
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Pink Pucks & Power Plays (To Love a Wildcat, #1) by V.L. Locey

Pink Pucks & Power Plays

By V.L. Locey

We all know how it is, having a younger sister. Viviana Land is a curvaceous society page reporter that gets talked into helping her nieces Busy Bee Scout leader. This leads the girls to Green Hills Ice Rink....

Viviana is a very self absorbed character with many flaws. However like more people, she needs to find a way to make her career and her love life come together and make her life have meaning.

Alain Lessard one handsome hunk from the Philadelphia Wildcats is donating his summer to coaching the youth league. 

Alain is truly a focused hockey player who loves working with people, and his community. His priorities have always been hockey, and… well hockey. Until he met Viviana it was then that his sparks were awakened.

Viviana is handed an opportunity to write the break out story of her career. And she can’t help but flirt and tease some juicy tidbits from Alain, a great hockey defense-men. However, without even noticing Viviana finds herself falling for the younger hunk.

Can and will Viviana put her virtual pen away for a chance at this new chance at the perfect career choice or will she finally get away from those annoying bakery opening articles by using the man she could possibly be in love with? Can she make the right choice here?

Can and will Vivian and Alain make their relationship work? For that matter should they? And will Viviana learn to becoming less self absorbed, and a better person, now that she has a man to focus on. It’s time to read and find out more yourself!

This book is a truly sporty five star read, relating to young teens, and hockey. I enjoyed the relationships with the family, and the fact that these characters truly seemed life like. 

Viviana truly had an attitude just like an independent self absorbed woman. Alain’s character is very strong, and truly emotional and helps to make the book more memorable as he brings the romance to life. You will truly enjoy this book, it will enlighten you on hockey, and even careers and relationships. This book “Pink Pucks and Power Plays” was a very inspirational sporty read!

My questions for Ms. Locey:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take?

I wanted to pen a sports romance series where the leading ladies weren't the typical size 2, blonde, bubbly heroines. I wanted to show the world that a woman with curves and some sass could win the heart of the handsome younger man even if she were not Susie Sunshine. All of my heroines, and heroes when talking about my M/M books, are not Princes or Princesses. They are flawed and it shows. Some are heavy, some are painfully shy, some are in their 40's or 50's, some are handicapped, and one in particular is just an out-and-out jerk. Yes, I'm looking at you, Victor Kalinski.

Pink Pucks probably took about a month for a completed first draft. I spend at least 2-3 hours per day writing, so things go rather quickly most generally.

2. Are you yourself into Hockey?

Oh yes, I am a super rabid New York Rangers fan. I make a yearly pilgrimage to New York City with my best buddy Michele (another huge hockey fan) just to visit Madison Square Garden to see a Rangers game. My family and I also attend as many minor league games as we can since we have an ECHL team close by.

3. Do you have photos or descriptions of Viviana, her sister and/or Alain?

I have a Pinterest board with all sorts of images for Pink Pucks & Power Plays, as well as all my other books. Here's the link:

4. What are your hobbies?

I love to read, do yoga, collect Marvel comics, watch hockey, chill with my chickens, play video games, and enjoy going to the movies with my hubby and daughter.

5. What all education do you have?

I have a high school diploma.

6. What do you suggest to aspiring authors?

There are two things that I like to pass along to folks who are hoping to write that book they've been dreaming of:

1-Do not let anyone tell you that you are too fat, skinny, young, old, handicapped, rich, poor, green, purple, yellow, brown, white, or lime green to follow your dreams.

2-Put your backside in that chair and write. All the talent, amazing characters, and superb plots mean nothing if you do not learn the discipline required to be an author. That means your butt in that chair every day, no matter what. I know, it's harsh advice, but it's one of the most important things that I can pass along aspiring authors.

7. What are you working on now?

At the moment I'm working on a book for my Venom erotic hockey series titled Angle Play. The Venom series spun off the To Love a Wildcat series and is about a women's pro team playing in Philly.

8. Who is/are your favorite Author(s)?

Oh boy, there are so many! Off the top of my head, we'll go with J.R. Ward, Diana Gabaldon, George RR Martin, Rick Riordan, and Armistead Maupin. My reading tastes are all over as you can see.

9. Please provide for us your social media and book links:

Book Links:

Social Media Hangouts:

10. Anything you'd care to add:

I'd like to thank Deneale and all of the readers out there! We authors love every reader and blogger who supports the reading community as well as the world of romance!

                                                        Skate hard and love deeply,


Pink Pucks & Power Plays (To Love a Wildcat, #1)Pink Pucks & Power Plays by V.L. Locey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We all know how it is, having a younger sister. Viviana Land is a curvaceous society page reporter that gets talked into helping her nieces Busy Bee Scout leader. This leads the girls to Green Hills Ice Rink....

Viviana is a very self absorbed character with many flaws. However like more people, she needs to find a way to make her career and her love life come together and make her life have meaning.

Alain Lessard one handsome hunk from the Philadelphia Wildcats is donating his summer to coaching the youth league.

Alain is truly a focused hockey player who loves working with people, and his community. His priorities have always been hockey, and… well hockey. Until he met Viviana it was then that his sparks were awakened.

Viviana is handed an opportunity to write the break out story of her career. And she can’t help but flirt and tease some juicy tidbits from Alain, a great hockey defense-men. However, without even noticing Viviana finds herself falling for the younger hunk.

Can and will Viviana put her virtual pen away for a chance at this new chance at the perfect career choice or will she finally get away from those annoying bakery opening articles by using the man she could possibly be in love with? Can she make the right choice here?

Can and will Vivian and Alain make their relationship work? For that matter should they? And will Viviana learn to becoming less self absorbed, and a better person, now that she has a man to focus on. It’s time to read and find out more yourself!

This book is a truly sporty five star read, relating to young teens, and hockey. I enjoyed the relationships with the family, and the fact that these characters truly seemed life like.

Viviana truly had an attitude just like an independent self absorbed woman. Alain’s character is very strong, and truly emotional and helps to make the book more memorable as he brings the romance to life. You will truly enjoy this book, it will enlighten you on hockey, and even careers and relationships. This book “Pink Pucks and Power Plays” was a very inspirational sporty read!

View all my reviews

After the Rain - One Pass Away Book One by Mary J. Williams

After the Rain 
One Pass Away Book One

By: Mary J. Williams

It hasn’t been easy for Claire Thorton, she is a woman with no money and no connections, however she is a woman who has earned everything she has on her own Claire is a strong woman who goes after her dreams, and get what she wants, and she feels it is high time to make a difference in her life.

Logan Price was an ex NFL football player for the Seattle Knights, who had injured his leg, and sent him back to Oklahoma. When he tried to make a comeback it caused him to go into a deep depression. 

Logan meets his old friend who decides to offer him another chance. Logan had finally been able to be someone without football. He was currently working at his fathers bar, and running daily. Now Logan wasn’t sure if getting his hopes up, would kill him if he ended up losing everything all over again.

Claire has decided it was time to make something of herself and Logan. She decided that helping Logan get back to the NFL will prove to her detractors that she can be a trainer and that she is determined to make in a world where the males seem to dominate society.

It only takes one kiss for Logan and Claire to realize the two of them want and need one another to make both of their dreams come true.

This was my time reading a sport related book, and as a person who likes football, and understands it, I truly loved it. I also enjoy the NFL, and this book, “After the Rain” gives you real insight as to how players do get hurt, and just how much it damages them inside and out. People need to see and know that, it is an emotional and physical experience. Not many people see and know this. They just assume that these players that we all watch, and depend on to win us these football games, our heroes, are always indispensable, when in fact they are not. They are people just like we are. Side lining them, retiring them, and forgetting about them, takes a toll on them as much as letting them play. 

This book is truly a wonderful realistic look, and for all of you who like football, the NFL, and all the wonders of it, you truly need to read this, and respect the writing that went into this book. Mary did a wonderful job, and I am truly impressed with her representation. This is a beautiful five star read, and well worth being entered into any contests to represent the NFL, or its players, and insight toward them. I think this book truly needs more recognition, there is more here than meets the eye. I was astounded, and couldn’t put it down, and honored to have been able to read and interview Mary.

Here are my questions for Mary:

1. What led you to write "After the Rain" and how long did it take?
I've always loved romances that centered around sports. It was a toss-up between football and baseball. football winning only because it was football season when I started the book. I saw it as a three book series that takes place during one Seattle Knights season. After the Rain follows Logan on his journey back to the NFL after suffering a career ending injury.
It took me a month to write. I'm a fast writer. The story comes to me as I go along, taking twists and turns that I didn't see coming. Often, this happens when characters are speaking to each other. One of them will say something I didn't expect and suddenly they story has a new direction. I love when that happens.

2. Do you have photos and/or description of Logan and Claire?
I like to have my covers done before I start a book. I had a general idea of how Logan would look, but when I say the picture that is on the cover, I knew I had him. It is my favorite cover to date.
Claire wants to be a trainer for the Knights football team. I pictured an athletic woman. Tall and lean. A beautiful blonde to contrast Logan's dark hair and the dark place he has fallen into. Claire brings light into his life in so many ways. It was an important contrast for the book.

3. What are you working on now?
Today I am on page 6 of Dreaming of Your Love. It is the third book in my Hollywood Legends series. Book one is available and book two is getting a final polish before I put it out for pre-order. It will publish in March. I've finished book two in the football series. After All These Years is with my editor and will be out in April. I've given myself the challenge of putting out a book every month this year. I'm on track to do it, but we'll see. Life can throw you a loop. If I have to skip a month or two, it won't be the end of the world.

4. What all education do you have?
I graduated with a BA in English and a minor in photography from Eastern Washington University.

5. What are your hobbies?
At the moment? Writing. I love to read and movies are a passion. I'm always making references to movies in my books. I love to bake. Dessert of any kind. Though cookies are my favorite.

6. Do you like football AND who is your favorite NFL team?
I love sports. But football is right near the top. The Seattle Seahawks are my team. I've been a fan through the good and the bad. At the moment, they are a great team. But if that changes, I'll still be rooting them on.

7. What is your favorite thing about football in particular?
The intensity. The passion that you see on the field, every play, every second. It draws the viewers. I find it irresistible.

8. What do you suggest to any aspiring writers?
WRITE EVERY DAY. I talked about doing this for a long time. It isn't something you can do here an there. If you want to get better you have to do it on a regular basis. For me, that means doing it daily. Sometimes it is only a paragraph. Sometimes it is ten or fifteen pages. 
And don't sweat the small stuff. This is a frustrating business. Bad reviews, poor book sales. Those things are inevitable. You need to decide why you are doing this. If it's to make a lot of money, sorry. That isn't likely to happen. Especially right away. But it you love writing, then don't let anything discourage you. Some will read your book. Trust me. 

9. What is your favorite part of this book?
At the start of the story, Logan is in a very dark place. He's lost his dream and the future seems bleak. His journey out of the dark is my favorite part. Hope and a determined woman will do wonders for a man's attitude.

10. Who is/are your favorite Author(s)?
For me, it starts and ends with Nora Roberts/J. D. Robb. 
I was a historical romance girl before I started reading Nora Roberts. It changed the direction of my reading habits and the kind of books I decided to write. In my eyes, she can do no wrong.

11. Please share with us your social media links and book links:

Thank you Deneale for giving me the opportunity to meet your readers. Happy reading, everyone.

 About the Author:

Want to know how to motivate yourself to write a book?
Have your favorite football team lose the Super Bowl.
On the last play.
With an interception.
The next day I was so depressed I tuned out all media. No TV, no internet, no newspapers--nothing. And I started to write. I'm still writing.
As you can see, a little motivation can do wonders.
Football will play a big part in a series of books due out next year. And since I'm writing the ending? No interceptions. Guaranteed.

Please feel free to stop by my Facebook page and my website.

Happy reading everyone.
Mary J Williams

After The Rain (One Pass Away Book One)After The Rain by Mary J. Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It hasn’t been easy for Claire Thorton, she is a woman with no money and no connections, however she is a woman who has earned everything she has on her own Claire is a strong woman who goes after her dreams, and get what she wants, and she feels it is high time to make a difference in her life.

Logan Price was an ex NFL football player for the Seattle Knights, who had injured his leg, and sent him back to Oklahoma. When he tried to make a comeback it caused him to go into a deep depression.

Logan meets his old friend who decides to offer him another chance. Logan had finally been able to be someone without football. He was currently working at his fathers bar, and running daily. Now Logan wasn’t sure if getting his hopes up, would kill him if he ended up losing everything all over again.

Claire has decided it was time to make something of herself and Logan. She decided that helping Logan get back to the NFL will prove to her detractors that she can be a trainer and that she is determined to make in a world where the males seem to dominate society.

It only takes one kiss for Logan and Claire to realize the two of them want and need one another to make both of their dreams come true.

This was my time reading a sport related book, and as a person who likes football, and understands it, I truly loved it. I also enjoy the NFL, and this book, “After the Rain” gives you real insight as to how players do get hurt, and just how much it damages them inside and out. People need to see and know that, it is an emotional and physical experience. Not many people see and know this. They just assume that these players that we all watch, and depend on to win us these football games, our heroes, are always indispensable, when in fact they are not. They are people just like we are. Side lining them, retiring them, and forgetting about them, takes a toll on them as much as letting them play.

This book is truly a wonderful realistic look, and for all of you who like football, the NFL, and all the wonders of it, you truly need to read this, and respect the writing that went into this book. Mary did a wonderful job, and I am truly impressed with her representation. This is a beautiful five star read, and well worth being entered into any contests to represent the NFL, or its players, and insight toward them. I think this book truly needs more recognition, there is more here than meets the eye. I was astounded, and couldn’t put it down, and honored to have been able to read and interview Mary.

View all my reviews