
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Check Out by: Debra Parmley

Check Out

By: Debra Parmley

When Debra asked me to review this book, I of course, couldn’t refuse her, because I happen to know she is an amazing writer. And once I find someone whose writing has my attention, I am a fan for life. So as always, I was honored to do her the honor of this.

And once she sent it to me, I fell in love with the cover instantly. It is a beautiful cover, looking at just makes you feel like pulling up a chair next to the fire place, and sitting down with a good book, like this one!

In the book, “Check Out” we meet a marine vet by the name of Nash Ware, who is also quite a bit handsome. But Nash wears an eye patch, and his ex-fiancĂ© was intimidated by it, and walked out of a perfectly good relationship because of it. Because of this, Nash feels that women are no longer part of his calling.

However, one day Nash decides to go into the library where a shy Betsy Bobbin works, and she can’t help but notice Nash. And not just because of his eye patch, she also noticed his masculine body, and even his attitude. She is immediately drawn to him.

You know how luck or fate help to guide you onto the right path, and put two people together? Well what happens next seems like fate, a chance meeting, and it just makes everything fall right into place perfectly. 

Betsy ends up with a flat tire, but not only is it flat, but it is during a storm. And guess who comes to the rescue? Every woman loves to be rescued, especially by a hunk like Nash.
Betsy gets to learn about Nash, and that he has PTSD, and that he isn’t sure if he wants to let anyone in his life. Betsy feels torn, but she also feels that she just might have found the love of her life.

Nash does have feelings for Betsy too, but he has his own wounds, and problems to deal with. He isn’t sure what to do. 

The book “Check Out” is a deep love story portraying that our Military Vets do get wounded in so many ways, both physically and mentally. And from those wounds come even deeper problems. Not only does Debra tell you an enlightening and touching story here, she also gives you the perspective into the military veterans, and how one is coping. It is a truly eye opening five star read. I found it very enjoyable and think everyone should read it! I could not put it down; I just had to know what was going to happen every step of the way! Debra truly made this work!

My questions for Debra: 

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
I originally wrote “Check Out” after my publisher Secret Cravings invited me to be part of a military box set where the proceeds would go to Operation Troop Aide. Then just as the edits were finished, they announced they would be closing their doors. That was a sad day and it was a thrill for me to finally see the book in print when I re-released it through Belo Dia Publishing. I wanted to write a story about a veteran who has PTSD but I didn’t want the story to be so much about that issue that the story became about the PTSD. I see a lot of that in military romance when it is used as a plot device. For me the story people become real and just like meeting a new friend, Nash’s PTSD is just a part of who he is. If you met him you might not know the entire story of why he has it or exactly what he does to deal with it. But you’d see him functioning in the world just like anyone else that does or doesn’t have it, if that makes sense. I have a lot of friends who are veterans so I wanted to handle Mash’s story like I might handle theirs and I wanted to give him a happy ending. 
2. Why do you write?
I write because I love to write. I’d write even if no one read what I wrote. J I’ve written poetry for years even though people say you can’t make money writing poetry. As if that were the only reason to do to write something.
3. What are your hobbies?
I enjoy primitive camping and stepping back into medieval times with the Society for Creative Anachronism, shooting my Mongolian horse bow (primitive archery), shooting long guns and shooting pool. I also enjoy yoga, belly dancing, reading and travel. I also love to collect seashells from each beach I have visited. 
4. What are you working on now?
I’m finishing the expansion of A Change of Scenery, which was out as a short story with Secret Cravings. Readers wanted more, so I am expanding the story and it will be the first book in my Hunger Roads trilogy. Set in the future it is a world of big pharma running the govt, GMO’s and a secret group of former Special Forces veterans who are fighting to protect the constitution and to bring down the corrupt government. A sweet belly dancer that just happens to grow healing herbs in her spare bedroom finds herself on a government terrorist list (herbalists have been classified as terrorists) and a former SEAL rescues her and then they are on the run. It’s taken me longer to rewrite/expand because I decided to make it part of a trilogy which means threading everything that needs to be in before the next two books. There’s a lot of weaving new parts into the first version and that kind of writing is always slower than writing a brand new story.
5. Do you imagine yourself as one of the characters when you write your books?
It is more like I am their friend and they are sharing things with me most of the time. I do step inside sometimes and that can get emotional, much like empathy, when I feel what they are feeling. I read one of my Christmas stories for maybe the tenth time and it still made me cry the last time I read it. But I always give them a happy ending and I know it is coming so maybe that is a little bit silly, to get so emotional. You know that scene in the movie Romancing the Stone? Where she cries when she’s at the end of her book? Well that would be me.   
6. Do you ever get writers block?
I once had it for a very long time. Six long months after my golden retriever Trixie died, I could not write. I vowed after that never to have it again. So here is how I avoid it. I change where I write by moving around with my laptop. I change what I “need” to be able to write by writing longhand with a legal pad and I have even talked into my phone to record a scene. That way there is no “I can only write if…” in my mind because I think I need it. Because Trixie sat by my side when I wrote so when she was gone that loss froze my writing, as I got too emotional every time I sat down to write. So after six months of that, I wanted to find all the things that might freeze it again and work to avoid it ever happening again. I also work on more than one story so if things start to get slow on one I will switch to another. I will not spend time in front of a blank page for very long. No more than five minutes. And I have all kinds of exercises that I can do if I sit there and am getting close to the five minutes. When I was teaching classes locally and doing a lot of mentoring I passed those on to my students because I know they work. I also don’t stick “write every day” in my head so there isn’t the huge pressure if for a day or two I don’t get to write. That has served me well when I had to be in the hospital or when my father passed. It is okay to give yourself permission to take time off from your writing. I used to be so hard on myself but ironically now that I’m not, the writing is always flowing unless life gets in the way. 
7. Do you have any photos of the characters or maybe character descriptions for this book?
I don’t have any photos as I could just close my eyes and see them but I always have to describe my characters for Sheri, my wonderful cover artist. Nash Ware is six foot tall with dark hair that has grown out enough since he came back from active duty that it sometimes falls into his eyes. Or would if he had not lost an eye in the war. He wears a dark eye patch to hide his scars and it’s winter so he wears a fatigue jacket and military style boots when he comes stomping into Betsy’s library and her world. Betsy Bobbin has long blonde hair and always wears red lipstick. She’s a shy librarian who dresses modestly. Her younger sister Leann has dark hair and dresses more to catch a man’s eye. Unfortunately she caught the eye of the campus stalker, which turns dangerous for her. 
8. If you could meet ONE Author who would it be?
Oh it is so hard to pick just one. I get to chat with so many authors on my radio show on Tuesday nights and I wish I could meet them all in person too. Okay so just one. I would love to meet Alice Hoffman. She is one of my favorite authors. I was just thinking about her book Practical Magic the other day. It was made into a movie and I’ve put it on my list of movies to watch around Halloween. 
9. What is it that led you to writing in the first place?
When I was a small girl I would imagine stories but never wrote them down. In college I started writing short stories and eventually switched to novels. I still write short stories and you can find a few of those out in eBook. So I have been writing stories in my head ever since I was a child.
10. What all education have you had?
I went back to college when my sons were in high school and junior high and got a bachelors degree in English. I’d been working at a bank as a head teller and you couldn’t get a higher-level job in banking without a degree. So I went back to finish my BA and then still couldn’t find a job after I graduated because we lived in the Pocono mountains, where there just weren’t that many jobs. That’s when we moved to the Memphis TN area to be near family and I started working at a weekly newspaper. That was twenty years ago and now here I am writing books and using that degree. So people are no longer asking me “What can you do with an English degree?”
11. Please share with us your book links and social media links:
Author Media Links:
Book links:
12. Anything extra to add?
Thank you for this interview and for reviewing 'Check Out!' I always enjoy answering your questions.

My first audio book is out and I’m so excited about that. Something I wasn’t able to do when I was with the other publishers. So… Check Out is now available in audio book, it’s my first audio book and I hope everyone will check it out! (I have such fun saying that. Librarian heroine, Check Out title, check it out. Makes me giggle.) ;-)

Here are links to my radio show, which airs every Tue night 8:30 eastern
Upcoming shows Readers Entertainment on Blog Talk Radio:
Readers can find me online and if signed up for my newsletter can win prizes.
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I love to hear from my readers!

Check OutCheck Out by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Debra asked me to review this book, I of course, couldn’t refuse her, because I happen to know she is an amazing writer. And once I find someone whose writing has my attention, I am a fan for life. So as always, I was honored to do her the honor of this.

And once she sent it to me, I fell in love with the cover instantly. It is a beautiful cover, looking at just makes you feel like pulling up a chair next to the fire place, and sitting down with a good book, like this one!

In the book, “Check Out” we meet a marine vet by the name of Nash Ware, who is also quite a bit handsome. But Nash wears an eye patch, and his ex-fiancĂ© was intimidated by it, and walked out of a perfectly good relationship because of it. Because of this, Nash feels that women are no longer part of his calling.

However, one day Nash decides to go into the library where a shy Betsy Bobbin works, and she can’t help but notice Nash. And not just because of his eye patch, she also noticed his masculine body, and even his attitude. She is immediately drawn to him.

You know how luck or fate help to guide you onto the right path, and put two people together? Well what happens next seems like fate, a chance meeting, and it just makes everything fall right into place perfectly.

Betsy ends up with a flat tire, but not only is it flat, but it is during a storm. And guess who comes to the rescue? Every woman loves to be rescued, especially by a hunk like Nash.

Betsy gets to learn about Nash, and that he has PTSD, and that he isn’t sure if he wants to let anyone in his life. Betsy feels torn, but she also feels that she just might have found the love of her life.

Nash does have feelings for Betsy too, but he has his own wounds, and problems to deal with. He isn’t sure what to do.

The book “Check Out” is a deep love story portraying that our Military Vets do get wounded in so many ways, both physically and mentally. And from those wounds come even deeper problems. Not only does Debra tell you an enlightening and touching story here, she also gives you the perspective into the military veterans, and how one is coping. It is a truly eye opening five star read. I found it very enjoyable and think everyone should read it! I could not put it down; I just had to know what was going to happen every step of the way! Debra truly made this work!

View all my reviews


Monday, September 19, 2016

Tape to Tape ~ The Venom Series 3 by: V.L. Locey

Tape to Tape
The Venom Series 3
By: V.L. Locey

The best part about reading Vicki’s books is the fact that not only do I get sports, I get romance. That is what I like best about reading her books. It puts a whole new kick on the taste, and it makes it so much more interesting. 

This time we get to spend time with Coach Dot West, or better known as “The Shadow.”

 Now Dot is a woman who likes to do everything on her own, and doesn’t want nor need help from anyone, and she likes it that way. She doesn’t want to have to look back and say, “Yeah I wouldn’t be here if it was for so and so.” Dot wants to be the one take all the credit for making it on her own.

But we all know when we least expect it, a man walks in, am I right, or am I right?

Dot meets this guy, known as Theo, and I must admit, his description made me lick my lips. And by the sounds of Theo, I think he even knows he is a looker, too.
Anyway, Theo is a former goalie for the Wildcats, and is now a co-host of a very controversial radio sports talk show. The show is based in Philly, which is of course of the Venom. 

Well one day, Dot ends up losing her cool and calls in to the show. Now you know us women, we are usually famous for the last word. But this ends up back firing, and the smug fool that Theo is, gets Dot into the chair of the radio station.

Dot has always been one to keep her guard up, she doesn’t feel that needs or wants a man in her life, but the sparks ignite, and she can’t help but feel drawn toward Theo. There is just something about him. 

She keeps trying to tell herself no, but her heart keeps telling her to go for it. Dot has a hard decision to make, with this truly exciting story of eye opening romance.

This book “Tape to Tape” is truly a five star read, I could feel the stubbornness in Dot as I read, and I could so relate. She is an amazing woman, who truly wants to be her own individual, and wants to give no one else credit. A lot of women are strong like this, today. 

This is truly a very emotional read, and you can feel the vibes as you read it! I loved every moment of this book, and I think that you the readers will too! Vicki is truly a great sporty story teller!

Here are my questions for Vicki:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
I just love a good saucy couple. You know, the kind who start out snapping and snarling at each other, but end up realizing that they belong together, despite some obstacles. That’s Dot and Theo. It usually takes me about a month to write a 50K novel, sometimes more or less.

2. What are you working on now?
At the moment I’m working on an M/M hockey romance called Open Net, which is part of a planned duology.

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters?
I can do better! I have a whole Pinterest board filled with images of Dot, Theo, and other characters and settings!

4. Obviously, you like hockey, but how hard is it to write about it too?
For me writing the hockey action is pretty easy, since I watch SO much hockey. Generally, I try to plan out what happens on the ice beforehand. This way I can lead the reader through the action. In a way it’s like choreographing a dance only the dancing is on ice.

5. What led you to writing?
I actually started writing seriously because I had seen a movie and disliked how it was presented. I sat down and in a fit of anger, wrote my first fan fiction. After realizing I could put down the stories bouncing around inside my head, I buckled down and started dedicating myself to pursuing my dream. So I like to kiddingly say that Brian Singer is the reason I started writing.

6. What is your favorite book of all time?
Oh boy, there are too many that I love to pick just one. I might be able to narrow it down to a few favorites. Outlander for sure as well as the Black Dagger Brotherhood novels. I reread them all the time.

7. Have you ever met any other authors? How about famous hockey players?
I haven’t met any other authors in person yet, but I am headed to an event outside of Pittsburgh in March so I’m looking forward meeting some of my online friends there! As for hockey players, no, I haven’t met any famous ones yet. The next time I’m in New York for a game, I plan to linger around outside MSG until I get to meet at least one darn Ranger!

8. What are your hobbies?
I like to read, walk, do yoga, and play video games.

9. Is hockey as bloody as they make it out to be on TV? (And I mean for parents too)
It’s not nearly as bloody as it used to be. The league is trying to cut back on the fisticuffs, but there are still fights on occasion. It’s a part of the game. Some fans love it and some hate it. The age of the goon (a player who is on the team solely for his size and fists) is pretty much over. Hockey is now more about skill and speed now and less about punching people.

10. Please share with us your social media links and book links:
Author Links:


Tape to Tape (Venom Series #3)Tape to Tape by V.L. Locey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The best part about reading Vicki’s books is the fact that not only do I get sports, I get romance. That is what I like best about reading her books. It puts a whole new kick on the taste, and it makes it so much more interesting.

This time we get to spend time with Coach Dot West, or better known as “The Shadow.”

Now Dot is a woman who likes to do everything on her own, and doesn’t want nor need help from anyone, and she likes it that way. She doesn’t want to have to look back and say, “Yeah I wouldn’t be here if it was for so and so.” Dot wants to be the one take all the credit for making it on her own.

But we all know when we least expect it, a man walks in, am I right, or am I right?

Dot meets this guy, known as Theo, and I must admit, his description made me lick my lips. And by the sounds of Theo, I think he even knows he is a looker, too.

Anyway, Theo is a former goalie for the Wildcats, and is now a co-host of a very controversial radio sports talk show. The show is based in Philly, which is of course of the Venom.

Well one day, Dot ends up losing her cool and calls in to the show. Now you know us women, we are usually famous for the last word. But this ends up back firing, and the smug fool that Theo is, gets Dot into the chair of the radio station.

Dot has always been one to keep her guard up, she doesn’t feel that needs or wants a man in her life, but the sparks ignite, and she can’t help but feel drawn toward Theo. There is just something about him.

She keeps trying to tell herself no, but her heart keeps telling her to go for it. Dot has a hard decision to make, with this truly exciting story of eye opening romance.

This book “Tape to Tape” is truly a five star read, I could feel the stubbornness in Dot as I read, and I could so relate. She is an amazing woman, who truly wants to be her own individual, and wants to give no one else credit. A lot of women are strong like this, today.

This is truly a very emotional read, and you can feel the vibes as you read it! I loved every moment of this book, and I think that you the readers will too! Vicki is truly a great sporty story teller!

View all my reviews


Sunday, September 18, 2016

Violet the Organ Grinder: Some Like it Hot Bundle By: July Cumming

Violet the Organ Grinder:
Some Like it Hot Bundle

(Taboo Erotica Vol. 1-4)
By: July Cumming

Violet is a stage actress in the big apple, New York City. She loves her life, and just how fast paced it is, and the fun that she has along with it.

Until one day, Violet happens across the wrong kind of man who manages to turn her fast paced normal life upside down. His name is Tyson, and he wants to use Violet and change her not only for his own desires, but for those of his clientele as well…

One thing you need to note when reading these books, is that these are erotic. In other words the language will include sex, and sex, and did I mention sex. So when one reads sex there will be words that are not meant for six year olds, or even ten year olds. These are adult books. If you do not fancy reading about adult anatomy, and sex, than this book is not for you. You have been warned by myself, and will again be warned by the author.

This is a bundle, meaning there are four books in this set. First we have:

Violet the Organ Grinder: Love is a battlefield (Entertaining the Troops)

Tyson has found the talented and sexy, and very gifted Violet to be very forth…um..cumming when it comes to satisfying those who have sexual desires. So he decided it would be a great gift to the troops to offer Violets services. 

Violet will be performing on a small stage, and the lucky ones could join in. Tyson was certain he found a way to get rich, and satisfy everyone’s needs at the same time. 

The question is, will Violet be able to satisfy the starved men in uniform? And can she handle all of this action herself, and even the action of a couple of war heroes? 

Violet has learned that she does in fact enjoy watching and satisfying the sexual appetite, even her own, but also that it can cum with learning a few new things along the way.

I liked the fact that this story was a little bit different and that she was treating the military, and that everyone was having a great time. I also enjoyed the depth of the story, and the sensual kinkiness to it. I love the way with words, it was truly…sexy.

Violet the Organ Grinder: Danger Zone (Taught a Lesson in the End)

Violet in this story, has a wild awakening. She is awakened by desire from her lover, and a lusting man watching. 

Violet is already ready to explode, from the inside and out. But she knows there are always rules. And Violet and Tyson had been playing the night before, and she knows there are always consequences if you break the rules. The problem is, the pressure is building, and she knows it. 

When sex and kinky fun are what you do, and crave, sometimes control is not an option. Especially when the things that are happening around you, are exactly what you like, and need, and crave. How can you be expected to control yourself?

The part I liked best about this story was control, and choices, as well as lessons. I also enjoyed the fact of waking up to sex, and the dom, and an audience. This story was extremely exciting. I was left wanting more, and truly wanting to be there!

What will happen if Violet cannot control herself, or will she? What is the lesson here?

Violet the Organ Grinder: Innocence (A DD/LG Age-Play Taboo Story)

This story takes place in the deep south, I love the way it is told. Violet overhears her Master making arrangements with the man in the farmhouse. Violet cannot refuse the offer of candy and wet and wild ride for her play time fun.

Every bit of this story seemed so realistic, I couldn’t help but enjoy it immensely. This was one of my favorites, because I have never read anything like it. 

Violet the Organ Grinder: Lick it Up (Gang Sharing Hotwife Erotica Novella)

Texas where everything is supposed to be bigger! A BBQ, serving thick and juicy beef, Violet is on the menu. Over twenty hunky and chunky menu have an appetite for Violet, where she is serving up dessert, or is she the dessert?! Whatever the case may be, will Violet get to satisfy their needs, or will they satisfy hers? Or will it be an all around happy ending?

This was just what every woman wonders about. Can one woman please every man? Wouldn’t we like to try it? Would we ever? We sure do enjoy reading about it! 

Reading books like these, for us women anyway, gives us great pleasure to see a woman maintain the ability to please every man she is with. Because we would love to be in your shoes. Though we would never try it, (or would we?) Reading things like this, manages to get us wet, so that we can roll over and climb on and mount that sleeping hunk beside us, and wake him from his snoring sleep, and say:

 “Honey, I was just thinking about you.”

When really, we were thinking about Violet. This bundle of books is a five star read, and very worth your time to sneak into bed beside your husband and read silently while he is snoring and read a chapter or two, and then either give him some action. Or if you are alone, spend some much needed time with B.O.B. 

These books will give you the much needed desire to take care of everything you need to, trust me. Violet and July Cumming are great together. I am so glad I had the opportunity to enjoy these!

My questions for July:
1. What made you write this series, and how long did it take?
Believe it or not, it was meant to be a very short story, but I enjoy too many kinks to pick only one to write about. So I created Violet, who is forced to do whatever I want her to do. Each story in the series took at least two months to write. I'm super picky with the choice of words used in my highly descriptive stories and take my time to make it perfect in my eyes.

2. What made you become an erotic author?
I once told an online friend about one of my sexual experiences. The friend told me I was great at telling a highly vivid story and that I should write erotica. I had no interest in writing, but after being told many times that I had a knack for it, I decided to pursue writing.

I took about seven writing classes over a six-month period and improved what little skills I had. I challenged myself by trying to write 50k words in 30 days with NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). By the time it was done, I had half of the 50k, which I was perfectly content with. I surprised myself that I could accomplish that much in so little time.

I searched online for a publisher with a call for submissions and found one who liked my story. Under a different pen name, I published three short stories, but after not seeing anything in return, I decided I could do it on my own. 

3. Is 'July Cumming' a pen name? I get the last name, but why July? Is that when you birthed your first horny book?
July is one of the hottest months as well as my actual birth month. Cumming seemed to work perfectly with it. 

4. What is your favorite book of all time?
Misery by Stephen King.

5. Have you ever met any writers or authors in your time? 
None face to face. Everyone I know is online.

6. What are your hobbies?
I love to cook and make up dishes as I'm cooking them. I'm always giving my mom leftovers and she's always asking for the recipe in which I never use. Other than cooking, I love singing at karaoke.

7. Do you ever get horny while writing?
If I'm writing a story and it doesn't send tingles down to my naughty bits, I'm not writing the scenes hot enough. It takes a lot to get me worked up. Once I get that urge to have a cold shower, then I know my scenes will or should be enough to arouse my readers. 

8. Do you make sure your sex scenes work?
I visualize most of the things I haven't done. If I'm stuck and want to make sure it works, I'll look it up on a porn site. Most often I get it right.

9. What is your favorite book of your own writings?
Bending Over For Jeff but I also love my Violet series just as much.

10. Who is your favorite author?
Stephen King

11. Please share with us your book links and social media links:
You can find my erotica on Amazon Cumming/e/B00O3TJM0I

Twitter @JulyCumming  
Tumblr - https://julycumming.tumblr. com/  *NSFW 
Newsletter - 

12. Anything to add?
It might be late notice before the event but Mr. Blackthorne is having a Facebook party in Blackthorne's Dungeon group for his one-year anniversary on September 23-25, 2016.
Each of the Wicked Pen Writers, including Mr. Blackthorne, have the entire weekend filled with games and prizes, including a chance to win a $50 Amazon card and a Kindle Fire.

Thank you for allowing me to enjoy your very hot hot writing!

Thank you, Deneale.

Violet The Organ Grinder: Some Like It Hot Bundle (Books 1-3. A Taboo Series)Violet The Organ Grinder: Some Like It Hot Bundle by July Cumming
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Violet is a stage actress in the big apple, New York City. She loves her life, and just how fast paced it is, and the fun that she has along with it.

Until one day, Violet happens across the wrong kind of man who manages to turn her fast paced normal life upside down. His name is Tyson, and he wants to use Violet and change her not only for his own desires, but for those of his clientele as well…

One thing you need to note when reading these books, is that these are erotic. In other words the language will include sex, and sex, and did I mention sex. So when one reads sex there will be words that are not meant for six year olds, or even ten year olds. These are adult books. If you do not fancy reading about adult anatomy, and sex, than this book is not for you. You have been warned by myself, and will again be warned by the author.

This is a bundle, meaning there are four books in this set. First we have:

Violet the Organ Grinder: Love is a battlefield (Entertaining the Troops)

Tyson has found the talented and sexy, and very gifted Violet to be very forth…um..cumming when it comes to satisfying those who have sexual desires. So he decided it would be a great gift to the troops to offer Violets services.

Violet will be performing on a small stage, and the lucky ones could join in. Tyson was certain he found a way to get rich, and satisfy everyone’s needs at the same time.

The question is, will Violet be able to satisfy the starved men in uniform? And can she handle all of this action herself, and even the action of a couple of war heroes?

Violet has learned that she does in fact enjoy watching and satisfying the sexual appetite, even her own, but also that it can cum with learning a few new things along the way.

I liked the fact that this story was a little bit different and that she was treating the military, and that everyone was having a great time. I also enjoyed the depth of the story, and the sensual kinkiness to it. I love the way with words, it was truly…sexy!

Violet the Organ Grinder: Danger Zone (Taught a Lesson in the End)

Violet in this story, has a wild awakening. She is awakened by desire from her lover, and a lusting man watching.

Violet is already ready to explode, from the inside and out. But she knows there are always rules. And Violet and Tyson had been playing the night before, and she knows there are always consequences if you break the rules. The problem is, the pressure is building, and she knows it.

When sex and kinky fun are what you do, and crave, sometimes control is not an option. Especially when the things that are happening around you, are exactly what you like, and need, and crave. How can you be expected to control yourself?

The part I liked best about this story was control, and choices, as well as lessons. I also enjoyed the fact of waking up to sex, and the dom, and an audience. This story was extremely exciting. I was left wanting more, and truly wanting to be there!

What will happen if Violet cannot control herself, or will she? What is the lesson here?

Violet the Organ Grinder: Innocence (A DD/LG Age-Play Taboo Story)

This story takes place in the deep south, I love the way it is told. Violet overhears her Master making arrangements with the man in the farmhouse. Violet cannot refuse the offer of candy and wet and wild ride for her play time fun.

Every bit of this story seemed so realistic, I couldn’t help but enjoy it immensely. This was one of my favorites, because I have never read anything like it.

Violet the Organ Grinder: Lick it Up (Gang Sharing Hotwife Erotica Novella)

Texas where everything is supposed to be bigger! A BBQ, serving thick and juicy beef, Violet is on the menu. Over twenty hunky and chunky menu have an appetite for Violet, where she is serving up dessert, or is she the dessert?! Whatever the case may be, will Violet get to satisfy their needs, or will they satisfy hers? Or will it be an all around happy ending?

This was just what every woman wonders about. Can one woman please every man? Wouldn’t we like to try it? Would we ever? We sure do enjoy reading about it!

Reading books like these, for us women anyway, gives us great pleasure to see a woman maintain the ability to please every man she is with. Because we would love to be in your shoes. Though we would never try it, (or would we?) Reading things like this, manages to get us wet, so that we can roll over and climb on and mount that sleeping hunk beside us, and wake him from his snoring sleep, and say:

“Honey, I was just thinking about you.”

When really, we were thinking about Violet. This bundle of books is a five star read, and very worth your time to sneak into bed beside your husband and read silently while he is snoring and read a chapter or two, and then either give him some action. Or if you are alone, spend some much needed time with B.O.B.

These books will give you the much needed desire to take care of everything you need to, trust me. Violet and July Cumming are great together. I am so glad I had the opportunity to enjoy these!

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