
Saturday, December 23, 2017

One Last Snowy Christmas By: A. F. Crowell

One Last Snowy Christmas

By: A. F. Crowell

An O'Loughlin Brothers Novella

Just in time for Christmas, a story that will surely awaken every muscle in your heart. A story about a family going through a milestone, right before Christmas, and something that will touch you, in more ways than one.

I have always been a proud supporter of Ms. Crowell, she writes the most amazing books, and when she put out a story just in time for Christmas, I couldn’t wait to read it. But this was something that I never seen coming. However, once I started reading, there was no putting it down, this story was written beautifully. With love and the most amazing touch ever, very impressive.

So, you wanna know more? Let me tell you than!

The characters in this amazing book are: Maria and Scott O’Loughlin. Together this couple has three boys: Cooper, Storm and Ashton. 

Cooper was in the Special Forces, and he has come home from deployment. He has been looking forward to coming home for Christmas all year.

Storm had left his home with only one purpose, to return home for the Holidays.
Ashton would be graduating from High School this Summer. 

These boys had plans, and these are their plans: Ashton will finally meet up with the girl he had ever fantasized about, Ashton hopes to finally hook up with the beautiful neighbor girl, and Cooper – well he has some kind of feeling that something has changed while he was deployed.

A lot is about to happen, as the beautiful snow falls from the cold winter sky. The crispy cold air of winter brings the family closer together, and Christmas is celebrated, as Maria and Scott try to hold onto hope, or should they let everything go as it was before? Together, this family celebrates family and Christmas with the hopes of solutions that will arise and fix everything. 

As you read this book, you will find yourself reminiscing your own family values and memories. Christmas and family are the two things that belong together.
Today, as I write this: December twenty third, two thousand seventeen, I hope that this review brings you insight, that the Holidays are meant to bring everyone together, and celebrated. Just as I am certain that the Author, Ms. Crowell meant to give you, with this book.

This book is a definite five-star story, and I think it was and is a great touch for Christmas. However, this book is meant for adults over eighteen only. Not intended for Children. So go get your copy now, you will be very impressed with this story, I promise you that.

Here are my question for Ms. Crowell:
1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
My good friend and mentor Chelsea Camaron told me I needed to write a Christmas book. Who am I to argue with CC? The novella took about three weeks to write.  
2. Who designed the cover?
I designed the cover. It's something I love to do. I have an obsession with red, black and white photographs, so naturally when I saw the photo of the barn, I had to have it. I knew it would be perfect for the cover.

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters that you can share with us?
O'Loughlin Brothers -  When I think of Storm, Cooper and Logan, I think of the Hemsworth brothers, only with darker hair and hazel eyes.

Maria  & Scott -  Faith Hill & Tim McGraw 

Kinsley - 
       Maggie –   
    Chelsea -

4. What are you working on now?
I’m currently working on Adoring Ashton, the second book in the O’Loughlin Brothers series
5. What motivates you to write?
The stories, the characters. I love telling their story.
6. What is your favorite Christmas Movie?
Hmm, that’s a tough one. I really like Elf and Four Christmases, but I also like Christmas with the Cranks and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.
7. What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
Spending time with my family and watching my kids’ faces Christmas morning.
8. What is your most memorable Holiday memory?
My sister and I were standing in the kitchen at my mom and step-dad’s house, getting ready to have our picture taken with my step-dad, Poppi. Someone said something funny as Poppi took a sip of the mimosa he was holding. He ended up spraying it all over my younger sister, who has a serious hatred of bodily fluids. She freaked out and screamed “he got snot on me” repeatedly. It was hilarious.
9. What suggestions can you offer for the aspiring writers out there?
Baby steps. You don’t have to do it all the first time. Save your money and buy a premade cover or find an amazing cover designer to use stock instead of spending $700-900 on a cover. Spend that money on a really good content editor. And remember, hard work works.
10.  How long have you been writing?
Three years now. Some days it feels like I just started yesterday, others…
11. What are your hobbies?
I love making graphics and teasers for my author friends. For fun, I love to lounge around the house and read or watch movies with the family.
12. Do you put yourself into your characters?
Always. I can’t feel them if I don’t.
13. Where is your favorite place to write?
I love to write in my bed at night. I do my best stuff at night.
14. Please share with us your social media and book links:
15. Anything to add:
Just a quick thank you to all of the readers, bloggers and fellow authors who have helped me over the last few years. I appreciate each and every one of you. THANK YOU!

One Last Snowy ChristmasOne Last Snowy Christmas by A.F. Crowell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just in time for Christmas, a story that will surely awaken every muscle in your heart. A story about a family going through a milestone, right before Christmas, and something that will touch you, in more ways than one.

I have always been a proud supporter of Ms. Crowell, she writes the most amazing books, and when she put out a story just in time for Christmas, I couldn’t wait to read it. But this was something that I never seen coming. However, once I started reading, there was no putting it down, this story was written beautifully. With love and the most amazing touch ever, very impressive.

So, you wanna know more? Let me tell you than!

The characters in this amazing book are: Maria and Scott O’Loughlin. Together this couple has three boys: Cooper, Storm and Ashton.

Cooper was in the Special Forces, and he has come home from deployment. He has been looking forward to coming home for Christmas all year.

Storm had left his home with only one purpose, to return home for the Holidays.

Ashton would be graduating from High School this Summer.

These boys had plans, and these are their plans: Ashton will finally meet up with the girl he had ever fantasized about, Ashton hopes to finally hook up with the beautiful neighbor girl, and Cooper – well he has some kind of feeling that something has changed while he was deployed.

A lot is about to happen, as the beautiful snow falls from the cold winter sky. The crispy cold air of winter brings the family closer together, and Christmas is celebrated, as Maria and Scott try to hold onto hope, or should they let everything go as it was before? Together, this family celebrates family and Christmas with the hopes of solutions that will arise and fix everything.

As you read this book, you will find yourself reminiscing your own family values and memories. Christmas and family are the two things that belong together.

Today, as I write this: December twenty third, two thousand seventeen, I hope that this review brings you insight, that the Holidays are meant to bring everyone together, and celebrated. Just as I am certain that the Author, Ms. Crowell meant to give you, with this book.

This book is a definite five-star story, and I think it was and is a great touch for Christmas. However, this book is meant for adults over eighteen only. Not intended for Children. So go get your copy now, you will be very impressed with this story, I promise you that.

View all my reviews


Sunday, December 17, 2017

Dragonfly's Mist: Book Two Awakening By: Brandy L. Cunningham

Dragonfly’s Mist: Book Two
(The Five Draoidhs 2)
By: Brandy L Cunningham

This is book two of the series. I personally decided to read them both first, to see which one I wanted to review first. I am writing my first review on the second one, because it has only one review up on Amazon, and needs more love. 

This series, is quite fascinating if you love stories that leave you to use your imagination as you read. Which is something I personally like to do.

Sharlet is the main character, and she is a friendly girl who likes to take care of her friends, and also check out and enjoy the world around her. She also doesn’t let life and its obstacles get in her way, even though they continually try to.

Eventually Sharlet and her friends begin to learn that one of their own friends, is not who they seem to be. Soon, they begin to wonder, from whence this person came, and what was the real story? This part becomes a little mysterious.

The part I enjoy is most, is discovering new places, new creatures, and then the mystery and romance behind everything, and wondering in which direction everything will lead. As you follow along, you feel like you are right there with these characters, as one of their friends, and they are sharing secrets with you, questioning you, and sometimes you whisper answers as you are readin....   "No wait, don’t trust her!” It can’t be helped! The stories just pull you in!

I loved reading this story, and enjoy the writing of Ms. Cunningham, and if you haven’t already, you should check out her work. She is a five-star writer! I was and still am quite impressed with her work. When someone can make you feel like you are right there with them in their writing, they know what they are doing, and this writer, does just that. Excellent material here. I feel it is worthy of any age group to enjoy the writing done by Ms. Cunningham! 

Here are my questions for Brandy:
1.What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
 I originally wrote DRAGONFLY'S MIST when I was sixteen. I loved getting immersed in books, and I thought it would be cool to have people read something I had written. It took me a year, and then another year when I revised it as an adult.

2. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters?
I keep detailed logs about my characters personalities and looks.

3. What all have you written? 
I have written four novels and published through Amazon. Southern Wind, Dragonfl's Mist books one and two, and Laying Down Roots.

4. What are you working on now?
I am currently finishing up a paranormal romance novel, the first in a series as well as working on the third book for Dragonfly's Mist.

5. What are your thoughts of those leaving 1 star reviews?
It can be discouraging to get a 1 star review, but I have not been able to get my books professionally edited yet, and there will always be some who do not like my work for one reason or another. If the reviewer leaves a reason why they felt that way I try to use it to make my work better.

6. What motivates you to write?
My family. I want my children to see I am following my life-long dream so that they will grow up to chase their own. 

7. Who is your favorite writer and why?
This is a hard question. I have so many. I would have to say my favorite is Judith Mcnaught. I read her book, A Kingdom of Dreams when I was in high school, and after that my reading obsession only got worse.

8. Where is your favorite happy place?
The forest and the beach. I always feel more in touch with my creativity around nature.

9. What are your hobbies?
Riding horses, painting, spending time with my family, reading, camping and music.

10. Do you have any rituals you like to do while writing? If so- what are they?
Sometimes. I always start in the morning after my kids are off to school. First step is coffee of course. If I'm working on a darker novel I will sometimes put on some dark music. 

11. Please share with us your social media and book links:

12. Anything to add: I write books because I love it. I have always dreamed of one day walking into a bookstore and seeing my books there. I love to see people reading my work and I always love to hear from other authors as well as readers.

Dragonfly's Mist: Awakening: Book Two (Dragon Bound 2)Dragonfly's Mist: Awakening: Book Two by Brandy L Cunningham
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is book two of the series. I personally decided to read them both first, to see which one I wanted to review first. I am writing my first review on the second one, because it has only one review up on Amazon, and needs more love.

This series, is quite fascinating if you love stories that leave you to use your imagination as you read. Which is something I personally like to do.

Sharlet is the main character, and she is a friendly girl who likes to take care of her friends, and also check out and enjoy the world around her. She also doesn’t let life and its obstacles get in her way, even though they continually try to.

Eventually Sharlet and her friends begin to learn that one of their own friends, is not who they seem to be. Soon, they begin to wonder, from whence this person came, and what was the real story? This part becomes a little mysterious.

The part I enjoy is most, is discovering new places, new creatures, and then the mystery and romance behind everything, and wondering in which direction everything will lead. As you follow along, you feel like you are right there with these characters, as one of their friends, and they are sharing secrets with you, questioning you, and sometimes you whisper answers as you are reading…”No wait, don’t trust her!” It can’t be helped! The stories just pull you in!

I loved reading this story, and enjoy the writing of Ms. Cunningham, and if you haven’t already, you should check out her work. She is a five-star writer! I was and still am quite impressed with her work. When someone can make you feel like you are right there with them in their writing, they know what they are doing, and this writer, does just that. Excellent material here. I feel it is worthy of any age group to enjoy the writing done by Ms. Cunningham!

View all my reviews