
Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Scorpion By John A. Autero

The Scorpion

By John A. Autero

Mr. Autero sought me out, and when I read the details on this book, I knew my readers would enjoy the insight on this book titled: “The Scorpion” because, it is a truly eye opening read!

So let’s get started shall we:

You know how you watch the news, thinking that you want to know what’s going around you, and the rest of the World? This book will enlighten you.

Within this book, there are these three friends who discover something. Something they probably shouldn’t have. 

From the first sentence, I was drawn to Jerry. His character is very outgoing and the kind of person who is always wanting to learn and know more. He is also someone who believes he's doing the right thing.

As I began reading this book, I knew I would keep reading it, and had to know what was going on, because Jerry wanted me to know.

Now Tom, he kept trying to keep Jerry calm, and focused. But that didn’t always work, because of Jerry and his determination. Jerry just had his mind set, and that was it. Calm just wasn’t something he could do. But it still didn’t stop Tom, from trying.

Now mind you, Tom and Jerry…(Oh I just now noticed that, I didn’t before until I typed this. LOL) are not two of three friends. Ok?

The three friends are Bruce, Pete and Dean. These three stumbled upon an underwater evacuation site and refinery, which processes a brand new energy source. They can’t seem to learn who built this site, nor what the fuel is or was used for. 

Then they learn that on December 26, 2004 something happened. Through their shocking finds these people learn that some things aren’t legal, and some things are. But just because they are legal, that just doesn’t make them right. 

These three learn some extremely shocking things, and risk exposing the evidence they find, and causing turmoil and making it public. 

The thrill of the chase is in this book, the race against time, this book, wow. “The Scorpion” just made me gasp. I mean, we know there are secrets out there, you know it, I know it. But to read it written and how and what happens while creating, and hiding, and making secrets. 

This was truly a five star amazing read. Just astounding. You need to read this now!

Here are my questions for Mr. Autero:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
I have written a number of technical articles for engineering magazines over the years and always found the activity quite enjoyable. About four years ago, I had the idea to write something a bit more creative and came up with the idea to write my first fiction book called “Footprints”. I enjoyed creating it but I thought I could do a better job with the storyline and my writing technique so I decided to write a second book. “The Scorpion” came about as a way to continue writing and with the goal of improving my technique. It took me about one year to write “The Scorpion”.

2. Who designed this cool cover?
I created the cover. I set up some old electronic components on a table in my basement and then had my wife take some pictures. I used graphic software and created the rest. That’s me sitting at the table next to the microphone. Funny story… I made the cover for “Footprints” as well. If you take a look, that’s me inside that gas mask and head phones. When I asked my wife to take pictures of me in that get-up, she thought I was nuts.

3. Did you do any research for this book?
Sure. I wanted to blend real life happenings into the storyline to make it more believable. I primarily used Google to track down articles and then used the facts to help build the storyline of the book. I don’t want to give specific details here, as not to spoil any of the story for the readers.

4. What gives you the desire to write?
I really like it when readers enjoy my work. When I hear them say “I didn’t see that coming!” or “I was on the edge of my seat to find out what happened and couldn’t stop reading!” it makes me happy. It gives me hope that what I’m creating is worth reading and that my skills are getting better.

5. What all education have you had?
I earned my Associate’s degree in Electrical Automated Systems at Joliet Junior College in Joliet, IL and my Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL.

6. What is your favorite book of all time?
For this question, two answers come to mind. When I was a kid I read “A Wrinkle in Time” and I thought it was wonderful. I still do. When I was in college, I read “The Princess Bride” and thought it was great as well. I found both stories to be imaginative and thought provoking. I guess the thing I like the most was how they drew me into the story where I sort of forget where I was at the moment. I hope that someday, one of my books could do the same thing to a reader out there.

7. What are you working on now?
I’m writing a who-done-it that takes place on a decontamination depot in the middle of outer space. It has twists and turns like “The Scorpion” but is set in a harsh, dark industrial world on a depot between Earth and Mars. Terrible things have happened on Earth and humanity has to flee to Mars to save the species. A ring of decontamination depots have been placed in space around Mars to act as a checkpoint for Earth transports headed for Mars. The plan is to prevent the nasty stuff that is happening on Earth from getting to Mars. The crew aboard the depot receives a visit from a transport with some pretty shady characters onboard. Things happen. Bad things. Who is doing them? And why? Stay tuned for more.

8. Do you think this book could make an awesome movie? Cuz I sure do!
Funny you say that. I watch quite a few indie movies and I frequently dream that “The Scorpion” might end up on the screen as well. I have even picked a few actors who could fill the rolls of the characters in “The Scorpion”. If I saw a credit roll onto the screen that said “Based on the novel ‘The Scorpion’ by John A. Autero” I’d be very proud.

9. Do you have any photos to go along with this book?

10. Please include your social media and book links:

11 Anything extra to add:
Thank you for the opportunity to do this!

The ScorpionThe Scorpion by John A. Autero
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Mr. Autero sought me out, and when I read the details on this book, I knew my readers would enjoy the insight on this book titled: “The Scorpion” because, it is a truly eye opening read!

So let’s get started shall we:

You know how you watch the news, thinking that you want to know what’s going around you, and the rest of the World? This book will enlighten you.

Within this book, there are these three friends who discover something. Something they probably shouldn’t have.

From the first sentence, I was drawn to Jerry. His character is very outgoing and the kind of person who is always wanting to learn and know more. He is also someone who believes he's doing the right thing.

As I began reading this book, I knew I would keep reading it, and had to know what was going on, because Jerry wanted me to know.

Now Tom, he kept trying to keep Jerry calm, and focused. But that didn’t always work, because of Jerry and his determination. Jerry just had his mind set, and that was it. Calm just wasn’t something he could do. But it still didn’t stop Tom, from trying.

Now mind you, Tom and Jerry…(Oh I just now noticed that, I didn’t before until I typed this. LOL) are not two of three friends. Ok?

The three friends are Bruce, Pete and Dean. These three stumbled upon an underwater evacuation site and refinery, which processes a brand new energy source. They can’t seem to learn who built this site, nor what the fuel is or was used for.

Then they learn that on December 26, 2004 something happened. Through their shocking finds these people learn that some things aren’t legal, and some things are. But just because they are legal, that just doesn’t make them right.

These three learn some extremely shocking things, and risk exposing the evidence they find, and causing turmoil and making it public.

The thrill of the chase is in this book, the race against time, this book, wow. “The Scorpion” just made me gasp. I mean, we know there are secrets out there, you know it, I know it. But to read it written and how and what happens while creating, and hiding, and making secrets.

This was truly a five star amazing read. Just astounding. You need to read this now!

View all my reviews