
Saturday, May 2, 2015

"A Saints Salvation" by Beverly Ovalle

A Saints Salvation
Beverly Ovalle

When Beverly came to me I didn't know I was going to be reviewing a book about the Military. But once I started reading, I was even more excited. I have been wanting something totally different to read and review, and this definitely met the criteria. 

Before I begin, I would like to divulge something I read in the beginning. Beverly was inspired to write this book, because of a tattoo on her Son. Therefore, to her Son, I would like to say: "Thank you!" Because of it wasn't for your tattoo, we wouldn't have been touched by this amazing story.

Saint is Corporal Nicholas Santiago. 'Saint' is a nickname he has acquired. He is serving in Operation Enduring Freedom. Also known as O.E.F. 

He had received a 'Dear John' letter while he was serving. Just what every person looks forward to while serving their Country. 

Petty Officer Angelina Jones doesn't want to be Saints rebound girl, she wants to be his true love. And she knows she is and can be. She knows they are meant to be something more. She knows it inside and out. 

These two want to make things work, but together they must struggle to succeed. As with any relationship, their are complications. Can they make it work? Can Saint change like he wants to?

There is so much here to enjoy, this read is everything you will want and more. It is very heart warming, and emotional. 

I loved the fact that the Military was involved, and that someone would and could enlighten people and allow them to see through the eyes of the Military. It is about time someone wrote from their point of view. This was a long time coming!

I truly enjoyed this book, and give it a high five star review!

My questions for Beverly:

1. What made you decide to write this book?

I was missing my son and having been in the military it just seemed to come out.

2. Did you do any special research for this book?

I mainly talked to my son. Many of the emotions were his from the book in the beginning. I also talked to a few veterans that were in Afghanistan. Plus my own experiences in the military helped.

3. Were you in the Military or O.E.F.?

I was in the US Navy.

4. How long did it take you to write this book?

It took me about nine months. I started it and put it aside for quite a while because it turned into a romance and there was a definite ick factor, LOL. When I came at it fresh and changed it a bit I was able to finish.

5. How long have you been writing books?

For the past two years. I dabbled with stories just playing around before that.

6. What all education have you had?

I’m a high school graduate. I’ve taken a few college courses, management, accounting, sign language, water aerobics, soap making and belly dancing! Oh, stained glass art and glass blowing.

7. What suggestions can you offer to those wanting and or trying to 'become' successful writers?

Persevere. Don’t give up on your dream and live life to the fullest. There is no better experience than living.

8. Who are your favorite authors and why?

Christine Feehan, her dark series just draws me in. Anne McCaffrey, I love dragons and she is the one that hooked me. Issac Asimov, his writing kept me reading when I was younger.

9. We're any of these characters derived from anyone particular?

The hero in A Saint’s Salvation has my son’s personality.

10. Please provide for us your social links and links to your books and such:

Book Links:
Author links:

11. Anything you'd like to add?

Thank you for having me! I appreciate being able to blab about myself and my books. I actually donated all of the proceeds from A Saint’s Salvation to the Wounded Warrior Project and other Marine Charities I’ve found. One day I may keep the royalties but aiding wounded veterans is where my heart lies.  

Special Notes:
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