
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Claiming the She Wolf - Louisa Bacio

Claiming the She Wolf
By Louisa Bacio 


Now that Tala Graystone’s brother has decided to leave the nest, she is determined to restore the bed and breakfast. It will keep her occupied and after all, it could use a woman’s touch, or maybe even a wolf’s touch. However, now she has found that she requires a little help, because she cannot do this alone.

Yas Collins feels beckoned by Black Hills, South Dakota. He himself has a background in construction.  Once he finds himself there, the town doesn’t seem very welcoming of him, however he does seem to find work at Tala’s. 

I loved the part when she shows him to his room, and he looks at the walls, which are lavender, and he says, this doesn’t look like it would be for me, it looks like it would be a room for you. And she tells him it is the best room in the house, and that it is her room. They exchange glances. And you can, as you read just feel the aura as you read it. 

The drawing of them wanting and yearning in the very beginning, the desire is there, but you know how people, (and apparently wolves) we play it cool in the beginning.
They find themselves meeting glances, and finding their desires and cravings, and getting to know one another. 

Not only do they work on the bed and breakfast, but they build a relationship with one another. I loved how playful they were, silly, and fun loving. This made me smile a lot. I actually found myself smiling and giggling quite a lot through out this book. 

It is very romantic book, truly helps you to see that love can prevail in the long run, so long as you work at it. But the book also shows you, that the outside world always likes to put there two sense in, and to just ignore it, and them and love will prevail.

I give this book five starts, when a book makes you smile while reading it, it is truly worthy of reading again and again!

Now my questions for Lousia:

1.) the characters do you have any photos or descriptions to provide for us to imagine or see who they are?

Attached are images I used when writing the book. (Did not come through, I apologize.~Deneale)

2.) what made you write this delicious book?

The idea of the shared world of Black Hills Wolves intrigued me. Writing with the established world and guidelines added another challenge. The characters also came to life pretty fast.

3.) what are you working on now?

Nothing! Seriously, I just submitted a new novella in a series two days ago. I’ve already started on book two. But, tomorrow is another story, lol.

Winter Solstice Ménage – which features Yas’s sister Sugar, came out recently. I have a third book with Tala’s brother planned.  

In my Sex University series, I’m waiting for book 3, “The Master Class,” a F/F/M that I’ve been wanting to share for a long time! (2016)

4.) Aside from writing, what other hobbies do you have?

Primarily, spending time with my family. On top of that, we have a slew of pets that require plenty of love and attention. I’m talking about dogs, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, fish tanks and on and on.

5.) how long did it take you to write this book?

I had five months to write the books. Yes, that seems like a LONG time. I probably took all of it, and then some. Some thing I tend to write fast. It doesn’t always feel that way to me.

6.) out of all your own books- which one is your favorite?

Ah, woman! It’s an impossible question! The boys in Winter Solstice Ménage are hot-hot-hot. For the longest time, it was Nick from The Vampire, the Witch & The Werewolf novels. Now, maybe Tyler. 

(I liked the green cock!)

7.) any tips for new writers?
There’s a meme about how other writers are not our competition. Make friends with others who understand. Plus bloggers and readers are your friends. They may be shy. Even if you are, make yourself as approachable as possible.

8.) please share with us all of your sites, info and where we can learn all about you:

Any extra info you'd like to add or share:

Find your joy in life. It’s different for everyone. What brings you happiness? Embrace it, and share it with others.

Claiming the She-Wolf (Black Hills Wolves, #23)Claiming the She-Wolf by Louisa Bacio
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Now that Tala Graystone’s brother has decided to leave the nest, she is determined to restore the bed and breakfast. It will keep her occupied and after all, it could use a woman’s touch, or maybe even a wolf’s touch. However, now she has found that she requires a little help, because she cannot do this alone.

Yas Collins feels beckoned by Black Hills, South Dakota. He himself has a background in construction. Once he finds himself there, the town doesn’t seem very welcoming of him, however he does seem to find work at Tala’s.

I loved the part when she shows him to his room, and he looks at the walls, which are lavender, and he says, this doesn’t look like it would be for me, it looks like it would be a room for you. And she tells him it is the best room in the house, and that it is her room. They exchange glances. And you can, as you read just feel the aura as you read it.

The drawing of them wanting and yearning in the very beginning, the desire is there, but you know how people, (and apparently wolves) we play it cool in the beginning.
They find themselves meeting glances, and finding their desires and cravings, and getting to know one another.

Not only do they work on the bed and breakfast, but they build a relationship with one another. I loved how playful they were, silly, and fun loving. This made me smile a lot. I actually found myself smiling and giggling quite a lot through out this book.

It is very romantic book, truly helps you to see that love can prevail in the long run, so long as you work at it. But the book also shows you, that the outside world always likes to put there two sense in, and to just ignore it, and them and love will prevail.

I give this book five starts, when a book makes you smile while reading it, it is truly worthy of reading again and again!

View all my reviews

Defensive Heart: Donnelly's Book 2 Dorothy F Shaw

Defensive Heart: the Donnelly’s Book 2
By Dorothy F. Shaw

Let me begin by reading you the warning that comes within this book:

“This book might piss you off. But if I’ve done my job, while you’re busy being pissed off, you’ll also fall in love with the hero and heroine. May contain: A pompous, misogynistic ex-husband. A rebellious teenager. A ton of sex. Adventurous sex. Make up sex. Desperate- OMG-CLOTHES-OFF-sex. Did I mention there’s a lot of sex?”

After reading this in the beginning, those of you whom like books like this, are all reading licking your lips. Don’t even deny it. Especially those of us, whom know Dorothy Shaw. 

And for those who don’t personally know Dorothy, once you read any of her work, let me tell you what. If you haven’t ever learned that when you read her work- that you too will get horny, well than… it’s just too late.

Now, as I read this book, I couldn’t help but fall in love with Jimmy Donnelly all over again. His masculine body all tattooed and pierced, and so built up and sexy. He is your typical bad boy type, the one that everyone sits there and wants and longs for.

Now as for Sonja Martin, she is a Manhattan Attorney with a fifteen year old that is a rebel who just wants to make a name for herself so to speak. Sonja also has this ex-husband that just doesn’t want to stay out of the picture, not that he can- because they have a child together. But he wants to be more of a nuisance than anything. 

So Sonja has basically written off men, but when she meets Jimmy, she sees the bad boy in him, and you know how opposites attract?! You see her as the good girl, him as the bad boy. Therefore opposites make for the perfect couple. Now mind you, yeah she wants to resist, but who can resist that for so long? Temptation does win over eventually.

This is a very erotic dreamy story. I love the fact that it touches on commitment issues and the fact that opposites can attract. I also love the fact that there is a teen involved and family issues. Something people need to see and realize, and the that Dorothy wrote everything so on point was excellent. You don’t very often see people putting opposites together, because they think, “Oh this won’t work.” 

But it does, and more often, relationships are based on trial and error. And putting exes in here and family issues was also very spot on, for people to see and read real life issues, makes readers want more, and feel more involved. 

I truly enjoyed this book, and give it five stars. As usual Dorothy makes you wet, and gives you a real life perspective. Definitely worth the read, and truly enjoyable.

Now here are my review questions for Dorothy:

1.) the Donnelly characters do you have any photos or descriptions to provide for us to imagine or see who they are?

Two Photos attached for you. One of Sonja and one of Jimmy from book 2, Defensive Heart  =) 

2.) what made you write this delicious book?

 I had to…it was Jimmy’s turn! Too easy? Well, honestly, when I wrote book 1, Unworthy Heart, I had no idea it would become a series. But when Jimmy showed up in book 1, I knew his book would be next. 

3.) what are you working on now?

 I’m getting ready to release book 3 in The Donnellys - Shattered Heart. Look for it on January 19th! 
 Also, I’m currently revising a single title contemporary romance called Stripped Bounty… This book, well, it was definitely a much harder book to write for me. Not that writing is ever easy, but some  stories just flow smoother than others. Stripped Bounty challenged me for sure. Its different than The Donnellys series, but I think (or hope) people will love it. 
 After I get Stripped Bounty turned in to my editor, it’s time to start the 4th book in The Donnellys series. 

4.) aside from writing, what other hobbies do you have?
 Well…besides my full time career in technology management that I attend to, there’s also my kids. Plus sleep…unfortunately i have to sleep, so there’s not much time for other hobbies. =(

5.) how long did it take you to write this book?
 Defensive Heart took me longer than it should have. Probably close to a year because I took a long break about half way through and wrote another book, but also focused on edits and revisions for book 1, Unworthy Heart. 

6.) out of all your own books- which one is your favorite?

Right now, I feel like it’s Shattered Heart, book 3 in The Donnellys. But this is subject to change. =)

7.) any tips for new writers?

 I have a ton of tips - but the one thing, the one most important thing out of all of them finish the book. Sit down every day and write until you finish the book!

8.) please share with us all of your sites, info and where we can learn all about you:

If you go through my website - you’ll be able to find all sorts of links to other blogs I have out there. Poems, general posts about life etc. Have fun! 

Any extra info you'd like to add or share:

As always its an honor and a privilege to have you read me, Deneale. Thanks for making some room for me! <3

Defensive Heart (The Donnellys, #2)Defensive Heart by Dorothy F. Shaw
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Let me begin by reading you the warning that comes within this book:

“This book might piss you off. But if I’ve done my job, while you’re busy being pissed off, you’ll also fall in love with the hero and heroine. May contain: A pompous, misogynistic ex-husband. A rebellious teenager. A ton of sex. Adventurous sex. Make up sex. Desperate- OMG-CLOTHES-OFF-sex. Did I mention there’s a lot of sex?”

After reading this in the beginning, those of you whom like books like this, are all reading licking your lips. Don’t even deny it. Especially those of us, whom know Dorothy Shaw.

And for those who don’t personally know Dorothy, once you read any of her work, let me tell you what. If you haven’t ever learned that when you read her work- that you too will get horny, well than… it’s just too late.

Now, as I read this book, I couldn’t help but fall in love with Jimmy Donnelly all over again. His masculine body all tattooed and pierced, and so built up and sexy. He is your typical bad boy type, the one that everyone sits there and wants and longs for.

Now as for Sonja Martin, she is a Manhattan Attorney with a fifteen year old that is a rebel who just wants to make a name for herself so to speak. Sonja also has this ex-husband that just doesn’t want to stay out of the picture, not that he can- because they have a child together. But he wants to be more of a nuisance than anything.

So Sonja has basically written off men, but when she meets Jimmy, she sees the bad boy in him, and you know how opposites attract?! You see her as the good girl, him as the bad boy. Therefore opposites make for the perfect couple. Now mind you, yeah she wants to resist, but who can resist that for so long? Temptation does win over eventually.

This is a very erotic dreamy story. I love the fact that it touches on commitment issues and the fact that opposites can attract. I also love the fact that there is a teen involved and family issues. Something people need to see and realize, and the that Dorothy wrote everything so on point was excellent. You don’t very often see people putting opposites together, because they think, “Oh this won’t work.”

But it does, and more often, relationships are based on trial and error. And putting exes in here and family issues was also very spot on, for people to see and read real life issues, makes readers want more, and feel more involved.

I truly enjoyed this book, and give it five stars. As usual Dorothy makes you wet, and gives you a real life perspective. Definitely worth the read, and truly enjoyable.

View all my reviews