
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Werewolf Nights by Mari Hamill

Werewolf Nights 
Mari Hamill

Before I even begin, allow me to inform you, that "Werewolf Nights" is in fact one of the most retweeted books in Los Angeles. This I learned VIA Mari Hamil's twitter handle is @MariHamill which ranks number 97 of the top 100 for December 2014. Check it our for yourself! I thought that would be something interesting and note worthy of sharing with my readers and followers!

Now onto my review: 

The lovely Catherine Mercy never thought she would find love ever again. Many of us have thought this a time or two, but than love always finds a way in, doesn't it, and always when we least expect it?

 Compliments of Catherine's financial difficulties, she finds herself led to 'Wolfen Manor,' where she was forbidden to visit because a werewolf lives there. Words often said to her by her own Grandmother.

Greg, who plays a Wolfen in a Movie, and is also a real wolfen, ends up being someone Catherine feels drawn to, and her heart opening up to. Is she certain this is what she wants? Should she fight it? What will she do?

Steve, Catherines friend is an expert on Werewolves. He lends an ear, and is there for her, but from time to time, she just doesn't seem to want to take it all in, or so it seems.

To complicate the story even more so, the husband Catherine had once thought to be dead- Frank is now alive and a werewolf bounty hunter. He himself has been hired to kill Greg the Wolfenn during the full moon. 

This story is written very well, and seems like a fairy tale, and that it would make a most excellent movie. 

It has everything to keep you wanting more, drawing you further into the story lines, curious with each line, in what direction the story will take, and what Catherine will do.

I give this book five stars, as I very much enjoyed it, and would strongly recommend it to others! It was truly worthy of my time! 

Here are my interview questions for Mari!

1. What made you decide to write this book?

I wanted to tell a tale that would entertain and bring joy to others.

2. How long did it take you to write this book?

It took me around three years to write the novel. Throughout the process, I worked part-time as a teacher and in many other odd jobs.

3. Who did the beautiful artistic cover on your book?

Puerto Rican artist Ivonne Falcón.

4. How long have you been writing?

I’ve been reading and writing all my life. During my studies, I did mostly theoretical and philosophical writing, but as soon as I earned my PhD, I switched to fiction.

5. What made you decide to become a writer?

Stories kept cluttering my head and I needed to get them out.

6. Is writing your passion?

Absolutely! I think about it every day. It drives me to get up in the morning and keeps me up at night.

7. What are your future writing plans?

I’m working on the sequel of Werewolf Nights and on a screenplay about the dating culture in Los Angeles.

8. Who is/are you favorite Author(s)?

That’s a tough one. Knut Hamsun’s Hunger was fantastic, and I love the book, the movie, and the screenplay of The Princess Bride by William Goldman.

9. What are your hobbies?

Yoga, dancing, good conversation, and swimming in the ocean.

10. What all education have you had?

I have a BA from Harvard in English, a DEA from the Sorbonne Nouvelle in comparative literature, and a PhD from the University of Michigan, also in comparative literature.

11. What do you suggest for people wanting to become writers?

Keep going until you achieve what you set out to do.

12. Please share with us ways to follow you, including social sites, and where to find your books:


Facebook Pages

Werewolf Nights

Google Plus Profile

13. Anything you would like to add, comments, or concerns:

Deneale, thank you for a wonderful interview! And to readers out there... stay tuned for some fun and exciting werewolf news and upcoming projects! Enjoy the novel! Follow my blog on Goodreads! Have a howling good day!