
Sunday, November 9, 2014

"Three Times Lucky" Boxed Set by 5 Amazing Authors!

**Bonus Special Purchase Option Offered in This Feature!**
Three Times Lucky the Boxed Set 
Dorothy F. Shaw, Sascha Illyvich, Kim Carmichael, Solera Winters and Louisa Bacio! 

Special guest poetry included by: Chelle!

When I was offered to review this, it was considered a privilege, because this has not yet been released. So as you are reading this, you too: are privileged! Even if you are reading it after the box set has been released! 

This set is theme based, which you will soon learn! And a lot of work went into it, and it is truly amazing, because each writer gives you an outlook, and a different taste in writing. I personally enjoyed it, and could not put it down. I read it in less then two hours, but as you all know, I am a speed reader. However, I will not lie. Out of the entire collection, yes I have a favorite. Which I feel bad for having. (Am I weird or something?!) I don't like to play favorites, and I believe this comes from my parenting side. But I did have a favorite, and I tweeted to said writer while reading in fear for the Character as I read..... 

Each book is different, but themed to the box set title. This I will elaborate on. Because this I feel may help you to decide and want to read and buy this set, I know it would help me to decide. 

The box set is about threesomes! And don't just automatically assume, well all threesomes are the same. Not in this instance. And this I will share with you in each individual review! 

First allow me to tell you, the cover design is by Khelsey Jackson, and the book design by Tamara Eaton. 

Here are the titles to each book, with the Authors that wrote them:

  • Ménage by Monday by Louisa Bacio
  • Playtime by Dorothy F. Shaw
  • Darkest Dreams by Solera Winters
  • Made for Two by Kim Carmichael
  • A Perfect Fit by Sascha Illyvich 
  • Lucky Three & His Reward by Chelle

This is published by Rebel Romance books! 

Now let's begin with the first book:

Made for Two by Kim Carmichael

The dedication reads: "To all the explorers...there is always something new to discover."

Trevini is an alien, who is has been given to human Astronauts named Pell and Markov as lovers, friends and life mates. She is on a mission in space with robots.... Excuse me, my bad.... Anthromachines that she herself created to look just like Pell and Markov because she didn't allow them to go on this last mission. Tre ends up making a mistake because she is being headstrong and stubborn and realizes they are all going to die. The ship is going to crash. Markov and Pell decide it's time to finally make love, because obviously they haven't before. She fights it, but eventually gives in. 

Eventually the ship crashes, because Tre wakes to hearing Markov and Pell, and she is hurt, and they keep telling her not to move. She doesn't understand how they aren't hurt, and the men point out to her the cocoons. They explain the robots are not salvageable. Tre seems confused, as she's taken to the Hospital. 

It is a love story in space on the planet Mersenne. Trevini eventually wants to free them, she feels she is trapping them, because they are in fact skilled Earth Astronauts. The only reason she has still been able to fly and do missions is because of her own Parents. 

After releasing the men, eventually they set out to find Tre, and explain just how much they do in fact love her, and that it was not a punishment to be with her. In the end, you learn about true love and different "species!" And how if love is real, it will always find a way! 

Here are my interview questions for Kim:

1. Please tell us if any of the characters are derived from you, or anyone in particular? This was a different story for me as they were not derived from people in real life.  I just wanted a bad ass heroine.

2. Have you ever had a threesome? (Insert smile here)

3. What made you write this story in particular?  I always wanted to write sci-fi and as I was looking on pinterest for menage photos I saw a picture and it spurred on the entire story line.

4. Who is your favorite Author(s)? VC Andrews (From when she was alive not the current works) Johanna Lindsay.

5. What are your hobbies?  I cook and crochet.

6. What do you do in your spare time?  Spare time?  Thats a concept.  In any extra time I usually write.

7. What all education have you had?  I have a Master of Science Degree In Food Science (Yes that is a major believe it or not)

8. What advise/advice do or can you offer any aspiring writers? First and foremost learn your craft and put out the best product you can.  Second, don't ever let the naysayers bring you down. Always keep writing.

9. How many years have you been writing? 10

10. Do you get sexually aroused while writing erotic books, and stories?  If you don't there is something majorly wrong the scene you are writing.

11. Are any of your erotic books and stories "real"?  Actually I have scenes or aspects that are taken from real life.  Not complete story lines.

12. Have you ever written anything other then erotica? If so: what? I write romance and I even have a children's book.

13. What are your future writing goals?  To finish my trilogy that is my baby.  Get my next contemporary romance out, and to clean up some loose ends.  Basically I need to take control of my stories on the business end of things.

14. Do you plan or hope to do a book tour in the near future, or are you doing one now?  I need to do one like right now (can you tell I grew up in the San Fernando Valley)

15. Please tell us briefly about yourself:    I don't play well with others and I run with scissors.  I am more of a control freak than I thought.  I have a very full-time day job that I adore.  I am very lucky in the husband, child, dog department.  For the most part I am more likely to spend more money on a purse than a vacation. My ultimate goal is to give my readers and awesome happily ever after.

16. Please provide us with links and ways to reach you and purchase your materials!
@kimcarmichael4 - Twitter

The next book in the set is:

Darkest Dreams by Solera Winters

The dedication reads: "For all those who need a little light in the darkness."

This story takes place on the planet Nocterra. Which the name sounds like "nocturnal" which is exactly what the planet is!

Nyx is the goddess of the night 
Kiernan is the God of darkness
Reve Morpheus is the bringer of dreams

Nyx and Kiernan were always a couple, but little did they know that when they left Earth to go to the planet Nocterra to be alone and make made passionate love, Reve would watch, and admire and long to be with them. 

One day he became brave enough to make them dream him into their love making. At first they disapproved, and Kiernan called it rape. But Nyx explained that she liked it. Which shocked Kiernan. 

It was when the three of them made love: she seen this beautiful light! 

Eventually she explained that she loves Kiernan, but she has always wanted a little more. Like something was missing. A light, the same light she seen when the three of them made love; in the darkness, and that she also wanted to spice up her life, and she always wanted to light up the darkness in her World, and make everyone see and know and see the difference.

She always wanted more, and darkness wasn't it. She wanted happiness, and she wanted him to feel it, and Reve helped to bring it out in her.

So they tried it again, and also worked on changing and lighting the darkness on the planet. It didn't work with just Nyx and Kiernan. She tried it with herself and Reve, it didn't work then either. The planet wouldn't change. Not until all three of them changed with it, together. 

Here are my interview questions for Solera: 

1. Please tell us if any of the characters are derived from you, or anyone in particular? 

No, my characters aren't from anyone I know. They are take offs of the Greek gods, but because I chose to use gods who aren't very well known, and there isn't a lot known about them, I had a lot of leeway to let my imagination go free.

2. Have you ever had a threesome? 

Hasn't everyone? ;)

3. What made you write this story in particular? 

When we decided as a group to do a menage box set, I knew I wanted to do Greek gods because that is a theme of a lot of my writing. The next decision was to decide which gods and I wanted lesser known ones for the reason I mentioned above, I wanted room for my imagination. If I'm tied into too many "real facts" of what people's perceptions are, that restrains things a bit for my storytelling. So I found Nyx (goddess of night) and Erebos (god of darkness) were married and I just needed to find their third. The god of dreams, Morpheus, seemed a natural. Their passion and love took the story from there.

4. Who is your favorite Author(s)? 

Kim Carmichael is one of my faves. I'm so happy she's taken me under her wing to mentor me. I've learned so much from her. Others I enjoy are Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Diana Gabaldon, Dean Koontz. 

5. What are your hobbies? 

Writing, Reading, Writing, Reading.

6. What do you do in your spare time? 

I love people watching on the Strip, and at home I love watching British television, especially crime dramas.

7. What all education have you had? 

College, Bachelor of Arts English

8. What advise/advice do or can you offer any aspiring writers? 

Go after the dream and put your butt in the chair. Write for yourself and if you're lucky you'll find some people who love what you write.

9. How many years have you been writing? 

I've seriously been writing for about 7 years though I've written since I was a child.

10. Do you get sexually aroused while writing erotic books, and stories? 

Oh, yes. If you don't get turned on by the scene, how will your readers?

11. Are any of your erotic books and stories "real"? 

Certain scenes are derived from real things that have happened in my life, but I'll leave it to you to determine which ones. *wink*

12. Have you ever written anything other then erotica? If so: what? 

Kim and I co-wrote a children's story. I write poetry as well, both erotic and non-erotic.

13. What are your future writing goals?

I just started submitting my full length novel, Journey to the UnderWorld to publishers. It's based on the Persephone and Hades myth. Like I said, I love those Greek gods. They are sexy and fun to play with and bring to life in my stories. I continue to write about them.

14. Do you plan or hope to do a book tour in the near future, or are you doing one now?

I don't have any planned at the moment.

15. Please tell us briefly about yourself:

From the time Solera learned to read, she's possessed a colorful imagination. In childhood she penned her take off of Nancy Drew mysteries then graduated to sneaking her mother's romance novels to expand her visions of what is possible.

She began writing to reminisce about her past experiences, as well as create visions of fantasies she still wants to enjoy. Her erotic shorts and poems can be found in several anthologies.

When she's not writing, she finds Las Vegas a wonderful combination of illusion and reality. From sauntering along the Strip in search of characters to populate her erotic romance novels, to reveling in the endless entertainment opportunities in Sin City, Solera delights in living her dream.

16. Please provide us with links and ways to reach you and purchase your materials!

The next book in the set is by:

Sascha Illyvich and is titled: "A Perfect Fit!"

The dedication reads: "Honey Bunny, your support is paramount to my existence."

Let me start off by saying: Donna is the doggy. 

Ivanka isn't a redhead who has disappointed her parents because she decided to play for the home team. Little do her parents know, that she actually has two lovers, until later. She has not just a woman, but also a man, and they are all three very much happily in love.

However, Ivanka does not live with Jesse and Lila. Jesse and Lila do live together. Ivanka lives at home alone with her dog Donna. 

Ivanka's parents want to later meet her "triad" of lovers, and whence they do so, the Father decides to make digs, and Ivanka responds. However when Jesse responds, that is when Ivanka gets irate and yanks them out of there. 

Jesse explains to Ivanka how heartbroken Lila becomes every time Ivanka returns back home after they make love, rather then stay. Ivanka blames her job and dog. However, some of it, deep down, is her parents.

Through talking and the key to any relationship: communication- Ivanka, Jesse and Lila work everything out and realize in order to make everything work, they must work on their relationship, and not try to please everyone else around them. All relationships take work, all that should matter; is those in the relationship-not the audience! 

My interview questions for Sascha: 

1. Please tell us if any of the characters are derived from you, or anyone in particular? 

Actually, Lila is derived from my physical therapist, the ultimate lesbeignet and a writer also.  Ivanka’s orgasms are derived from someone else’s…

2. Have you ever had a threesome?
Why don’t we get a hotel room just so you can verify…I know the perfect people.

3. What made you write this story in particular?
Kim said “Hey man I need a story for this gig.  You down?”
I said yeah man.  I’m down.”  She gave me the idea behind the story theme but I had someone else give me the idea for the premise of acceptance in the story. 

4. Who is your favorite Author(s)?
“I hate my rhymes but I hate everyone else’s more.”  If I chose, it’d be standard authors for me including Lora Leigh’s older work, Christine Feehan, JR Ward, LK Hamilton, darker stuff like that when I CAN read.

5. What are your hobbies?
I’ve been here enough, the readers should know to expect only the finest cigars, pipe tobacco and alcohol paired with the perfect foods.

6. What do you do in your spare time?
What is this concept of spare time you mention?  I’m currently editing for Assent Publishing, lining up the Ardent Books schedule, on deadline with Secret Cravings for the 5th Opeth Pack book (you want it?) and that’s due December 1st.  I’m still behind as of this interview, 40,000 words to write.  

7. What all education have you had?
My background is in technology and computers, LAN Admin, OS admin with light programming.  I’m a self-taught bass player on rare occasion, have had my editing taken to the next level by an editing coach.  

8. What advice do or can you offer any aspiring writers?
Listen to your editors.  Take chances.  Learn from your mistakes.  Don’t give up.  Oh and view this as a business.  

9. How many years have you been writing?
Almost sixteen years, wow I’m ancient. 

10. Do you get sexually aroused while writing erotic books, and stories?
Again, you should come check while I write…

11. Are any of your erotic books and stories "real"?

12. Have you ever written anything other than erotica? If so: what?
Nonfiction – I have a self-help book that is in need of revamping.  I also write in the cigar/alcohol industry.  I’ve written several educational articles for ACC Cigars on the history of cigars, education and the hobby.  I’ve also written porn site SEO copy.

13. What are your future writing goals?
Richard Castle, look the fuck out!

14. Do you plan or hope to do a book tour in the near future, or are you doing one now?
Both The Opeth Pack and Endangered will get one, as will my ardent release.

15. Please tell us briefly about yourself:
Outside of what’s there, there’s not really much to me.  I’m a busy as hell entrepreneur, I have great taste in women, wine and whiskey, I have admitted to being a cross dresser before, I’m kinky.  I throw bullwhips.  Yeah that last one isn’t quite common knowledge.  

16. Please provide us with links and ways to reach you and purchase your materials!

After this segment came a beautiful poem by Chelle! The first one is titled: 

"His Reward!" 

This poem was amazing, and I fell in love with it immediately! When I read it, I instantly tweeted to Chelle that I loved it! I just that breath taking! Make sure you read it, it's truly worth the read! And the best part, as with everything in this box set: it fits right along perfectly! 

The next book in the box set is:

"Playtime" by Dorothy F. Shaw

It comes with this warning:

I giggled as I read the "warning label" thinking it can't be that bad, you just don't know what I've read! But I had to share it with you, because I adore it!

RayAnne and Kyra sound sexy. Ok wait, I won't lie. I use my imagination, and they "are" sexy. Dana Richards an executive has been watching these beautiful dancers on stage for quite sometime. And they kind of find him annoying because he is polite, and maybe just a little odd. 

One day the girls decide to be curious and "play" with Dana. So they offer him a private dance outside of the club for $1000. He says no. Until he learns it's with both of these sexy girls! 

RayAnne says to him, and I quote: "Dana Richards, the famous executive would sell his own kin if it'd make him another hundred K!" Dana was unimpressed with the comment, you could tell by his facial expression. 

When the fun began, Dana told the girls they "forgot" to remove their fangs! They informed him, they knew. The girls were impressed by the size of Dana's package! Dana was impressed with how the girls tasted, it was a taste he had never experience before: cotton candy! (According to the girls past experience with another vamp, he tasted like marshmallows with bananas and coconuts!) 

The girls really were getting into it. Excited, having fun, playing with Dans, playing with one another. Nibbling on Dana, numbing him as they bit. At one point he passed out, they had to slap him awake; and feed him orange juice. He asked to take a little nap. He explained he needed a little break. The girls agreed, and continued to play with one another.

When the girls caught Dana watching, they became upset, and proceeded to punish him, which excited them all. During the excitement, Dana was accidentally bitten. 

I'm not going any farther, you can read from there, just like I did. Just let it be known: it's exciting!

Because I read this, I found the information in the book to contact Dorothy and did so. I will tell you, she is amazing!

And to Dorothy, there is never such a thing as too much sex! ::Big Smile!::

Here are my interview questions for Dorothy:

1. Please tell us if any of the characters are derived from you, or anyone in particular? 
Yes! Dana is derived from someone very important an influential in my life. He’d been hounding me for a very long time to put him in a book, and when the opportunity came up to be a part of this awesome project, I knew this was going to be the book he ended up in. I think he was a bit shocked when I told him the plot… and then I said to him, you should be careful what you ask for! He’s convinced this little short is going to be a best seller. Who knows? Maybe it will! =) 
My friend Kyra was gracious enough to allow me to use her name, and her physical appearance for the character Kyra - though they are nothing alike in real life. 

2. Have you ever had a threesome?
I’m going to take the 5th on this one—but there’s a fat grin on my face and I’m giggling. 

3. What made you write this story in particular?

Well, to be honest, I don’t have an exciting answer for this question. My ex-husband and I are good friends, and he’s also a writer. (We co-wrote my debut book, Spare Hearts) We plot very
 well together. I knew I wanted to do something with Vampires and knew it would be “Dana’s” book, so we tossed ideas at the wall until this one stuck.

4. Who is your favorite Author(s)?

#1 JR Ward. I met her two years ago at RT in Chicago. I have an entire tattoo 1/2 sleeve dedicated to the Brotherhood series and she signed it for me when I met her. I’m not the    starstruck type, but with her, I could barely make a sentence. 
#2 Kresley Cole. Favorite series by her is Immortals After Dark. I haven’t met her yet, but I will! =)
#3 Megan Hart. Megan is one of my best friends, and what I love about Megan’s writing is, it’s real. I aspire to be as real in my writing as she is. 

5. What are your hobbies?
Well, writing, of course. But, I collect tattoos. I ride a motorcycle. I work a corporate full time job in technology management and I’m a mom. I think that covers it… maybe.

6. What do you do in your spare time?
I work full time, I’m a mom and I write full time. What’s spare time?

7. What all education have you had?

8. What advise/advice do or can you offer any aspiring writers?

Finish the book! Edit later. Don’t give up. Seek critique’s. Find people who will tell you the truth about your writing (but in a nice way) so you can learn. Be willing to learn. And, FINISH the book! 

9. How many years have you been writing?
Since 2009 - that’s it. I didn’t know I had it in me. 

10. Do you get sexually aroused while writing erotic books, and stories?
Yes. Hey, if It doesn’t turn me on when I write it, chances are it’s not going to turn the reader on either.

11. Are any of your erotic books and stories "real”?
To quote Megan Hart - “It’s all fiction and it’s all real.” =)

12. Have you ever written anything other then erotica? If so: what?
I used to write a lot of poetry. I also have a few blogs out there. 

13. What are your future writing goals?
Someday, when I grow up, I want to write full time. To be able to not have the current corporate day job, (although I do still love what I do for a living) and have writing be my day job? That would be wonderful. 

14. Do you plan or hope to do a book tour in the near future, or are you doing one now?

Do they still do book tours? Either way, I would love to do a book tour, but I’m still an infant in this game. So, maybe someday!

15. Please tell us briefly about yourself:
I did that a little bit above - tattoos, corporate america, mom, biker, but I’ll add a little more. BMW driver/lover/owner, collector of antiques. A big fan of 12-step recovery. I have a way of understanding the human condition: why people do what they do, and how broken we all are. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I’m way too forgiving. I’ll stop there before I go too deep! 

16. Please provide us with links and ways to reach you and purchase your materials!

As I mentioned above, I have a co-written debut novella, about a former pro-bowler, Spare Hearts. It's published by Grand Central and can be found via all major e-sellers. I welcome email at: and I can also be found, and

The next poem is also by
 Chelle titled: "Lucky Three"

Chelle you are an amazing poet! I am so glad you decided to entice us with your poetry. It is so wonderful! Again, I love the fact that your poetry fits perfectly with this set! You truly have an amazing gift Chelle! Thank you for sharing it with us! 

To honor your work I am including this:

I hope you approve!

The last book in this box set is:

"Ménage by Monday" by Louisa Bacio

This book I found interesting, because it was people who were meant to be together from the past, who are finally getting together now.

Shannon McGray
Thomas aka Tommy 

Friday's most memorable part:

"Damn dude, is this baby food?" Nope, it was butternut squash. Sorry, but anyone who knows butternut squash can relate. It looks exactly like baby food, and you know it. I was laughing.

Saturday's most memorable part:

Shannon catching Zack masterbating. Then he actually had the nerve to call her in the room right after and explain. He has always wanted her for so long. 

Sunday's most memorable part:

A ménage a trois. And it was long overdue! 

The book is very eye opening, and heart felt. It almost seems like a true life experience. Very enjoyable, and worth reading. 

My interview questions for Louisa:

1. Please tell us if any of the characters are derived from you, or anyone in particular? 

Actually I dreamed about this story and the characters. So how much of our dreams come from our subconscious? Not all facets made it in. The story – in my mind – is bigger than a novella.  

2. Have you ever had a threesome?

Let’s say some parts of fiction are fiction, and others come from real life. 

3. What made you write this story in particular?

Some voices haunt. The dream I had happened right before being asked to participate in this box set, so it all aligned. 

4. Who are your favorite Author(s)?

Almost every author is my favorite author! Aside from the lovelies in this box set, I’ve got a strong group of writing friends. If we’re talking big names, Stephen King, Robyn Carr and Heather Graham. 

5. What are your hobbies?

In addition to spending time with my daughters and writing, I’d have to say pets! We have EIGHT rabbits. It’s insanity, but each one has its own personality. I’m also a big believer in helping other writers. 

6. What do you do in your spare time?

The bigger question is what spare time? If I’m getting an extra special treat, I like to read … by a hotel pool with alcohol is even better. 

7. What all education have you had?

I have two master’s degrees: one in journalism and one in English. I teach college, along with writing.

8. What advise/advice do or can you offer any aspiring writers?

I fully suggest joining writing groups, and friending other writers. Only they know what the craziness is all about. That’s on top of continuing to write and hone your craft.

9. How many years have you been writing?

My entire life! I’ve always been involved with writing, whether it’s poetry, magazine articles or fiction. I’ve been in more than 150 magazines, and that’s non-fiction.

10. Do you get sexually aroused while writing erotic books, and stories?

The best type of erotic writing makes me aroused. I better like it or else the reader won’t. And I don’t know if everyone feels that way.

11. Are any of your erotic books and stories "real"?

I don’t write non-fiction erotic books. That said, I’m sure I’ve pulled elements from real life. 

12. Have you ever written anything other then erotica? If so: what?

As mentioned, I’ve written a lot of non-fiction. I also dabble a bit in the darker material of horror.

13. What are your future writing goals?

I’m working on book 3 of my Sex University series. It’s titled The Master Class, and is a ménage. It’s been a few years “waiting” to be written, and the story is going pretty well. 

14. Do you plan or hope to do a book tour in the near future, or are you doing one now?

I’m currently touring, virtually, for my Beyond Fairytales release, The Thief & His Master. My blog features the conferences I’ll be at in 2015. One I’m excited about is 50 Shades of Romance, which is opening weekend of the 50 Shades film in Seattle. I’m talking about “Kink for the Vanilla Couple.” 

15. Please tell us briefly about yourself:

A Southern California native, Louisa Bacio can’t imagine living far away from the ocean. The multi-published author of erotic romance enjoys writing within all realms – from short stories to full-length novels. 

Bacio shares her household with a supportive husband, two daughters growing “too fast,” and a multitude pet craziness: Two dogs, five fish tanks, an aviary, hamsters, rabbits and hermit crabs. In her other life, she teaches college classes in English, journalism and popular culture.

16. Please provide us with links and ways to reach you and purchase your materials!

BONUS For ALL Deneale's Book Buzz Readers and Fan's: (And of course the Author's fan's, and follower's too!! LOL)
To purchase your very own copy of this amazing box set here is the best thing for you I can ever offer!

My final words on all of these books: 

I give all of these books five stars. They were all well written, and easy to understand, and draw you deep into the books, and involve you in the desires of the characters. I enjoyed each and every one of these books very much! I met some new Authors, who I now intend to follow, and keep in touch with, and all of this compliments of Sascha. Therefore; it is because of him, I am eternally grateful! 

You all did an amazing job! Keep up the good work, and please keep in touch! 
