
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Code X Discovery By M.R. Vallone

Code X Discovery

By M.R. Vallone

Vicki is a brilliant Doctor engaged to Parks. Biggins is an ex special forces officer who is like a best friend and sister to both Parks and Vicki, who makes it her goal to protect them.

Investigations throughout history have shown that the human gene pool (DNA) only produces geniuses a limited amount of times, what if we can fix that amount, and raise it? Having smarter people than ever before…

And we all know that the Government keeps secrets from us. For instance: the Aliens, Area 51, and what is really happening to our Country…

But as we all know, there are people that feel investigating the gene pool, and recreating anything that isn’t natural- is wrong. But in all reality, things like this could benefit us all. 

Everywhere you go, there have to be people that complain, and have something negative to say. That is just a part of life. And these people make it difficult for the Scientists to advance.

The conspiracy theory will be tested, right from wrong, and Vicki, Parks, and Biggins will all lead you down the path to see the truth. All you have to do is follow along, and open your mind.

After you get halfway through the book, it gets so faced paced, that you just cannot put it down, and you just have to keep reading no matter what is going on around you. 

You fall in love with the characters, and want them to succeed, and you want to help them make it. You can visually see everything happening, it is like: “No wait- don’t do that!” and “Hurry up!” as you’re reading you’re yelling at the book, because you are that engrossed. This book is thrill ride and a half! You will not be able to put it down, trust me on that!

This book is a true five star read. A thrill ride that enlightens your mind on conspiracy theories, and truths, and the government, and what could be. And maybe even….is. You need to read this book, and see what you’re missing!

My Questions for Mr. Vallone:

1. What made you write this book?

I had a fantastic story I dreamed up that begged to be made into a screenplay so I sent it out to a lot of agents in Hollywood 15 years ago. An agent loved it and wanted to rep me. She said it would be great if I could make it look professional. Hollywood Studio ready. She had me call Shane Black, the screenwriter, who wrote “Lethal Weapon” at age 22. He wanted to help struggling screenwriters, help rookies make it. With my agent giving me the secret phone #’s to call him, I was accepted. A wannabe writer became a Could Be. The biggest most important tip they gave me was to think in pictures. Huh? That’s all I did all my life. So they polished me, and I entered the Academy Awards screenwriting contest with over 5,200 entries, with an action movie spec script. Seven months later, I got a personal handwritten letter back from the president of the Academy Awards, that I made the top 100. Action Adventure? No way! A writer was hatched. I was a Dud who received C’s and D’s in high school. A failure at writing. No encouragement, forget the loser me.

2. How long did it take you to write this book?

A good 10 months.

3. Did you do any special research for this book?

Oh Gosh. Tons of research. I wanted this to be based on facts today and the undiscovered unknowns that scientists and doctors don’t have, but will find the answers to in the future.

4. Are you into things like this? (You know, Davinci Code, the Bible Code, etc.?)

What are you doing reading my mind? All of those! Jurassic Park, anything pushing the limits of known facts with the adventure of discovering secrets. Secrets Secrets Secrets. Puzzle solving. Love that group of writers. Too numerous to mention.

5. Who are your favorite Author(s)?

Michael Crichton, Dan Brown, A.G. Riddle

6. How long have you been writing?

Tried to write in high school-Failed. 20 years later found out I was better than my teachers gave me credit for, Hollywood is a better judge of talent compared to school. You must have the ability to make them, those, them a lot of money. So,15 years

7. Any suggestions for people interested in becoming a writer?

Oh Yeah, do I ever! Pay no attention to high school losers. Ignore it! Do what you want to do andyou WILL NOT LET ANYBODY TELL YOU NO. Never Give Up. It is really hard to ignore negative Nellies. So suck it up and go Forward Hooo. Damn them to hell by succeeding when they told you, you are no good. Revenge is sweet. Oh! Most important. Discover the why of what makes writers successful. How they did it. Stephen Spielberg is my HERO on how to structure a story. Magnificent.

8. What made you want and decide to become a writer?

For the best reason of all time. I own my work. I am the Writer-Producer- and Director of my story. It’s mine, my baby. If I love my baby, I hope others will too. But if you are in it for the pleasure of making readers excited, surprised, happy, sad, and cheering for the characters to win, that’s my turn on. Or, if you want to write for your niche passion, do it.

9. What are your hobbies?

Hot Women, Hockey, hotter women, bike riding, sexy women, models (women). 

10. Was this book hard to write?

Very yes and very No. Everybody gets stuck, writers block. Take a timeout, think it through. It’ll come back in time. When you’re on a writing roll, DO NOT STOP. Put it on the page until you drop.

11. What do these characters look like, or do you have any photos of them to share?

Bradley Cooper is my face of Parks, but he does not have any comedic or light moments in his movies. So he does not have the acting range Parks character r needs. He would butcher Parks. He’s too dark of an actor to succeed. Robert Downey Jr. has the acting skills, but he is too old. He could not play an early thirty year old action hero. So I don’t know.Jennifer Lawrence has the face for Vicki, but she’s always a brunette, and too young to play a complex, wide ranging emotional part.My fave is Biggins and that’s Michelle Rodriguez to a T. Look at Michelle Rodriguez pics and she is Biggins


12. Please share with us your links to follow you and your work:

I don’t twit but my account is mike vallone @mikewriter

13. Anything extra to add?

Deneale, I can’t thank you enough for contacting me. Really, it has been a total pleasure in
working with you. It’s tremendous for new writers to get reviewed, good or bad. Thanks Mike


CODE X DiscoveryCODE X Discovery by Michael Vallone
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Vicki is a brilliant Doctor engaged to Parks. Biggins is an ex special forces officer who is like a best friend and sister to both Parks and Vicki, who makes it her goal to protect them.

Investigations throughout history have shown that the human gene pool (DNA) only produces geniuses a limited amount of times, what if we can fix that amount, and raise it? Having smarter people than ever before…

And we all know that the Government keeps secrets from us. For instance: the Aliens, Area 51, and what is really happening to our Country…

But as we all know, there are people that feel investigating the gene pool, and recreating anything that isn’t natural- is wrong. But in all reality, things like this could benefit us all.

Everywhere you go, there have to be people that complain, and have something negative to say. That is just a part of life. And these people make it difficult for the Scientists to advance.

The conspiracy theory will be tested, right from wrong, and Vicki, Parks, and Biggins will all lead you down the path to see the truth. All you have to do is follow along, and open your mind.

After you get halfway through the book, it gets so faced paced, that you just cannot put it down, and you just have to keep reading no matter what is going on around you.

You fall in love with the characters, and want them to succeed, and you want to help them make it. You can visually see everything happening, it is like: “No wait- don’t do that!” and “Hurry up!” as you’re reading you’re yelling at the book, because you are that engrossed. This book is thrill ride and a half! You will not be able to put it down, trust me on that!

This book is a true five star read. A thrill ride that enlightens your mind on conspiracy theories, and truths, and the government, and what could be. And maybe even….is. You need to read this book, and see what you’re missing!

View all my reviews