
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Facade~A Seductively Ever After Novel~By Kim Carmichael

A Seductively Ever After Novel

By Kim Carmichael

Specter was a successful group, which Erik Renevant was the lead singer for. Erik and his Band had been in an accident, and this destroyed them both. From that point on, Erik chose to live in darkness. He refused to be seen again, he hid in the shadows, and never let anyone see him again.

Everyone longs for a chance at the spotlight, especially Christine Day. Christine dreams of entering the ‘Stage of Stars’ the latest hit reality competition, entering contests, traveling, and doing everything she can to get her chance. 

One day, Christine receives her big break in becoming the backup singer for an unknown band. Christine ends up wandering into Eriks world, and he hears her voice. From that moment on, he recognizes perfection, and knows she is destined for great things. 

Furthermore, Erik never imagined, that Christine and her voice, would cause him to desire to make him end his own façade, and lead him back into the star light. 

There was just something about Christine, her voice, and music. The façade could no longer be kept in the dark…

Façade is said to be inspired by the ‘Phantom of the Opera’ and is a combination of all the different incarnations. 

I give ‘Façade’ five stars, and found it to be quite entertaining, and I truly enjoyed the fact that Christine inspired Erik enough to draw him out of the shadows. People need not live in shame of whom and what they are. I totally loved this story from the get go, and felt like ‘Façade’ was everything I wanted and more. This was an extremely well written book, and it truly will make you think about how people feel about how we look, and how we know everyone around us looks at, and judges us. Kim Carmichael will always pull you in with her writing, she makes you feel like you are right there with her, as she is writing her stories. She tells everything so clearly that you always can visually see and feel everything. A beautiful five star read you will want to read over and over again.  

My questions for Kim:

1. What made you write this & how long did it take?
I have always been a huge fan of Phantom of the Opera, in fact I started by writing fan fiction.  It took me two months to write.
 2. Who designed your cover?
Emily Smith-Kidman

3. Do you have photos or descriptions of Erik & Christine?
They are on the cover :-)

 4. What are you working on now?
 A sweet romance (keep your fingers crossed)
5. What is your upmost favorite book you have ever written?
 Right now it is Idolized (Book three of Hollywood Stardust) it has some of my favorite scenes in it.
 6. What inspires you to write?
 The world around me, something I see, something I dream.
 7. Do you ever dream about or through your characters?
 Sometimes not often.

8. Have you ever had writers block & if so- what do you do about it?
Cry to my editor.

9. Have or will you ever written a true story?
No my life is not all that interesting.

10. Links:
11. Anything to add:
 thank you!

Author Bio:

Kim Carmichael began writing ten years ago when her love of happy endings inspired her to create her own. She has a weakness for bad boys and techno geeks, and married her own computer whiz after he proved he could keep her all her gadgets running. When not writing, she can usually be found slathered in sunscreen trolling Los Angeles and helping top doctors build their practices.

You can find Kim Carmichael at:
When you sign up for her newsletter you get a free short story, The Drive.

You can also find her on facebook at kimcarmichaelnovels or follow her on twitter at @kimcarmichael4 

Facade: A Modern Romance Inspired by The Phantom of The OperaFacade: A Modern Romance Inspired by The Phantom of The Opera by Kim Carmichael
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Specter was a successful group, which Erik Renevant was the lead singer for. Erik and his Band had been in an accident, and this destroyed them both. From that point on, Erik chose to live in darkness. He refused to be seen again, he hid in the shadows, and never let anyone see him again.

Everyone longs for a chance at the spotlight, especially Christine Day. Christine dreams of entering the ‘Stage of Stars’ the latest hit reality competition, entering contests, traveling, and doing everything she can to get her chance.

One day, Christine receives her big break in becoming the backup singer for an unknown band. Christine ends up wandering into Eriks world, and he hears her voice. From that moment on, he recognizes perfection, and knows she is destined for great things.

Furthermore, Erik never imagined, that Christine and her voice, would cause him to desire to make him end his own façade, and lead him back into the star light.

There was just something about Christine, her voice, and music. The façade could no longer be kept in the dark…

Façade is said to be inspired by the ‘Phantom of the Opera’ and is a combination of all the different incarnations.

I give ‘Façade’ five stars, and found it to be quite entertaining, and I truly enjoyed the fact that Christine inspired Erik enough to draw him out of the shadows. People need not live in shame of whom and what they are. I totally loved this story from the get go, and felt like ‘Façade’ was everything I wanted and more. This was an extremely well written book, and it truly will make you think about how people feel about how we look, and how we know everyone around us looks at, and judges us. Kim Carmichael will always pull you in with her writing, she makes you feel like you are right there with her, as she is writing her stories. She tells everything so clearly that you always can visually see and feel everything. A beautiful five star read you will want to read over and over again.

View all my reviews

Honey & Ice by Dorothy F. Shaw

Honey and Ice
By Dorothy F. Shaw

Although this book ‘Honey and Ice’ is a short and sweet read, you will as always be impressed with its story line. Dorothy Shaw is one of those writers that likes to keep her readers wanting more, from the first page all the way until the last. In fact, personally when I am in the need for her writing, I search her name, and ‘find’ a book. That is how much I need and adore her and her writing. 
Let me put it to you this way, I met Dorothy through by way of box set. I had never heard of her prior. It was then that I first met her, and fell in love with her writing, and I have been attached to from then on. 
Now then, allow me to share with you my insight of this glorified short story titled: ‘Honey and Ice.’ Are you ready? You know you are!
For starters, the cover is beautiful, a sexy hunk with tattoos. That alone should make you want to open the book, and the beautiful blue trim. It’s a beautiful cover, sexy and that in itself makes you want to open it, and then the fact of who wrote it. And then the title, yeah lets read it. Everything is calling you to read it!
The man on the cover is Griffin Sinclair, a tattooed, tall hunk who drives a motorcycle. And one Desi Profit has had her eye on him, but we all know how we get when we get tipsy now don’t we? Let us all lower our head in the thought of shame, shall we? Yes, we’ve all been there. 
Yeah Desi gets a little tipsy one night. Tipsy for Desi, causes her to become brave, and she confesses her deepest desires of the fantasy she wants to have with Griffin, and, yes I said and, she wants her friend to tell Griffin.
Desi hopes like hell that the message doesn’t get delivered to Griffin, maybe her friend was also too tipsy, and maybe forgot. God willing. 
A week later, low and behold, Desi runs into the handsome hunk Griffin, and he decides he wants to give her a ride on the back of his motorcycle. 

Desi has no idea that she is in store for the most erotic ride of her life. She will have her fantasies fulfilled and more.
This is a wet and wild book, and I mean in the erotic sense. This is a hot and steamy book, and if you love, to read, and imagine what along with the writer about what it is you are reading, then you will love this five star read. This is a sexy, passionate, hot and steamy read. I, as always loved every moment of it. Dorothy Shaw has never let me down-ever. She has and always will be, my favorite erotic dream writer.

My questions for Dorothy:

1. What made you write this & how long did it take you?
Before I go there, lets get a bit of backstory. 
Over this next year, I’ll be releasing all of the short stories I wrote when I was learning the craft of writing. Honey & Ice is one of those stories. 

Long story as short as I can make it: I started writing by accident. Back in 2008/2009, I had been reading. A lot. And I had a friend who was an indie author. She got me on Twitter. On Twitter, I met a lot of aspiring authors. At the time, I was married. We were both on Twitter. Long story short, they wanted to know how me and my now ex met. It was kind of a long story, so at their insistence, I stared a blog and I wrote the story of the Wookies. A 7 part series, each ending in a cliff hanger, where I wrote our story. Anyway - those crazy aspiring authors thought I had a voice. I told them they were crazy, they admitted they were crazy but that they were also right. A short time later, I got into a misunderstanding with a friend I’d also met online. I decided to blog about it, and the words I wrote came out a little poetically. And that’s when the poems started. I think I wrote well over 100 poems between 2009 and 2010. The poems led to short stories, and the short stories turned into longer short stories, which turned into novels. Boom, here I am.

So, how long did it take me to write, Honey & Ice? Honestly, I have no freaking clue. Probably a few days (even though it's really short) And then several more days of friends (aspirating authors) critiquing it. I wrote these stories so I could learn the craft of writing. I’m still learning, will always be learning…but these short erotic stories were all a part of my journey.  

2. Who designed that beautiful yummy cover?
My ex, TD Hoffman, aka Wookie is a tattoo artist, an amazing one, but more importantly he’s an artist. He does my cover work and mostly all of my promo for me. I picked the stock photo, and he made the cover. 

3. Do you have any pictures or descriptions of Desi & Griffin?
The photo on the cover is pretty much a dead on for Griffin. Desi, ummm…she has long blonde hair. LOL That's pretty much all I can tell you. The story is written in her point of view, and she talks a lot about Griffin and what he looks like, but we don’t get to see her from his point of view, so...hell if I know what she looks like. What do you think she looks like? LOL Yep, I totally just asked that. 

4. What are you working on now?

I just got done doing an expansion on another short story—this one is an erotic horror. I wrote that one back in 2011 I believe, and it was super short, and now its about 5100 words. I’ll likely release it around August maybe. Now, I’m going back to Jaded Heart - book 4 in The Donnellys series. I’m hoping to have that one released in the fall. 
BUT…stay tuned because I have a single title, romantic suspense (super steamy) coming out early July. The book is called Stripped Bounty, and Deneale, you are going to love it. <3

5. Do you ever dream about your characters?

Interesting question, and I don’t recall if you’ve asked me this before. But no, I don’t typically dream about my characters. Not that I can recall anyway. I have had dreams that turned into an idea for a book. 

6. How many writers have you met in your time?
I can’t even begin to guess. Here’s the thing about me, I’m an extrovert. Which of course means, I’m more than social—but I’m also a business woman thanks to the career that pays my mortgage. That means that when I started writing, I very quickly started attending conventions. As a result, I’ve met a lot of authors. And I learned a lot about the industry. Because I went to a lot of conventions, I’ve also had the honor of meeting some authors that I’m a huge fan of—including my all time favorite, J.R. Ward. She was the only author I went downright fan girl over. I could barely talk when I met her. 

7. What is the most wildest thing you have ever written about in your books?

There is a scene in Stripped Bounty that is going to blow your mind. And that’s all I am going to tell you. LOL

8. What is "YOUR" favorite book you've ever written AND why?

And again, the winner is Stripped Bounty! 
This book is very different from my past books. As you know, I love to bring the angst in the story. The villain is always internal/emotional baggage that the characters have to work through. 
In Stripped, there was an actual villain. And I also got to just let the characters fall in love. No angst, well, just a little, but definitely nothing like my norm. 
I have to say, Stripped Bounty was the hardest book for me to write. There were times I just really thought I couldn’t finish it. I couldn’t figure out issues/logistics with the plot. And I wanted to put it away and never look at it again. The only exception was the romance of the story. Those parts were amazing to write. I got to just let Badger and Rosie fall in love. The two characters seriously had me swooning over their relationship. 

When I was finally done writing the book, I knew it was my favorite. 

9. What inspires you to write?

Life. Music. Life. More life—especially the hard parts. 

10. What do you hope to gain from your writing career?
I hope, someday, I am lucky to have enough readers that I can leave the day job and write full time. 
But outside of that, I love to write about real situations. I love to show people how broken we as humans can all be, and if in some way that helps someone not feel so alone, or different, then I’ve struck gold. 

11. Links:
The Donnellys Series:




Single Title: 





12. Anything to add:
Thank you for loving my writing. I appreciate it more than I could ever show or tell you.
And as always, thank you for having me, Deneale. Much love, my dear. <3


Author Bio:

Dorothy F. Shaw stumbled into a career in Corporate America and has spent the last 20 years climbing the corporate ladder. A fan of journaling about her troubles, she started an online blog in 2009, and poured her emotions out for all to see.
As luck would have it, the first post came out in the form of a poem. A few authors she'd met online encouraged her to write more, and in the span of 2 years she wrote over 150 poems. The poems led to short stories, which blossomed into novels. Evident from the very beginning was her voice as an author that is real and packed with wit and sarcasm. Her stories will always include complex, broken people trying to figure out how to start and keep a relationship as well as lots of hot, steamy sex. As Dorothy sees it, the journey is the best part.

When she's not writing, she's a mother, and a friend to many. She truly lives and loves in technicolor!
Dorothy welcomes emails at: and can also be reached at, @dorothyfshaw on Twitter and

Honey & IceHoney & Ice by Dorothy F. Shaw
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Although this book ‘Honey and Ice’ is a short and sweet read, you will as always be impressed with its story line. Dorothy Shaw is one of those writers that likes to keep her readers wanting more, from the first page all the way until the last. In fact, personally when I am in the need for her writing, I search her name, and ‘find’ a book. That is how much I need and adore her and her writing.

Let me put it to you this way, I met Dorothy through by way of box set. I had never heard of her prior. It was then that I first met her, and fell in love with her writing, and I have been attached to from then on.

Now then, allow me to share with you my insight of this glorified short story titled: ‘Honey and Ice.’ Are you ready? You know you are!

For starters, the cover is beautiful, a sexy hunk with tattoos. That alone should make you want to open the book, and the beautiful blue trim. It’s a beautiful cover, sexy and that in itself makes you want to open it, and then the fact of who wrote it. And then the title, yeah lets read it. Everything is calling you to read it!

The man on the cover is Griffin Sinclair, a tattooed, tall hunk who drives a motorcycle. And one Desi Profit has had her eye on him, but we all know how we get when we get tipsy now don’t we? Let us all lower our head in the thought of shame, shall we? Yes, we’ve all been there.

Yeah Desi gets a little tipsy one night. Tipsy for Desi, causes her to become brave, and she confesses her deepest desires of the fantasy she wants to have with Griffin, and, yes I said and, she wants her friend to tell Griffin.

Desi hopes like hell that the message doesn’t get delivered to Griffin, maybe her friend was also too tipsy, and maybe forgot. God willing.

A week later, low and behold, Desi runs into the handsome hunk Griffin, and he decides he wants to give her a ride on the back of his motorcycle.

Desi has no idea that she is in store for the most erotic ride of her life. She will have her fantasies fulfilled and more.

This is a wet and wild book, and I mean in the erotic sense. This is a hot and steamy book, and if you love, to read, and imagine what along with the writer about what it is you are reading, then you will love this five star read. This is a sexy, passionate, hot and steamy read. I, as always loved every moment of it. Dorothy Shaw has never let me down-ever. She has and always will be, my favorite erotic dream writer.

View all my reviews

Saturday, June 18, 2016

India Was One by An Indian

India Was One

By An Indian
      I was sought by 'An Indian' on Twitter. He ask  me if I would be interested in reviewing his book. He briefly told me about it. I looked it over, and decided it would be a great touch to my blog, and something my readers would enjoy. So here I am sharing it with you all, hoping you will find it as interesting a read as I did!

At first, when he contact me, I automatically thought, 'An Indian' meaning a Native American. And then discovered it was a whole new world, and literally learned a lot more.

This book is about a love story, between Jai and Kaahi who live in India. But one thing that most of us don't know is that India, in their love story had two sides. A North and a South side. It was like their one country, was divided and like two different countries. Thus the title of this book: "India Was One"

This extraordinary couple, which I will take a gander, are the Anonymous Author and his now wife, whom this book is dedicated to: Minoo. But as we all know, when we write, we change the names of our characters to protect. I could be wrong.

The characters as written: Jai and Kaahi are in college in Mumbai where they travel to the USA and back to India. Once they arrive they find a country divided. Through this tale, they must discover how to survive, and make the most of a disastrous tale. What happens when you end up in two different countries though? What can you do to fix it?

Jai and Kaahi must get back together. Just because their country is divided, and they have ended up in this predicament, doesn't mean they too, will end up divided. Love must prevail!

This is a very intriguing five star read. I loved learning about India and their culture. I truly enjoyed this book. I don't understand why the Author chose to be anonymous, because this is something to be proud of. However, for every action, there is a reaction. The Author obviously has their reasons, and I respect that. Excellent story, and even an education read!

Here are my questions for the Indian!

1. What made you decide to write this book and how long did it take you?

The story had been playing around for quite some time. I finally decided it to pen it in 2010. It took me less than a week to pour down my initial thoughts and over a year to expand on them. 

2. Did you do any special research for your book?

Not really. I knew what I wanted to write, and I knew exactly how many chapter I wanted.

3. Do you plan on doing further research and educating the public?


4. What are you working on now?

I’m working on my third book, the first one being India Was One (a fiction), the second one Beyond The Milky Way (a SciFi).

5. What all education have you had?

 I’ve done a BS in Physics. I am a web developer by profession.

6. What are your hobbies?

 I love to read, watch cricket and doing web development. 

7. Are you promoting your book so you can get the word out?

A little bit. I’m doing online promotions.

8. How long have you been writing?

Not long at all. Since 2010.

9. Did you learn anything you didn't expect to while writing this book?

Yes. Writing is just 10% of the process. The most difficult and challenging process is marketing.

10. Please share with us your social media and book links: