Heart-The Donnellys Book 3
By Dorothy F. Shaw
Cynthia had a crush on her brothers’ best friend all
through high school. Now we all know, this is not an unusual thing for annoying
sisters to get crushes on their brothers’ friends. However, we do think that sometimes those
crushes, they usually fade away once we grow up. Don’t they? Yeah sometimes…
So here we are at her brothers wedding rehearsal
where Cynthia once again, finds the even sexier-Shane.
Some of you that have siblings may remember the
cardinal rule, you’re not allowed to touch your best friends sister. But now
that you’re grown, and Cyn is one sexy assed woman, all bets are off. To hell
with the rules now.
So Cyn and Shane decide to take a chance on love and
even a long distance relationship. Everything seems to be working out for the
both of them, and Shane was even considering moving back to LA. But then low
and behold Cyn’s ex decides he doesn’t want to play second fiddle any longer!
Instead, he wants back in her life!
With everything coming to an uproar, Cynthia manages
to lose faith in herself and everyone else of the male persona. She isn’t sure
who or what is right for her, and what choice to make, if any at all, maybe her
choices are always wrong?
I will leave you here hanging, wondering if Cynthia
is going to go ahead and decide to take back her ex, or get together with her
high school dream boat Shane. What would you do? Cynthia is truly confused,
and lost in her own thoughts. If only she could think straight…
As with most of Dorothy’s books, this book comes
with a warning label. This one is different than any of her labels I have ever
came across, and when I read the book, I realized why. So I am going to share
this with you now:
“This book contains a physical assault. Buckle up for
a bumpy emotional journey with the characters as they fall and then slowly find
their way to healing, and to each other. You might get angry or tearful along
the way, you may even get frustrated, but as with any good love story, it’ll be
worth it in the end.”
I want to assure you, the warning is indeed true in every
aspect. This book is very true to life. When “we the people” argue we sometimes
throw a fist or two, don’t even lie. How else
would you expect Dorothy to write? Her books are exceptional in every aspect of
the word. She hides nothing, and gives you everything you want and more when
you sit down to relax and read. Every time this woman puts pen to paper, expect
a five star book out of her, nothing less. This is one talented woman, and she
knows exactly what people want to see, feel, and read. And it’s called reality.
And this woman can put love, sex, and passion in every word, and make you feel
the wind blow across your face if she writes it to do so. Trust me. Dorothy F.
Shaw is and always will be, an amazing writer.
questions for Dorothy:
1. How long will the Donnelly series continue?
So far there are 7
books planned in total...but you never know what may happen. There could be a
few novella’s or maybe some other relatives or friends… With the way my writer
brain works, something could pop up when I least expect it. I’m grinning
because its just more fun to keep you guessing. Hehehe...
2. What are you working on now?
I’ve just
started writing book 4 in The Donnellys series - tentatively titled: Jaded
Heart. This is Angie’s book. =)
3. What is your favorite book of all time? This includes your childhood book!
favorite book of all time is the very first YA romance I ever read called “Walk
Through Cold Fire” It’s by Cin Dforshay-Lunsford. She wrote it when she was 19
I believe. Sadly, it’s out of print so copies are hard to come by, but
they are out there. Also, I don’t think she published anything else, unless
she’s doing it under a different name. If not, she’s just left the scene. But
I’ll tell you what, that book...It changed me. And anyone that’s read it will
tell you the same thing.
4. What are your hobbies?
Oh, chica…hobbies
include: Writing, watching netflix with the kids when there’s time. And chasing
a unicorn.
5. Are / Do all of your books have content warnings?
but one. =P
My publisher
likes to add them…but I love doing them. So it works.
6. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A police officer. Long story about why I didn’t become one…but outside of that, I also wanted to be a lawyer. Long story about that one too. LOL
7. Have you ever met any famous Authors?
I have had the privilege of meeting several famous authors, yes. But...the best one I got to meet and talk to was J.R. Ward. She also happens to be my favorite author of all time in all the world. I don’t get fangirly with anyone, but with her? Holy hell, I could barely talk.
PS: She knew me
because of her online signings - long story but I almost DIED when she was all
"OMG you’re Wookiesgirl?!" Yep…died. In addition, the half sleeve
tattoo on my left arm is all Black Dagger Brotherhood and she SIGNED IT FOR ME!
8. Do your fans ever personally contact you about your books?
No…well, that’s not
entirely true. First, let me clarify, I don’t really think I have fans. But I
do have some readers, and on occasion one will private message me on FB. But
I’ve never gotten any emails and those PMs are rare. Maybe someday,
9. Of your own books- which one is your favorite?
This is a hard
one. I think Unworthy Heart - mostly because it was the first book I ever
wrote, but also because I worked so hard to get that book ready for sale to a
publisher. But outside of that one, I think right now, its a toss up between
Shattered Heart and a single title future release - Stripped Bounty. <— THAT
book almost killed me to write, but as a result, I love it.
10. Do you ever get lost in your work, or dream a story and write it and/or dream about your books? (Yeah it's kinda a three part question... But they kinda work together!)
A three parter?
Okay…here goes. =)
a) Lost in my work, meaning, I am so focused on a scene or a story, that it basically takes up all my thoughts? Well…yes and no. I mean, I’m a writer. If I’m not writing, I’m thinking about writing.
a) Lost in my work, meaning, I am so focused on a scene or a story, that it basically takes up all my thoughts? Well…yes and no. I mean, I’m a writer. If I’m not writing, I’m thinking about writing.
b) I have had
dreams that could become stories. I don’t dream a lot, but when I do, if its
strange or crazy cool, I jot down what it is and file it away under “future
c) I have not
dreamt about my books…yet. =)
11. Please provide for us your links to follow you and buy your books:
Contact me:
The Donnellys Series:
Single Title:
12. Anything to add:
I just want to thank
you for believing in me and my writing. Truly. Thank you for that. =)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Cynthia had a crush on her brothers’ best friend all through high school. Now we all know, this is not an unusual thing for annoying sisters to get crushes on their brothers’ friends. However, we do think that sometimes those crushes, they usually fade away once we grow up. Don’t they? Yeah sometimes…
So here we are at her brothers wedding rehearsal where Cynthia once again, finds the even sexier-Shane.
Some of you that have siblings may remember the cardinal rule, you’re not allowed to touch your best friends sister. But now that you’re grown, and Cyn is one sexy assed woman, all bets are off. To hell with the rules now.
So Cyn and Shane decide to take a chance on love and even a long distance relationship. Everything seems to be working out for the both of them, and Shane was even considering moving back to LA. But then low and behold Cyn’s ex decides he doesn’t want to play second fiddle any longer! Instead, he wants back in her life!
With everything coming to an uproar, Cynthia manages to lose faith in herself and everyone else of the male persona. She isn’t sure who or what is right for her, and what choice to make, if any at all, maybe her choices are always wrong?
I will leave you here hanging, wondering if Cynthia is going to go ahead and decide to take back her ex, or get together with her high school dream boat Shane. What would you do? Cynthia is truly confused, and lost in her own thoughts. If only she could think straight…
As with most of Dorothy’s books, this book comes with a warning label. This one is different than any of her labels I have ever came across, and when I read the book, I realized why. So I am going to share this with you now:
“This book contains a physical assault. Buckle up for a bumpy emotional journey with the characters as they fall and then slowly find their way to healing, and to each other. You might get angry or tearful along the way, you may even get frustrated, but as with any good love story, it’ll be worth it in the end.”
I want to assure you, the warning is indeed true in every aspect. This book is very true to life. When “we the people” argue we sometimes throw a fist or two, don’t even lie. How else would you expect Dorothy to write? Her books are exceptional in every aspect of the word. She hides nothing, and gives you everything you want and more when you sit down to relax and read. Every time this woman puts pen to paper, expect a five star book out of her, nothing less. This is one talented woman, and she knows exactly what people want to see, feel, and read. And it’s called reality. And this woman can put love, sex, and passion in every word, and make you feel the wind blow across your face if she writes it to do so. Trust me. Dorothy F. Shaw is and always will be, an amazing writer.
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