
Thursday, December 3, 2015

Daughter of Valor by Emily Mims

Daughter of Valor

By Emily Mims

The main reason why I personally wanted to read and review this book was because it has to do with the Military, and I feel that the Military doesn’t get enough justification. Sure we can support them, and hear about them, and know they are out there supporting us, and protecting us, but not many people want to write about, and tell a story or even share with you from their stand point. So when someone finally does, I want to be the one to share it with you. After all, it needs made public, and people need to see and feel from those whom have lived and dealt with things like this, from those of us who have, and from those of us who care for those of you who have.  I hope that makes sense.

As for this novel, it is very intense, and well worth the read, because it is going to make you see and feel things and understand many different aspects and views that you would have never thought possible.

Our main character: Holly gives you a look at her life, and she desires and needs for a military career, and what all her plans were, and how they ended up ruined by an ambush. She has to learn things about herself, and make choices she had never anticipated. Her Uncle, a Judge, after her rehabilitation and recovery, than helps Holly by finding her a Nanny position.  Because Holly doesn’t want to sit around and do nothing, she jumps at the chance to do it. 

Jimmy, the man she is now to Nanny for is trying to get elected. But in the midst of all of this, you wouldn’t expect to find murder in this book too, now would you? Yes, low and behold there is even murder! Why? Because someone is trying to ruin Jimmy’s chance at getting elected by framing him for what would or could be murders. 

In the meantime, Holly and Jimmy work on their communication skills, restructuring his family, and focusing on his campaign, and figuring out who could be doing this to him and why. 

I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone, because I am famous for being a spoiler alert specialist. So I will stop here. 

I will tell you, that I loved this book. It was very detailed, and intense, and leads you through a lot of emotions, and directions. It is worth your time and money to read this book. I give it five stars, and think everyone would truly enjoy it. If you want insight on Military, and knowing little things, politics, and how people feel and work, and recover, and what not- this is another plus for you. Truly I suggest reading this book. It is very different from most!
Thank you, Emily for the chance to read this!

Here are my questions for Emily!

1. What made you write this book? I wrote this book for several reasons.  I live in San Antonio, and because of SAMMC we have a lot of wounded warriors in our city-it's nothing to see a handsome young veteran chasing a toddler across the mall on a pair of prostheses or a severely scarred warrior in line at the grocery store.  I admire these courageous people so much!  I also began Holly and Jimmy's stories in the original book in the series (Solomon's Choice) and wanted a chance to tell theirs.

2.  Do you have any photos or descriptions of Holly and/or Jimmy to share?Just what's on the cover

3. How long did it take you to write this book?I began work on it before I'd even sold 'Solomon's Choice'.  I wrote a version that my agent told me was terrible (ouch) so I went back and rewrote it in the form it's in today.  So the answer would be over a couple of years.  Now that I have a publisher and am writing regularly, that same book would take maybe four months.

4. What all have you written prior? I wrote a string of novels and novellas for Candlelight Ecstasy in the 1980's, three of which Boroughs has re-released.  I have a full-length novel and two short stories in the Texas Hill Country series that precede 'Daughter of Valor; in the story line, and have another short story, two novellas and a full-length novel that come after it in the series.  I recently finished the last book in the Texas Hill Country series and planted two heroes to go to Appalachia for a series of stories set in the bluegrass and folk music world.

5. Who are all your favorite Author(s)? Hmmm.  I love Nora Roberts, Jayne Ann Krentz and Heather Graham (Jayne and Heather wrote with me at Candlelight).  Cynthia Eden hits the spot as does Lori Wilde and Lori Foster.  And just about everybody in the Boroughs stable is a favorite of mine.  Oh, and let's not forget Roxanne St. Clair.

6. What are you working on now? I just finished 'Second to None' in the Texas Hill Country series and am plotting the Appalachian series. (I'm a serious plotter-this does a lot to prevent writer's block.)

7. What are your hobbies? I play 5 musical instruments-piano, organ, guitar, dulcimer, and ukulele-and play the ukulele with two performing bands.

8.Have you ever served in the Military? No, but my son is career Army.

9. What suggestions do you offer to future writers? Don't let ANYBODY tell you that you can't do it.  When I was in college my creative writing profs told me I had no talent and to go back to the science department.  I invited them to my first autograph party.

10.Any ways to reach you and follow along with you: I'll list my website and contact info below.  I usually send my readers to Amazon but am also available on the Boroughs website, Allromance, Smashwords and Nook.  Plus, Daughter of Valor is also available in print from Amazon.

11. Any info you’d like to add: Just that I love and appreciate every one of my readers!


And thanks again!  Be sure to send me the link so I can share on all of my media sites.

Undertow: Death's Twilight by Claudette Melanson

Undertow: Death’s Twilight

By Claudette Melanson

The cover art of this book is so beautiful, once I received my copy I just simply admired the artwork on the cover for a bit. There was a lot of work that went into that beautiful cover!

Personally, I have been a long time waiting for this book. Which let me add, if you haven’t read the first book, you might not be able to follow along as well as the rest of us. The two books flow together as “Forrest Gump” says: like “Peas and Carrots!”

Maura, thanks to her mother Caelyn, grew up with a big family secret. She is a Vampire and didn’t know it until she became a full grown adult and moved abroad, and finally met her Father, which she met only by what seemed to be by accident. However, her Mother planned on informing her and explaining everything and what not, but unfortunately Maura then, had an accident-so to speak.

But again, that is from the other book. Her Father Maxwell as you may notice was not in her life as a Child, and now they are attempting to make it as a family. They want to try to be the family they never were. But once they start working on their family unit, tragedy seems to follow. It’s like something always has to ruin the good things, you know?!

While still trying to work on her family, Maura is also trying still working on her love life with Ron. So she uses Christmas to reunite with him and bring her family in closer. 

Caelyn is still trying to deal with the Vampire lifestyle of her daughter. She truly hoped that this might not come to pass, you could just tell, deep down, she didn’t want it to be.

Thankfully, while everything is going up and down, and up and down, all these changes, Susie is here to listen and offer a listening ear. 

I found this story so … heart wrenching, I screamed in my twitter at Claudette. I have always been in love with Maura and Ron, no offense I have insider secrets, and Maura and Ron remind me of Claudette and her husband. And they just can’t fall apart. So I’m reading this, and I scream. My dogs look at me. I grab my cell and scream at the writer. No, this is not happening. THAT is all I am saying because I get in trouble for being a spoiler blower.

As for my review, I personally have a problem with Maura calling Maxwell “Dad.” The Dude wasn’t in her life, I mean, maybe it wasn’t all her fault, maybe it was also Caelyn’s but still. He wasn’t there. To call him Dad from the beginning bothered me. But that’s just me.

I also had a problem with her Mother keeping a secret like that from her. (The vampire part!) Yeah we keeps secrets from our Children like Santa and the tooth fairy, and where the presents are hid. But what about when she became a teen and you gave her the safe sex talk? Why not tell her then? 

But as we all know, this is the choice of the writer, and so be it...

I dearly loved both of the books, and how close they are. They are wonderful and you need to read them both. The first one was called: “Rising Tide: Dark Innocence” and it can also be found in this blog as well. (Search on the left side of the blog.)

This book, just like the last one, which is five stars. I truly enjoyed it. It pulled me in, making me feel everything. I cried, I screamed, and I wanted more, and I became involved. I could see and imagine the characters and their feelings. They are a wonderful family, and they deserve to work things out, all families do. And you want what is best for everyone, trust me. And you will want to read this, all the way through. And you will not be able to put it down. But make sure you read both books! They belong together! They are amazing! And you will be glad that you have read them, and you will be a fan of Claudette just like I am, trust me! I give this book five stars! Now go buy your copy!

My questions for Claudette:

1. Who designed the beautiful cover? Rachel Montreuil from Montreal, QC in Canada. The covers were hand painted. She can do anything! We are going to be working on a children's book together starring my Holland Lop, Butters, in the coming months. This is her Deviant Art page: .

 2. Any pictures of Maura, Ron &/or Maxwell you can share or even describe how they look? Well, the Maura on the cover of the Rising Tide book is exactly how I've always pictured her in my head. I don't know how Rachel did that, lol. I do have a visual board on Pinterest that has pictures of how I see them:

There is also a rendering Rachel did of Ron, and she is going to be doing all the characters:

This is a picture of the REAL Ron, my college boyfriend, who I originally based the character upon:

3. Will there be any more of these books?

Oh yes! The third book in this trilogy will be coming out early in the year. It’s half written now. I’ve discovered there is a lot more to Maura’s story than I thought, so there will actually be a series of trilogies focusing on a particular element. This current trilogy is about Maura’s transformation. I think the next will focus on her and Ron. I also plan to write the backstory for her parents meeting and even take it back to when Maxwell first turned, back in the 1600’s. There is much more of Maura to come J

 4. What are you working on now?

Right now I am working on Riptide, the third book in the Maura DeLuca trilogy. I’m also starting to put the bunny children’s book together. I also have a love gone wrong story and one about my time living with an utter psycho in Vancouver. I do a lot of editing for other authors and that has gotten so busy, I need to force time to write. I’ll be cutting back on that somewhat in the new year to make sure I have more time to work on my own books. My editing site can be found at: .

5. You are the writer that has bunny rabbits running around the house like me, right?! How are they? (If not disregard- but I think you are lol)

The bunnies are very good. Getting ready for Christmas. We have two Holland Lops, Butters and Beckett. Beckett has some Lionhead in her, so she has interesting hairdos, haha. Tegan and Pepper are full-sized rabbits, English Spot mixes. They have their own room off our living room in our house and have more toys than you could even imagine. Very spoiled rabbits, but they deserve it, as most of them came from abusive homes or bad situations. They eat all organic, so I’m hoping all of them will be around a VERY long time.

6. How is hubbies band doing?
Hubby’s band is doing good. They didn’t get to play on the Fan Fridays for the Blue Jays this year—budget cutbacks. But they have a gig this Friday night (tomorrow, December 4th) at the Linsmore Tavern in Toronto.

7. Tell us again how you came up with this/these great stories!

Well, I’ve always written everything that went on around me inside my head since I was a little kid. Maura I dreamed about so many times and the dreams started to put a whole story together in my head. It just grew and developed from there. A lot of things come from dreams or even real-life experiences. Or other books or shows will inspire an idea. I just LOVE stories and it’s never hard for one to come to life  inside my imagination J

8. Who are/is your favorite Author(s)?

My favorite author is Stephenie Meyers, and I am in love with the Twilight novels. I think everyone forgot how much they loved that story when those books came out after the horrible first movie, but they were truly magical for me. I grew up with Stephen King and Grimm’s Fairytales—the real ones that are more gruesome. Maybe that’s where my flair for the macabre comes from. I love the new wave of Indie Authors. TS Dann is fabulous. Adam Booth’s The End is so fresh and deep, especially for a zombie novel. Sherri Wingler and Tima Maria Lacoba rock. There are just too many to list! Oh and one more traditional book…if you haven’t read You by Caroline Kepnes, do…now! She is a phenomenal writer. That book was perfectly executed and I was overjoyed to find out there would be a sequel.

9. What do you suggest to someone wanting to write their first novella?

A novella is a good place to start. Develop your characters and hire an editor. The biggest problem with Indie books come from the ones that aren’t professionally edited. And keep writing. The only way you can fail is to give up.

10. Please provide for us your info to follow you & all your work:

Website: (
Amazon Author Page:
Book Gorilla Author Page:

11. Anything to add?
Thank you for doing this review! I really appreciate it. Best of luck to you and warmest wishes for a very Merry Christmas and Spectacularly Happy New Year to you and all your readers!

Undertow: Death's Twilight (Maura DeLuca Trilogy, #2)Undertow: Death's Twilight by Claudette Melanson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The cover art of this book is so beautiful, once I received my copy I just simply admired the artwork on the cover for a bit. There was a lot of work that went into that beautiful cover!

Personally, I have been a long time waiting for this book. Which let me add, if you haven’t read the first book, you might not be able to follow along as well as the rest of us. The two books flow together as “Forrest Gump” says: like “Peas and Carrots!”

Maura, thanks to her mother Caelyn, grew up with a big family secret. She is a Vampire and didn’t know it until she became a full grown adult and moved abroad, and finally met her Father, which she met only by what seemed to be by accident. However, her Mother planned on informing her and explaining everything and what not, but unfortunately Maura then, had an accident-so to speak.

But again, that is from the other book. Her Father Maxwell as you may notice was not in her life as a Child, and now they are attempting to make it as a family. They want to try to be the family they never were. But once they start working on their family unit, tragedy seems to follow. It’s like something always has to ruin the good things, you know?!

While still trying to work on her family, Maura is also trying still working on her love life with Ron. So she uses Christmas to reunite with him and bring her family in closer.

Caelyn is still trying to deal with the Vampire lifestyle of her daughter. She truly hoped that this might not come to pass, you could just tell, deep down, she didn’t want it to be.

Thankfully, while everything is going up and down, and up and down, all these changes, Susie is here to listen and offer a listening ear.

I found this story so … heart wrenching, I screamed in my twitter at Claudette. I have always been in love with Maura and Ron, no offense I have insider secrets, and Maura and Ron remind me of Claudette and her husband. And they just can’t fall apart. So I’m reading this, and I scream. My dogs look at me. I grab my cell and scream at the writer. No, this is not happening. THAT is all I am saying because I get in trouble for being a spoiler blower.

As for my review, I personally have a problem with Maura calling Maxwell “Dad.” The Dude wasn’t in her life, I mean, maybe it wasn’t all her fault, maybe it was also Caelyn’s but still. He wasn’t there. To call him Dad from the beginning bothered me. But that’s just me.

I also had a problem with her Mother keeping a secret like that from her. Yeah we keeps secrets from our Children like Santa and the tooth fairy, and where the presents are hid. But what about when she became a teen and you gave her the safe sex talk? Why not tell her then?

I dearly loved both of the books, and how close they are. They are wonderful and you need to read them both. The first one was called: “Rising Tide: Dark Innocence” and it can also be found in this blog as well.

This book, just like the last one, is five stars. I truly enjoyed it. It pulled me in, making me feel everything. I cried, I screamed, and I wanted more, and I became involved. I could see and imagine the characters and their feelings. They are a wonderful family, and they deserve to work things out, all families do. And you want what is best for everyone, trust me.

And you will want to read this, all the way through. And you will not be able to put it down. But make sure you read both books! They belong together! They are amazing! And you will be glad that you have read them, and you will be a fan of Claudette just like I am, trust me! I give this book five stars! Now go buy your copy!

View all my reviews

Game Over by Fred T. Kerns

Game Over
By Fred T Kerns

Talk about waking up from a descent sleep, but into the nightmare, isn’t it supposed to be going to sleep and ending up “in” a nightmare?!

One minute you’re playing “Grand Theft Auto V” with all of your buddies and having a good ole time… and the next thing you see is this:

Robots, nine foot humanoids with armor, a BBW with hooves, a snake girl, a giant humanoid dragon, a horse-cow woman, and more.

 But wait. Dylan Engstrom who is the main character here as he looks at all of these creatures notices one in particular, and thinks, and lets quote his thoughts shall we?

“I can’t dream about a human with four tits, of course it’s got to be some weird creature. Oh well, those are nice enough to look at anyway.” Yes, even an Alien with four tits is with Dylan!

These creatures form a bond, Aliens, humanoids, and Dylan. And they are all trying to escape whatever is happening to them, wherever they are. If they don’t solve the problem, they fear they could all end up dead, many times over. 

If you have ever read or heard of Fred, his work has appeared in the “Lucky Stars Box set” and in this set, you would’ve heard of one of the characters in this same book, before. Cora appears that set, and again here. I love her character. But thank goodness for Grishnag, a great friend to Dylan.

I found this book uniquely different because it has a different kind of flow to it. Of course, it is a scientific book, with a story line that will keep you on your toes, wondering will everyone survive, and who will die, if anyone. And you can’t wait to see what will happen next. I was in fear for each character, wondering with each turn, would they end up dead. The only problem I did find was confusing the characters. But it didn’t stop me from wanting to read, and learn more. Because, of course- I needed and wanted to know the end result.

I give this book five stars, because it is an amazing story, that keeps you wanting more, and keeps your imagination going, thinking about these unique characters and how they look and than what will happen to them. I truly enjoyed it very much! If you’re into sci-fi you truly need to read this book! 

Thank you very much for this opportunity Fred! I'm sorry it took me so long!

 My questions for Fred:

1.) Where did you come up with this story line?

​ As with most of my stories, it was a lot of different things that started clicking into place. A few years ago I had an idea about characters being forced to fight in arena combat and coming back to life after they were killed, over and over. I didn't use the idea for anything until I started working on this book. As a casual gamer, at some point I started thinking in terms of the arena combat taking place in a series of video games the characters had somehow been inserted into. I still hadn't figured out the details, particularly how the characters escaped, until just recently. The idea pretty much solidified while I was playing Saints Row IV ... seeing how ​the Boss disrupted the simulation she was stuck in and broke out of it gave me some ideas on how the characters in Game Over would go about stressing out their simulation to the breaking point. I'd come up with Cora, the robot character, just because I thought it was a cool idea ... but the more I thought about the plot, the more I realized she'd be crucial to their escape, because as an AI, she'd be able to access the simulation's programming and rewrite it. Without her, the others probably wouldn't have gotten out of there. So, yeah, a lot of different little things I picked up or thought of over the years, all just kind of clicked into place.

2.) Do you have any photos of these characters to share with us?

​ I don't have any pictures of the characters, which is a shame because I think it'd be cool to at least have a portrait of each one. Someday I'd like to commission some drawings of my main characters from all of my books and stories, if I can ever afford it. ​

3.) How long did it take you to write this?

​ I wrote it sometime last year, so I don't recall exactly how long it took. It was a few months, I think, due to various everyday-life stuff keeping me sidetracked.

4.) What are you working on now?

​ I've got several projects ongoing at the moment, which is how I tend to work in general. I usually have around a half-dozen books and stories I'm working on at the same time. And a couple of the books I've finished, I'm doing promotional work for, so I consider those ongoing projects as well. The two big ones are both on Inkshares:

My fourth novel, Project Revenant, is finished and I'm running a campaign on Inkshares to try to get enough pre-orders for it to be published (here: ). It's the sequel to a pair of books I've had on Amazon, Smashwords, and Kobo for a while, Load and Fifteen Minutes. It's sort of a sci-fi, high-tech take on the zombie sub-genre, though there's a whole lot more going on in the book than just that.

The other book I have on Inkshares is titled Uncharted Territory (here: ), and it's based on a short story that was published earlier this year, "Mission to Bellatrix." I had so much fun writing that story and its protagonist that I wanted to expand it into a full-length novel​. The short story had several of the characters from Game Over in supporting roles, but I had to only use three of them to avoid cluttering the story up with too many characters. Fleshing it out into a whole novel gives me a chance to bring back all the characters I had to leave out of the story, and give them something to do other than stay out of sight somewhere else on the ship. Uncharted Territory is a work in progress, six chapters done so far.

My third novel, Chaser, was published a few days ago and is currently available on Amazon (here: ). It's connected to my other three books (Load, Fifteen Minutes, and Project Revenant), but the daughter of the main characters is the protagonist of this book. It tells the story of her first job for the Fugitive Retrieval Agency and the fallout from it. Unlike all my other works, this one is written in first-person point of view. I tried it just to see what happened since the story wasn't quite working, and making that change really brought the character and her story to life. It was accepted by a publisher just a few weeks after I moved to Tucson, AZ, and is now my first officially-published novel.

As for actually ongoing works in progress, I've been writing fanfiction for quite a while, both just for the hell of it (well, that and I had some ideas that I couldn't shake loose until I started writing them) and to provide some free content for readers to sample my work and decide if they like my writing style without having to buy anything. It's helped draw some attention to my original work, as well as entertaining readers, so it's paying off.

One is titled Freelancers (here: ), which is based on the Mass Effect games. Well, the two good ones; the third one, not so much. Freelancers is kind of a "Lower Decks" type of story, with mostly original characters. It's really action-packed and has a lot of humor thanks to many of the characters being smartasses. It's all one big, long story -- over 125,000 words so far, and it's barely gotten started.

The other is a series of shorter stories based on Transformers Prime. While watching the show, a few ideas popped into my head and I just had to run with them. So far I've completed three stories, Game-Changer (here: ), Rematch (here: ), Enemy of my Enemy (here: ), and the fourth, Harbinger (here: ) is still in progress. Like Freelancers, they're packed with action and humor ... and a little bit of romance.

5.) What are your hobbies?

​ Aside from reading and writing my own books, I'd say video games are my main hobby. I'm just a casual gamer, I've never had the money or the time to buy and play every game that's released, but I do play a few specific titles. Mass Effect 2, Saints Row: The Third, and Saints Row IV are some of my all-time favorites. I've played a bit of Star Trek Online and The Old Republic because they're free to play. STO was kind of addictive for a while, but the ground combat and ship-to-ship battles became so frustrating that I eventually lost interest. When Wildstar went free-to-play, I got into it, but haven't had time to progress through much of the story. Right now, my go-to game is Grand Theft Auto V. I mostly play the online portion of the game, though I almost always stick to solo sessions because I'm not very good at it and it's no fun getting my ass kicked every five seconds.

​ Another hobby related to both writing and games is a couple series of videos I'm making. One series uses Mass Effect 2 as a springboard for discussing a variety of writing-related topics such as character and plot development. (The first video is here: 
​ ) The other series uses Mass Effect 3 as an example of bad writing, discussing things to avoid while writing a story. (First video here: 
​ )
 I also make promotional videos for my books when they're published. Usually, it's just me sitting in front of my webcam and talking about the book, but I've never really been comfortable on camera. I tried something different with the promo video for Chaser (here: ) by recording an audio track of me introducing and discussing the book, while at the same time recording video of my GTA Online character riding around on a bicycle (and occasionally getting hit by a car) just so there'd be something interesting on the screen.

6.) How long have you been into writing?

​ I started when I was a little kid, finally started submitting stories to magazines around age 17, kept trying to get my foot in the door for 25 years, and finally succeeded with Chaser and Mission to Bellatrix.

7.) Who are your favorite Author(s)?

​ I've got quite a few. William Gibson, Allen Steele, J. Michael Straczynski, just off the top of my head. Also, the guys at Rooster Teeth who've been writing their Red vs. Blue web series.

8.) What do you suggest to future writers?

​ More than anything else, just don't give up, no matter how daunting it seems. Getting published took me a very long time because I didn't have access to the internet and all the opportunities it opened up when I first started, but you're starting out with access to those opportunities. It's tough to break in, but keep at it and it'll happen. In the meantime, keep writing and improving, find your own writing style, study books and stories and the writing in TV shows, movies, and video games. Also stay open to anything you see and hear in real life. Any vocal or physical mannerism you notice could give your character what he or she needs to become a little more "real." Bits of conversations or random comments you overhear might give you ideas for new stories.​

​ Something you notice in the corner of your eye might find its way into your next book as a background event to spring a character into motion. Take it all in whenever you can. An idea for a new story can come from anywhere.

9.) What is your biggest pet peeve?

​I have so many, I don't even know where to start. And if I got started, I'm not sure I could stop.

10.) Please share with us all ways to contact and follow along with you:

11.) Anything you'd care to add:

Thanks for the opportunity to talk about my books. I hope you and your readers enjoy them. ^_^

Game OverGame Over by Fred T. Kerns
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Talk about waking up from a descent sleep, but into the nightmare, isn’t it supposed to be going to sleep and ending up “in” a nightmare?!

One minute you’re playing “Grand Theft Auto V” with all of your buddies and having a good ole time… and the next thing you see is this:

Robots, nine foot humanoids with armor, a BBW with hooves, a snake girl, a giant humanoid dragon, a horse-cow woman, and more.

But wait. Dylan Engstrom who is the main character here as he looks at all of these creatures notices one in particular, and thinks, and lets quote his thoughts shall we?

“I can’t dream about a human with four tits, of course it’s got to be some weird creature. Oh well, those are nice enough to look at anyway.” Yes, even an Alien with four tits is with Dylan!

These creatures form a bond, Aliens, humanoids, and Dylan. And they are all trying to escape whatever is happening to them, wherever they are. If they don’t solve the problem, they fear they could all end up dead, many times over.

If you have ever read or heard of Fred, his work has appeared in the “Lucky Stars Box set” and in this set, you would’ve heard of one of the characters in this same book, before. Cora appears that set, and again here. I love her character. But thank goodness for Grishnag, a great friend to Dylan.

I found this book uniquely different because it has a different kind of flow to it. Of course, it is a scientific book, with a story line that will keep you on your toes, wondering will everyone survive, and who will die, if anyone. And you can’t wait to see what will happen next. I was in fear for each character, wondering with each turn, would they end up dead. The only problem I did find was confusing the characters. But it didn’t stop me from wanting to read, and learn more. Because, of course- I needed and wanted to know the end result.

I give this book five stars, because it is an amazing story, that keeps you wanting more, and keeps your imagination going, thinking about these unique characters and how they look and than what will happen to them. I truly enjoyed it very much! If you’re into sci-fi you truly need to read this book!

View all my reviews