
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Why We Don't Die in Dreams by Debbie Zello

Why We Don’t Die In Dreams

By Debbie Zello

When Debbie Zello asked me to read and review this book, I instantly looked at this title, and thought to myself, now this book is going to be different.

The cover has this sexy hunk on it, which instantly makes you want to open it up right there. When there is a sexy hunk on the cover, who isn’t going to check out your book? I opened the inside, and then noticed it has forty one chapters. Well, let’s pull up a chair, I know for a fact that Debbie Zello can please my reading cravings, so here I go.

Gavin McLean is a delicious looking homicide detective, and he has siblings and all of their names start with G.

Gavin decided to become a detective, unlike most of his siblings, many of them had went into law. Gavin decided to be the odd one out, however it was everything he wanted and more. Something that kept him busy, and he enjoyed it.

You see, Gavin is one of those Detectives that who puts his work first, like many of the homicide detectives that are truly into their work. With this, comes little time for a social life, let alone sleep.

When Gavin does sleep, his schedule is sporadic, and he has dreams. And his dreams are always repetitive. These dreams start off all sweet and innocent.

There is this beautiful woman, a woman that any man would swoon over. Most would think, you know what, this is going to be good, were going to visualize a dream of them getting it on. Nope. 

You know you want to see this masculine body get all sweaty and naked, and have a romp in the hay. But it’s not going to happen. The dream turns into a nightmare, every time. You see the ceiling, it gets cold inside. And then you see meat hooks, and then you see this beautiful brunette hanging from them. She is begging for her life, pleading. What just happened? How did this happen and what is going on? Gavin doesn’t understand. And he just keeps having these dreams, and doesn’t understand the meaning behind them, or even if there is one.

Gavin decides he needs to get a personal life, to break this monotony, and get his mind away from the dreams. He seeks out his lover, so he can have a little playtime fun himself and the distraction. A little roll in the hay might just cure his problems, he hopes.Yes, it helps him feel a little better, and he enjoys the mad passionate sex, but still, there is something just not right.

Eventually a new homicide case comes into view, a naked woman is found in the dumpster dead. Gavin looks at her. His eyes just stare at the woman, he cannot believe what he is seeing. 

The story holds a little secret within its chapters, which will blow your mind away. Maybe there is more to it then you can imagine. Yes, in fact there is. Maybe things aren’t as they seem after all. Gavin has more of a story to tell here, then you could ever imagine. There are more details I won’t reveal here, because I don’t want to blow the entire secret. But you will need and want to read this book cover to cover, and again and again. Gavin, and his dreams will keep you on the edge of your seat, wondering what it is that you might have missed.

“Why We Don’t Die In Dreams” by Debbie Zello is a five star read that will entertain you from page to page. I guarantee you, you will not be able to put it down, until you figure out the mystery behind the dreams and Gavin McLean. 

Here are my questions for Debbie:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take?
I wrote this book about 18 months ago. It went very fast. I was up at 4:00AM writing because Gavin would not let me sleep. I ended the book at a different part. Then after moving on to another book. I went back and added another 30k words. Now, I'm again working on his story with 65k of part 2 finished. of the deadliest sins will follow Dreams in a few months.

2. How long have you been writing?
About three years or so. I resisted the voices in my dreams for a long time before I gave in and went to the computer.

3. What are you working on now?
I have five completely different stories I'm writing right now. Depending on who speaks up, I work on that one. 

4. You told me before your stories come to you in your dreams. Do you also get their names as well? Sometimes I get the names. Gavin was emphatic that was his name. Sometimes it's not so clear. I look in the phone book for interesting names or I do a search for popular names for a particular year.

5. You can answer this question if you want, but is your Cancer cured?
I'm seven years out from my last treatment and so far, I'm cancer free. I still see my oncologist once a year, more for my peace of mind than his need. He would release me if I would let him. I had a triple negative tumor. What that means is, it's the hardest to treat initially, but once you pass five years with no reoccurrence, it's the one with the best outcome long term. 

6. How much do you enjoy writing?
It's both my greatest joy and my biggest angst. Each story has a piece of you in it. You write it, edit it, and then send it off to the world. You hope the readers will enjoy it as much as you did writing it. 

7. Do you ever relate with any of your characters?
Very much so. I have one story, that isn't out yet, that is very much my story. The female character is strong, weak, smart, stupid, and flawed, just like I am. I wonder if you'll pick her out once the book is released? 

8. What is your most favorite book of all time by someone else?
I have many books that I love. My current favorite is the Gabriel series written by Sylvain Reynard. If you haven't read his books, you simply must read them. His writing is pure magic. 

9. What is your favorite book that you have personally written?
I've written a series of 4 books that all have a theme of a person’s safe place. The place you go physically or spiritually when things aren't going right. Your place that calms you. The Masters Wife is a Victorian era story where a tree on her families property is her refuge. Found in Understanding is a modern tale where her field of tall grass is her safe place. A Snow Covered Nightmare is also contemporary with her place on top of a mountain. See You in September is contemporary and the beach is her calm place. These four books are collectively my favorite so far. 

10. What do you like to do in your spare time?
I paint, not well, folk art projects. I love to travel. Meeting and talking to new people is fantastic. 

11. Have you met any authors in real life?
Yes several at book signings. No one extremely well known. I have many friends that I want to meet at some point. I'm hoping we can all do a book signing together.
12. Please share with us your social media links and book links:

Debbie Zello Book list and links 

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Twitter: @ZelloDzello1

Romancing Broadway by #DebbieZello 
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Middle of My Bridge 
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Shadow of Him
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Elizabet Under the back staircase 
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The Viscount's Vices: The Love Story of Brook and William
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Raising Ren and Cowboys: Sequel to The Viscount's Vices William and Brooks Love Story
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Love's Labyrinthine: Five Stories about Love's Twists and Turns
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The Kiss Me Chronicles: Four Short Stories about Love
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Why We Don't Die in Dreams

13. Anything to add?
Thank you again for taking the time to read my book, ask your questions, and post a review. Authors need more giving, supportive people like you, Deneale. I'm so lucky to have met you. Thank you.

Why we don't die in DreamsWhy we don't die in Dreams by Debbie Zello
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When Debbie Zello asked me to read and review this book, I instantly looked at this title, and thought to myself, now this book is going to be different.

The cover has this sexy hunk on it, which instantly makes you want to open it up right there. When there is a sexy hunk on the cover, who isn’t going to check out your book? I opened the inside, and then noticed it has forty one chapters. Well, let’s pull up a chair, I know for a fact that Debbie Zello can please my reading cravings, so here I go.

Gavin McLean is a delicious looking homicide detective, and he has siblings and all of their names start with G.

Gavin decided to become a detective, unlike most of his siblings, many of them had went into law. Gavin decided to be the odd one out, however it was everything he wanted and more. Something that kept him busy, and he enjoyed it.

You see, Gavin is one of those Detectives that who puts his work first, like many of the homicide detectives that are truly into their work. With this, comes little time for a social life, let alone sleep.

When Gavin does sleep, his schedule is sporadic, and he has dreams. And his dreams are always repetitive. These dreams start off all sweet and innocent.

There is this beautiful woman, a woman that any man would swoon over. Most would think, you know what, this is going to be good, were going to visualize a dream of them getting it on. Nope.

You know you want to see this masculine body get all sweaty and naked, and have a romp in the hay. But it’s not going to happen. The dream turns into a nightmare, every time. You see the ceiling, it gets cold inside. And then you see meat hooks, and then you see this beautiful brunette hanging from them. She is begging for her life, pleading. What just happened? How did this happen and what is going on? Gavin doesn’t understand. And he just keeps having these dreams, and doesn’t understand the meaning behind them, or even if there is one.

Gavin decides he needs to get a personal life, to break this monotony, and get his mind away from the dreams. He seeks out his lover, so he can have a little playtime fun himself and the distraction. A little roll in the hay might just cure his problems, he hopes.Yes, it helps him feel a little better, and he enjoys the mad passionate sex, but still, there is something just not right.

Eventually a new homicide case comes into view, a naked woman is found in the dumpster dead. Gavin looks at her. His eyes just stare at the woman, he cannot believe what he is seeing.

The story holds a little secret within its chapters, which will blow your mind away. Maybe there is more to it then you can imagine. Yes, in fact there is. Maybe things aren’t as they seem after all. Gavin has more of a story to tell here, then you could ever imagine. There are more details I won’t reveal here, because I don’t want to blow the entire secret. But you will need and want to read this book cover to cover, and again and again. Gavin, and his dreams will keep you on the edge of your seat, wondering what it is that you might have missed.

“Why We Don’t Die In Dreams” by Debbie Zello is a five star read that will entertain you from page to page. I guarantee you, you will not be able to put it down, until you figure out the mystery behind the dreams and Gavin McLean.

View all my reviews