
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Vergene (Revenege, Twisted) by John Tucker

Vergene (Revenge, Twisted)

By John Tucker

When I was asked by John to pick what I wanted to review I went through his list of books, and read through them all. I came to this one, and instantly was drawn to it, because it is vindictive, and sexual. I like it when those things come into play together. 

But there was more, I kept staring at the title. And because I interviewed him, you’re going to think he told me, or I stole the cue cards. But I didn’t. 

You see, I play with words, and I play word games, all the time. Ask anyone who knows me. Allow me to explain real quick, and easily even:

The word radar is the same frontwards as it is backwards. Do you see what it is I am saying? This term is called: Palindrome. Now if you didn’t already know that, you can say you learned something new today. 

Now then, again let’s take a closer look at the title: “Vergene (Revenge, Twisted)” Now reread what you just said and again look at the title, and you have your answer. Did you figure it out? ::Sigh:: The Name Vergene is Revenge-Twisted. IE: jumbled, rearranged, whatever. Get it now?! It only took me about an hour staring at it, honestly. But I eventually seen it, and I was like, it was so clever, because it clicks with the story line even more that way!

Ok, so now that I explained the title to you in depth, allow me to explain to you what I learned as I read this five star book, by John Tucker, and may I add in a joking tone: no John Tucker mustn’t die. (Sorry but I had to…the comedian in me sometimes makes an appearance. Ha?!)

The book “Vergene (Revenge Twisted)” has a beautiful sexually active LaDonna Knowles whom is happily married to the wonderful Knox. Together they have a Son, and she adores him. She works at her coffee house, and she tries to portray the perfect couple, and with the perfect life and family.

On the side, LaDonna has been having secret hot steamy relations, keeping her sexual impulses satisfied with an employee at the coffee house, and an old boy friend from High School. 

Still, every night, LaDonna does return home to her husband and son, pretending to be the ever loving faithful, adoring wife and Mother. 

Once Knox returns to work, LaDonna’s secrets from her past and present threaten to ruin everything she loves and adores, which apparently, includes sex. Now the family will need a Nanny…

What we end up learning, is that LaDonna was not such an innocent person as a teenager. She has under her belt lies and accusations that have sent a man to his grave. Not one of her proudest moments either. 

The Nanny they end up hiring is one Vergene Skipern, whom is a nineteen year old, with plans of her own to get even. She too has secrets, for instance, the man that was put to his grave too soon? Her father, and Vergene feels it is her place to teach LaDonna a thing or two-that is-before she sends her straight to hell-where she feels the woman belongs.

I totally fell in love with this vengeful book! I give it five stars, and I am even more tickled that John autographed the e-book to me. No one has ever done that for me!

I was so impressed, with everything! This book was just overwhelmingly full of surprises! I wanted to climb in and get involved! I envied Vergene for taking the bull by the horns and taking matters into her own hands! So many times we as readers want to, but sit idly by and do nothing. But we can’t say that with Vergene, no way in hell! This girl is on top of her game. As for LaDonna, she has a helluva sexual appetite, and a demonic nature, but it does in fact need tamed and taught a lesson, I do happen to agree. And I think Knox needs to open his eyes, Dude your wife is not picture perfect. As for you the reader: you really need to read this book, you will love it, trust me!

My Questions for John:

1.     What made you write Vergene (Revenge, Twisted) and how long did it take?
This one took about 6 months – from start to publish – reasonably fast for me.  Besides the plot of a wounded teenager getting revenge on the woman whose macinations killed her father, the theme of Karma played a large role in the book.  Usually, novels using Karma as a plot device focus on a hero having vengeance on a villain who wronged them. In Vergene (Revenge, Twisted) it's a bad person getting their comeuppance from a nineteen-year-old who chose to walk the evil road as a result of the older woman's past indiscretions. Basically, you reap what you sow. Btw, the Titular character of the novel – Vergene – created her bogus name by re-arranging the word Revenge.

2. Do you have any photos or descriptions of your characters?
I do, in my book trailer and my promos. I imagine the lead character of LaDonna Knowles as looking like Kate Beckinsale. Vergene, as a young blonde with plaited hair and a face of an angel.

3. What all education do you have?
            I graduated High school in 1981 and only started my writing career in 2010. Admittedly, I had to take a few community college classes on English to re-learn what I had forgotten. After I joined a wonderful website to hone my skills for a year (Internet Writers Workshop), I wrote my first two novels –Romancing the Fox about a twice-divorced man who still believes in love falling for a broken porn star who had given up on it – and Divisive –a serial killer who hunts dysfunctional single mother families, mends their wounds, and proceeds to destroy them with lies, seduction, and jealousy. 

4. How long have you been writing and what all have you written?
    I've written 13 books since 2010 – all of them full-length novels with the exception of a short story clled Mouse and Katt. My two main genres are straight thrillers (Divisive, The Fifth Game: Elizabeth's Soul (Divisive 2), Splits in the Skin, The Wisdom of Solomon, and Mouse and Katt. ) and erotic thrillers (Vergene, Twelve Doors to Ecstasy, and the sequel Two Days To Passion). I also dabble in contemporary Romance (Romancing the Fox) and have a projected 5 volumn celestial romance series called Bemused and Bedviled (Terpsichore in Love, The Mark of Cain, and The Seventh Seal)

THE FIFTH GAME: ELIZABETH'S SOUL is the first sequel to DIVISIVE where the lone survivor of Dennis Rask's evil game (Elizabeth Connors) reluctantly agrees to help him destroy yet another family, all the while hoping she can change her lover before his wicked mission is done.

SPLITS IN THE SKIN is about a bounty hunter looking for a fugitive in the North Georgia mountains. When Ellis Hardigree discovers that his prey (Moses Bailey) is the leader of a closeted village that believe in the Old Testament, God, and only mating with their own. Ellis enlists the help of a young woman in a local town to help him, providing the grim plot of the book with some humor and romance. It's a hard read but the fast-moving plot, according to the reviewers, keeps the pages turning.

THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON details the story of a downtrodden housewife, Maritza Van Lyle, and a mysterious man who takes her hostage over the course of a day – waiting for her husband to arrive in order to procure a stolen object. By the end of the story, Maritza puts a plan into motion that may make her life a deadly price. 

MOUSE AND KATT takes place in 1940's Iowa and tells about the meeting of a lonely widower with a malevolent past picking up a hitchhiker with a fresh one. The more the odd couple motor past the endless fields of corn, the more they learn about their murderous predilections.

TWELVE DOORS TO ECSTASY is an erotic thriller about a sexually repressed woman answering an advertisement that promises to enlighten her carnal desires. She's chosen to participate in a special test where she's spirited to a building with four floors and six differently colored doors on each level. Each door hides a special sexual act or fetish and, to get the half-million dollars promised by a voyeuristic businessman, Tristina Sanyon must complete each sexual assignment – or lose the money. As she goes through each of the twelve carnal rooms she has to choose from, Tristina discovers her life (or her very freedom) may be in danger.

TERPSICHORE IN LOVE (BEMUSED AND BEDEVILED 1)  is about Daniel Gordon, a hapless mortal who falls in love with an ancient Muse named Terpsichore. In it, Dan deals with her 8 disparate sister Muses, a trio of deliciously evil Sirens, God, Lucifer, and the other cosmic denizens of Heaven and Hades. Religiously Humorous and Devilishly Dangerous.

THE MARK OF CAIN (BEMUSED AND BEDVILED 2) ups the ante when Daniel starts to gain magical powers, getting attention from the light and dark sides of the Universe. When a shadowy cabal of celestial (the Antediluvians) decide to use him as a catalyst for their takeover of Heaven and Hades, Daniel has to choose between his now damaged relationship with Terpsichore, or the evil delights of Chanteuse – the Siren whose mission is to seduce him to the wicked side of the cosmos.

THE SEVENTH SEAL (BEMUSED AND BEDEVILED 3) Daniel Gordon, torn from the sexual arms of his celestial lover by her lies and manipulations, discovers he may be the prophetic key to starting Armageddon and helping the Antedilvians create a universe devoid of hate, malice, and insignificant lifeforms. The only person able to cement his rise to power is the conflicted Muse who has despised him for decades – Terpsichore's black sheep sister – Calliope.

Lastly, I have a high end YA mystery called THE LITTLE GIRL YOU KISS GOODNIGHT. When Steph Linder's estranged mother is murdered in the small town her father took her away from when he divorced her mother, Steph returns for a seven day hunt for her mom's killer. A budding detective through an Atlanta mentoring program with the police, Steph soon finds she has six main suspects and is forced to put herself into harms way to reveal the vicious criminal. 

5. Who is/are your favorite Authors?
     Of the professional ones, I voraciously read anything by Stephen King and Dean Koontz, and love the historical fiction written by John Jakes (especially the 8-Volume American Bicentenial Series).

Of the newer literary authors I've read everything by J.f. Silver, Elena Kincaid, Maia Dylan, Sarah Marsh, Serena Akeroyd, and several other Erotica authors I've had the good fortune to meet while organizing the quarterly Damn, That's Hot Erotica event on Facebook.

6. What is your very favorite book?
    That would be Stephen King's Unexpurgated version of The Stand. From start to finish, the perfect book. The relentless plot, disparate characters, realistic relationships, and mesmerizing villain are both sublime and superb.

7. What are you working on now?
     I'm trying to finish up a contemporary romance called eTernalMates, and Violetta's Voyeur – a dark paranormal romance about a woman being stalked by a mysterious......something. Both should be finished and published by June.

8. What makes you write erotica?
     It started as a dare by a fellow erotica author when I commented that writing explicit love scenes wasn't my forte. Until then, I wrote about the seduction, cut to the bedrrom, and picked up with the sweaty aftermath.  Years ago, I had worked out a concept about a woman forced to go through a series of rooms where different sex acts would be performed on her but wasn't sure if I could write this woman as being anything but a helpless whore. After coming up with a way to make her a sympathetic young woman, I immediately planned a novel and, six months later, held the finished product in my hands – Twelve Doors to Ecstasy.  Two erotic novels later, I have another pair of naughty books in the works with two others beginning to percolate in my deviant mind.  :-)

9. Do you get excited while writing the sex scenes?
     Do I get a hard-on while writing erotica? :-)  No. I tend to be visually inclined to excitation rather than through the written word. That being said, I listened to an audio version of  erotica that dfid give me a... reason to like it. As a writer, sex scenes are still difficult for me to put on paper, so it's more stressful than anything. Admittedly, I've always been vanilla in the bedroom, only occasionally getting adventurous when it somes to sexual matters. Sooooo, coming up with unique sex scenes and creating characters so much unlike me can be daunting at times. But, whenever a reviewer or a friend comments on my carnal parts positively, I love it and it makes it worthwhile. 

11. Have you ever had writers block?
      God, is it Tuesday???? I have a very fickle Muse who loves to torment me by disappearing for weeks at a time. Combined with my struggles with depression and self-loathing, I rarely have a novel I start and finish in linear order. When it happens, I simply start writing another novel until I get the impetus to re-start the abandoned novel.

12. What are your hobbies? Writing, watching television or movies, and taking long walks in the nearby woods. The practice gives me time to recharge the mind, get needed exercise, and fresh air. As a side note, I have a collection of 550 DVD's of my favorite movies and absolutely love anything by Quintin Tarentino, Martin Scorsese, and Alfred Hitchcock.

13. Please share with us your social and book links:

My Underused Twitter – @Hutt1234John

My Main Facebook Page (Friend Me!!) ---

My Facebook Author Page ---

Vergene: Revenge, TwistedVergene: Revenge, Twisted by John Tucker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I was asked by John to pick what I wanted to review I went through his list of books, and read through them all. I came to this one, and instantly was drawn to it, because it is vindictive, and sexual. I like it when those things come into play together.

But there was more, I kept staring at the title. And because I interviewed him, you’re going to think he told me, or I stole the cue cards. But I didn’t.

You see, I play with words, and I play word games, all the time. Ask anyone who knows me. Allow me to explain real quick, and easily even:

The word radar is the same frontwards as it is backwards. Do you see what it is I am saying? This term is called: Palindrome. Now if you didn’t already know that, you can say you learned something new today.

Now then, again let’s take a closer look at the title: “Vergene (Revenge, Twisted)” Now reread what you just said and again look at the title, and you have your answer. Did you figure it out? ::Sigh:: The Name Vergene is Revenge-Twisted. IE: jumbled, rearranged, whatever. Get it now?! It only took me about an hour staring at it, honestly. But I eventually seen it, and I was like, it was so clever, because it clicks with the story line even more that way!

Ok, so now that I explained the title to you in depth, allow me to explain to you what I learned as I read this five star book, by John Tucker, and may I add in a joking tone: no John Tucker mustn’t die. (Sorry but I had to…the comedian in me sometimes makes an appearance. Ha?!)

The book “Vergene (Revenge Twisted)” has a beautiful sexually active LaDonna Knowles whom is happily married to the wonderful Knox. Together they have a Son, and she adores him. She works at her coffee house, and she tries to portray the perfect couple, and with the perfect life and family.

On the side, LaDonna has been having secret hot steamy relations, keeping her sexual impulses satisfied with an employee at the coffee house, and an old boy friend from High School.

Still, every night, LaDonna does return home to her husband and son, pretending to be the ever loving faithful, adoring wife and Mother.

Once Knox returns to work, LaDonna’s secrets from her past and present threaten to ruin everything she loves and adores, which apparently, includes sex. Now the family will need a Nanny…

What we end up learning, is that LaDonna was not such an innocent person as a teenager. She has under her belt lies and accusations that have sent a man to his grave. Not one of her proudest moments either.

The Nanny they end up hiring is one Vergene Skipern, whom is a nineteen year old, with plans of her own to get even. She too has secrets, for instance, the man that was put to his grave too soon? Her father, and Vergene feels it is her place to teach LaDonna a thing or two-that is-before she sends her straight to hell-where she feels the woman belongs.

I totally fell in love with this vengeful book! I give it five stars, and I am even more tickled that John autographed the e-book to me. No one has ever done that for me!

I was so impressed, with everything! This book was just overwhelmingly full of surprises! I wanted to climb in and get involved! I envied Vergene for taking the bull by the horns and taking matters into her own hands! So many times we as readers want to, but sit idly by and do nothing. But we can’t say that with Vergene, no way in hell! This girl is on top of her game. As for LaDonna, she has a helluva sexual appetite, and a demonic nature, but it does in fact need tamed and taught a lesson, I do happen to agree. And I think Knox needs to open his eyes, Dude your wife is not picture perfect. As for you the reader: you really need to read this book, you will love it, trust me!

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