By Kim Carmichael
You may have heard and read bits and pieces here and there
about the book: “Typecast”, because it was something we were all able to vote
on, through Amazon and Kindle Scout, and the best part- this book is one of
the Winners!
So firstly, let me begin with a huge congrats to Kim for
winning the Kindle Scout contest! Woot! Woot!
Next, let me start with my raving review: Kim still truly
inspires me with her story telling ability. I love how this book goes from the “Play
writer” to the “Story telling” scenarios. This part is what is I find truly
inspiring. No other book is like this, least wise that I have read…yet.
And the characters, as you read them you can’t help but
visualize them in your mind and want to meet them. Especially their eyes, blue.
And when I see blue eyes, I always see into their soul. Blue eyes are just so
sexy. To me, anyway, and yeah, I’m entitled to my opinion. Whose review is
‘“I kissed Logan Alexander.” Ivy stared at the television
even though it wasn’t on. She didn’t need to watch reruns any-way . The kiss
replaying in her head over-shadowed anything else.’
She kissed Logan! Ivy
kissed Logan! That lucky beautiful woman kissed Logan! Okay, I read that line and
now I’m jealous. No. Wait what?! I am getting jealous of a character in a book.
I looked over at my husband, he asks me what. I started laughing. I proceeded
to tell him what I read, and what Logan looked like (to me) and that I was
jealous of Ivy. My husband rolled his eyes at me, and said I need help.
I than told him, no really, I think I was getting so
involved in this book, I felt like I was a character right there, while Ivy is
announcing that she kissed him, and I am listening, and I am one of those …(must
watch my mouth…) women standing there. Normally I call myself something else,
actually I call most of us women something else, because let’s face it, most of
the time, we are. Especially, when it comes to jealousy, but I am a tell it all
kind of person.
While reading "Typecast" at first, I wasn't sure if Ivy was really going to be able to pull it off, sometimes her shyness, seemed a little stronger than usual. And the fact that Logan wanted to make a name for himself again, I knew he could. He still had the looks. But in the distance I felt he sometimes doubted himself, or wanted to. But together, I felt they were each others anchor in the long run.
On point….reading this book, I thought it was a very strong
book. A very romantic book, with a lot of really interesting acting, and the
inside scoop of actors and acting. I loved the fact, that while I was reading,
unlike while reading the “Jackie Collins” books, this book had more sex appeal, and the people even
looked better, in the wording alone!
I found this book, well worth reading, and enjoyed every
minute of it, including the fabulous list of characters! Like I keep saying, I
love the writing style, with the play write, and then back to story line. I
think it makes it even more interesting. It makes you feel like you are right
there with them as they do their thing too!
A definite five star review, no wonder it made it onto the
Kindle Scout Awards! It is well worth it! It will keep you entertained in your
chair, sipping a glass of wine, and thinking, “This book would make for an
excellent Movie!” Kim Carmichael has the writers touch, and “Typecast" proves
"Typecast" Youtube video:
Here are my Questions for:
1. What made you
decide to want to write the book "Typecast”?I am a kid of the 80’s a fan
of all things John Hughes. I was sort of fascinated about what happened
to teen actors 20 years later, where did their lives take them.
How long did it take you to write this book? I had started two years ago
but got side tracked by another project. I returned to it and it took about
four months to finish.
3. Other then the cover art- do you have any photos or descriptions of your characters?
3. Other then the cover art- do you have any photos or descriptions of your characters?
- Bad boy, shoulder length blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail, proverbial
bad boy.
- Sweet, looks like a Disney princess but quirky in vintage clothes.
4. What are you working on now?
I am working on Draw the Line which is a take off the trope of a marriage of convenience.
just finished Facade which is inspired by The Phantom of the Opera
6. What is your up-most favorite book? (This includes from your childhood!)
Monster At The End of This Book starring Lovable Furry Old Grover
7. When you were younger, did you always want to be a writer when you grew up?
I wanted to be a rock star
Have you met any other writers along your path?
I have a group of writer friends. Writers are an interesting bunch and
its fun cause we get each other.
9. Do you hope this book will be turned into a Movie or a play?
author hopes that :-)
10. Please share with us your links to your social media sites and where to find your books:
Website: www.kimcarmichaelnovels.com
Hollywood Stardust Website: www.chargge.com
Twitter: @kimcarmichael4
was a Kindle Scout winner and is published through Kindle Press and you helped
me get votes so I thank you so much. This month (January 2016) Typecast is on
sale for 1.99
Please check this out which is a screen shot from the book itself:
**If you didn't notice "MY" name then please go back and reread! I was in the acknowledgements!**
Nothing makes me prouder then to be recognized!
And no, I don't play favorites, I just "KNOW" great work when I read it!

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
You may have heard and read bits and pieces here and there about the book: “Typecast”, because it was something we were all able to vote on, through Amazon and Kindle Scout, and the best part- this book is was one of the Winners!
So firstly, let me begin with a huge congrats to Kim for winning the Kindle Scout contest! Woot! Woot!
Next, let me start with my raving review: Kim still truly inspires me with her story telling ability. I love how this book goes from the “Play writer” to the “Story telling” scenarios. This part is what is I find truly inspiring. No other book is like this, least wise that I have read…yet.
And the characters, as you read them you can’t help but visualize them in your mind and want to meet them. Especially their eyes, blue. And when I see blue eyes, I always see into their soul. Blue eyes are just so sexy. To me, anyway, and yeah, I’m entitled to my opinion. Whose review is this?!
‘“I kissed Logan Alexander.” Ivy stared at the television even though it wasn’t on. She didn’t need to watch reruns any-way . The kiss replaying in her head over-shadowed anything else.’
She kissed Logan! Ivy kissed Logan! That lucky beautiful woman kissed Logan! Ok, I read that line and now I’m jealous. No. Wait what?! I am getting jealous of a character in a book. I looked over at my husband, he asks me what. I started laughing. I proceeded to tell him what I read, and what Logan looked like (to me) and that I was jealous of Ivy. My husband rolled his eyes at me, and said I need help.
I than told him, no really, I think I was getting so involved in this book, I felt like I was a character right there, while Ivy is announcing that she kissed him, and I am listening, and I am one of those …(must watch my mouth…) woman standing there. Normally I call myself something else, actually I call most of us woman something else, because let’s face it, most of the time, we are. Especially, when it comes to jealousy, but I am a tell it all kind of person.
While reading "Typecast" at first, I wasn't sure if Ivy was really going to be able to pull it off, sometime her shyness, seemed a little stronger than usual. And the fact that Logan wanted to make a name for himself again, I knew he could. He still had the looks. But in the distance I felt he sometimes doubted himself, or wanted to. But together, I felt they were each others anchor in the long run.
On point….reading this book, I thought it was a very strong book. A very romantic book, with a lot of really interesting acting, and the inside scoop of actors and acting. I loved the fact, that while I was reading, unlike while reading the “Jackie Collins” books, this book had more sex appeal, and the people even looked better, in the wording alone!
I found this book, well worth reading, and enjoyed every minute of it, including the fabulous list of characters! Like I keep saying, I love the writing style, with the play write, and then back to story line. I think it makes it even more interesting. It makes you feel like you are right there with them as they do their thing too!
A definite five star review, no wonder it made it onto the Kindle Scout Awards! It is well worth it! It will keep you entertained in your chair, sipping a glass of wine, and thinking, “This book would make for an excellent Movie!” Kim Carmichael has the writers touch, and “Typecast" proves it!
View all my reviews