
Friday, January 29, 2016

Winter Solstice Menage (Winter Solstice Run Book 4) by Louisa Bacio

Winter Solstice Menage
(Winter Solstice Run Book 4)

Black Hills Wolves 
By Louisa Bacio

Sugar Collins has a big brother named Yas. Yas ventures off to a smaller pack that he learned about from his Mother. 

Now that Yas is gone, Sugar decides it’s time to play. And wherever she goes trouble follows. And now that she is learning all her shifting abilities, will she be able to settle down? For that matter, does she even want to…

The best part of Sugar and her dating scenario, is she is dating twins: Derek and Tyler Baker who live in Los Lobos. The confusing, but yet fun part, is that she keeps confusing them, and can’t figure out which of the twins she likes better. They are both so Sexy, and likable, and fun to be with, maybe she could have both? What if? Yeah, if only…

The twins were happy playing the field, until Sugar came into the picture. They have had enough issues with being put through enough issues with their Alpha Leader, so having something other to focus on, made life more entertaining for them. 

The true problem, however is, Sugar has an issue that follows her everywhere. Trouble should be her real wolf name, because it follows her everywhere. Once she learns more about her shifting, and dating, and life in general, the newly evolved she-wolf becomes something that even her wolf pack will have issues with taming her. 

The “Winter Solstice Run” continues in this saga, and you will love it every step of the way, in this five star book. The characters are intensely evolved and draw you into their lives with them. 

“Winter Solstice Menage” is a true five star read, Louisa leaves her readers wanting more, and looking forward to the possibilities of another book. The wolf-packs are truly creative in every aspect. You will love this book, as with anything Louisa puts with pen to paper. Always interesting, and entertaining, and worth your time to read, and leaves you always wanting more! I totally fell in love with Sugar, she was just my kind of character!

My questions for Louisa:

1. What made you decide to write this series?

As I wrote “Claiming the She-Wolf,” the character of Sugar came on strong. Yas and his mate Tala, Sugar and then Tala’s brother Shilah all intertwine. The Black Hills Wolves shared world is the first time I’ve worked within those constrains, but it’s an amazing group of authors and I’m thrilled to be part of the pack.

2. Do you have photos or descriptions of the twins Derek and Tyler Baker?

Most definitely, I have inspiration for the Baker twins. Attached is the before – as I was writing – and then a little after.(above)

This photo stated "Sugars Man!"

3. Do you have a photo or description of Sugar Collins?

“She possessed all sorts of curves in a pair of tight faded jeans and a soft-looking, body-clinging sweatshirt, and this lush blonde, curly hair that made Ty fist his hands to keep from reaching out. When she saw him, her eyes widened and she smiled, as if she knew him.”

4. How long did it take you to write this book?

Winter Solstice Ménage took about four months to write from start to editing finish.

5. What are you working on now?

Too many stories! First off, a ménage to follow up “Ménage by Monday,” which was in the Three Times Lucky boxset. A second collection will be coming out this year, and I promise a thrilling tale.

In March will be the third full-length novel in my Sex University series. The Master Class is a F/F/M, and it’s five years in the making!

Finally, I’ve put in a proposal for a third Black Hills Wolves story that finishes Shilah’s tale. Wish me luck that it’s accepted (and then I need to start writing!).

6. What is your very most favorite book of all time?

It would have to be something like Anne Rice’s “Interview with the Vampire,” or Stephen King’s “Dark Tower” series, which isn’t a single book! For years, my favorite was “It.” Since my master’s thesis in English was written on King, I have to give him credit. In romance? *sigh* So many!

7. Have you ever met any Authors?

As a fan, I’ve been fortunate to meet authors such as Anne Rice, Dean Koontz, Clive Barker and even Ray Bradbury at a signing. I’d love to add Stephen King to that list.

As a writer, I have an amazing, growing list of friends who are talented and creative writers. It’s a wonderful thing about the romance community: How supportive everyone is of each other.

8. What do/did you want to be when you grow/grew up?

Would you believe I’ve always wanted to be a writer? There were a few distractions such as model. Too bad I never grew as tall as expected (my dad is 6’4” and my aunt is 5’10”).

9. What is your favorite book that "you" have written?

I’m sure you get similar responses, but it’s almost impossible to select out one favorite book. So many resonate.

10. Please provide for us your social media links and book links:

Sell links for Winter Solstice:

Available via Amazon, ARe, iBooks, Kobo and other eRetailers.

11. Anything to add:

Thank you so much for all your time reading and writing these interviews. I appreciate all that it takes, and much love.

Winter Solstice Menage (Black Hills Wolves book 34)Winter Solstice Menage by Louisa Bacio
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Double Trouble equals five stars!

Sugar Collins has a big brother named Yas. Yas ventures off to a smaller pack that he learned about from his Mother.

Now that Yas is gone, Sugar decides it’s time to play. And wherever she goes trouble follows. And now that she is learning all her shifting abilities, will she be able to settle down? For that matter, does she even want to…

The best part of Sugar and her dating scenario, is she is dating twins: Derek and Tyler Baker who live in Los Lobos. The confusing, but yet fun part, is that she keeps confusing them, and can’t figure out which of the twins she likes better. They are both so Sexy, and likable, and fun to be with, maybe she could have both? What if? Yeah, if only…

The twins were happy playing the field, until Sugar came into the picture. They have had enough issues with being put through enough issues with their Alpha Leader, so having something other to focus on, made life more entertaining for them.

The true problem, however is, Sugar has an issue that follows her everywhere. Trouble should be her real wolf name, because it follows her everywhere. Once she learns more about her shifting, and dating, and life in general, the newly evolved she-wolf becomes something that even her wolf pack will have issues with taming her.

The “Winter Solstice Run” continues in this saga, and you will love it every step of the way, in this five star book. The characters are intensely evolved and draw you into their lives with them.

“Winter Solstice Menage” is a true five star read, Louisa leaves her readers wanting more, and looking forward to the possibilities of another book. The wolf-packs are truly creative in every aspect. You will love this book, as with anything Louisa puts with pen to paper. Always interesting, and entertaining, and worth your time to read, and leaves you always wanting more! I totally fell in love with Sugar, she was just my kind of character!

View all my reviews