
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Dawn of Chrysalis (Orgin of F.O.R.C.E. Book2) by Sam B. Miller II

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Dawn of Chrysalis (The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. Book 2)

By: Sam B. Miller II

I totally fell in love with the first book, and when I learned there was a second book, I just had to read this one too.

I honestly suggest reading the first book, I honestly feel it makes it easier to comprehend, however it is explained that the character ‘Whatsit’ is the same character from the first book, but in general you need the feeling from the first book of his capture, just my opinion. But the book can be read as a standalone book, it is up to the reader. I am just a person that prefers being a know it all about my characters.

As I stated, Whatsit, is from the first novel. He was captured at a young age, however now he is an adult and working with the humans to help make a statement to the Chrysallaman race. 

As I began reading, I loved it when WhatsIt in who always was dressed in his favorite outfit, a brightly colored sombrero, and a dark green trench coat, associated with the humans that came to know. His personality is very unique and I just enjoy something about him.

And then when we meet Gooey…::clearing my throat:: ahem. I mean Dr. Jamins GooYee, he thinks he is, wait I mean he thought he was a know-it-all, until he met our team of humans and WhatsIt. 

We have the Chrysallaman’s who have just been awakened and thought they have arrived at HG-281 to which was thirty light years of travel from Chrysalis, in hopes of making a new colony, because humans are easy to destroy. Or so they thought. And they awake to find themselves within the confines and control of Earthlings that they thought they could control, who are now willing to teach them: no, you are not any longer in control.
We show them we can win in a battle of mind control, by almost killing their best mind control expert, and we show them their own ships alloy can be destroyed. Then when Dr. GooYee thinks his famous body slicing in half human ray can chop the humans in half, they spray the ray across, and nothing happens, except the necklaces that the humans are wearing, exhibit a blue force protecting them. This is when Dr. GooYee realizes, maybe he needs updated.

But this is just the beginning. You see, the reason that everyone was so determined to get away from Chrysalis, was because on their planet, they were being invaded and attacked. They needed a place to go to feel safe, and the Chrysallaman race thought because their intelligence told them HG-281 was a race that could be taken over, and was a compatible planet, this was the safest place for them. 
Sam B. Miller II with his cast of characters
WhatsIt wanted to help his fellow Chrysallaman, and he knew with his help, and that of the humans, there just might be a chance that they could pull it off. Otherwise, it was seeming like more and more of them were going to continue to keep coming after Earth time and time again. Therefore, Earth was going to be in trouble too, yet still. 

WhatsIt convinces his fellow human brethren that he now considers family, that the best bet would be to save to Chrysalis and the race of Chrysallaman and help them to recover their planet in the ‘Dawn of Chrysalis.’
desert scene
This book kept me entertained just as the first one did, and I give it five stars, more if I could. I loved every minute of it. There are points in here where you will chuckle with the characters, and points where you will be on the edge of your seat, waiting and worrying. This book is an excellent science fiction story worth every penny, and you will want to read it over and over again.

This book, along with the first one, would make for a great science fiction action based movie! I would love to see it in movie format one day!

My questions for Sam:

1.        What made you write this book and how long did it take? I designed The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. as a series. Writing the second book felt like a natural progression. I started writing it in November, 2015, and was finished in May, 2016. Re-reads, tweaks and the cover added another month.

2. Do you have photos or descriptions of these Aliens and or their ships? The Chrysallaman scout saucer is shown on the cover of the second book. I had a conceptual artist design my conception of the new Asiddian battleship, and a copy is included. The design is based on a burr I used to get all over my jeans while wandering the fields around my boyhood home. Each burr tip houses a disintegrator cannon. (included in this interview)

3. Did you do any research for this book? Yes. I researched the effects of prisms on light rays because I needed to defend against the disintegrator beams. The method for creating the armor plate on the starships also had me researching metallurgical books.

4. What are you working on now? I am working on Chapter 16 of the 3rd book in the series and hope to have the entire story in hand by May, 2017.

5. Do you put yourself in any of the characters? No. I felt I would get too wordy explaining myself. I did use some comment phrases my family members say from time to time such as “Get over yourself.”

6. What all education have you had? I have an MBA in Finance and in past years taught college level courses at the University of Tennessee and East Tennessee State University.

7. Have you ever had writers block, whether or not you have, how do you suggest to handle it? Yes. I have put my characters in situations from which I found it difficult to extricate them. The best way I have discovered to handle the problem is to remove myself from the story and wait for an inspiration. My best time for thinking up new twists in the storyline is somewhere between 9am and 11am. I spend the rest of the day writing the inspiration.

8. What is your favorite book of all time? Sixth Column by Robert Heinlein. I have read and re-read the novel so many times I’ve lost count.

9. Who designed the cover of your book? Shamsul Alam. He did the first book cover as well. I hope to have him do the 3rd book as well.

10. Please share with us your social media and book links:


Amazon Book 1:     

Amazon Book 2:     

11. Anything to add: You are all invited to my Amazon Author Page at the following link:

And I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Like my Facebook page.

Dawn of Chrysalis (The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. Book 2)Dawn of Chrysalis by Sam B. Miller II
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I totally fell in love with the first book, and when I learned there was a second book, I just had to read this one too.

I honestly suggest reading the first book, I honestly feel it makes it easier to comprehend, however it is explained that the character ‘Whatsit’ is the same character from the first book, but in general you need the feeling from the first book of his capture, just my opinion. But the book can be read as a standalone book, it is up to the reader. I am just a person that prefers being a know it all about my characters.

As I stated, Whatsit, is from the first novel. He was captured at a young age, however now he is an adult and working with the humans to help make a statement to the Chrysallaman race.

As I began reading, I loved it when WhatsIt in who always was dressed in his favorite outfit, a brightly colored sombrero, and a dark green trench coat, associated with the humans that came to know. His personality is very unique and I just enjoy something about him.

And then when we meet Gooey…::clearing my throat:: ahem. I mean Dr. Jamins GooYee, he thinks he is, wait I mean he thought he was a know-it-all, until he met our team of humans and WhatsIt.
We have the Chrysallaman’s who have just been awakened and thought they have arrived at HG-281 to which was thirty light years of travel from Chrysalis, in hopes of making a new colony, because humans are easy to destroy. Or so they thought. And they awake to find themselves within the confines and control of Earthlings that they thought they could control, who are now willing to teach them: no, you are not any longer in control.

We show them we can win in a battle of mind control, by almost killing their best mind control expert, and we show them their own ships alloy can be destroyed. Then when Dr. GooYee thinks his famous body slicing in half human ray can chop the humans in half, they spray the ray across, and nothing happens, except the necklaces that the humans are wearing, exhibit a blue force protecting them. This is when Dr. GooYee realizes, maybe he needs updated.

But this is just the beginning. You see, the reason that everyone was so determined to get away from Chrysalis, was because on their planet, they were being invaded and attacked. They needed a place to go to feel safe, and the Chrysallaman race thought because their intelligence told them HG-281 was a race that could be taken over, and was a compatible planet, this was the safest place for them.

WhatsIt wanted to help his fellow Chrysallaman, and he knew with his help, and that of the humans, there just might be a chance that they could pull it off. Otherwise, it was seeming like more and more of them were going to continue to keep coming after Earth time and time again. Therefore, Earth was going to be in trouble too, yet still.

WhatsIt convinces his fellow human brethren that he now considers family, that the best bet would be to save to Chrysalis and the race of Chrysallaman and help them to recover their planet in the ‘Dawn of Chrysalis.’

This book kept me entertained just as the first one did, and I give it five stars, more if I could. I loved every minute of it. There are points in here where you will chuckle with the characters, and points where you will be on the edge of your seat, waiting and worrying. This book is an excellent science fiction story worth every penny, and you will want to read it over and over again.

This book, along with the first one, would make for a great science fiction action based movie! I would love to see it movie format one day!

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