
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Silent Song By: Jaci Wheeler

Silent Song

By: Jaci Wheeler

This book to most, will be a whole new experience, which I feel should be a path taken. I went down this path when I was young, and it enlightened me, and once this road has been taken, you will see life differently, and realize, life has many different views from many different perspectives, you just have to take the time to view them, and hopefully, be willing to do just that. This, is one of those books.

Autographed for ME by Jaci Wheeler!!! <3

Allow me to introduce you to Barrett. This is my kind of guy, he’s in the older kind of Ford’s. He likes keeping his in tip top shape, and loves to feel the engine purr as he drives it, because, the thing is, he is deaf. Hearing it is not something he can do, so he must feel the vibration of the motor itself. So, keeping this engine in fine tune is what he loves to do.

And then there is Presley, and she just loves music. The beat of the tune, the thump of the music, and just hearing the tunes, and singing the lyrics, that is all that matters to her.

Until one day these two happen to have their worlds collide, and they manage to learn that they can teach each other a thing or two.

beautiful book mark that came with the book! <3

Presley learns there are more things to life then noise and music and lyrics, but that silence is not deafening, that it in fact has sound.

And Barrett learns that cars are not as all important as he thought, and that there are other things in life other than speed to sustain him.

Together these two learn that speed, and music and lyrics, are not in fact all that matter, and that there are more important things in life, and completely different worlds then the ones the both of them were accustomed to.

This book is a total eye opener to ASL and enlightens the reader to a different way of life, showing them, teaching them through characters, that being deaf is not a road block. And that two-different people can in fact communicate, and have a successful life together.

I loved the story, the entire book was enchanting, and completely entertaining. I give this book five stars, without hesitation. I think this book should be read by one and all, because more people need to see, that having an impairment is not always a disability, just because it is a label. So: when you get a chance, pick up your copy of this book. It is to be released January 22, 2018. You’ll be glad you did!

Autographed with release date details of 'this' book! <3

I once dated a deaf man when I was younger that I met at a roller rink. He would call me by way of the relay operator, and we would sign by ASL, at first, I would only spell, because it was what I learned first. Eventually I learned words. He was three years older than me, and we dated for six months, but because of him, I learned a new experience, and have used ASL many times thereafter. I have since had several pen pals who have signed, and they too have called me on the phone by relay operators as well. I had a paper route as an adult, and had three deaf customers. Because I was able to use ASL, I was able to communicate with them. Believe it or not, those customers told me, I was the only paperboy they ever tipped. I took the time to communicate, and serve their needs. They were elderly, as well. As I have always said: communication is key to success in any situation. ASL, proves that, take the time to learn it, and you have the benefit, you’ll be surprised, someday, it could come in handy. On a plane, in a cab, if you get lost.

The moral to my last paragraph here is this: Always be prepared, just like the motto says. And: better safe then sorry. And remember, you read it here first, check out Jaci’s book.

Here are my questions for Jaci:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?

I had read a book from a deaf mans point of view and I really struggled with the book. I loved the writer and the book In general was very good, but I didn't feel it portrayed the deaf community accurately. I also had been dealing with several people who didn't understand deafness and the fact that ASL is not English. After having a few discussions with some of my best friends I decided that I needed to write a story not only about a deaf person, but from one. I wanted to show the positive sides of deafness, as well as the struggles. This book was the hardest book for me to write, but the fastest. I wrote it in about a month. The editing took much longer than any other book I've done though. It took about three rounds before I sent it to the Editor who did another two rounds and then my betas. 

2. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters? In the back of the paperbacked on some of my teasers as well as the cover is who I see as my Presley and Barrett. But I like a reader be able to come up with their own idea of what the characters look like but I had a very distinct idea of what I think they both lookalike for sure. 

3. What are you working on now? I tend to always have a few books at a time. It's weird, but it keeps me from getting blocked. So, at any given time I have usually about two to four different projects going. If I get stumped on one, I switch over to another. I refuse to write if the words aren't pouring out of me, so I switch to something else. All of the stories are very different and at this time they are all in a different genre. 

4. What all have you written? At the moment I have 6 finished novels. The first three I ever wrote is my United Series:United, Divided and Aligned which is YA dystopian. Then there is myYA suspense Series: Operation Child Soldier and Rogue. (There will be a novella along with that series hopefully soon.) And then Silent Song. 

5. What are your hobbies?

I love to craft and get together with my friends. I'm not sure if gift giving is a hobby, but it tends to be one of mine. I love making things and giving them to others. 

6. Did you ever think you would grow up and become a writer?

Absolutely not. Writing was always something I did for me. Never thought I would or could make a career out of it, it was more a type of therapy for me. 

7. What would you tell someone who wants to become a writer?

Just write. It doesn't need to be the next bestseller or super profound. Write something you would want to read. Write whatever you feel, just get the words out. It's amazing how freeing writing can be. 

8. Do you ever get writers block? If so what can or should you do for it? This question always freaks me out because I'm afraid once I say no it will happen. So far I've been very fortunate because of my odd style of writing. I write so. many different things at once so I don't get blocked. I'f I'm not feeling inspired I move on to another book. I don't ever force my writing. If the words are itching to get out of me then I write another book. My problem isn't in not having the words, my problem tends to be not having enough time get them all out. I'm not a sprinter,I'm a marathon writer. So when I write it tends to be big chunks at a time. If I do find myself stumped or not really inspired I will take a shower. For some reason my besides always come to me in the shower! 

9. Does writing ever bore you? Never! If it bored me I wouldn't do it. I have ADD so writing actually really helps to keep me from boredom. If my life isn't interesting enough, I make up one that is! ;)

10. What do you think of those who leave 1 star reviews? Does it seem like they even truly read the books? Honestly I appreciate all reviews. It's very hard as a writer to get a low review, but I try to take something productive away from all of my reviews. The only thing I ask is that if you are going to leave a review make sure you've read the whole book. Its hard when you get reviewed on a book that someone said they didn't finish, because you are reviewing a product that you didn't use as intended. 

11. Please share with us your social media and book links:

12. Anything to add:

Thank you for taking the time to read!:)

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book to most, will be a whole new experience, which I feel should be a path taken. I went down this path when I was young, and it enlightened me, and once this road has been taken, you will see life differently, and realize, life has many different views from many different perspectives, you just have to take the time to view them, and hopefully, be willing to do just that. This, is one of those books.

Allow me to introduce you to Barrett. This is my kind of guy, he’s in the older kind of Ford’s. He likes keeping his in tip top shape, and loves to feel the engine purr as he drives it, because, the thing is, he is deaf. Hearing it is not something he can do, so he must feel the vibration of the motor itself. So, keeping this engine in fine tune is what he loves to do.

And then there is Presley, and she just loves music. The beat of the tune, the thump of the music, and just hearing the tunes, and singing the lyrics, that is all that matters to her.

Until one day these two happen to have their worlds collide, and they manage to learn that they can teach each other a thing or two.

Presley learns there are more things to life then noise and music and lyrics, but that silence is not deafening, that it in fact has sound.

And Barrett learns that cars are not as all important as he thought, and that there are other things in life other than speed to sustain him.

Together these two learn that speed, and music and lyrics, are not in fact all that matter, and that there are more important things in life, and completely different worlds then the ones the both of them were accustomed to.

This book is a total eye opener to ASL and enlightens the reader to a different way of life, showing them, teaching them through characters, that being deaf is not a road block. And that two-different people can in fact communicate, and have a successful life together.

I loved the story, the entire book was enchanting, and completely entertaining. I give this book five stars, without hesitation. I think this book should be read by one and all, because more people need to see, that having an impairment is not always a disability, just because it is a label. So: when you get a chance, pick up your copy of this book. It is to be released January 22, 2018. You’ll be glad you did!

I once dated a deaf man when I was younger that I met at a roller rink. He would call me by way of the relay operator, and we would sign by ASL, at first, I would only spell, because it was what I learned first. Eventually I learned words. He was three years older than me, and we dated for six months, but because of him, I learned a new experience, and have used ASL many times thereafter. I have since had several pen pals who have signed, and they too have called me on the phone by relay operators as well. I had a paper route as an adult, and had three deaf customers. Because I was able to use ASL, I was able to communicate with them. Believe it or not, those customers told me, I was the only paperboy they ever tipped. I took the time to communicate, and serve their needs. They were elderly, as well. As I have always said: communication is key to success in any situation. ASL, proves that, take the time to learn it, and you have the benefit, you’ll be surprised, someday, it could come in handy. On a plane, in a cab, if you get lost.

The moral to my last paragraph here is this: Always be prepared, just like the motto says. And: better safe then sorry. And remember, you read it here first, check out Jaci’s book.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Pack Life By: Leanne Krieger

Pack Life

Leanne Krieger

The cover of this is so pretty. I just love the fact that it looks artistic, it’s something I like to draw attention sometimes, because I feel covers deserve recognition, just as much as much as the books do.

Then I started reading and met Riley, and I felt like I have met her before. Honestly, she seems like a friend I know, and I bet a lot of us have a friend who has had troubled relationships, who honestly felt that they needed to move on, and make a new start. Maybe its even ‘you’ reading this now?

Well, Riley has been through a lot, because on top of all that, she also lost her Mom. Now as she leaves behind Oklahoma to start a new job in Texas as a chef. In her rearview mirror she leaves behind the ex-boyfriend hoping he will not find her, and that she can make a new life for herself.

Her goals include not meeting a new guy, and not falling for him, again. This time, Riley wants to take it easy and laid back, and just live for herself. But life seems to have other plans for her.

At Riley’s new place of employment, there is this one boss, Cole. She just doesn’t understand it, all of the bosses are wonderful, and friendly, and they make her feel so at home. This is not something she is accustomed to, the only person who ever was ever kind to her, was her own Mother. And this Cole character, certainly catches Riley’s eye.

Uncertain of her own feelings, and thoughts, Riley isn’t sure what to do. She feels comforted, and she feels uncertain, both at the same time. What should she do, or should she just stop playing it cautious and dance in the wind?

This is what you need to find out. You need to discover the truth about Riley and read more! You won’t be disappointed, I promise you. This is an insightful read worthy of five beautiful stars! I think this book would make for a great romantic movie to share with a loved one next to the fireplace sipping wine!

Here are my questions for Leanne:

1. What made you write this book & how long did it take you?

Pack life was the 1 was wondering what it would be like to just leave and start over, of course in my 20's with a love for cooking would it be that easy to just start over? 

2. Who designed the cover?

 I did I layered from random photos I had on photoshop. 

3. Do you have photos or descriptions of the characters?

I make up my characters in my head as I go, as they are needed by the main characters. All my characters in my books resemble in some way people I know, or people I wish I knew.

4. What do you think about people who leave one star reviews? Do you think they even understood what it was they read? Or even tried to?

At first 1 star honestly hurt, I try and tell a story someone can enjoy and understand and feel the characters. I also have to understand not everyone is in  my head and may not get the message I am trying to get across. Not all of my books will be favorite to everyone, I don't write to please everyone but if one person gets it that makes me happy and accomplished.  

5. What is it that motivates you to write? And what led you to become a writer?

What motivates me to write is that I have so much to say, and for the same reason I became a writer. I write what I want to read and what I think people was to escape to. 

6. What writer(s) do you hope to meet in the near future?

Stephen King would be my number one 

7. What are your hobbies?

Reading, writing, cooking, and crafting 

8. What is your favorite book of all time?

I do have a few but one that sticks out for me is "Are you there god it me Margaret." By Judy Blume it was one of the first books I read that was given to me by a friend, telling me I have to read this book, it was probably inappropriate at the time but it was a memory of one of the first books.  

9. Of your own books, which do you like best and why?

I love them all for different reasons, because I was at a different point in my writing life, with all of them, but it has to be Madison, my first book.

10. Do you have a certain rituals while writing?

I do have certain rituals, one is I wear headphones and listen to music, mostly gangster rap, lol. 

11. Where is your favorite place to write?

My favorite place is in m bedroom

12. What All education have you had?

Associates degree in business and literature, besides taking courses wherever I could to learn more about proper writing. Maybe should have listened more. lol

13. Please provide for us your social media and book links:

Amazon: Leanne Krieger Twitter @leanne2books201

14. Anything to add:

I write because I love the written word, I love that a sentence can change someones life for the better. A paragraph if written correctly, can change someones mood and bring them to a place they may never knew existed. I read for those same reasons, I hope curiosity continues and writers get to tell their stories to readers who will listen.

Pack LifePack Life by Leanne Krieger
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The cover of this is so pretty. I just love the fact that it looks artistic, it’s something I like to draw attention sometimes, because I feel covers deserve recognition, just as much as much as the books do.

Then I started reading and met Riley, and I felt like I have met her before. Honestly, she seems like a friend I know, and I bet a lot of us have a friend who has had troubled relationships, who honestly felt that they needed to move on, and make a new start. Maybe its even ‘you’ reading this now?

Well, Riley has been through a lot, because on top of all that, she also lost her Mom. Now as she leaves behind Oklahoma to start a new job in Texas as a chef. In her rearview mirror she leaves behind the ex-boyfriend hoping he will not find her, and that she can make a new life for herself.

Her goals include not meeting a new guy, and not falling for him, again. This time, Riley wants to take it easy and laid back, and just live for herself. But life seems to have other plans for her.

At Riley’s new place of employment, there is this one boss, Cole. She just doesn’t understand it, all of the bosses are wonderful, and friendly, and they make her feel so at home. This is not something she is accustomed to, the only person who ever was ever kind to her, was her own Mother. And this Cole character, certainly catches Riley’s eye.

Uncertain of her own feelings, and thoughts, Riley isn’t sure what to do. She feels comforted, and she feels uncertain, both at the same time. What should she do, or should she just stop playing it cautious and dance in the wind?

This is what you need to find out. You need to discover the truth about Riley and read more! You won’t be disappointed, I promise you. This is an insightful read worthy of five beautiful stars! I think this book would make for a great romantic movie to share with a loved one next to the fireplace sipping wine!

View all my reviews

Monday, November 20, 2017

Collision Book 3 in Hwy 17 Series By: Leaona Luxx


(Book 3 in the Highway 17 Series)
Leaona Luxx

When I seen this writers name, yes, the writers name, I was drawn to her name itself. Then I looked at her work. Then I was hooked. I had to know more. Stop judging me, I know I am weird, but hey, everyone has a little weirdness in them somewhere, or you just don’t know the real person yet. ::Truth!::
So here I am trying to stop staring at the cover of this book on my kindle. Yes, I admire that part first, and why shouldn’t I? Someone put a lot of time and effort into designing it! Give that person some kudos people! Knucks are all around!
As you can well enough notice, this book three. And apparently Walker has been in all the other books, and he is once again returning in this book as well. So as the cover states: “Buckle up this is gonna hurt.” But you’re wondering why?
Sometimes people try to avoid love, and think it isn’t the right time or place, or maybe even they aren’t ready for it. In this case, the title “Collision” means to collide. And Honestly, Walker had no intention of allowing anyone to ‘collide’ into him, and cause himself to ‘fall’ into love. He didn’t want nor to need it. It wasn’t part of his plans. 

In Reese’s stead, she causes Walker to allow his own walls to come crashing in, causing him to actually have a need for her. And the thing is, Reese does love him, and she loves him like no other. And part of him is afraid of getting hurt, and another part of him is afraid of something else, but what is it?
And the thing is, now Walker knows, that he just can’t walk away, that he in fact, does need and want Reese. But on the same token, he is afraid of the outcome.
This is where the case in question comes into play. Walker is truly afraid of getting hurt, of what though? What is he afraid of? Love? The past? What am I not telling you here? 
This is where you need to get your own copy of the book and find out for yourself, because you will not be disappointed, I promise you that! This is a delicious heart throbbing read, worthy of five delicious stars! So, go and get your copy, so you can find out what is gonna hurt! Hurry! Before it’s too late!
Here are my questions for Miss Luxx:
1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
Collision is about Walker Pennington. He's kinda a bad guy in Still Creek and a great big brother in U-Turn. My readers hated him in the first but begged for him after U-Turn. Well, it took me several months, unlike the rest of my books. I've had a lot of personal issues, including a huge health crisis. 

2. Who designed this beautiful cover?
AWT Cover Designs and Emma Ryder

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters that you can share with us?
I used Chris Hemsworth as my muse for Walker and Meghan Trainor as Reese. Walker is tall, blond and muscle bond. Reese is a red-head, curvy and badass.

4. What are you working on now?
Several books including a novella for Sallie Pennington.

5. What motivates you to write?

6. What do you think of those leaving one star reviews?
Everyone has an opinion, I just hope that people base it on their own thoughts.

7. What suggestions can you offer for the aspiring writers out there?
Find an editor that's trustworthy!! Ask for sample work!!

8. How long have you been writing?
All my life but just published eighteen months ago!!

9. What are your hobbies?
Gardening, FOOTBALL!! NASCAR and I love to surf fish.

10. Do you put yourself into your characters?
Every one I write has me or my husband in them.

11. Where is your favorite place to write?
Family room beside from my favorite guy. 

12. Please share with us your social media and book links:

Twitter: @leaona_luxx

Spotify: leaonaluxx

Pinterest:  leaonaluxx

Amazon links:

~*~*~*Cherry Grove - Book 1 in The Cove Series~*~*~*

*~*~*Still Creek - Book 2 in The Cove Series*~*~*


*~*~*Changing Lanes: Book 1 in the Highway 17 Series *~*~*


~*~*~*U-Turn: Book 2 in the Highway 17 Series~*~*~*

"An emotional journey about finding yourself and believing in who you are.  A story of life's adventures and the u-turns you take to finally get to where your going.  A must read." - Kaylee Ryan - NYT and USA Today Best Selling Author


~*~*~*Collision Book 3 Highway 17 Series~*~*~*
SUPER HOT Enemies to Lovers!
⭐️Amazon: LIVE!!!

13. Anything to add::
Thank you so much!!

Collision (Highway 17 #3)Collision by Leaonna Luxx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I seen this writers name, yes, the writers name, I was drawn to her name itself. Then I looked at her work. Then I was hooked. I had to know more. Stop judging me, I know I am weird, but hey, everyone has a little weirdness in them somewhere, or you just don’t know the real person yet. ::Truth!::

So here I am trying to stop staring at the cover of this book on my kindle. Yes, I admire that part first, and why shouldn’t I? Someone put a lot of time and effort into designing it! Give that person some kudos people! Knucks are all around!

As you can well enough notice, this book three. And apparently Walker has been in all the other books, and he is once again returning in this book as well. So as the cover states: “Buckle up this is gonna hurt.” But you’re wondering why?

Sometimes people try to avoid love, and think it isn’t the right time or place, or maybe even they aren’t ready for it. In this case, the title “Collision” means to collide. And Honestly, Walker had no intention of allowing anyone to ‘collide’ into him, and cause himself to ‘fall’ into love. He didn’t want nor to need it. It wasn’t part of his plans.

In Reese’s stead, she causes Walker to allow his own walls to come crashing in, causing him to actually have a need for her. And the thing is, Reese does love him, and she loves him like no other. And part of him is afraid of getting hurt, and another part of him is afraid of something else, but what is it?

And the thing is, now Walker knows, that he just can’t walk away, that he in fact, does need and want Reese. But on the same token, he is afraid of the outcome.

This is where the case in question comes into play. Walker is truly afraid of getting hurt, of what though? What is he afraid of? Love? The past? What am I not telling you here?

This is where you need to get your own copy of the book and find out for yourself, because you will not be disappointed, I promise you that! This is a delicious heart throbbing read, worthy of five delicious stars! So, go and get your copy, so you can find out what is gonna hurt! Hurry! Before it’s too late!

View all my reviews