
Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Spirus By: JB Trepagnier

The Spirus
By: JB Trepagnier
Belisarus was the person who had raised Soryn, as well as her tutor.  He explained to her, that she was different, and everything about her needed to be kept hidden. 
There were the Farkhi, Tarks, Theran, and the Tempris. Four different types of tribes that these people could change into four different forms, and Soryn could do everything each one of them could do. Belisarus never told Soryn why she was able to change into all the forms.
Soryn had questions, always. And no one ever had any answers for her. She had heard stories, knew of routines, and how things were done, but the thing is, it was always different for her, but why?
Soryn had a best friend, whom she created while playing her flute. The animals would gather around her while she would play it, and she adored them. And she longed for a friend, therefore she created: Frog. But she is uncertain as to how she created him, except that it happened when she played her flute. Belsarus told her to get rid of him, but she didn’t. Frog protected her, and she him.
There is a castle, which Soryn makes her way up to because Belsarus is much too old and he needs to tell Esylle something. He had once been her tutor as well. When Soryn revealed herself to Esylle, from a swan to herself, she used the call to your blood method. This startled Esylle. Immediately, Esylle thought that Soryn was her missing or stolen daughter: Lisana. And not just because Soryn could call to her blood, but because Soryn even looked like her. 
Please note the swan has frogs on it!
When Leodos, a human had people from the other tribes look at Soryn, they seen something in her, and kissed her hand. This shocked him, and he then knew she was something far different from what he had expected. But he was still certain that Soryn was not Esylle’s daughter. However, Esylle, missing and needing, and wanting her long-lost daughter, felt differently, and she wanted it to be true more than anything. 
The four tribes had always heard about a girl who would have all of the abilities, the true Spirus, but they just thought it was a myth. A myth until Leodos exposed it. Now she could be in danger, and even Leodos knew this.
But Soryn delivered her message, a message to learn who she was, and in order to have it completely fulfilled to learn who she is, Esylle must come back to see and meet with Belsarus. Fortunately, with much argument from Leodos and many other of Esylle’s guards, eventually she agrees, because she is just as curious as Soryn is. 
Now in order for you to know all of the secrets, you must read this fabulous five-star book, and see for yourself. I don’t want to tell you everything and have you know from cover to cover because that just isn’t fair. But what I will tell you is this: I loved how the chapters were foretold by each person. That made it much easier to follow along. I loved that part, I wish more writers would do that, it makes it a lot less confusing. This book would make for an excellent movie, like a fairy tale kind of mystery. I really enjoyed every bit of this, and I think I found myself a new favorite writer!

My questions for JB:
1. What made you write this book and how long did it take? I have sleep disorders and most of my ideas come from my dreams. I have a basic idea and just take it from there. I usually stick to literary fiction, but I had this idea for fantasy kicking around the back of my head from a drea. The Spirus took about 4 months to write, then I wrote a prequel for it, that took about 2 months to complete.

2. Who designed this amazing cover? I do all my covers, from photos, to design, unless I lack the props I need. The cover for the Spirus, the model essentially stood against a solid wall with a spotlight, then I hand painted the background because the wall was a dark color and didn't fit with what I wanted. Then it went through several filters until it looked the way I wanted. I probably have at least 10 other alternate covers for this book that didn't make it in a folder on my computer where covers go to die

3. Do you have photos or descriptions of Tempris or Spirus? I don't have any photos other than what I see in my head. The Tempris are all pale skinned with red hair and violet eyes. The Spirus is also pale skinned with violet eyes, but her eyes are slightly slanted because her father was part Tark. The Tarks are generally very tall with black hair that they keep short with slanted eyes. The Theran are all blonde with green eyes. The Farkhi have ebony skin and eyes and they paint their skin.

4. Do you ever put yourself into your characters? Several things that have happened to me in real life end up in my books. The Special Agent Mauve series is meant to be funny and half the things that go wrong on her missions actually happened to me in real life. Totally once thought it was a good idea to eat an eggroll at a gas station and ended up with food poisoning while on a road trip

5. How long have you been writing AND what gives you the desire to write? I've been writing since I was 14. I write because it's better to get it out on paper than have these ideas screaming at me at 2am when I'm trying to sleep

6. What all education have you had? Education where I live is actually really bad. I grew up going to school in a special program that you have to test to get into, then you have to keep a certain GPA or you get kicked out and have to go to a regular school. I mentioned this program in one of my books. I have a major and 3 minors in art related field, though none of them are creative writing. My minors were all writing heavy and I had to write critiques of plays, dance performances, and works of art. I think the paper I'm most proud of is the fact that I managed to BS my way through an 8 page paper on the importance of dogs in Northern Dutch Renaissance Paintings before Facebook, dog shaming, and cat memes existed

7. Have you ever had writers block? If yes or not, what do you suggest to get through it? Oh, god yes, They need to make a pill for that. If it hits me, I try to have an alternate book in the background to work on or I start making test covers. I've recently decided to make audio versions of my books, so if it hits again, I'm going to retreat to a blanket fort and record

8. What are your hobbies? I play a few instruments and recently decided I wanted to teach myself guitar. I like performing with the local community theatre when my work schedule isn't totally horrible and I can commit to rehearsals. I'll drop in to dance classes when I have the time. I haven't popped into a dance class recently because my knees have decided they hate me

9. What is your favorite book of all time and why? Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk. This was the first book I ever read where I was sitting there like David Tennant's incarnation of the Doctor. WHAT? What?

10. Please share with us your social media and book links:
Amazon is here-
Everything else is slowly being uploaded to ibooks, kobo, Barnes and Noble, Page Foundry, and Scribd. Salome is not on Scribd because I was told it's too naughty

The SpirusThe Spirus by J.B. Trepagnier
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Belisarus was the person who had raised Soryn, as well as her tutor. He explained to her, that she was different, and everything about her needed to be kept hidden.

There were the Farkhi, Tarks, Theran, and the Tempris. Four different types of tribes that these people could change into four different forms, and Soryn could do everything each one of them could do. Belisarus never told Soryn why she was able to change into all the forms.

Soryn had questions, always. And no one ever had any answers for her. She had heard stories, knew of routines, and how things were done, but the thing is, it was always different for her, but why?

Soryn had a best friend, whom she created while playing her flute. The animals would gather around her while she would play it, and she adored them. And she longed for a friend, therefore she created: Frog. But she is uncertain as to how she created him, except that it happened when she played her flute. Belsarus told her to get rid of him, but she didn’t. Frog protected her, and she him.

There is a castle, which Soryn makes her way up to because Belsarus is much too old and he needs to tell Esylle something. He had once been her tutor as well. When Soryn revealed herself to Esylle, from a swan to herself, she used the call to your blood method. This startled Esylle. Immediately, Esylle thought that Soryn was her missing or stolen daughter: Lisana. And not just because Soryn could call to her blood, but because Soryn even looked like her.

When Leodos, a human had people from the other tribes look at Soryn, they seen something in her, and kissed her hand. This shocked him, and he then knew she was something far different from what he had expected. But he was still certain that Soryn was not Esylle’s daughter. However, Esylle, missing and needing, and wanting her long-lost daughter, felt differently, and she wanted it to be true more than anything.

The four tribes had always heard about a girl who would have all of the abilities, the true Spirus, but they just thought it was a myth. A myth until Leodos exposed it. Now she could be in danger, and even Leodos knew this.

But Soryn delivered her message, a message to learn who she was, and in order to have it completely fulfilled to learn who she is, Esylle must come back to see and meet with Belsarus. Fortunately, with much argument from Leodos and many other of Esylle’s guards, eventually she agrees, because she is just as curious as Soryn is.

Now in order for you to know all of the secrets, you must read this fabulous five-star book, and see for yourself. I don’t want to tell you everything and have you know from cover to cover because that just isn’t fair. But what I will tell you is this: I loved how the chapters were foretold by each person. That made it much easier to follow along. I loved that part, I wish more writers would do that, it makes it a lot less confusing. This book would make for an excellent movie, like a fairy tale kind of mystery. I really enjoyed every bit of this, and I think I found myself a new favorite writer!

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