
Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Contest!

New Contest!!! Whoop Whoop!!!

New Contest:

It's a short story writing contest. Twenty pages VIA Microsoft word document. No more than thirty, providing you cannot get your story to end right. (It's like a give or take kinda thing.)

Here are the requirements for the story:

You story must include the following:

* A train station with a train

*A person named DeLane 

*A rainstorm with a purple umbrella

*A cat by the name of Shoes

*An iPhone 5s

*A lost little girl

*A secret

This story will be featured on and will remain there. The prize will be a $25 Amazon gift card! Runner up will receive a $10 Amazon gift card, and also will be featured!  The stories will remain on the web site for all to see! 

The contest begins now, once this is posted and will end on February 14, 2015. Valentine's Day. When you send in your entry, save a copy and DM me, to make certain I've received it. 

Your story can be any variety, children's, erotica, drama, etc. Your choice. The only request I do have is the following for my own preference: please do not use the Lord's name in vain, or the F word. I don't want it featured on my blog. For that I apologize. Those kinds of things can get my blog shut down, please understand. 

Should you have any questions please email me at: or 

**Special Note: when entering please include your name, social media links to your profiles (required!) your age, and the state or country in which you live at the bottom of your entry. This way, if you yourself end up with a fan base, they can follow you!**

Thank you and good luck!