
Monday, January 11, 2016

Pure Adrenaline by Nikki Prince

Pure Adrenaline

By: Nikki Prince

When I opened this book that I won through “BoroughsPublishing Group” and their Christmas event, I was pretty excited for many reasons. Firstly, I had never heard of Nikki, secondly I had never read a book about two men in a relationship. This would be a great experience, so I truly looked forward to it all around.

The dedication grabbed it right from the start: “For those who believe “Love is Love” and that “Love is colorblind.”” When I read that, I knew Nikki would have a book that would be worthy of my time right here. I also knew that Nikki would be one of those Authors that I would be keeping around. She was a definite keeper. 

Then I continued reading, and hit this part: “I’m tired of this same damn argument!” Instantly I relaxed. Okay, this is a true to life book. Everyone argues, we’re all the same. Why am I thinking this book is going to be any different?

Shortly thereafter that, we read: “I’m not ashamed of you, and I’m not ashamed to be gay!” How often do we hear of ‘gay’ people saying this, but not acting on it. Quite a lot, if I do say so myself. But this was intriguing because these men weren’t ashamed of one another, and they wanted to make it work. And as you read, you’re actually rooting for them. They’re sexy, romantic, and perfect for one another. 

Here I am reading and hoping that Julian and Pierce will be succeed. They are everything you want for one another, and just like every relationship, they keep having their issues, and making mistakes. You want to help, and you just keep reading. The romance is so deep, the love is so real. And your feelings are right there with them. 

I love the fact that once they realize they are meant for one another, Julian and Pierce aren’t afraid to come out and make their life and love known to the world. That is how love should be known, no matter who or what you are. Like Nikki said, “Love is Love.” If you don’t like who someone loves, deal with it. It Isn’t your business!

And from what I was told, as I learned from Nikki, this book, was written, and rewritten several times. I don’t know how it was at first, but it is total perfection right here, right now. I was totally in love with “Pure Adrenaline”. I just was right there, rooting them along, wanting everything to work out, and watching as I read. It is a five star book, strong and sound, sensitive, and represents the LGBT community in every sense of the way. If you haven't read it yet, you truly should.

My Questions for Nikki:

1. You wrote this book for School? What was the grade you received on it "before" you added more pages and perfected this book?  
I got an A on the paper and in the class. :)

2. What is your favorite book that you have ever read (of someone else's?)
My most favorite book (though I have a lot of them) is Gabrielle by Theresa Conway from 1977.

3. What is your favorite book of your own?
I have to say that my most favorite is On Angel's Wings.

4. Who are/is your favorite Author(s)?
Oooh my I have a are some.  Some oldies from when I was younger are Johanna Lindsay, Theresa Devine, Bertrice Small.  Authors from now are Shyla Colt, Louisa Bacio, Sabrina Sol, Alanna Lucas, Kate Pearce, Delilah Devlin, Sheri Whitefeather...and many more...I love to read.

5. What are your hobbies?
Gaming.  Any kind of games.  I played World of Warcraft for 6 years before I decided I needed to give it up to write and become published.  I play games with my kids...right now we are playing Call of Duty Black Ops 3.   I also love to travel and try new food.

6. What are your future plans?
Future plans after I finish my Masters this year are to get my Teaching Credential and my PhD.  I also plan to continue to write.

7. What was your favorite childhood story?
I loved Willy Wonka.  Absolutely loved the movie and the book as a kid.

8. How long have you been with Boroughs Publishing Group?
I've been with Boroughs almost a year.  I am published with several publishers since 2012.

9. What was your favorite scene is "Pure Adrenaline?"
My favorite scene is when Pierce and Julian go to Julian's office party.  Because this right here shows Pierce that Julian loves him and wants a life with him.

10. Please share with us links to follow you on social media, blogs, etc:

11. Anything to add:
Thank you for having me it has been a pleasure.

 *Please note in honor of the LBGT we colored our questions in rainbow coloring.*

Pure AdrenalinePure Adrenaline by Nikki Prince
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I opened this book that I won through “BoroughsPublishing Group” and their Christmas event, I was pretty excited for many reasons. Firstly, I had never heard of Nikki, secondly I had never read a book about two men in a relationship. This would be a great experience, so I truly looked forward to it all around.

The dedication grabbed it right from the start: “For those who believe “Love is Love” and that “Love is colorblind.”” When I read that, I knew Nikki would have a book that would be worthy of my time right here. I also knew that Nikki would be one of those Authors that I would be keeping around. She was a definite keeper.

Then I continued reading, and hit this part: “I’m tired of this same damn argument!” Instantly I relaxed. Okay, this is a true to life book. Everyone argues, we’re all the same. Why am I thinking this book is going to be any different?

Shortly thereafter that, we read: “I’m not ashamed of you, and I’m not ashamed to be gay!” How often do we hear of ‘gay’ people saying this, but not acting on it. Quite a lot, if I do say so myself. But this was intriguing because these men weren’t ashamed of one another, and they wanted to make it work. And as you read, you’re actually rooting for them. They’re sexy, romantic, and perfect for one another.

Here I am reading and hoping that Julian and Pierce will be succeed. They are everything you want for one another, and just like every relationship, they keep having their issues, and making mistakes. You want to help, and you just keep reading. The romance is so deep, the love is so real. And your feelings are right there with them.

I love the fact that once they realize they are meant for one another, Julian and Pierce aren’t afraid to come out and make their life and love known to the world. That is how love should be known, no matter who or what you are. Like Nikki said, “Love is Love.” If you don’t like who someone loves, deal with it. It Isn’t your business!

And from what I was told, as I learned from Nikki, this book, was written, and rewritten several times. I don’t know how it was at first, but it is total perfection right here, right now. I was totally in love with “Pure Adrenaline”. I just was right there, rooting them along, wanting everything to work out, and watching as I read. It is a five star book, strong and sound, sensitive, and represents the LGBT community in every sense of the way. If you haven't read it yet, you truly should.

View all my reviews