
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Twirly Girl (Venom Series 2) By: V.L. Locey

Twirly Girl

Venom Series 2
By: V. L. Locey

Alicia Avery is team Venoms Captain, who is born into a very powerful political family. This means she must act the part of a well behaved young woman, all prim and proper and play hockey too. 

If you know hockey, you know it involves a strong person, and a lot of exercise and work out. Being team captain, it also will involve being in charge and scheduling and making sure things flow properly, and keeping the team in high spirits, and wanting to win. Hockey means you have goals, literally and physically. Along with that, comes pain and agony.

Alicia’s parents dictate to her, and Alicia stays focused with her determination. Her determination is met with a radical new hair cut. Her parents are anything but pleased.
Then an unplanned acquaintance catches the eye of Alicia. A street performer, who is raising his daughter alone, catches her eye, and she can’t help but find him interesting. His name is Dale Christie, and his daughter is Wren Song. 

This man is very wrong for Alicia, per everyone who judges her thinks. But Alicia is strong willed, and can’t stop thinking about him, and her thoughts seem to be focused on him no matter what she does. 

Everyone thinks that you should pick the perfect mate, or person out by their bank account, by their promise of their future, and things like this. But Alicia cannot will herself to do that. 

The heart wants what the heart wants. 

Hockey has always been the only thing Alicia has ever wanted and needed. Nothing more, nothing less. Until now. Now her thoughts are distracted, and she cannot focus.
Alicia’s whole life is turned upside down, and she must make a decision….

I give this book five stars, because I couldn’t put it down. I was in love with the complete turnaround Alicia went through. I have been there, I have tried to convince my parents that what they wanted for me was not the right thing, but they didn’t care. Everyone around always thinks they know what is best for you. They don’t realize they just don’t understand your needs. This book will help you see, what it is that the heart wants. “Twirly Girl” is a remarkable book that is about the love and understand of a person’s own feelings, and listening to their self first, and no one else. You will enjoy this, if you love remarkable eye opening and true romances.

My questions for Ms. Locey:
1. What made you write this book and how long did it take?

I wanted to pen a sports romance series where the leading ladies weren't the typical size 2, blonde, bubbly heroines. I wanted to show the world that a woman with curves and some sass could win the heart of the handsome younger man even if she were not Susie Sunshine. All of my heroines, and heroes when talking about my M/M books, are not Princes or Princesses. They are flawed and it shows. Some are heavy, some are painfully shy, some are in their 40's or 50's, some are handicapped, and one in particular is just an out-and-out jerk. Yes, I'm looking at you, Victor Kalinski.

Pink Pucks probably took about a month for a completed first draft. I spend at least 2-3 hours per day writing, so things go rather quickly most generally.

2. Are you yourself into Hockey?

Oh yes, I am a super rabid New York Rangers fan. I make a yearly pilgrimage to New York City with my best buddy Michele (another huge hockey fan) just to visit Madison Square Garden to see a Rangers game. My family and I also attend as many minor league games as we can since we have an ECHL team close by.

3. Do you have photos or descriptions of Viviana, her sister and/or Alain?

I have a Pinterest board with all sorts of images for Pink Pucks & Power Plays, as well as all my other books. Here's the link:

4. What are your hobbies?

I love to read, do yoga, collect Marvel comics, watch hockey, chill with my chickens, play video games, and enjoy going to the movies with my hubby and daughter.

5. What all education do you have?

I have a high school diploma.

6. What do you suggest to aspiring authors?

There are two things that I like to pass along to folks who are hoping to write that book they've been dreaming of:

1-Do not let anyone tell you that you are too fat, skinny, young, old, handicapped, rich, poor, green, purple, yellow, brown, white, or lime green to follow your dreams.

2-Put your backside in that chair and write. All the talent, amazing characters, and superb plots mean nothing if you do not learn the discipline required to be an author. That means your butt in that chair every day, no matter what. I know, it's harsh advice, but it's one of the most important things that I can pass along aspiring authors.

7. What are you working on now?

At the moment I'm working on a book for my Venom erotic hockey series titled Angle Play. The Venom series spun off the To Love a Wildcat series and is about a women's pro team playing in Philly.

8. Who is/are your favorite Author(s)?

Oh boy, there are so many! Off the top of my head, we'll go with J.R. Ward, Diana Gabaldon, George RR Martin, Rick Riordan, and Armistead Maupin. My reading tastes are all over as you can see.

9. Please provide for us your social media and book links:

Book Links:

Social Media Hangouts:

10. Anything you'd care to add:

I'd like to thank Deneale and all of the readers out there! We authors love every reader and blogger who supports the reading community as well as the world of romance!

Skate hard and love deeply,


Twirly Girl: The Venom Series 2Twirly Girl: The Venom Series 2 by V. L. Locey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Alicia Avery is team Venoms Captain, who is born into a very powerful political family. This means she must act the part of a well behaved young woman, all prim and proper and play hockey too.

If you know hockey, you know it involves a strong person, and a lot of exercise and work out. Being team captain, it also will involve being in charge and scheduling and making sure things flow properly, and keeping the team in high spirits, and wanting to win. Hockey means you have goals, literally and physically. Along with that, comes pain and agony.

Alicia’s parents dictate to her, and Alicia stays focused with her determination. Her determination is met with a radical new hair cut. Her parents are anything but pleased.

Then an unplanned acquaintance catches the eye of Alicia. A street performer, who is raising his daughter alone, catches her eye, and she can’t help but find him interesting. His name is Dale Christie, and his daughter is Wren Song.

This man is very wrong for Alicia, per everyone who judges her thinks. But Alicia is strong willed, and can’t stop thinking about him, and her thoughts seem to be focused on him no matter what she does.

Everyone thinks that you should pick the perfect mate, or person out by their bank account, by their promise of their future, and things like this. But Alicia cannot will herself to do that.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

Hockey has always been the only thing Alicia has ever wanted and needed. Nothing more, nothing less. Until now. Now her thoughts are distracted, and she cannot focus.

Alicia’s whole life is turned upside down, and she must make a decision….

I give this book five stars, because I couldn’t put it down. I was in love with the complete turnaround Alicia went through. I have been there, I have tried to convince my parents that what they wanted for me was not the right thing, but they didn’t care. Everyone around always thinks they know what is best for you. They don’t realize they just don’t understand your needs. This book will help you see, what it is that the heart wants. “Twirly Girl” is a remarkable book that is about the love and understand of a person’s own feelings, and listening to their self first, and no one else. You will enjoy this, if you love remarkable eye opening and true romances.

View all my reviews

Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. By: Sam B. Miller ll

The Origin of F.O.R.C.E.

By: Sam B. Miller II

As I began this book, I was intrigued from the very beginning. It was an Alien family. I was impressed to know that these scouts who were looking for a suitable planet, were happily together as families. Not often do you read of aliens having children with them. Maybe it’s just the mother in me, wanting to see that, I don’t know. But it instantly made a difference and impact on my read from the start. 

These Aliens made their first contact here on our beautiful planet in 1947. They had came all the way from the Chrysallman Empire searching for a perfect planet to rich with minerals, water, and land that would be suffice for them to call home. 

HG-281 or Earth as we know it, was everything the Chrysallman Empire needed and more. They had no dear of the humanoids already claiming the planet, because they could simply squash them with their own perfect minds. 

Little did the Aliens expect that mankind were watching these Aliens since they have been investigating us. We were learning their tricks, and eventually, managed to shoot one down. This wasn’t part of the plan for these lizard type Aliens. 

Once the ship was on the ground, we decided to go investigate it. As mankind often does, we shoot first, and ask questions later. The Aliens are just as defensive, and use their own powers, and hurt us as well. They explode a few things, and even slice a man in two. And mind you, these are official military men we are using. 

After killing what we determine to be all of the Aliens, the military go back inside the ship and find a young child like lizard hidden. The child like lizard alien tries to protect himself, but the military official is prepared, and aims the laser ray from the alien, at its own foot, hurting the child like alien. Yep, the alien child didn’t see that coming.
Eventually the military convince the child alien reptile that cooperation is his best bet, and he does do just that. 

Now common sense will tell you, as with any movies you have seen on Aliens, and creatures and even human nature. Everyone comes back for their families.
So you can guess what will happen next. 

While mankind is studying the young reptile like lizard creature, the Chrysallaman will return. Common sense will tell mankind, yes there will be more. These Aliens have been visiting us since ’47, they want something. Yeah, they’ll be back, especially once they determine what we did.

Now don’t get me wrong, the humans did cover up and bury the evidence of the destroyed ship. Not  only for the people, but for the Aliens. The Military has to be able to deny everything all the way around, “What ship?” 

As for the Indian and his horse, even him, they watched him be destroyed, and took him away too. But what’s even more overwhelming. Is when the Aliens come back, there is a sombrero wearing Alien now. Once I read that, I immediately remembered the man on the horse, and his poor horse in the very beginning of the book. 

Mankind must create a new defense to defend ourselves against these Aliens, and when they come back. And Chrsallaman aliens have superior physic strength and technology. It’s a good thing we have the boy….

I give this book five stars, because it entertained me from the very start. It didn’t start off slow, it kept me wanting to read from the very beginning. Not many books can do that. I also wanted to mention, I found the cover also to be very attractive and eye catching. I was very pleased with this book, and give it five awesome science fiction stars! You will truly enjoy this book, especially if you love sci-fi!

My questions for Mr. Miller:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you? I have thought about writing for many years but with raising 5 children and a full-time job, finding the time to write was impossible. Now I am retired and all my children are out on their own so I took the leap. This book took me 3 and a half months to write.
2. How long have you been writing? A little over 15 months now.
3. What all education have you had? I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance, and a Master of Business Administration degree in Finance, from the University of Tennessee.
4. What is your favorite book of all time? It's a series actually. The Skylark of Space series by E. E. Doc Smith.
5. Did you do any special research for this book? No. I have read a lot about science and over the years, traveled briefly in Europe, visited many states in the US, and with Google Earth, I can explore many interesting places. Other than a few esoteric looks at some very specific scientific theories, my story came from my imagination.
6. What do you like best about writing books? Writing is a true release for me. I can disappear into the story I'm writing and forget the troubles of the day. It makes me happy.
7. What are your hobbies? Dogs, home improvement projects and gardening.
8. What can you suggest to be persons wishing to become writers?  You need a team. You need to have people you can bounce your story off of as you are building it. You need both young and old in the team. Family and friends. I can't tell you how many times my 28 yr old daughter or my 27 yr old son would say, Dad, this sounds like it was written by some old guy. It's not fresh. Or you need to describe this character better. Or this character needs more background so the reader can really understand why they act in a certain way. Your spouse will really not pull any punches and believe me I was punched plenty while writing my novel! I had a doctor and a pilot read the book and they pointed out a couple of technical errors which I corrected. All I can say is a team is very important!
9. Have you ever met any writers? Yes. Brian Kiteley is a published author and a professor of creative writing at Denver University. Very interesting guy.
10. What are your future plans, book wise? I'm about 2/3rds of the way through Book 2 in The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. series. I'm very excited about it because I believe it is in many ways better than Book 1.
11. Please share with us your social media links and book links:

12. Anything extra to add: Thank you, Deneale, for the opportunity to engage with your readers. I would urge readers to buy my book and enjoy the story.

The Origin of F.O.R.C.E.The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. by Sam B. Miller II
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As I began this book, I was intrigued from the very beginning. It was an Alien family. I was impressed to know that these scouts who were looking for a suitable planet, were happily together as families. Not often do you read of aliens having children with them. Maybe it’s just the mother in me, wanting to see that, I don’t know. But it instantly made a difference and impact on my read from the start.

These Aliens made their first contact here on our beautiful planet in 1947. They had came all the way from the Chrysallman Empire searching for a perfect planet to rich with minerals, water, and land that would be suffice for them to call home.

HG-281 or Earth as we know it, was everything the Chrysallman Empire needed and more. They had no dear of the humanoids already claiming the planet, because they could simply squash them with their own perfect minds.

Little did the Aliens expect that mankind were watching these Aliens since they have been investigating us. We were learning their tricks, and eventually, managed to shoot one down. This wasn’t part of the plan for these lizard type Aliens.

Once the ship was on the ground, we decided to go investigate it. As mankind often does, we shoot first, and ask questions later. The Aliens are just as defensive, and use their own powers, and hurt us as well. They explode a few things, and even slice a man in two. And mind you, these are official military men we are using.

After killing what we determine to be all of the Aliens, the military go back inside the ship and find a young child like lizard hidden. The child like lizard alien tries to protect himself, but the military official is prepared, and aims the laser ray from the alien, at its own foot, hurting the child like alien. Yep, the alien child didn’t see that coming.

Eventually the military convince the child alien reptile that cooperation is his best bet, and he does do just that.

Now common sense will tell you, as with any movies you have seen on Aliens, and creatures and even human nature. Everyone comes back for their families.

So you can guess what will happen next.

While mankind is studying the young reptile like lizard creature, the Chrysallaman will return. Common sense will tell mankind, yes there will be more. These Aliens have been visiting us since ’47, they want something. Yeah, they’ll be back, especially once they determine what we did.

Now don’t get me wrong, the humans did cover up and bury the evidence of the destroyed ship. Not only for the people, but for the Aliens. The Military has to be able to deny everything all the way around, “What ship?”

As for the Indian and his horse, even him, they watched him be destroyed, and took him away too. But what’s even more overwhelming. Is when the Aliens come back, there is a sombrero wearing Alien now. Once I read that, I immediately remembered the man on the horse, and his poor horse in the very beginning of the book.

Mankind must create a new defense to defend ourselves against these Aliens, and when they come back. And Chrsallaman aliens have superior physic strength and technology. It’s a good thing we have the boy….

I give this book five stars, because it entertained me from the very start. It didn’t start off slow, it kept me wanting to read from the very beginning. Not many books can do that. I also wanted to mention, I found the cover also to be very attractive and eye catching. I was very pleased with this book, and give it five awesome science fiction stars! You will truly enjoy this book, especially if you love sci-fi!

View all my reviews

The Journey to NOW and Beyond By Alice Stacionis

The Journey to NOW and Beyond

By Alice Stacionis

When Ms. Stacionis contacted me, she explained to me that she that she was an Author, and also into Astrology. Instantly, this peaked my interest because I have loved Astrology since I was a child.

She asked if I would read and her book, and give her an honest review. I said of course I would.

Once I received the book, I was tickled because it was paperback, and it was autographed! It’s not very often you see this anymore, so it truly excited me even more. 

Instantly I began flipping through the pages, and came to an Astrological diagram describing the twelve signs. Without even have read the book yet, I looked over the diagram. I described the twelve signs in positive and negative format. I found mine, then my husbands. I’m positive, he’s negative. Then I found my children and their spouses, they are sets of positives and negatives. Then my mind thought of the saying ‘opposites attract.’ I shook my head to myself, as if to agree, and was mesmerized. I had never thought of it, or the signs in that type of way. (In case you are wondering, I am Leo, my husband is a Pisces.)

I continued on through, “The Journey to NOW and Beyond” and came to a section, and allow me to quote: “---experiencing coincidences, like thinking of someone just before they call or knowing what someone is just about to say.” Have you ever had this happen to you?

These are changes, and according to Ms. Stacionis, these changes are happening at different levels. They are evolutionary changes; many have referenced it as the “Age of Aquarius.” 

If you have read any of my reviews prior, you may remember me mentioning, and quoting the words to the song “Age of Aquarius” by the fifth dimension.

I found a lot of videos on whereas people are supporting the “Age of Aquarius” however many are saying negative things, and some are saying skeptical things. Everyone has opinions. Here is an example where someone is telling their idea of what the “Age of Aquarius” is:

I also wanted to share this with you, this is 1969, and it is the fifth dimension singing their song:

If you listen closely to the words, you can hear they are explaining that it does have something to do with the moon, and stars, which in itself is Astrology. 

Ms. Stacionis, doesn’t just speak from the top of her head in this book. She did do research, which supports many of her theories. And as you read this book, your eyes will be opened to many new possibilities, and you too will see.

She quotes Albert Einstein throughout, and helps you to understand as well as grasp what is coming, and happening not only to ourselves, but to our life. This book, “The Journey to NOW and Beyond” will help you to see and realize, that things are not just coincidences, they are meant to happen. That maybe something or someone willed you to do this or that. Or, maybe you did know. Maybe your mind is stronger then you are. 

You truly need to read this book, it will open up your mind to an all new reality, and you will see for yourself, that you have the power to see beyond your vision. This is truly a five star read, and truly enlightening. 

My questions for Ms. Stacionis:
1. What made you decide to write this book and how long did it take you?

After my dear friend Dr. Bob Henry passed... he was an MD, then got bored and became a psychiatrist and then got bored and went into hospital administration... retired at 65 and went on to speak on “whole brain thinking” right brain/left brain. He died 20 years later after a very full retirement in speaking and moving toward more alternative ways. We did coffee about once a week and he would tease me about getting my Ph.D over coffee. Shortly after he crossed over he came to me when I was half way napping and said I had a book to write. He knew my response would be “but Bob I am not a writer”.. but when it comes that way you better just DO IT. I had no idea where to start. It took me four and a half years to write this book. Shortly after Bob came to me my 40 year old cousin died and she came to me with the message “Alice you have work to do”. I guess Bob told her to come talk to me.

2. Did you do any special research for your book?
I did. I put together bits and pieces of my journey and feel that we all can learn from each other’s journeys and I am finding that especially true now. But there were spaces that needed some research to connect the dots.

3. Do you believe in God, why or why not?
I believe in a bigger power. I was raised Catholic and after x-ray training I moved to Hawaii and worked in a Chinese clinic. It was there that my belief system expanded more towards Buddhism. Today I recognize all religions as the people who believe in them have lessons to learn from their time in that belief system and I must honor that when I work with them in the soul path astrology that I do.

Personally I call this bigger power “universal consciousness”.. man tends to make God in his likeness and I do not feel that is the case. But man knows no other way altho this is changing as more people wake up.

4. Who designed the cover of your book?
I am also a hypnotherapist and when Yahoo had their user chat rooms I met people interested in hypnosis all over the world. A lady in Chihuahua Mexico was taking a graphic design class and wanted to do my cover and it is perfect... we are the bird flying into the light.

5. How long have you been writing?
Six years. This was my first book. I am now putting together a cookbook to keep family recipes going but also to include the healthy recipes that I have put together with some educational pages.. The Yin and Yang of the Kitchen. My niece will put that cover together.
And since my first book many are telling me my next book is on families and generational traits. I tell them they don't realize the work that goes into this kind of book. God has been putting on my path the materials I need for this. Not sure exactly when this will be coming together.
6. What all education do you have?
High School
Associates in X-ray
After 13 years I decided I was ready for change and went into Human Resources and responsible for their Workers Comp and Safety Program. Taught Red Cross first aid. This manufacturing company had 400 employees. Here is where I really learned about people dynamics.
Also I was the Program Chair and then 2nd VP of our local International Management Council a YMCA program. It was here I also learned so much. I met Dr. Bob when I brought Dr. Stephen Covey here for the first time right after 7 Habits of Highly Effective People came out. I brought Stephen into the National Level of this organization.
I also worked with other nationally known speakers, Dr. Morris Massey, Norman Vincent Peale,
Wayne Dyer, there were others that I don't recall since it goes back to the 80s. With what I learned from speakers and trainers I knew now I could start focusing on astrology since my goal was to mainstream astrology so more would “get it”.
In my 20s I studied astrology and I wanted to be the best astrologer. Obviously God had other plans and it seemed like all I studied didn't matter. I learned that it was the I or ego that was the problem. Learned a lot hear that has helped me work with people so much more effectively.
About in 2003 I took my hypnosis training from Kevin Hogan in MN. He is also an author and speaker.

7. Have you ever met any writers?
Many. But it was Dr. Covey that had the most impact on my life and the way I do what I do.

8. What is your favorite book of all time?
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The Prophet

9. What is your favorite Bible story if any?
The Bible is missing so much because it was put together by man and so much left out. I feel if the Bible helps one to lead a good and moral life then it is ok.
Personally I am more interested in books like the Book of Enoch, the Book of Daniel. The fact that Apocalypse as churches have taught is the end times... and in reality the translation is “lifting the veil”.
In my presentation Understanding the Times We Are In. I focus on going to greater consciousness and that is lifting the veil.
10. What are you planning on doing or writing next?

I am now putting together a cookbook to keep family recipes going but also to include the healthy recipes that I have put together with some educational pages..

And since my first book many are telling me my next book is on families and generational traits. I tell them they don't realize the work that goes into this kind of book. God has been putting on my path the materials I need for this. Not sure exactly when this will be coming together.
11. Please share with us your social media links and book links:
I am not a techie so this can be challenging for me.
Facebook, Alice Stacionis Primary
YouTube, Alice Stacionis I only have one now but am planning more now that I know how.
Skype, Alice Stacionis I do soul path astrology here especially if the client is out of the USA
Twitter, AliceStacionis Haven't gotten into posting a lot.
I am revamping my website and since I am not techie it may be sometime this summer when it is back up. and this is not up and will work on it thru the summer. www.TheJourneyToNOWandBeyond. It was very old and since the dimensions have changed it does not show as it should.

12. Anything extra to add:

In the times we are in it is important that we come into balance so that these times are not so unnerving. This is my primary point..
Secondary is to realize that we are clearing karmic debt from past lives before truly being able to thrive in the times we are in. And move into the Fifth Dimension.
You will also find out if you are an older soul or newer soul and what that means in this lifetime.
My only prediction is that if you are not growing into balance your life will not be as good as it can be. If you are growing into balance then you will see amazing things happen in your life.
In my presentation Understanding the Times We Are In I go into more detail about what is impacting us and how this is moving us to greater consciousness.

Also I have added a workshop on Manifesting Techniques of the Fifth Dimension with a hypnotic trance to lock in place these techniques. ....Very different than how we have been trying and it is also about the many ways of raising our vibration.

The Journey to Now and BeyondThe Journey to Now and Beyond by Alice Stacionis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Ms. Stacionis contacted me, she explained to me that she that she was an Author, and also into Astrology. Instantly, this peaked my interest because I have loved Astrology since I was a child.

She asked if I would read and her book, and give her an honest review. I said of course I would.

Once I received the book, I was tickled because it was paperback, and it was autographed! It’s not very often you see this anymore, so it truly excited me even more.

Instantly I began flipping through the pages, and came to an Astrological diagram describing the twelve signs. Without even have read the book yet, I looked over the diagram. I described the twelve signs in positive and negative format. I found mine, then my husbands. I’m positive, he’s negative. Then I found my children and their spouses, they are sets of positives and negatives. Then my mind thought of the saying ‘opposites attract.’ I shook my head to myself, as if to agree, and was mesmerized. I had never thought of it, or the signs in that type of way. (In case you are wondering, I am Leo, my husband is a Pisces.)

I continued on through, “The Journey to NOW and Beyond” and came to a section, and allow me to quote: “---experiencing coincidences, like thinking of someone just before they call or knowing what someone is just about to say.” Have you ever had this happen to you?

These are changes, and according to Ms. Stacionis, these changes are happening at different levels. They are evolutionary changes; many have referenced it as the “Age of Aquarius.”

If you have read any of my reviews prior, you may remember me mentioning, and quoting the words to the song “Age of Aquarius” by the fifth dimension.

I found a lot of videos on whereas people are supporting the “Age of Aquarius” however many are saying negative things, and some are saying skeptical things. Everyone has opinions. Here is an example where someone is telling their idea of what the “Age of Aquarius” is:

I also wanted to share this with you, this is 1969, and it is the fifth dimension singing their song:

If you listen closely to the words, you can hear they are explaining that it does have something to do with the moon, and stars, which in itself is Astrology.

Ms. Stacionis, doesn’t just speak from the top of her head in this book. She did do research, which supports many of her theories. And as you read this book, your eyes will be opened to many new possibilities, and you too will see.

She quotes Albert Einstein throughout, and helps you to understand as well as grasp what is coming, and happening not only to ourselves, but to our life. This book, “The Journey to NOW and Beyond” will help you to see and realize, that things are not just coincidences, they are meant to happen. That maybe something or someone willed you to do this or that. Or, maybe you did know. Maybe your mind is stronger then you are.

You truly need to read this book, it will open up your mind to an all new reality, and you will see for yourself, that you have the power to see beyond your vision. This is truly a five star read, and truly enlightening.

View all my reviews