End Times- What Is It Really

By Michael J. Kiser
Author sought me out by way of LK.Kelley, who also edited this very same book.
Michael Kiser came to me after I had reviewed Kim, asking if I would do the
same for him. As always, I am honored to review anything, and help any writer
receiving the book, I decided to open it in the middle of the night, once I had
decided to lay down and go to sleep. My bad. I need to learn not to do this. I
usually do this, to make sure that the book is intact, and get a gist of what
it is I am in store for.
I found it peaked my interested, and I kept reading up to forty-four percent.
So much for sleep. You see, when you mention ‘Stargate’ I am not going to put
your book down, and when you quote the Bible, and then point out its flaws,
then on top of that you mention things that my husband and I have already
discussed, yeah I’m going to keep reading. This by all means, means your book,
this book: “The End Times-What Is It
Really About?” has positively peaked my interested one hundred and ten
way I wish to review this book, is so it is easy for you to comprehend, which
let’s admit, is unlike the Bible. Within this review, I will probably insert my
opinions. Actually, you can most likely count on it. But mind you, you should
expect that, when Religion, the Bible, and Gods are involved, people are going
to insert their opinions, because let’s face it we all have them. Just like
what? Yeah….you know it. ::Insert giggle here!::
the title again, you see the book is about the “The End Times-What is it Really About?” You are instantly going
to think this book is going to describe Revelations, right? You’re wrong.
Although yes, it will bring reference to it, from time to time. But the book is
not entirely about it, and/or the Bible only. So don’t judge this book by its
book also points out the Weather conditions on our Mother Earth, or often referred
to as Terra. If you think about the Earth many years ago, Winter was often from
November to January, those of us who lived where the snow, would get it when we
were supposed to. Do we now? Not usually, least wise in the right time frame.
Now we are getting the snow in February and March, sometimes even April. Here I
am inserting my point, about the weather, and the current conditions, something
you will read and reference within this book.
great Earth is on an Axis, and it moves, not just turns, but it moves. Now,
those of you who are familiar with Astrology, know of moons, and stars. You
also know the ages, and years. The year, or age of Aquarius, you may remember
the song? My Mother used to run that song into the ground.
Song written by Fifth dimension starts like this, now follow along:
the moon is in the Seventh House,
Jupiter aligns with Mars.
peace will guide the planets,
love will steer the stars.
is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius,
Age of Aquarius,
and understanding,
and trust abounding.
more falsehoods or derisions,
living dreams of visions.
crystal revelation,
the minds true liberation.
the song continues to repeat, the chorus and such. Reading these words, I
thought might help those of you familiar with Astrology, the seventies, and the
Age of Aquarius. It’s a beautiful song, and I found ti worthy of sharing.
this truly astounding book brings all of these points to our attention. Which
with only these few points I have just shared with you, this alone made me fall
in love with this book. There are so many things you can learn. Let me bring
another to your attention:
Mayan Calendar. Do you remember how the World was supposed to end in the Millennium?
First we thought it meant 1999-2000 when the year changed to the New Year. Then
when the World didn’t end, we determined, oh wait, we must’ve been wrong. The Millennium
meant 2001. So we waited for the end then. Which never happened. All because
the Mayan Calendar predicted.
even funnier, is no one can keep their stories straight either. One tells that
the Mayan’s just didn’t continue a Calendar after such and such, others said
they wrote a prophecy. Some said they wrote things down, with predictions. This is where I am going to question the Bible. Because you see, I was told that
when people predict the future, or prophesize, they are going against God’s
word, because only He knows the future, and we are not to know it, until it
happens. This too, goes against the Bible CODE. If there was a CODE in fact
written in the Bible to warn us, again, this contradicts the Bible. We are not
to KNOW our future, it is not predestined, and predetermined, and why would it
be told to us, to change it in advance?
me to answer what I have personally thought: Because we as humans, are traveling
through time, and trying to tell ourselves what to do to avoid our past
mistakes. My answer. We are the greys, we are the Aliens, something we have
done, has changed us. Whether it be a mistake, or the right thing, we are
trying to fix something we did, somewhere along the line. I’m not saying we
will fix it in time. I’m not saying we will believe it. I’m just offering up MY
I am
not against the Bible, nor am I a Bible thumper. But I will say this: The
Bible in itself does contradict itself in many places. And then when people
wrote books to decode it, and released hidden books of the Bible, those too
make you wonder. Then let’s put into play, if man is to write what God told him
too, we as man are far from perfect and make mistakes, after all its why we
need editors. And the Bible was not edited, until we made other versions. So
who is to say there aren’t mistakes? Think about it.
Michael Kiser points out, watching ‘Stargate’ we learn of other gods. Why else
would God state in the commandments, “Thou shalt have no other God before me.”
This in itself states there could’ve been more than one God, in my opinion. Why
else would you state that? I mean be honest! Then in Mythology, there are in
fact several Gods, Zeus, Hercules, Hermes, to name a few. Maybe our God was a
member of those Gods. Who are WE to argue? What do we actually know? No one can
actually say, you’re wrong, because honestly, God didn’t tell us differently
did He? Or did He? Also- another factor. We are human. Seeing is believing.
commandment about idols makes me think of Egypt. And then it also makes me
think of the Catholics. However, don’t get me wrong, but I personally, (again
this is just my opinion) feel that there is no right or wrong religion, just so
long as you believe, in something…..
has a lot of theories, as have I. But he has researched his, and shares it with
you the reader here, and makes sure that you understand what it is you have
just read.
has taken everyone’s thoughts, and put them into aspect. Because we all know
that we have all had them. And we have all had the discussion with whose
religion is the right one, and whose is the wrong one, and if God is real or
I liked reading, was that what I didn’t realize, was learning by way of Michael
Kiser and his book, is that we were: ‘programmed.’ Programmed to believe that
God is here, and that heaven is above us, and hell is below, and that Angels
and are good, and that Devils and Satan are bad. If it makes more sense, it is
like the way we are raised. Everyone teaches us the same thing, generation after
generation. And when I read that, I was flabbergasted. It is very much true- no
matter how you look at it.
also enjoyed learning something that I already knew, the Government has always
kept secrets from us. Truthfully, when will they ever stop? We may think we are
safe, and protected by our own Government, but in all honesty, we are anything
but. The Government could care less about us. All they want from us, is to
control us, and keep it that way.
this book “The End Times- What Is It
Really About” you are revealed about DNA evidence. About how races in the
past have changed our DNA. Yes, you read that right. Are you ready to buy this
book yet? There are so many things within this book that are eye opening that
you will have drop jaw a good fifty times, to say the least. Unless you have
had a few of these ideas yourself. Which some of us have, for instance those of
you blaming ‘El Nino’ for the weather. ‘El Nino’ is not the flaw or problem, we
are, as is the movement of the Earth’s axis. We are destroying our own planet,
polluting it, and such-and all these wrongs are not going to make a right. And
all of these things are brought to our attention within this amazing book.
book, “The End Times- What Is it
Really About” by Michael Kiser is a five star read if I have ever read one.
You will be unable to put it down. He will open your eyes, and make you realize
you have never even thought about! I promise you, you will be thinking, and
then telling everyone about this book when you are finished with it! That is
how great this book is!
Questions for Michael:
What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
“The End Times – What Is It Really
About?” was written after I wrote the first, 4 book series called, “A Journey
Into The Spiritual Quest Of Who We Are”, between 1985 – 2005, and was a Journey
of Spirituality. This book is based upon, and concerns the Bible stories, which
we are taught how to perceive them, and never to question them. Other hidden
stories are in this as well.
When I was 2 years-old, I always
questioned my Sunday School Teachers and Ministers about them, but were not
welcomed. Why would God destroy the world? The End of the World and doom and gloom
was all they ever preached.
By the time I was 42, I had spent my
life delving into tons of religions stories, and I was guided by Spirit Guides
to writing this book. I searched out the truth, and have brought them for
people to see in new POV. The book took me a year, beginning in 2008 and ending
in 2009. And, this book is just the tip of the iceberg.
Why did you write this book?
I wrote this book for several reasons.
- I was tired of all the Religions promoting the fear of the being they call “God”.
- Their insistence that Religions, as it they are written, are from the true “God”, and all other are false.
- The followers are of “God’s” right hand only, and no others are.
- Many Biblical and Ancient Civilizations stories exist, but are only taught a fraction.
- We are taught to see these Biblical stories as the only correct ones.
I wanted to show that there are other
viewpoints / perspectives, or POV's, and the true meaning of these
stories. For millions of years, we have been taught in each civilization
the Biblical stories. There are no miracles in them, and our life and
technology prove this to be true. In the past, they did not have access to this
truth. There are millions of other stories that are not being told, and
that I, along with other writers, want these forgotten stories to be told...or,
actually relearned. Knowledge that we once knew, but no longer do.
These have been lost over 20K years. There is truth within the Myths and Legends
handed down, but embellished over the years to appear as nothing more than
stories for fun. Those who are re-a-wakened are the ones who are finally
telling all the world about them. But, there are those who do not want us
to know the truth, simply because it will change everything we know, and they
do not wish to allow anyone to relearn these for they do not wish to give up
their power.
I wrote, The End Times – What Is It
Really About? to help Reawaken and to remove the veils that keep mankind controlled.
For instance:
- There are thousands of stories that have never been told. The typical Adam and Eve story is one of these, but it was so much more.
- Since 1979, I have been researching into all beliefs and religious stories of our world that we rarely hear about – or not at all. When we do hear about other beliefs around the world, they bear a testament to a truth that most refuse to see.
- Humans must realize that all of our beliefs have been altered and distorted throughout time at the beginning of each new age.
- This book includes all belief systems. The argument that each is a different belief and is the right one is false.
- “The End Times” is not, in any way, what we have been programmed to believe. Our beliefs have been altered, and this books explains why we do not know our own past.
3. Aren't you afraid the Government
will shut your book down?
I think that if they had plans to do
so, it would have happened in 1985, when I started telling and writing about
it. But, no. I am not really worried about the Governments or the
Religions shutting it down, since there are many other similar books about
forbidden knowledge and Pre-Ancient Civilizations, are out in the market.
However, if they did, it would mean that there is truth in my books. Instead,
they say that we are crazy and/or possessed, and discredit us at every turn,
personally. IT is the best way to do so. But, it also makes many people more
interested, and they will read them anyway.
4. Did you have any of these ideas
before you wrote this book?
I had views of current beliefs and of
the ancient past forgotten civilizations. Some of these are: Atlantis, Mu, and
Lemuria. I have been fascinated about these, since I was 5 – 7 years old. At
the age of 50, now, I have reawakened, and this is the reason for writing my
5. Do you yourself believe in God and
if so what religion are you?
I was raised in two worlds –
Christianity and Spirituality – beginning at the age of 2, and educated in
these till the age of 14. When I was 10, my parent’s gave my sister and
me a choice of beliefs. When we were 14, we can decide to stay involved with
church, or change course. My sister chose Christianity. I favored
No. I do not believe in God.
Evolution is the side I have chosen. I believe that their “God” wanted to
control humans, and created a fear to do so. However, if you are referring to
Jesus being God, he is not. His name is Immanuel, meaning “God with us”.
Immanuel was not called Jesus until 50 years after his death. And, he
lived to be 150 years old.
The Native American Indians do not
believe in the Christian God. But, the believe in Spirituality of animals. For
me, though, God is just another word that stands for someone that knows and
understand the manipulation of DNA to create life in whatever image they can.
We do this today, but we call it Science.
Just a note: my Parents fought
over my name. My father wanted me to be called Joseph; and my Mother wanted me
to be called Michael, with my middle name, Joseph. I was actually named
for the Archangel, Michael, pronounced Mikha'el, meaning: “Who is as
God.” And, with this knowledge, I want everyone to know the truth.
Do you believe that the Aliens are us traveling through time?
I do believe that the Aliens, which I prefer calling “Star Beings” – “Star
Travelers” – Time “Travelers” – or even “Angels”. We are the Time Traveler’s. A
lot of information says it has been going on for 60 years. But, we been time
traveling for a very long time. How do you account for the knowledge that is
told in Biblical stories of “Angel’s” coming and telling civilizations
about events that will happen, if that civilization continued on that path to
destruction? Or, Beings that will be born 1,000 years later? Not Really
Angel’s? These all come from “Star Traveler’s” or (Time Traveler’s) going
back and forth in time to change events for their own purposes. However, not
all “Star Beings” are out to control us. There are some that want us to evolve
up that ladder. Other humanoids are equally as responsible.
Do you watch & like StarGate?
I watched the StarGate Movie, and I connected with what was being presented in
the 1st StarGate movie.
What is your favorite SciFi show?
shows and movies, StarGate SG-1, StarGate Atlantis, and StarGate
Universe. I also like
Highlander Movies , and the TV shows, which followed. Others are The Raven, and
the TV movies that have the same theme as well. These also have Immortals, and
there are those within the Bible. Perhaps not truly immortals, but long-lived
course, like everyone else, I grew up with Star Wars in 1977. I saw Arthur C.
Clark's, “2001: A Space Odyssey” when I was 10, and at the end of the moviem my
Mother asked if I understood it. I said, “Yes. It is about Creationism and
Evolutionism.” My Mom was pleased not to have to explain it to me.
Another of Arthur C Clark's movies, “2010 The Year We Make
Contact” was another one that I watched. It is about the Earth's star system
becoming a binary star system, life begins once again. Others I liked are:
- Project Blue Book – These stories are real
- The X- Files from 1993 – 2000, and the new series in 2015
- Movies that have the themes of Biblical and Ancient Civilizations
- Movies with Alien and immortals.
- Battlestar Galactica – Original and the Remake
- Planet of the Apes – Originals and the Remakes
- Buckaroo Banzai
- Buck Rogers
- Space 1999
- THX 1138
- Original Star Trek and all of Gene Roddenberry Movies and TV sci-fi shows .
you see, it's just too many to name.
What all education do you have?
am a High School Graduate, majoring in the following:
- Art
- Photography
- Sculpting Clay Figures, as I had to make a deal with the pottery teach to let me sculpt.
- Basic TV filming
- Script writing
- Cartoon Art
- Advertising / Marketing Art
- Making Models and sets and blowing them up in my parent’s back yard. Really I done that.
- Ancient History / Pre- Ancient Civilizations
- World Religions
How long have you been writing?
since 1981. A friend and I wrote our own Star Wars Comic.
Do you honestly think that our DNA evidence has been changed?
Absolutely. Look at how life has
changed. Look at our humanoid (human) structure. If our DNA has not been
changed, then we would still look like our ancient ancestors. The Caveman, or
Neanderthals, are our current evolution, date back to over 300,000 years ago,
thanks to the helping hands of the DNA manipulators (Star Beings), or if you
want to call it “God”.
I know that when we were in School there were often contradictions about Adam
and Eve and the Caveman theory. What do you honestly believe?
There are many contradictions all
throughout the stories within History and the Bible. I thoroughly detail this
particular story into my book, “The End Times – What Is It Really
About?”. The belly button is part of the proof. Adam and Eve
have no Belly Button. This clearly shows that they are “clones”. Other
aspects of the story have Adam and Lilith, his other wife. Very few know that
story. Many other stories are not known, either, and these are the missing
Bible stories.
Archaeology have found skeletons of
cavemen dating back to 7,000 years, and as far back as 300,000 years!
Religion is full of contradictions, and this is done deliberately to create
chaos and fear in order for people to stop asking questions.
Dinosaur fossils, Caveman, and Neanderthal
fossils dating back millions of years are found frequently, but there are also
bones of Giants of 10 – 20 feet tall, and these have conveniently have
“disappeared”. Truth is never “liked”, especially by those who know it. Control
will be lost by those in charge in the religious as well as governmental
Do you believe that the Bible contradicts itself?
Absolutely, and I am not the only
one. More and more people are beginning to ask questions. I been involved
in heated topics with some people who, later, apologize only because I was able
to show them something that they were always told not to read. The quote in the
Bible says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.” And, that is what I'm trying to get
people to do.
The reason that the Bible has a lot of
contradictions is that it is not just a collection of Christian stories, but is
made up of stories from 12 different religions from around the world. And, it
is those stories that lead to contradictions of each story that comes before
and after each story in the Bible. Another confusion is that there is no
time frame in the Bible. There are Ages mentioned, God created this on the 1st
day, and on the 2nd day and so on… Well these so called days are
really 12 Ages and Cycles. Astrology also has 12 Ages for each sign. But,
there are not just 12...there are 13 Ages! The 13th Age Sign is
called Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is the serpent bearer – meaning “Life changing”.
That is for another time.
Do you believe in the Bible Code?
People do see patterns in the Bible.
Some say if we stay on our current course, there is a prophecy that will come
true. But, I believe that we can see our future NOW, and we all can
change the outcome. Nothing is written in stone. Others say that what is in the
Bible will come true, because that is what God wants to happen. But why?
Based on the Bible Code if you take 1
letter, and skip every X amount of letters, and place those letters together
you get names, places, dates. You can do this until the end of time, because
you can do this with any book. But, most of these are all doom and gloom, and
it is the End of Time. Yet, we are still here. Even so, if something does
come true, it will be said, “Told you so.” What is amusing is that they keep
setting dates by years saying things will come true. And, they don't.
What is your personal theory on the missing books of the Bible?
There are hundreds of what is called
missing Biblical stories. And like the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Vatican had these
ancient scrolls translated by 10 or 12 secret Monks. None have more than half
of the monks translate it the same way, or they will never release the stories.
However, if the Vatican does not want those scrolls of knowledge told, all that
is necessary is that one Monk rewrite the scroll the way the Vatican wishes it
to be written.
16. My theory is that if humans, such
as ourselves can make mistakes and require editors when we write books, then
who says that there weren't mistakes in the Bible, it was written by man? Just
because God allegedly told man what to write, don't you think they could have
made mistakes?
Well the Bible was written between 1200
– 1500, and based on ancient scrolls. Those scrolls must be Translated as I
mention above. So, absolutely mistakes could have been made. Thousands of years
of re-writes with added embellishments to them – all based on the time before
writing when stories were memorized, and recited by words, and embellished as
well, it's easy to see how mistakes could happen..
For instance: Take 20 people in a room.
Tell one a story, and that person must whisper and repeat it to the next one.
They continue down the line until the last one who has to tell it out loud.
Normally, it never bears any relation to the original story! And, this is true
for the Bible as well. The same account of an event is told by several
different people, but that event bears little resemblance of the original
story. With 12 religions, well, you can see the problem.
Please share with us your social media links:
Please share with us your book links:
is the best place to see all my books and the links where you can buy my Books
/ Ebook around the world
here are just a couple links
Any last words?
Life is filled with unknown mysteries.
You have to be willing to look at everything, not just what religion wants you
to read. Many tell their people there is no need to look any further than
the Bible, for it is the only right book.
Imagine standing on a beach. You pick
up a handful of sand. Each piece of that sand is knowledge that you have
learned in one form or another. Yet, are you not told not to go any further,
because there is no need?
One of the main things in school that
teacher say...”Question everything.” And, when you do, most of them will
tell you not to ask again. You owe it to yourself to ask and
learn. To do this, one must open one's mind, and be willing to be open to
new things.
Or, stay in the known if you are afraid
of the unknown and truth. No one can make another open their mind. Check out my
book and see for yourself. It will not change your life, but it will
give you another piece of the puzzle of life.
Thank you so much for the interview,
Deneale. I truly enjoyed it!

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This Author sought me out by way of LK.Kelley, who also edited this very same book. Michael Kiser came to me after I had reviewed Kim, asking if I would do the same for him. As always, I am honored to review anything, and help any writer out.
After receiving the book, I decided to open it in the middle of the night, once I had decided to lay down and go to sleep. My bad. I need to learn not to do this. I usually do this, to make sure that the book is intact, and get a gist of what it is I am in store for.
Instead, I found it peaked my interested, and I kept reading up to forty-four percent. So much for sleep. You see, when you mention ‘Stargate’ I am not going to put your book down, and when you quote the Bible, and then point out its flaws, then on top of that you mention things that my husband and I have already discussed, yeah I’m going to keep reading. This by all means, means your book, this book: “The End of Times-What Is It Really About?” has positively peaked my interested one hundred and ten percent!
The way I wish to review this book, is so it is easy for you to comprehend, which let’s admit, is unlike the Bible. Within this review, I will probably insert my opinions. Actually, you can most likely count on it. But mind you, you should expect that, when Religion, the Bible, and Gods are involved, people are going to insert their opinions, because let’s face it we all have them. Just like what? Yeah….you know it. ::Insert giggle here!::
Reading the title again, you see the book is about the “The End of Times-What is it Really About?” You are instantly going to think this book is going to describe Revelations, right? You’re wrong. Although yes, it will bring reference to it, from time to time. But the book is not entirely about it, and/or the Bible only. So don’t judge this book by its cover!
This book also points out the Weather conditions on our Mother Earth, or often referred to as Terra. If you think about the Earth many years ago, Winter was often from November to January, those of us who lived where the snow, would get it when we were supposed to. Do we now? Not usually, least wise in the right time frame. Now we are getting the snow in February and March, sometimes even April. Here I am inserting my point, about the weather, and the current conditions, something you will read and reference within this book.
Our great Earth is on an Axis, and it moves, not just turns, but it moves. Now, those of you who are familiar with Astrology, know of moons, and stars. You also know the ages, and years. The year, or age of Aquarius, you may remember the song? My Mother used to run that song into the ground.
The Song written by Fifth dimension starts like this, now follow along:
“When the moon is in the Seventh House,
and Jupiter aligns with Mars.
Then peace will guide the planets,
and love will steer the stars.
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius,
The Age of Aquarius,
Aquarius! Aquarius!
Harmony and understanding,
Sympathy and trust abounding.
No more falsehoods or diversions,
Golden living dreams of visions.
Mystic crystal revelation,
And the minds true liberation.
Aquarius, Aquarius.”
And the song continues to repeat, the chorus and such. Reading these words, I thought might help those of you familiar with Astrology, the seventies, and the Age of Aquarius. It’s a beautiful song, and I found ti worthy of sharing.
Anyway, this truly astounding book brings all of these points to our attention. Which with only these few points I have just shared with you, this alone made me fall in love with this book. There are so many things you can learn. Let me bring another to your attention:
The Mayan Calendar. Do you remember how the World was supposed to end in the Millennium? First we thought it meant 1999-2000 when the year changed to the New Year. Then when the World didn’t end, we determined, oh wait, we must’ve been wrong. The Millennium meant 2001. So we waited for the end then. Which never happened. All because the Mayan Calendar predicted.
What’s even funnier, is no one can keep their stories straight either. One tells that the Mayan’s just didn’t continue a Calendar after such and such, others said they wrote a prophecy. Some said they wrote things down, with predictions. This is where I am going to question the Bible. Because you see, I was told that when people predict the future, or prophesize, they are going against God’s word, because only He knows the future, and we are not to know it, until it happens. This too, goes against the Bible CODE. If there was a CODE in fact written in the Bible to warn us, again, this contradicts the Bible. We are not to KNOW our future, it is not predestined, and predetermined, and why would it be told to us, to change it in advance?
Allow me to answer what I have personally thought: Because we as humans, are traveling through time, and trying to tell ourselves what to do to avoid our past mistakes. My answer. We are the greys, we are the Aliens, something we have done, has changed us. Whether it be a mistake, or the right thing, we are trying to fix something we did, somewhere along the line. I’m not saying we will fix it in time. I’m not saying we will believe it. I’m just offering up MY opinion.
I am not against the Bible, nor am I a Bible thumper. But I will say this: The Bible in itself does contradict itself in many places. And then when people wrote books to decode it, and released hidden books of the Bible, those too make you wonder. Then let’s put into play, if man is to write what God told him too, we as man are far from perfect and make mistakes, after all its why we need editors. And the Bible was not edited, until we made other versions. So who is to say there aren’t mistakes? Think about it.
As Michael Kiser points out, watching ‘Stargate’ we learn of other gods. Why else would God state in the commandments, “Thou shalt have no other God before me.” This in itself states there could’ve been more than one God, in my opinion. Why else would you state that? I mean be honest! Then in Mythology, there are in fact several Gods, Zeus, Hercules, Hermes, to name a few. Maybe our God was a member of those Gods. Who are WE to argue? What do we actually know? No one can actually say, you’re wrong, because honestly, God didn’t tell us differently did He? Or did He? Also- another factor. We are human. Seeing is believing.
The commandment about idols makes me think of Egypt. And then it also makes me think of the Catholics. However, don’t get me wrong, but I personally, (again this is just my opinion) feel that there is no right or wrong religion, just so long as you believe, in something…..
Michael has a lot of theories, as have I. But he has researched his, and shares it with you the reader here, and makes sure that you understand what it is you have just read.
He has taken everyone’s thoughts, and put them into aspect. Because we all know that we have all had them. And we have all had the discussion with whose religion is the right one, and whose is the wrong one, and if God is real or not.
What I liked reading, was that what I didn’t realize, was learning by way of Michael Kiser and his book, is that we were: ‘programmed.’ Programmed to believe that God is here, and that heaven is above us, and hell is below, and that Angels and are good, and that Devils and Satan are bad. If it makes more sense, it is like the way we are raised. Everyone teaches us the same thing, generation after generation. And when I read that, I was flabbergasted. It is very much true- no matter how you look at it.
I also enjoyed learning something that I already knew, the Government has always kept secrets from us. Truthfully, when will they ever stop? We may think we are safe, and protected by our own Government, but in all honesty, we are anything but. The Government could care less about us. All they want from us, is to control us, and keep it that way.
Within this book “The End of Times- What Is It Really About” you are revealed about DNA evidence. About how races in the past have changed our DNA. Yes, you read that right. Are you ready to buy this book yet? There are so many things within this book that are eye opening that you will have drop jaw a good fifty times, to say the least. Unless you have had a few of these ideas yourself. Which some of us have, for instance those of you blaming ‘El Nino’ for the weather. ‘El Nino’ is not the flaw or problem, we are, as is the movement of the Earth’s axis. We are destroying our own planet, polluting it, and such-and all these wrongs are not going to make a right. And all of these things are brought to our attention within this amazing book.
This book, “The End of Times- What Is it Really About” by Michael Kiser is a five star read if I have ever read one. You will be unable to put it down. He will open your eyes, and make you realize you have never even thought about! I promise you, you will be thinking, and then telling everyone about this book when you are finished with it! That is how great this book is!
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