1. Why did you write this book?My sister was havng a hard time with life when I started my career so I wanted to write her a happy ending, because she deserves one.2. Have you ever been to Dallas?Lived there for about a year.3. Do you yourself have "computer tech" knowledge to speak of it?I'm a former Tech GOD so yes.4. Doesn't it make you feel good to make your Characters end & live happily ever after so to speak?I do enjoy writing the HEA.5. How long did it take you to write this book?Oh hell, probably about three months or so? It was my first story based on a short story I'd written to again give my sister a happy ending.6. What are you currently working on?The 5th book in the Opeth Pack Saga. I'm having to redo some of the writing because I think it needs to have both hero and one heroine's POV, rather than two heroines with the hero as the outsider, so 10,000 words of that is getting rewritten before I go back to moving the story forward. But the basis of the story is that Aurelia, the missing mate from Bianca and VIktor, must come to warn them of danger and an attack on Albuquerque, NM. She brings not just bad news but her love with her, as uncertain as she is, and reluctantly, Bianca and Viktor must trust her and themselves to let things play out as they will, until Aurelia's attempt to save them causes Viktor to fall pray to perilous illness. What will they do?7. What are you reading?Right now, I'm not reading anything for fun. No spare time. I edit for Ardnet Books, Secret Cravings and Sizzler Editions and have a huge back list, plus the 5th Opeth Pack book is due December 1st, 2014, I just finished a new menage story for a super secret project withi Kim Carmichael, et. al. and my Beloved is giving me new memories to associate with Thanksgiving, and November since I was so out of it last year around this time.8. What are your favorite hobbies, if any?Why don't you put on something comfortable, bring a bottle of champagne and come over. I'll show you...9. What do you do for entertainment when NOT writing?The question is who do I do, and she knows exactly who she is, who must be made sweet love to often...10. What are you passionate about?My authors at Ardent Books, my own stories, my new relationships, cigars and alcohol...11. What is/are your favorite color(s)?Black, black, dark blue, purple....12. Please provide all of your links for your fans:Website: Http://saschaillyvichauthor.com
Opeth Pack Home: http://thesilverwolfprince.wix.com/opethpackwolves
Nights of Lust Home: http://thesilverwolfprince.wix.com/nights-of-lust
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/saschaillyvich
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/saschaillyvich
Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/RomanceAuthorSaschaIllyvich
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SaschaIllyvich
GoodReads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2928546.Sascha_Illyvich
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/illyvich/boards/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SaschaIllyvich?feature=mhee
13. Any extra comments to add:I'm grateful for every fan I've ever had and will have as my market expands and I conquer this world!

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Sascha is a regular in my blog, in case you haven't noticed. I consider myself one of his biggest fans, because he literally keeps me entertained. I don't know what I would do without his writing, because- now this is the truth: his writing helps me relax. I fantasize with his writing, and his writing is one I can actually get into. If you read as much as I do, there are certain writers whose words just don't "do it" for you. Sascha is not one of them. For me, he can get me to visually see and believe anything. Seriously, if you haven't read any of his books, my question to you is this: "Why not?" Because you don't know what you're missing!
Anyway, allow me to tell you about: "A Christmas Favour". At first I thought the book was going to be an, "Oh no!" Book. Because right from the start Christian seemed to not want to take things any further with Angela. But then, I kind of understood why. People hate ruining friendships, once they turn into romance, the friendship tends to get ruined. But their was love; they both did feel the same for one another.
Of course, there are obstacles, as with any relationship. And by all means, yes! I mean: yes! Yes! Yes! There is sex in this book. You don't think Sascha would write a book and leave that out do you?!
I was extremely impressed that there was a "Happily Ever After!" Sometimes you just need those! And especially a marriage! I love that! The perfect Wedding, that you can even fantasize about it. Every woman's dream!
This book is heart warming, and worth the read. I truly enjoyed it, and give it five stars. I especially loved the fact that all the character names in this book were easy to pronounce and normal names. I really appreciate that, it made it much easier to read too! I like it when the names aren't difficult and out of the ordinary! (Much like my own name!)
Sascha is an extraordinary writer with amazing talent and skill. And every book he puts out, just proves more and more, that he can put his mind to anything!
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