
Monday, December 26, 2016

The Opeth Pack Saga (6 Book Series) By: Sascha Illyvich

The Opeth Pack Saga
(6 Book Series)

 Sascha Illyvich

Some of you may recall, who is it that built me up and helped me get my start in this book review business. 

Well, this is him. The one, the only Sascha. This man has taught me so much, and led me to the greatest writers, and friends of all time. He has changed my life, and led me down a whole yellow brick road. Without him, I would not be: “Deneale’s Book Buzz.” So, to that, I wish thank him, and let you get another taste of the person behind the curtain.

As it states in the title, this is a six book series. 

Book 1: His Reign: Jozsi has moved from Hungary to Texas, because he wants a change, and the wolf prophecy is not something that he cares to deal with at the moment. His pack was one that seemed to be slowly dying anyway, and he knew that if he didn’t get away from them, and there, they would put him in charge. And Jozsi just wasn’t having it.

But you see, one thing that Jozsi didn’t anticipate, was Ilona and Lukina. They wanted their triad back together, therefore those two made the flight to America and found him, and told him exactly what was going on, and exactly why they wanted him back. They plead with him, and told him, it was a prophecy that he needed to uphold, and that if he didn’t…well…

Book 2: Raining Kisses: Nicholaus is hiding out in Albuquerque, Mew Mexico. This where he found his secluded privacy away from his wolf pack, and where he found that he felt the need to stay. That is until, Katarina arrive on his doorstep to bring him back to Hungary. 

She just doesn’t understand, he doesn’t want to use his magic, it frightens him, and he also doesn’t want to be forced into politics. It just isn’t his cup of tea. 

However, Katarina wants Nicolaus help to rescue Krystyna, who is their third leader, from the Turkish leader General Savas.

Nicholaus is forced to return and rescue his other lover, as well as accept his place at his Opeth Pack, so that he may prevent demigods and Nobles who are continuing to scheme to prevent their opeth pack from reaching Heaven.

Book 3: Kisses Fall: Almos shows up to interrupt the life that Eva and Janos have made together, looking for hospitality. Eva has always thought of herself as a with, but now Almos is trying to not only convince her that he is her pack mate, but that she is truly a wolf who has forgotten her magic. 

Janos is concerned, as he should be. Eventually he ends up conveniently sick, compliments of the attackers that Almos has ‘unknowingly’ brought with him. 

The three of them must head back to Hungary in order to cure Janos, and figure out how to function in their pack. As they travel, Eva is shown the truth, that she is a shifter like the others, and that she even has a sister. 

Eventually one of the Nobles comes to Eva, proclaiming that he is her lover, and the threat escalates. Everyone thinks they can just confuse Eva and that she will just believe everything, and do nothing…

Book 4: Fall Into Love: Les has joined the Nobles seeking a mate. He thinks this is the perfect time to do so, now that pack life has resumed to normal. 

Protecting the tomes that supposedly reveal the truth about the prophecy are Sziga and his mate. Franciska is left with aiding the newcomer to the pack, Czigany. 

Little did anyone know, but Czigany’s goal was to infiltrate the pack, and return the stolen property. However, she ends up wounded by her own mate, and Franciska and Sziga realize that Czigany is their missing mate. 

Czigany must realize what is in her heart, rather then what is told to her by her employer. 

At the very end, Les returns to repair the damage between the Noble and the wolves, with a little extra…

Book 5: Love’s Haunt: Aurelia is responsible for watching over her brother Les. Once Les is freed of his allegiance and he sees that there is in fact a mate for him, she can only watch from afar. 

Les returns to Aurelia with the news of the fate of her mates, so she runs to warn Bianca and Viktor; only to fall in love with the taller Hungarian and the short blonde with the fiery attitude that enticed her.

As Winter arrives, it is revealed that Aurelia has been inhabited by the Flower Maiden, a deity who spreads disease through wolf kind.

Aurelia gets her mate sick, then drains herself to try and heal him, as the Nobles bring war to the Opeth pack…

Book 6: Haunted: Les has made his fair share of mistakes, and because of this, this won’t allow him to be a true heart mate to Gen. But that doesn’t stop them from making their fight against the Nobles standing side by side.

Gen claims she back for good, but Les doesn’t want to believe her. Therefore, he just cannot give her his heart completely. 

The War escalates killing off important people, and players in the Opeth pack. Now the Goddess herself reveals the truth behind the prophecy to Les. It is revealed that Les must fight his enemy the Noble Queen. 

Upon his and her death, Les must choose to live and let Gen be an equal part of his life, or die and leave her behind forever…

My Review:

Most of the time I get thrown Vampires and sex stories, a few crimes, and some true stories. It was Sascha that introduced me to Wolves, and Wolf packs, and it was there that I started learning about them. He will even answer questions you may have, which I have had. Because at first, I didn’t understand. I mean I read, but I became confused. 

The shape shifting, I was truly drawn to. I couldn’t put the books down. I don’t recall what I read first. But I was reading one with a cave, and a cigar, (many of his books have cigars, but that’s just Sascha) and these men, and they were drinking. And I fell in love with the writing. The way Sascha writes, he draws you in, you become one of the characters. Now I don’t know if we all become the same character or not, because I have read the one book several times, and each time I was a different person. Once I was the female wolf shape shifting and running naked in the woods, and the next time I was the guy. But that’s just how I am, I literally throw myself into my books. 

These books, “the Opeth Pack Saga” was just as entertaining as anything I have ever read. I was worried for these wolves, and wondering would they make the right choices, and even wishing I was there so that I could nudge them in the right direction. 

This collection is definitely a five star set. It is very entertaining, and well worth your time to get it, sit back, and enjoy it. There is just so much to read and enjoy in these books. Love, romance, travel, quests, war, concern, friendships, and it will keep you on the edge of your seat wondering if the right paths will be chosen. Truly one of Sascha’s best!

Now here are my Questions for Sascha:

1. What made you decide to write this book and how long did it take you? 

The Opeth Pack Saga was born out of a frustration over the depressing and somewhat fucked up anime, Wolf's Rain.  I wanted a happily ever after that was darker but gave the audience way more hope than the anime ever would.  The only way I know to sell that lie is to make people fall in love.  Or help them along, in this case. 

2. What are you working on now?
Few different things.  First is a Boardwalk Empire/Full Metal Alchemist crossover and the second is a Mafia/Illuminti story, both of which feature the Mob and are romances.  The former will be a tale of magic and love struggling, the latter, straight up mafia romance.
In between that, there are several tiny projects I'm working on  under another name.

3. What are your top two cigar and wine combo's? (IE: meaning they go together/with one another.) AND do you includes these combos in your books?
Don Cervantes Masterpiece Platinum and a nice, soft cabernet from Central Coast of CA.  Tres Maduro and La Quinta Noval by Glenmorangie (It's a scotch) are both fantastic.  The cigars are from the Don Cervantes line.  Yes, but most of my characters either smoke Tres Maduro or PROPIO by ACC (brand owners of Don Cervantes)

4. I "KNOW" you have met fans, I have seen the photos of them 'drooling over your sexiness--but have you ever met any other Authors?
I know a few.  Louisa Bacio and Kerry Adrienne have my heart as an author. 

5. Where is your favorite place to write?
My office. I have a dining room but I don't have a dining set.

6. Has writing ever consumed you so much you could barely stop to eat, use the bathroom or anything - because you were so damned determined you had to get those words and characters to their needed destinations???
Sometimes it gets that way becuase I am so driven.  Especially now with me playing with cognitive enhancements (read, Nootropic-like chemicals)  My favorite one so far that sets me off is Yerba Mate, but man it gets me LIT so if I drink a few pots of it all day, I'm on FIRE until I start consuming booze.  But the last few stories had me so much hooked that I wanted them done ASAP because I've been pushing myself hard. 

7. Have you ever had writers block?
No.  That, is a fallacy for those who fail to plot.  I have moments where I don't like what's coming out of my fingers and so I won't write it, but a little alcohol usually fixes that. 

8. When can you write (for me especially) a Taken Unaware 2?
You want another blindfolded, sexy story?  One with an interesting twist?  Or was it your lust for the hero at the end you wanted?  If I do something else like that, it'll be under my other name, and probably be a little longer.
Funny, Taken Unaware came about because an author was contracted to write a story with the same plot and a cover was created, but the author bailed last minute and my publisher, Jean Marie of Sizzler Editions, asked me if I could bang out something quick about the same length and I said, "that's easy.  Give me a few hours."  Took about two days.  Next thing you know, BOOM.  Done.  You bought, you read, you're wet and you probably own stock in Duracel and Energizer because my stories are so hot.

9. Out of your own books, which is your favorite?

Right now?   Unpublished shit, really.  But if I had to go with published?  Either Haunted, the final Opeth Pack Saga story, or Slow Burn.  Slow Burn will be re-released as soon as we can agree on a cover, and rebranded as a death metal romance, rather than a spy thriller. Haunted is the final installment of the Opeth Pack Saga and features the only official monogamous couple in the six book series.  And it brings all the heavy emotion and plot, along with hauntingly (cough) beautiful sensuality and sex between two lover wolves together. 

10. What is your favorite book of all time?
Of Mine?  the currently unreleased "Hot Knight" - an erotic contemporary romance with suspense elements in it. Of another's?  Too many to name.  Though I did run into a homeless dude on the bus recently who surprisingly could talk about the Brotherhood (of the Black Dagger variety) and we talked about The Blind King (Wrath)

11. Do you ever imagine yourself in any of your characters (other then the book 'Taken Unaware'?
In three unpublished novels, because those are love stories.  Though I suppose part of me is in Joszi and another part is in Les, From His Reign and Haunted, respectively. 

12. What gives you the desire to write?
we are dreamers who dream the impossible, then write it like it's fact because the world needs that.  The world hurts, and we, especially as romance writers, are the cure. 

13. Ever get tired of my annoying questions?
Why darling, if you're in my bed, you can ask all the annoying questions you want...I promise you'll be too full to bother after a few minutes...take that how you wish.

14. Please provide for us the links to buy this book and any of your other books:
15. Now if you would please, provide for us your social media links so your fans can find you:
Twitter:  @SaschaIllyvich
Mailing List sign-up:

16. Anything to add:
My biggest thanks to my readers, Patreon supporters and everyone who has been a fan of mine since the inception of my career 18 years ago.  Thank you all!  I have a LOT more in store for you!


Sunday, December 25, 2016

True Story: "I'll Get You!" Drugs, Lies, & the Terrorizing of a PTA Mom By: Sam Rule

True Story: “I’ll Get You!” Drugs, Lies, and the Terrorizing of a PTA Mom

By: Sam Rule

Kelli Peters lived in Orange County, California, and had one of those seemingly normal lives like most PTA Moms do. You know, she loves and took care of her family, drove in the carpool, and volunteered at her Daughters School from time to time. The normal kinds of things Parents do. 

Little did Kelli know, one day she would end up in a conspiracy just because the parents of another child, Jill and Kent Easter, were upset because their Son had been kept waiting. Allegedly mind you. 

Kelli tried to handle the situation with kindness, apologizing for something that even she was unaware that she had done, but apparently it had already caused a target to be placed on Kelli’s head and there was no way out of it. 

After the incident, Kelli gave it no further thought. But for the Easter’s they had begun to set their plan in motion. 

Can you imagine being a woman who is and was drug free, being set up, and found with drugs on your person, and then imagine the embarrassment this will cause? Not to mention, now you are being investigated in how many ways? How will people look at you now? Think how this is going to affect Kelli and her family.

Then the lies start at School, because other students, with the help of the Easter’s Son, start talking about Sydnie’s Mom, and how she was found with drugs in her possession. School is hard enough, now everyone is looking at Syndie like: wow…

Kelli ends up having nightmares, and everywhere she does try to go, she feels like she is being followed. Is she? 

Eventually the whole ordeal gets so intense that Kelli learns more that she had bargained for, because the Easters make their intentions known to Kelli. “We’re going to get you!” and other threats were made one on one. Kelli fears for her life, and informs law enforcement, and her family but as you know, in the beginning, it takes proof with the law.

Kelli is told to keep a lid on everything, but the stress is eating her up inside. Eventually she feels the need to see a counselor. Going without sleep, living in fear, she just can’t handle all of this.

Fortunately, through this true story that Kelli told to Sam Rule, in the end justice does prevail. But it still doesn’t erase the damage that it has caused. Even to Syndie. 

Kelli was shocked in the end, that the media was interested and involved in the coverage of this case. But she was also pleased to find that in the end, the public was on her side. 

This book is astounding, and eye opening. At the end, Kelli’s own words will enlighten you that she was pleased with the outcome of the book, and sharing her insight and terror with Sam Rule. She wants to make people aware that there is and are people out there like the Easters, and to always be prepared.

This book, is a nightmare, and very much worth reading. I could feel myself worry, and wonder, and want justice for Kelli and Syndie. I was so impressed that Mr. Rule took the time to share their story with us. It is a definite five star read. And I am pleased that Kelli and her family are doing well now, so to speak, and I wish them continued peace, and thank them for sharing their lives and story with us. 

Be sure and check this book out. Especially if you like true stories, you will find this book worth your time and money!

My questions for Sam:
1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you to write it?
A mutual friend introduced me to the victim in this case, Kelli Peters, and after I met her and heard what she'd been through, I was compelled to write her story. I offered to do it for free since she didn't have the money to hire a writer.

2. Do you have any photos or descriptions of your characters?
There are some in the book, but most of them are online. The characters are real-life people, so they're easily found on Google. :)

From the book, Kelli and daughter Syndie
From the book, Mugshots of the Easters

3. What led you to desire to become a writer?
I'd always loved to read, and it's my belief that all avid readers are also writers at heart. I started to write at a young age but didn't have the guts to finally publish until my forties. Some of us are late bloomers!

4. What are you working on now?
Sequels to two other books under different pen names. Also, I'm toying with the idea of writing a "Making Of" book that shows the behind-the-scenes reality of what it took to write this book. It was so interesting to interview attorneys, police, etc., and to also get to know the victim on a personal basis. Plus, there were contract negotiations with Hollywood (Netflix has optioned the book for a movie deal starring Julia Roberts) that were difficult and crazy and exciting! 

5. What suggestions do you have for those desiring to become a writer?
Just write, even when you don't think you're doing a good job. Write, and write some more, and push through to the end. As readers, we have high tastes in what we read, and often it takes time and practice as a writer for our skills to match our taste in books. That's often why so many writers give up before they've ever reached the finish line. Write, and write some more, and eventually you'll close the gap between your expectations for good writing and your skill level.

6. What is your favorite book of all time?
That's a hard one! I would say Little Women. I read that book so many times as a child that I practically memorized it. The character of Jo has stayed with me forever.

7. What all education have you had?I put myself through UCLA while working full time. I was so tired during those years that I don't really remember anything that I learned. I do remember the yummy pastries at the UCLA coffee shop, though. (Priorities...) ;)

8. Do you ever put yourself into any of your characters?Yes, and also people that I know. That's the fun part! I can also get my revenge on mean people that way, haha.

9. What kind of research did you do for "I'll get you" or was this just off the top of your head?I interviewed everyone I could, from the district attorney, the civil attorney, the victim, her friends and family, you name it. Plus I pored over transcripts, interviews, and text messages. It was time consuming but fascinating!

10. Please share with us your social media and book links:
Google Play:
11. Anything extra to add?
I would say to anyone with a secret dream, find ways to pursue it in a consistent way, even if it's in small chunks. I'm living proof that dreams can come true with consistency (KEY), hard work, and never giving up! Reach for the stars--there are enough for all of us to grab! :)

"I'll Get You!" Drugs, Lies, and the Terrorizing of a PTA Mom by Sam Rule
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kelli Peters lived in Orange County, California, and had one of those seemingly normal lives like most PTA Moms do. You know, she loves and took care of her family, drove in the carpool, and volunteered at her Daughters School from time to time. The normal kinds of things Parents do.

Little did Kelli know, one day she would end up in a conspiracy just because the parents of another child, Jill and Kent Easter, were upset because their Son had been kept waiting. Allegedly mind you.

Kelli tried to handle the situation with kindness, apologizing for something that even she was unaware that she had done, but apparently it had already caused a target to be placed on Kelli’s head and there was no way out of it.

After the incident, Kelli gave it no further thought. But for the Easter’s they had begun to set their plan in motion.

Can you imagine being a woman who is and was drug free, being set up, and found with drugs on your person, and then imagine the embarrassment this will cause? Not to mention, now you are being investigated in how many ways? How will people look at you now? Think how this is going to affect Kelli and her family.

Then the lies start at School, because other students, with the help of the Easter’s Son, start talking about Sydnie’s Mom, and how she was found with drugs in her possession. School is hard enough, now everyone is looking at Syndie like: wow…

Kelli ends up having nightmares, and everywhere she does try to go, she feels like she is being followed. Is she?

Eventually the whole ordeal gets so intense that Kelli learns more that she had bargained for, because the Easters make their intentions known to Kelli. “We’re going to get you!” and other threats were made one on one. Kelli fears for her life, and informs law enforcement, and her family but as you know, in the beginning, it takes proof with the law.

Kelli is told to keep a lid on everything, but the stress is eating her up inside. Eventually she feels the need to see a counselor. Going without sleep, living in fear, she just can’t handle all of this.

Fortunately, through this true story that Kelli told to Sam Rule, in the end justice does prevail. But it still doesn’t erase the damage that it has caused. Even to Syndie.

Kelli was shocked in the end, that the media was interested and involved in the coverage of this case. But she was also pleased to find that in the end, the public was on her side.

This book is astounding, and eye opening. At the end, Kelli’s own words will enlighten you that she was pleased with the outcome of the book, and sharing her insight and terror with Sam Rule. She wants to make people aware that there is and are people out there like the Easters, and to always be prepared.

This book, is a nightmare, and very much worth reading. I could feel myself worry, and wonder, and want justice for Kelli and Syndie. I was so impressed that Mr. Rule took the time to share their story with us. It is a definite five star read. And I am pleased that Kelli and her family are doing well now, so to speak, and I wish them continued peace, and thank them for sharing their lives and story with us.

Be sure and check this book out. Especially if you like true stories, you will find this book worth your time and money!

View all my reviews