawn in; unable to put it down, and open up your mind and heart!
The book helps you look and relate with the relationship between a Mother and Son, and as the title states, "Mommy's choice." The characters are really people you and I can relate to! It also can help you understand Christianity, and the need to have a relationship with our Lord.

This book is something everyone should read, especially teens. It will help you, to think before you make your choice. Perhaps this story just might touch the right person, or even persons, and help them through a tough decision that could change their life forever; it is in fact-an eye opening book, which you will not be able to put down! However, as with most anything, this book could possibly cause controversy within a crowd. The book is also written in the Christian format, and helps you relate to Christianity, and understand becoming and the need to be a Christian as well. It is truly a wonderful Christian Suspense Novel.

This book enlightens you on Childbirth, and Abortion, and choices. Truly, it is eye opening. And I truly mean, eye opening. Something you may never think about. And perhaps you should. Those who are Pro~Choice and Pro~Life, will definitely agree, this book needs given to the youngsters of today, to make them think even before they make mistakes. Just a thought, and a good one I might add.

"Mommy's Choice" can be found at the following locations:, and On a more personal note, I have found is always very descent with their pricing on just about anything! This is a small paperback- and this small paperback, had a huge impact on me! I give this book a ten on a scale of one through ten! Thank you, Scott Curtis McElhaney-for a wonderful story, to open our minds, hearts and eyes, all in one read! God has truly blessed this writer with talent!

Here is a photo of Scott with his wife Jenny. Scott live in Ohio, and has two Sons. He is a Christian, and writes in his spare time. Scott is also the third child of four siblings. Scott teaches Sunday School, and works at as an associate sales manager with a big tool company. 


Mommy's Choice by Scott Curtis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I received a copy of "Mommy's Choice" written by first time author (when this book was first released): Scott Curtis McElhaney, I truly wasn't in the mood to read. But curiosity got the best of me, and I picked it up and read the back, and decided I needed to find out more. So I started reading. The next thing you know, it was nightfall and I couldn't put it down. I didn't want to go to sleep; I wanted to find out exactly what it was I was missing. So I read it, until I finished it that night.

Scott Curtis McElhaney really opens your eyes, and makes you think. Not many people can actually do that for you anymore with their writings. It has a very unique and unpredictable ending, to which one cannot really and truly write about, because it will ruin it for you, the interested party. You honestly need to grab yourself a copy, so you too- can be drawn in; unable to put it down, and open up your mind and heart!

The book helps you look and relate with the relationship between a Mother and Son, and as the title states, "Mommy's choice." The characters are really people you and I can relate to! It also can help you understand Christianity, and the need to have a relationship with our Lord.

This book is something everyone should read, especially teens. It will help you, to think before you make your choice. Perhaps this story just might touch the right person, or even persons, and help them through a tough decision that could change their life forever; it is in fact-an eye opening book, which you will not be able to put down! However, as with most anything, this book could possibly cause controversy within a crowd. The book is also written in the Christian format, and helps you relate to Christianity, and understand becoming and the need to be a Christian as well. It is truly a wonderful Christian Suspense Novel.

This book enlightens you on Childbirth, and Abortion, and choices. Truly, it is eye opening. And I truly mean, eye opening. Something you may never think about. And perhaps you should. Those who are Pro~Choice and Pro~Life, will definitely agree, this book needs given to the youngsters of today, to make them think even before they make mistakes. Just a thought, and a good one I might add.

"Mommy's Choice" can be found at the following locations:,,, and On a more personal note, I have found is always very descent with their pricing on just about anything! This is a small paperback- and this small paperback, had a huge impact on me! I give this book a ten on a scale of one through ten! Thank you, Scott Curtis-for a wonderful story, to open our minds, hearts and eyes, all in one read! God has truly blessed this writer with talent!

View all my reviews

"Running Outta Time" by Scott Curtis

The book: "Running Outta Time" is as the cover states- three complete novels. The novelist who wrote it: Scott Curtis. This being his third published novel, the others include: "Mommy's Choice" and "Life Could Be a Dream!"
The first story: "One Crazy Summer" is about teens that work at a department store, and through the death of a fellow employee, learn about the possibility of money hidden within the store.

The story line, makes you want to keep reading, just to find out- to see what happens next. Your curiosity will get the best of you, and you will keep reading.

The best part, is that there are twists and turns, and things you really didn't "expect" per say. You will feel bad for the characters; you will bond with them, and feel like you too, are searching to solve this mystery.

The next story: "Brooksie" is about time travel. There is a door in Eddie's basement, which leads him to 1928, and into an amusement park. But within this town, there are "rules!"

Eddie meets Brooksie, a famous actress in hiding from her Manager. He learns of a missing person from his era, who resides within 1928, because he too- went through the door in his basement. Eddie, in order to learn about the actress whose name is really Patience Webb, researches online, while in his era. He learns she will die, and wants to prevent this from happening. Much to our surprise at the end, as to if she dies, and how....

You need to read this story, to learn the details! BUT! My favorite part about this particular story, was the story within a story. Eddie and Patience/Brooksie find a book while they are hiding out from her Manager/fiancé. They start reading a loud, to help them relax. As they read it, the author is kind enough to share it with us, and the book they are reading, is just as interesting!!

The next story: "Daylight in Blossom" is about two cousins, and their nightmares, if you will. Through their nightmares, and protecting one another- Autumn becomes convinced that her cousin is a superhero. He has always came to her rescue, and has tragic events in his life, and only gets wounded, never seeming to die.

Through out this book, you start to think that maybe Autumn is just a wee bit insane, or could possibly have other things wrong with her, and maybe she ought to seek medical attention. As the book goes on, and you realize the tragedy that Autumn and her cousin Tyler have gone through as children, it is then that you feel compelled to understand and feel bad for her.

Autumn has a pet hamster Chuckles, and that too- is an amazing tale as to how she "acquired" her hamster. And apparently through traveling-air lines seem to not permit hamsters. So Autumn must figure out what to do with her hamster.

The part that made me laugh most, was at the end of the book. You think its over, and the story is done, and then you have: "But wait...Aren't there usually more scenes during the credits?" And then we have three more scenes that will make you laugh! And these scenes DO go along with the book!
All together, I was utterly and totally impressed. As I kept reading, I didn't want to put the book down!

I just had to know more! If and when I put the book down, I would wonder about what would happen next.

If your reading material is lacking the desire to read it, you need to give Author: Scott Curtis a try. Scott Curtis is his "pen name." He lives in Munroe Falls, Ohio and has two sons and has been marries for well over eighteen years.

To reach this author simply

I give this book two thumbs up, and more if I had them! On a scale of one through ten, a definite ten!  

"Life Could be a Dream" by Scott Curtis

I was lucky enough to acquire the book: "Life Could be a Dream" by second time- Author Scott Curtis. As you may well have noticed, I reviewed his first book, "Mommy's Choice." as well.
I can honestly say, that Scott Curtis has made his way into my personal category of favorite writers. And that is not an easy title to get. I originally had three favorite Authors, and they were: Stephen King, John Grisham and Iris Johansen.

Several months back, I removed King- for several reasons not worthy of discussion here. But now, in order of preference are as follows: Iris Johansen, Scott Curtis, and John Grisham.

But enough about me, let me tell you about this wonderful book!

This book is not what I expected, especially after reading his first book; I expected it to take a different route all together. Since we were dealing with domestic violence in the book, I thought it would truly be a nightmare, which is a type of dream, or something to do with his past. Because, if you read the back of the book, it deals with the fifties.

Once again, as with "Mommy Dearest" I started the book in the afternoon, and couldn't go to bed until it was done. I wanted to- trust me, and the last five or so pages, I was like so tired, but there was no way I could leave myself with unanswered questions. I had to know more!

Sean is them main character, he is the one with the abusive father. His Mother, Melissa is in abusive relationship, and often worries about her son, because she has already lost her daughter. Well, that in itself, I feel I have said too much, because things turn out so differently at the end, you will have drop jaw. I will tell you, as with many of Scott's books, he time travels in them. As does he in this one. Sean hides out fifty years in the past, in 1958. He meets a beautiful girl, her name is Clara. The book opens your heart, and makes you dream, and think. Most of all, imagine. 

If you read "Mommy's choice" you may want to know, if this book, is that detailed in the aspect of the Christianity, and Bible quotations. It does speak and refer to the Bible and Christianity, yes. But no, it is nothing like his first book. It just guides you to look at your life, do things for the greater good, behave yourself and make yourself a better person. Yes, there are biblical quotes, but these ones are more understanding and make a quicker and better impact on you and your life choices. Yes "Mommy's Choice" does the same, but the two are very different, trust me.

I did however email Mr. Curtis, because he is one of those Authors who does want to know what you think. He told me, that he truly enjoyed writing this book. And if you read it, trust me, you will see why. Read it, absorb it, and then use your imagination.

This book is a truly must read. It deals with Science Fiction, romance, life and Christianity. Who knew you could mix them all up like that, but it certainly worked, and I was truly impressed, and now my teens are reading it. I can hardly wait for Mr. Curtis to put out another book, I love being pulled into his thoughts, "dreams" and words. They make me "see" and relate and keep me wanting more.
On a scale of one to ten, ten being the best, I give this book a perfect ten, two thumbs up and a standing ovation!

To you who are reading this, go buy this book! You can get it at Amazon, order online and have it in a few days! You will be glad you did! And that is being said by an avid, every day reader!