(Book 1: The Revelations Series)
By: Leeanne Rathbone
When I had seen the Author post the details about this book, I
decided to look into it. Therefore, I looked at the cover, and was pulled in
even more so. The cover is truly designed beautifully, and it makes you desire
to read the book even more so then hearing about it.
As the story begins, you realize you are in London, England. As I
opened up the book, I knew we were beginning where I hated to start, where
almost everyone does actually. In the hospital. This however, does not stop me
from reading.
Then as I kept reading I get to the best part: “Congratulations!
It’s a girl!” A yes, the best time to be at hospital, isn’t it? Childbirth.
But my dears, this was just the prologue!
Grace had nightmares, or were they even nightmares? Nightmares
about the cemetery and the grave stones. The nightmares were nothing knew, and
she kept them from her mother. She has had them ever since they had moved the
last time. She didn’t want to move again, but then again, maybe moving away
from that cemetery might be a good idea after all.
These odd things that kept happening to Grace, happened all of her
life, at different peculiar stages and times. Feelings, things she just couldn’t
quite get a grip on. But this very night, it had been different.
What makes the situation worse this time, is when her mother says,
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” A shiver went through Graces body.
There was something about those gravestones, that cemetery, and
what made it worse, that sometimes at night when Grace would look out of her
window after a nightmare, the gravestones would be covered in ghoulish fog.
Like it truly needed to look more eerie.
Grace starts noticing that her dreams are stuck on repeat, and
begins researching them. The consistencies in her dreams are:
Angels, leaves,
headstones, and trees. At the library, she managed to find a meaning in a book,
which she didn’t seem shocked by the results.
Eventually Grace meets a guy named Nate who is intrigued by her,
and even her interest in dreams, and what is happening to her.
Grace is only seventeen, but finds that she is experiencing things
within herself to be changing, and with that, she is also learning things about
herself, and the world around her that she just didn’t ever plan to believe to
even be true.
Through her life changing adventures, Grace is learning a new way
to look at good and evil, different from what we are all taught as Children.
Grace is now seeing things through an enlightened an insightful mindful type
vision, and learning how to understand and cope with them.
The story of Grace will show you love, and friendship. It will
also show enlighten and heighten your own sense to what is and could be around
you. The story of Grace will show you that your fate, can shape the existence,
and then how one’s lust for power, can destroy it all.
This story played with so many of my emotions. I was just to the
point that I could not put it down, especially as a person who does believe
that our dreams do in fact guide us. I was just in awe as to how well this was
written, and I enjoyed this book immensely. This was truly an enjoyable book. I
give it five stars, and cannot wait to read the next book!
Here are my questions for Leeanne:
1. What
made you write this book and how long did it take you?
idea for the book actually came to me in 2009 while I was pregnant with my son.
I fell in love with the whole young adult phenomenon that seemed to be
sparked by Twilight, and I had this idea about a girl who falls in love with an
angel that had been sent to kill her. I had most of it planned out but
then when I went into hospital in labour my husband brought me Lauren Kate's
Fallen and it completely destroyed my idea. Even though my story was
completely different I felt like people would just say I was jumping on her
bandwagon so it sat in my little notebooks and inside my head for all those
years until 2015. I can't remember what it was that made me want to write
it out but I did, and once I started, the characters demanded to be heard.
I finished book one and two in a matter of months, rough drafts of
course, they were still just the bare bones of a story and needed the next edit
to actually put some meat onto it, but I was so proud of myself for getting the
story down and evolving it into what it is today...which is NOT about an angel
that has been sent to kill Grace...just so you know, it went in a completely
different direction so no spoilers here hahaha!
2. Do you have any photos or descriptions of Grace or Nate?
2. Do you have any photos or descriptions of Grace or Nate?
always struggled to find the right picture of an actress/model that
encapsulates Grace and Nate for me. The way I picture them in my head is
probably different to a lot of other people.
has red hair, and I know for most people this would bring forth an image of a
light, ginger type red but when I wrote her, I imagined like pillar box red.
She's medium height, medium build, nothing really special about her.
She has a few freckles smattered across her nose and green eyes, the
colour of laurel green, so sort of light and almost greyish. Her style is
that akin to what I liked as a teenager, comfy jeans, band/logo t-shirts and
boots or trainers.
Nate I
always picture as being tall, certainly taller than Grace. He has defined
muscles but isn't big like a bodybuilder, he's strong and sturdy. His
hair is as black as coal and it has a natural wave to it that, when it gets
long, it curls around the nape of his neck. I always imagine it to look
stylishly messy, like he's constantly running his hands through it. His
eyes are a beautiful emerald green colour, captivating to look in to and his
face is mostly stern and unreadable. Unless he smiles, and then it lights
up his whole face, lights up the whole room and it goes all the way to his
eyes, which crinkle in the corners. I always imagined him to have an air
of authority about him, like a "don't mess with me" kind of attitude
and he is fiercely protective of those he loves. Just wait until book'll see
3. Do you ever put yourself into your characters?
Yes, all the time. I've been married for almost ten years now but I've actually been with my husband since we were teenagers, thirteen to be exact, and he still make's me feel all gooey and stupid, just like he did back then so I always try and put myself into their shoes and just feel out a situation, try and think about how I would have reacted as a teenager and I think that's what helps me get across my emotional scenes and the tension...well I hope I do anyway! And it's different for each character, like Mia for instance, she is funny, she is sarcastic and a little bit sassy (you see more of this in book two too) so I try and step into her shoes and imagine how I would react if I was a little mouthy and argumentative.
4. Did you do any special research for this amazing book?
Yes...the way this story progresses actually uses stories as old as time and I had to do research to check out future characters and make sure I got them historically correct. I would hate for someone to read the next books and their take away to be that I'd got the details wrong.
5. Who designed the cover?
I did, along with a good friend of mine. We've known each other years, he's the partner of my sister from another mister and one of my closest friends. He is an amazing photographer so I asked him whether he would help me with a redesign of the cover. He agreed, came along with us to a local cemetery and we did a little mini shoot out there. It's actually my daughter on the front of the cover. He did some of his wizardry on photoshop and voila...sent me the cover. I do love the cover too, my only issue is that even though we followed guidelines (that were extensively googled!) it still comes out dark when printed. So I've bitten the bullet and contacted an actual cover design to speak about future covers and a possible do over of the first, not because there is anything wrong with it, but because it would have to match the next two. Her name is Molly Phipps from She is amazing and I've followed her for a while now so fingers crossed, we can come up with something awesome.
6. What are you working on now?
I have a few things on the go at the moment. I have some minor re-edits to do in the final book of The Revelations Series and I've also started two other books, both of which are adult romance and will be standalones. I have another paranormal romance screaming at me to be written, though this one won't be aimed at young adults, it will be for the more mature reader. I have some notes on this one but I haven't actually started the writing process yet. I'm also hoping a little further down the line to do a spin off of The Revelations Series where the focus shifts to different characters.
7. What are your hobbies?
Reading mostly and writing. When I'm not in full on, focused author mode I tend to read a book every two days. Kindle Unlimited has become my friend for this because unfortunately I can't afford to keep up with my addiction to stories. Other than that I enjoy going to the gym with my bestie, spending time with my husband, my three beautiful tiddlers and one very furry husky. We like to walk a lot and explore different places. Our outdoor adventures are what inspired a lot of the countryside scenes in my story. Oh, and I also bake...a lot. I'm the family cake maker, anything from wedding cakes to minions, to Jurassic park cakes. I've done quite a few.
8. Have you ever had writers block? Whether or not you have had- what would you suggest for those who get it?
Yes I have and it's an awful thing because you start to think you're completely worthless and can't write a damn, but it's simply not true. Every author experiences it, whether it's minor and lasts an hour, or lasts weeks but it's just one of those things. When I start to feel like that, I tend to write down other things, as stupid as it sounds, from anything like the shopping list, to what meals I will cook this week and how I will do them, anything to just get those synapses firing and the creative juices flowing again. It tends to work and I always try and write through it because I think the worst thing you can do is to just stop point blank. Even if when you come to edit it later you think "what the hell was I thinking?!" it's always best to have something than nothing.
9. What made you want to become a writer when you 'grew up'?
Well I wanted to be a Hollywood actress. My drama teacher always said I was destined for big things but then life got in the way...things change but I wouldn't go back and change it for the world because it meant I got my amazing husband and my beautiful first born...who just so happens to be taught by that same drama teacher today! My english teacher was also someone who pushed me constantly, she told me I could be poet laureate one day (I used to write a TON of poetry in school) and then she actually sent off one of my short stories to a competition and it was shortlisted and came in the top ten. So I always knew that if I didn't "make it" I would write, it's something I've done all my life, from diary entries, to poems, to songs...anything and everything you could think of.
10. What do you suggest for aspiring writers?
Never ever give up and never ever let someone tell you that you can't. You are the only one that can tell your story, there is no one else like you so although what you write will most certainly not be everyone's cup of tea, don't let that discourage you and write it anyway because there will be someone out there that will love it and it just might make their day.
11. Please share with us your social media and book links:
3. Do you ever put yourself into your characters?
Yes, all the time. I've been married for almost ten years now but I've actually been with my husband since we were teenagers, thirteen to be exact, and he still make's me feel all gooey and stupid, just like he did back then so I always try and put myself into their shoes and just feel out a situation, try and think about how I would have reacted as a teenager and I think that's what helps me get across my emotional scenes and the tension...well I hope I do anyway! And it's different for each character, like Mia for instance, she is funny, she is sarcastic and a little bit sassy (you see more of this in book two too) so I try and step into her shoes and imagine how I would react if I was a little mouthy and argumentative.
4. Did you do any special research for this amazing book?
Yes...the way this story progresses actually uses stories as old as time and I had to do research to check out future characters and make sure I got them historically correct. I would hate for someone to read the next books and their take away to be that I'd got the details wrong.
5. Who designed the cover?
I did, along with a good friend of mine. We've known each other years, he's the partner of my sister from another mister and one of my closest friends. He is an amazing photographer so I asked him whether he would help me with a redesign of the cover. He agreed, came along with us to a local cemetery and we did a little mini shoot out there. It's actually my daughter on the front of the cover. He did some of his wizardry on photoshop and voila...sent me the cover. I do love the cover too, my only issue is that even though we followed guidelines (that were extensively googled!) it still comes out dark when printed. So I've bitten the bullet and contacted an actual cover design to speak about future covers and a possible do over of the first, not because there is anything wrong with it, but because it would have to match the next two. Her name is Molly Phipps from She is amazing and I've followed her for a while now so fingers crossed, we can come up with something awesome.
6. What are you working on now?
I have a few things on the go at the moment. I have some minor re-edits to do in the final book of The Revelations Series and I've also started two other books, both of which are adult romance and will be standalones. I have another paranormal romance screaming at me to be written, though this one won't be aimed at young adults, it will be for the more mature reader. I have some notes on this one but I haven't actually started the writing process yet. I'm also hoping a little further down the line to do a spin off of The Revelations Series where the focus shifts to different characters.
7. What are your hobbies?
Reading mostly and writing. When I'm not in full on, focused author mode I tend to read a book every two days. Kindle Unlimited has become my friend for this because unfortunately I can't afford to keep up with my addiction to stories. Other than that I enjoy going to the gym with my bestie, spending time with my husband, my three beautiful tiddlers and one very furry husky. We like to walk a lot and explore different places. Our outdoor adventures are what inspired a lot of the countryside scenes in my story. Oh, and I also bake...a lot. I'm the family cake maker, anything from wedding cakes to minions, to Jurassic park cakes. I've done quite a few.
8. Have you ever had writers block? Whether or not you have had- what would you suggest for those who get it?
Yes I have and it's an awful thing because you start to think you're completely worthless and can't write a damn, but it's simply not true. Every author experiences it, whether it's minor and lasts an hour, or lasts weeks but it's just one of those things. When I start to feel like that, I tend to write down other things, as stupid as it sounds, from anything like the shopping list, to what meals I will cook this week and how I will do them, anything to just get those synapses firing and the creative juices flowing again. It tends to work and I always try and write through it because I think the worst thing you can do is to just stop point blank. Even if when you come to edit it later you think "what the hell was I thinking?!" it's always best to have something than nothing.
9. What made you want to become a writer when you 'grew up'?
Well I wanted to be a Hollywood actress. My drama teacher always said I was destined for big things but then life got in the way...things change but I wouldn't go back and change it for the world because it meant I got my amazing husband and my beautiful first born...who just so happens to be taught by that same drama teacher today! My english teacher was also someone who pushed me constantly, she told me I could be poet laureate one day (I used to write a TON of poetry in school) and then she actually sent off one of my short stories to a competition and it was shortlisted and came in the top ten. So I always knew that if I didn't "make it" I would write, it's something I've done all my life, from diary entries, to poems, to songs...anything and everything you could think of.
10. What do you suggest for aspiring writers?
Never ever give up and never ever let someone tell you that you can't. You are the only one that can tell your story, there is no one else like you so although what you write will most certainly not be everyone's cup of tea, don't let that discourage you and write it anyway because there will be someone out there that will love it and it just might make their day.
11. Please share with us your social media and book links:
(Although this is currently under construction)
Grace: Book One of The Revelations
Amazon UK:
Amazon US:
Amazon CAN:
12. Anything to add::
I'd like to take this
opportunity to thank everyone who has enjoyed my book and who took part in the
free promotion. I'd also like to share with you my upcoming release heard it here first... Divine: Book Two of The Revelations Series
will be coming out May 20th 2017!! Thank you everyone and thank you
Deneale for having me here!!!
About the Author:
Leanne Rathbone was born and raised in Sheffield, England and lives
with her husband, 3 young children and 1 Husky. Having spent many years as an
avid reader she turned her hand to writing, recently publishing her first novel
Grace as part of a 3 book series called Revelations. Leanne hopes she can share
her stories with as wide an audience as possible bringing as much joy to those
who read as she has enjoyed writing.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
When I had seen the Author post the details about this book, I decided to look into it. Therefore, I looked at the cover, and was pulled in even more so. The cover is truly designed beautifully, and it makes you desire to read the book even more so then hearing about it.
As the story begins, you realize you are in London, England. As I opened up the book, I knew we were beginning where I hated to start, where almost everyone does actually. In the hospital. This however, does not stop me from reading.
Then as I kept reading I get to the best part: “Congratulations! It’s a girl!” A yes, the best time to be at hospital, isn’t it? Childbirth.
But my dears, this was just the prologue!
Grace had nightmares, or were they even nightmares? Nightmares about the cemetery and the grave stones. The nightmares were nothing knew, and she kept them from her mother. She has had them ever since they had moved the last time. She didn’t want to move again, but then again, maybe moving away from that cemetery might be a good idea after all.
These odd things that kept happening to Grace, happened all of her life, at different peculiar stages and times. Feelings, things she just couldn’t quite get a grip on. But this very night, it had been different.
What makes the situation worse this time, is when her mother says, “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” A shiver went through Graces body.
There was something about those gravestones, that cemetery, and what made it worse, that sometimes at night when Grace would look out of her window after a nightmare, the gravestones would be covered in ghoulish fog. Like it truly needed to look more eerie.
Grace starts noticing that her dreams are stuck on repeat, and begins researching them. The consistencies in her dreams are: Angels, leaves, headstones, and trees. At the library, she managed to find a meaning in a book, which she didn’t seem shocked by the results.
Eventually Grace meets a guy named Nate who is intrigued by her, and even her interest in dreams, and what is happening to her.
Grace is only seventeen, but finds that she is experiencing things within herself to be changing, and with that, she is also learning things about herself, and the world around her that she just didn’t ever plan to believe to even be true.
Through her life changing adventures, Grace is learning a new way to look at good and evil, different from what we are all taught as Children. Grace is now seeing things through an enlightened an insightful mindful type vision, and learning how to understand and cope with them.
The story of Grace will show you love, and friendship. It will also show enlighten and heighten your own sense to what is and could be around you. The story of Grace will show you that your fate, can shape the existence, and then how one’s lust for power, can destroy it all.
This story played with so many of my emotions. I was just to the point that I could not put it down, especially as a person who does believe that our dreams do in fact guide us. I was just in awe as to how well this was written, and I enjoyed this book immensely. This was truly an enjoyable book. I give it five stars, and cannot wait to read the next book!
View all my reviews