
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

"Jade" by Rose Montague

Jade by Rose Montague

As I first started reading this book, I thought it was going to be something a bit along the mystical and dream like sense. But then I accidentally remembered "fae's" in "True Blood!" So I was like wondering what roads this book would and could take. Especially being "against three hundred...."

Needless to say, mind open and curious, I kept reading with what was in store for me. That is the best part with books and writers, every single one does write differently, which is very pleasing! 

I loved the fact that Rose, mixed it up a little! Faerie, witch, vampire and shifter! Wow! Not only that, romance and spicy to boot! I was so drawn in I just couldn't put it down! 

I couldn't help but keep turning the pages, seeking out more, wanting and yearning. Jade was an exceptional woman, I mean- in so many ways. You will just keep wanting more. You'll experience powers, romance and love, and insight. You'll feel like you're right there as Rose writes. I find it hard to believe that this was actually a first book for Rose, usually I can spot a first book by a writer, but I couldn't with this one. Which, honestly blew my mind to find out it was hers. She literally writes like a pro!

As you get to toward the end of this fabulous novel, you just will not believe what you will find. But trust me; it's everything you will want and more! Fantasy almost looks like reality when Rose writes it! She is definitely a five star writer! You truly need to check out her writing, and from my understanding; there is another book to follow this one titled: "Jane" that we can look forward to next!

Here are my questions for Rose:

1. What made you decide to write this?

I love to read and have always wanted to write. I developed some back problems that got me up at 4AM almost every day and I decided to put that quiet time to good use.  I decided to write in the genre I most love to read, urban fantasy.

2. Are any of the characters derived from real people, such as yourself?

I think a lot of my personal philosophy comes out in this book.  I wish I could be Jade but no such luck.  My main goal was to have fun writing a fun book to read and I really had a good time with the writing of it.

3. How long did it take you to write this?

I had the first draft done in about 4 months.

4. Did you have to do any type of research for this book?

I was fortunate to have some friends that helped me with some of the location and setting research and other friends that acted as beta readers and advisers during my writing process. 

5. How long have you been writing? 

Jade is my first novel.  The second book in that series (Jane) is in editing and cover art at my publisher and should release early in 2015.  I am about half way through writing my third book, an YA urban fantasy called Norma Jean's School of Withchery. 

6. What all education have you had? 

I have a degree in Journalism but my love of reading has been my best teacher.  I am presently working at a local public library and have also worked at several bookstores.  I love books and I love talking to people that love to read.

7. What advise/advice do you have to offer people who are wanting or trying to write a book and wanting or trying to become Authors?

Find a quiet time every day to work on your book.  It is so easy to get distracted or get discouraged.  You just have to keep at it until it is done.  Try to make it fun and let your imagination lead you.

8. Who are your favorite Authors?

Faith Hunter, Darynda Jones, Ilona Andrews, and Jim Butcher are some of them.  There are so many.

9. How much time do you usually spend writing?

Usually just two or three hours a day.  That is normally enough time to get at least one thousand words written and some days it can be several thousand.

10. What are your hobbies?

I enjoy advocating for the falsely accused and wrongfully convicted and have several cases I follow pretty closely.

11. Any comments you would like to add?

Jade is just a fun book with a lot of mystery and surprise.  I love getting comments from readers and enjoy connecting with fans on social media.

12. Please provide for us any links to follow you:


13. Please provide ways to purchase any and all of your books: