
Monday, September 19, 2016

Tape to Tape ~ The Venom Series 3 by: V.L. Locey

Tape to Tape
The Venom Series 3
By: V.L. Locey

The best part about reading Vicki’s books is the fact that not only do I get sports, I get romance. That is what I like best about reading her books. It puts a whole new kick on the taste, and it makes it so much more interesting. 

This time we get to spend time with Coach Dot West, or better known as “The Shadow.”

 Now Dot is a woman who likes to do everything on her own, and doesn’t want nor need help from anyone, and she likes it that way. She doesn’t want to have to look back and say, “Yeah I wouldn’t be here if it was for so and so.” Dot wants to be the one take all the credit for making it on her own.

But we all know when we least expect it, a man walks in, am I right, or am I right?

Dot meets this guy, known as Theo, and I must admit, his description made me lick my lips. And by the sounds of Theo, I think he even knows he is a looker, too.
Anyway, Theo is a former goalie for the Wildcats, and is now a co-host of a very controversial radio sports talk show. The show is based in Philly, which is of course of the Venom. 

Well one day, Dot ends up losing her cool and calls in to the show. Now you know us women, we are usually famous for the last word. But this ends up back firing, and the smug fool that Theo is, gets Dot into the chair of the radio station.

Dot has always been one to keep her guard up, she doesn’t feel that needs or wants a man in her life, but the sparks ignite, and she can’t help but feel drawn toward Theo. There is just something about him. 

She keeps trying to tell herself no, but her heart keeps telling her to go for it. Dot has a hard decision to make, with this truly exciting story of eye opening romance.

This book “Tape to Tape” is truly a five star read, I could feel the stubbornness in Dot as I read, and I could so relate. She is an amazing woman, who truly wants to be her own individual, and wants to give no one else credit. A lot of women are strong like this, today. 

This is truly a very emotional read, and you can feel the vibes as you read it! I loved every moment of this book, and I think that you the readers will too! Vicki is truly a great sporty story teller!

Here are my questions for Vicki:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
I just love a good saucy couple. You know, the kind who start out snapping and snarling at each other, but end up realizing that they belong together, despite some obstacles. That’s Dot and Theo. It usually takes me about a month to write a 50K novel, sometimes more or less.

2. What are you working on now?
At the moment I’m working on an M/M hockey romance called Open Net, which is part of a planned duology.

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters?
I can do better! I have a whole Pinterest board filled with images of Dot, Theo, and other characters and settings!

4. Obviously, you like hockey, but how hard is it to write about it too?
For me writing the hockey action is pretty easy, since I watch SO much hockey. Generally, I try to plan out what happens on the ice beforehand. This way I can lead the reader through the action. In a way it’s like choreographing a dance only the dancing is on ice.

5. What led you to writing?
I actually started writing seriously because I had seen a movie and disliked how it was presented. I sat down and in a fit of anger, wrote my first fan fiction. After realizing I could put down the stories bouncing around inside my head, I buckled down and started dedicating myself to pursuing my dream. So I like to kiddingly say that Brian Singer is the reason I started writing.

6. What is your favorite book of all time?
Oh boy, there are too many that I love to pick just one. I might be able to narrow it down to a few favorites. Outlander for sure as well as the Black Dagger Brotherhood novels. I reread them all the time.

7. Have you ever met any other authors? How about famous hockey players?
I haven’t met any other authors in person yet, but I am headed to an event outside of Pittsburgh in March so I’m looking forward meeting some of my online friends there! As for hockey players, no, I haven’t met any famous ones yet. The next time I’m in New York for a game, I plan to linger around outside MSG until I get to meet at least one darn Ranger!

8. What are your hobbies?
I like to read, walk, do yoga, and play video games.

9. Is hockey as bloody as they make it out to be on TV? (And I mean for parents too)
It’s not nearly as bloody as it used to be. The league is trying to cut back on the fisticuffs, but there are still fights on occasion. It’s a part of the game. Some fans love it and some hate it. The age of the goon (a player who is on the team solely for his size and fists) is pretty much over. Hockey is now more about skill and speed now and less about punching people.

10. Please share with us your social media links and book links:
Author Links:


Tape to Tape (Venom Series #3)Tape to Tape by V.L. Locey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The best part about reading Vicki’s books is the fact that not only do I get sports, I get romance. That is what I like best about reading her books. It puts a whole new kick on the taste, and it makes it so much more interesting.

This time we get to spend time with Coach Dot West, or better known as “The Shadow.”

Now Dot is a woman who likes to do everything on her own, and doesn’t want nor need help from anyone, and she likes it that way. She doesn’t want to have to look back and say, “Yeah I wouldn’t be here if it was for so and so.” Dot wants to be the one take all the credit for making it on her own.

But we all know when we least expect it, a man walks in, am I right, or am I right?

Dot meets this guy, known as Theo, and I must admit, his description made me lick my lips. And by the sounds of Theo, I think he even knows he is a looker, too.

Anyway, Theo is a former goalie for the Wildcats, and is now a co-host of a very controversial radio sports talk show. The show is based in Philly, which is of course of the Venom.

Well one day, Dot ends up losing her cool and calls in to the show. Now you know us women, we are usually famous for the last word. But this ends up back firing, and the smug fool that Theo is, gets Dot into the chair of the radio station.

Dot has always been one to keep her guard up, she doesn’t feel that needs or wants a man in her life, but the sparks ignite, and she can’t help but feel drawn toward Theo. There is just something about him.

She keeps trying to tell herself no, but her heart keeps telling her to go for it. Dot has a hard decision to make, with this truly exciting story of eye opening romance.

This book “Tape to Tape” is truly a five star read, I could feel the stubbornness in Dot as I read, and I could so relate. She is an amazing woman, who truly wants to be her own individual, and wants to give no one else credit. A lot of women are strong like this, today.

This is truly a very emotional read, and you can feel the vibes as you read it! I loved every moment of this book, and I think that you the readers will too! Vicki is truly a great sporty story teller!

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