
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing (Hautboy Series Book 3) by Anne Berkeley

Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing
(Hautboy Series Book 3)

By Anne Berkeley

When Anne first gave me this book to read, I instantaneously fell in love. It started off all medical like, and in a hospital, and a musician, a big protective family, I just could not put it down. It was like no other book I had ever read, it had so much going for it.
Paisley and her beautiful violet hair, and her siblings who have names that all start with the letter P. Her brothers, who are all so protective. And Paisley’s current, but not for long: boyfriend: Henry.
I cannot help but love when Paisley catches the soon to be ex-boyfriend Henry in bed with ‘Hagatha’ um—I mean Agatha. I laughed so hard. And then, she takes his Hospital over coat, that has his phone in it, into the clothes chute. No one at the hospital can now reach him. Because of this stunt, sadly, Paisley, ends up reprimanded, and then fired.
Fortunately, she has money put away for a planned vacation, which she can now, not take.
To Paisley’s advantage, she has made an impression on the pregnant patient who is carrying Tate’s baby, and told to stay off her feet. She felt comfortable around Paisley. And because they already have one child, they feel that Paisley would be a perfect fit. And when a woman is pregnant, you try and keep her happy.
Jake Whalen is a member of the band, and he just seems to be toying with her emotions. And she is just not sure what it is he truly wants. She thinks she loves him, and she wants him to love her, and she can’t help herself when she is around him. She just melts, and cooperates with his every whim, even when she doesn’t want to.
Her brothers protest their relationship, but eventually they grow to liking him, and even get involved in the band themselves. Coop and Tate try to give Paisley their advice, and even try to talk some sense into Jake.
Eventually Jake is convinced he is truly in love with Paisley Shaw, and he wants to treat her as his queen. He wants to give her a night out on the town. He takes her on the plane, and attempts to sexually appease her needs on the plane, and because she is in fear, as to what could happen when ever they get where they are going, Paisley gets sick. Jake assures her, she has nothing to worry about. Paisley calms down, and the night continues, into complete and utter greatness…..
This is a beautiful and astounding five star book. I enjoyed this book, I laughed and I yelled a few times, and I even melted. There was so much happening in this book, I was completely entertained. And then the end of the book just made it even better. I loved every minute of this book, “Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing” is worth reading over and over again! I loved it, and I loved being introduced to Miss Berkeley as well! She truly loves to keep the reader on the edge of their seats wanting and needing more! She is an excellent writer!

My Questions for Anne:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take?
“Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing” took me approximately nine months.  Though it was released one year after “Breaking the Habit”.  I wish I could write faster, but with working full time, my commute,  and having a house to keep doesn’t allow the creative time I need. I refuse to slap a story together for the sake of a quicker release. I’m meticulous with my dialog, and there’s a lot of it.  So if it takes a bit longer to publish, so be it. I won’t skimp quality for numbers.

“Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing” was a bit of a challenge for me.  I’m shy and a bit of an introvert. Having people read my work is extremely nerve racking.  I really pushed my comfort zone with a few scenes in this book, those of coughcough sexual coughcough nature. Lol. Not that I think my other books aren’t racy enough, but Jake had certain predilections, especially when it came to Paisley. And let’s face it, repetition is boring.

2. Do you have any photos or descriptions of these characters?
Yes and no.  I always shop for inspiration so that I can visualize my characters. They might not always end up as the final characters, but fairly close. Unfortunately, the stock sites don’t always have the perfect image, so I try to make do.  My Paisley is a stock image, but I was unable to find the original image and I couldn’t use it without purchasing the license. Jake, he was all in my head. I have an image of him, but could find nothing close.

3. Out of this book, who is your favorite character?
I could never pick just one.  I love all of them, including the villains. I have side stories planed out for all of them, at least a basic plot. Are they redeemable? Will Marshall ever find his match? What will Levy be like when he’s an adult? Whatever happened to Garrison?  Matthew, who you barely know, I have something tragic planned for him. Maybe I’ll do a spin off on the security team. ;)

4. What drives you to write these books, I mean they are so in depth, and sexy, and romantic, you can't put them down. I simply admire your work. So what is it that drives you to write these amazing stories for us, your fans and readers?
I’m a notorious daydreamer, to a fault.  I really need to focus at times to keep my mind on my task at hand.  With all the ideas floating around my head, I decided to put them down on paper. I started writing as a challenge to myself, just to see if I could do it. It’s really my reader comments that keep me going. That said, I savor my reviews, even the star ratings. 

5. What are you currently working on? And will it leave us wanting more?

I have two projects at the moment.  The last book of the Hautboy series.  Carter, of course. I’ll be taking my time with this one, no doubt. He needs to be perfect. I’m channeling my inner smart ass.  Lot of fast paced music playing in the background for this one to keep the momentum going.
My second, is the last book of the Wild Hunt Series. Unfortunately, I’ve been having some major PC issues lately. I lost my 40,000 page start of the novel. Fortunately, a friend had a copy on her kindle and she’s been sending me screen shots so that I can retype it.

6. Do you visualize as you write your books, and/or do you become any of your characters?

My characters are much braver than I am. They’re more outgoing. Don’t get me wrong, once I get to know someone, I’m a little more open, but on first impressions, I’m a watcher, taking everything in, sizing everyone up.  Once I’m a little more comfortable, that’s when my sarcasm comes out. It can tend to get you in trouble if your acquaintances don’t have a sense of humor. So, yes to both accounts. I tend to use first person as my point of view. I get a better feel for my characters.

7. Did you do any research for this book? I am asking because you referenced a lot of medical terms and hospital information, and I found that your terminology was spot on. So I can't help but wonder!

Um, yes, I did a lot of reading online about nursing. If I was unsure, I asked Danielle Renee. But I always go a bit overboard when doing research. Shit’s interesting. Lol. I have an extensive list of links in my favorites on my browser for each book. Sometimes I’ll do hours of reading and end up with one sentence. I always think it’s worth it, though. I think of it as a learning experience.

8. What all education have you had?

High school degree, but I’m sort of the jack of all trades. I went to school for Landscape design/horticulture/floriculture, and cosmetology. My passion was always with art. What design work I do in Photoshop is self taught. I sold digital art a few years back for digital scrapbook sites. Even now, I do my own cover art and make my own swag. I crave creativity and feel stunted without it.

9. What can you suggest to anyone wanting to become a writer? Do you think it is an easy job?

Not easy at all. At times,it’s a second job. I try really hard to keep in mind that I do it for fun.  If I make a job out of it, I won’t enjoy it anymore. So I try not to sweat the small stuff. I don’t count on the income, so if it’s not there, I won’t be disappointed. The fact is, most of the income I’ve made since I started, I invest back into expenses like my Office and Adobe subscriptions, stock photo sites, editing, signing events, swag, postage, and advertising. 
That said, it can be a lot of fun.  You meet great people. And when you get a good review, there’s nothing better.

10. Please provide us with your book links and social media links:

Twitter - @aberkeleybooks
Thank you!

Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing (Hautboy #3)Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing by Anne Berkeley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Anne first gave me this book to read, I instantaneously fell in love. It started off all medical like, and in a hospital, and a musician, a big protective family, I just could not put it down. It was like no other book I had ever read, it had so much going for it.

Paisley and her beautiful violet hair, and her siblings who have names that all start with the letter P. Her brothers, who are all so protective. And Paisley’s current, but not for long: boyfriend: Henry.

I cannot help but love when Paisley catches the soon to be ex-boyfriend Henry in bed with ‘Hagatha’ um—I mean Agatha. I laughed so hard. And then, she takes his Hospital over coat, that has his phone in it, into the clothes chute. No one at the hospital can now reach him. Because of this stunt, sadly, Paisley, ends up reprimanded, and then fired.

Fortunately, she has money put away for a planned vacation, which she can now, not take.

To Paisley’s advantage, she has made an impression on the pregnant patient who is carrying Tate’s baby, and told to stay off her feet. She felt comfortable around Paisley. And because they already have one child, they feel that Paisley would be a perfect fit. And when a woman is pregnant, you try and keep her happy.

Jake Whalen is a member of the band, and he just seems to be toying with her emotions. And she is just not sure what it is he truly wants. She thinks she loves him, and she wants him to love her, and she can’t help herself when she is around him. She just melts, and cooperates with his every whim, even when she doesn’t want to.

Her brothers protest their relationship, but eventually they grow to liking him, and even get involved in the band themselves. Coop and Tate try to give Paisley their advice, and even try to talk some sense into Jake.

Eventually Jake is convinced he is truly in love with Paisley Shaw, and he wants to treat her as his queen. He wants to give her a night out on the town. He takes her on the plane, and attempts to sexually appease her needs on the plane, and because she is in fear, as to what could happen when ever they get where they are going, Paisley gets sick. Jake assures her, she has nothing to worry about. Paisley calms down, and the night continues, into complete and utter greatness…..

This is a beautiful and astounding five star book. I enjoyed this book, I laughed and I yelled a few times, and I even melted. There was so much happening in this book, I was completely entertained. And then the end of the book just made it even better. I loved every minute of this book, “Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing” is worth reading over and over again! I loved it, and I loved being introduced to Miss Berkeley as well! She truly loves to keep the reader on the edge of their seats wanting and needing more! She is an excellent writer!

View all my reviews

A Red Dress for Christmas by Erzabet Bishop

A Red Dress for Christmas

By: Erzabet Bishop

In the beginning Cecilia and Neil would always have time for fun and games. And I do mean the exceptional get down and kinky kind.

For instance- While the business is still open, having mad passionate sex on the glass wall. Imagine the risk, and how that must’ve felt. The adrenaline, the excitement, the build up, and yes even the love.

After getting used to all of this passion and romance, Cecily became addicted. It wasn’t just for the fun, and the love it anymore, she literally needed it, and depended on it.

Then Neil lands a new job with demanding hours, a big work load, and no time for or to himself. He is always going out with clients after hours, and has no time for the love of his life.

Cecily tries sending Neil teasing selfies. Those only cause annoying problems for Neil. Now Cecily must take care of herself. So disappointingly, she puts on a sexy red dress, some tinsel and takes yet more selfies, and then as she decides to handle herself, her dom decides to give her the Christmas wish of her dreams!

This book “A Red Dress for Christmas” was everything you would want and expect from Erzabet and more. The story is so hot and dreamy, and creamy, you will not be able to put it down. When Erzabet let me read this book, I was excited, in so many ways. This is a five star read, and it will be the read of your dreams. If you love sweet, erotic, romance, you will love every moment of this book. Cecilia and Neil have a truly loving relationship, and time and Neils job just managed to get into the way of what they were used to. We can all relate to this. But I truly love how this book makes for a delightful dream come true kind of Christmas wish, sex under the tree, kind of- everything you would ever want, sexual fantasy. I was just so in love with this book, and every step it took. I loved everything about this book, just as I am sure you will!

Here are my questions for Miss Bishop:
1. What made you write this book?

I wanted to show how sometimes things can get a little stagnant in long term relationships when life gets in the way. That the feelings we all have are normal, and the sexy things our spouses/partners do to remind us of our commitment are the icing on the cake.

2. The cover art by Jay Aheer are those exactly how Cecily and Neil look?

I think she did a marvelous job. Spot on.

3. Did you fantasize any of this story while writing it?

Yes. Most of my stories are little naughty interludes in my mind. A sort of what if scenario if you will.
4. How long did this book take to write?

I worked on it off and on for a few months. It wasn't one I sat down and wrote from beginning to end in a single sitting, even though it is a short piece.

5. What was your favorite book that you have ever read- even as a Child?

Oh wow. I have so many. I was raised to love books and as soon as I could I got a job in a book store and have worked at one ever since. I loved Bunnincula in particular when I was a child.

6. What are you working on now?

I am working on several deadlines at the moment. There is a story for a box set coming out in March that I am wrapping up now, along with some works due in the spring.

7. What are your hobbies?

I love to read, bake (when I get my oven back), play with my furry kids, crochet and knit and stitch.

8. Have you ever met any famous Authors?

Yes. I stood next to Stephanie Meyer when she came to town because of a prom I did during the Twilight craze. I've also met Joy Preble, Christie Craig and a number of romance authors at RWA meetings in the Houston area and in the bookstore where I am a manager.

9. How long have you been writing?

I've been writing since I was a child but it is only now that I am taking it with the serious nature of the career I want it to become.

10. Have you ever had writers block?

Yes. It sucks. If I take a nap it passes and if not, I give it a few days to clear my head and get back to it. For me it helps to have more than one project to work on at once so if I get a momentary block on one thing I can move to the next thing.

11. Please share with us links to follow you:

Google +:
Author Wordpress blog:

12. Anything to add:

Sign up for my Amazon follow list and newsletter so you don't miss a new release. :)

Erzabet Bishop (website and newsletter sign up) 

A Red Dress for Christmas (Romance on the Go)A Red Dress for Christmas by Erzabet Bishop
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In the beginning Cecilia and Neil would always have time for fun and games. And I do mean the exceptional get down and kinky kind.

For instance- While the business is still open, having mad passionate sex on the glass wall. Imagine the risk, and how that must’ve felt. The adrenaline, the excitement, the build up, and yes even the love.

After getting used to all of this passion and romance, Cecily became addicted. It wasn’t just for the fun, and the love it anymore, she literally needed it, and depended on it.

Then Neil lands a new job with demanding hours, a big work load, and no time for or to himself. He is always going out with clients after hours, and has no time for the love of his life.

Cecily tries sending Neil teasing selfies. Those only cause annoying problems for Neil. Now Cecily must take care of herself. So disappointingly, she puts on a sexy red dress, some tinsel and takes yet more selfies, and then as she decides to handle herself, her dom decides to give her the Christmas wish of her dreams!

This book “A Red Dress for Christmas” was everything you would want and expect from Erzabet and more. The story is so hot and dreamy, and creamy, you will not be able to put it down. When Erzabet let me read this book, I was excited, in so many ways. This is a five star read, and it will be the read of your dreams. If you love sweet, erotic, romance, you will love every moment of this book. Cecilia and Neil have a truly loving relationship, and time and Neils job just managed to get into the way of what they were used to. We can all relate to this. But I truly love how this book makes for a delightful dream come true kind of Christmas wish, sex under the tree, kind of- everything you would ever want, sexual fantasy. I was just so in love with this book, and every step it took. I loved everything about this book, just as I am sure you will!

View all my reviews