
Thursday, April 27, 2017

If You Were My Vampire (a Shades Below Novel) By: L.J.K. Oliva

If You Were My Vampire

        A Shades Below Novel
              By: L.J.K. Oliva

     Ok, before I begin I do wish to inform because as you will notice in the title, this says that it is ‘A Shades Below Novel’ that this book can also be read as a stand-alone novel, so you don’t have to feel obligated to purchase a prior book, unless of course, you want to. The decision is yours, and you will have no problems following along, if you haven’t read any of Ms. Oliva books. Although I can assure you, once you experience her writing, you will want to. Just a heads up from me. ::grin::

     Grace Alan is very beautiful woman, and as a member of a very intuitive family, she is one of those people who is always aware of her surrounding, in more ways than one. There’s just one thing, she has spent most of her life isolated away from people, because she has a hard time trying to be a normal person. 

     Finally, Grace has found a beau that she can relate to and has captured her heart, and is everything she has ever dreamt of, and he is even quite handsome too. His name is Asher Evans, and he is someone who is and has been haunted by history, because wouldn’t you know it, he had been turned into a vampire in a concentration camp that claimed his entire family. 

     Asher has never been the same since the loss of his humanity. He has forced himself to face his eternity alone, and never planned on meeting someone he could actually love and care for, that is until he met Grace.

     Then the unthinkable happens, and Grace is murdered. 

      Asher accidentally stumbles upon the dying Grace, and find his heart is now in his throat. He knows he should leave well enough alone, but she understood him. She never once seen him as a monster, or a creature of the night. He admires her beauty in her lifeless and still body, and remembers that she reminds him what it is like to be human.

     Asher knows rescuing Grace will have consequences. The World has deemed female Vampires illegal for centuries now, and the choice Asher has made may have caused complications now for both of them.

     Now together Grace and Asher will try and survive the mortal world without trying to get noticed, and creating enemies along the way. Together they hope that their love can protect them, and help them evade other mortal enemies.

     This book is a beautifully written five-star romantic book, that will make you fall in love with romance all over again. Some may think Vampires are always bloody and evil, but not this time. This book is truly a romantic read that shows you, love can come in all different shapes and sizes, and that it doesn’t matter, love will always prevail over all else. I truly enjoyed this book, and am glad I had the opportunity to read it! 

My question for Laura:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?

Hi Deneale! Thanks so much for having me over again. It's always a pleasure!

Basically, I wrote this book for Asher. I introduced him in my last Shades Below novel, The Devil's Disease, and I really enjoyed the glimpse into his character- in particular, the way he interacted with Grace. There was a lot simmering under the surface of their interactions, so it was a real pleasure to dive in and unpack all that in If You Were My Vampire.

2. Do you have any photos or descriptions of your characters?

Absolutely! I'm a bit obsessed with creating companion graphics for my books. Here are a couple that capture how I imagine Asher and Grace would look:

3. Who designed this beautiful cover?

I did, and I'm so glad you like it! I started designing and creating all my own book covers right around the beginning of this year. I had been honing my skill on those graphics I mentioned, and am finally at a point where I feel able to create covers that meet my own standards of professionalism.

4. Do you ever put yourself into your characters?

All. The. Time.
You always hear the classic writing advice to Write What You Know, and different writers have different opinions about just what that means. For me, it means digging down and finding the part of my characters that is true for me, that I know personally. I don't know what it's like to be a vampire, but I know what it's like to be an outsider, to want things that aren't good for me, to have hungers I don't know how to fill. I start with those core kernels of truth, then weave my characters around them.

5. Do you wish-- or are you a Vampire? 🤣😜 or is it a secret?

I admit to nothing ;-) *looks around for Watchmen*

6. What do you hope to be when you grow up?

Living the dream, mama. Living the dream. :-)

7. What led you into writing and how long have you been at it?

Personally, I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I've always loved stories, and before I could write, I acted them out with my dolls. Professionally, I've been writing for about five years now. When my son was born, I wanted a job with flexible hours that I could do from home. I threw all my chips in the writing basket, and have never looked back!

8. What is your upmost favorite book and why?

That's such a hard question, haha! There are so many books that have had a profound influence on me, both as a writer and a person. That said, my favorite book remains Redwall, by Brian Jacques. It's the first book I can remember my mom reading to me when I was a kid, and the book that made me fall in love with words. I even named my son after the main character.

9. What are you working on now?

I have a few projects simmering at the moment. First up is a short story that features my vampire constable Seneca Lynch and Grace's friend, Tonio Ramirez. The interplay and innuendo between them in If You Were My Vampire was a lot of fun to write, so I'm going to go behind the scenes and let them have some fun ;-)
Next up, I'll be writing the second novella in my Shades Below Shorts series: Thicker Than Water. I had initially planned to write it before If You Were My Vampire, but Emil and Puzzle weren't ready to talk to me yet. Now they are, and I'm really excited for their new adventure!
After that, I'm writing Shades Below, #3: Ghost In The Machine. In it, Lena is still reeling from Grace's death when a freak accident at The Wayfare Hotel sets her adrift in space and time.  MacMillian has to race the clock and the cosmos, and must decide just how far he's willing to go to bring her home.

10. Have you ever regretted ending a book or character?

Not yet, however, there are a few characters in the Shades Below series who might not make it to the end. If and when their time comes, I'll definitely be sad to say goodbye.

11. What do you do for writers block? If you have never had it what do you suggest?

I definitely struggle with slumps, as I think everyone does. I generally don't label it "writers block" though. Being a bit of a hippie, I believe naming something gives it power over me, which only makes things worse.
When I'm in a slump, I've found the only way through it is, well, through it. I sit down and set my timer, and write like a madwoman for solid twenty-five minute increments, with five minute brain breaks in between. I give myself permission to suck. I accept that the words I'm putting down probably won't be my best, and allow myself to be okay with that. After all, this is why God made editing.
Usually, my slumps only last for a scene, maybe a chapter. Once I've written myself out of whatever rut I was in, I keep going through the story. Later, once I have some distance, I go back and go over what I came up with. If it needs tweaking or finessing, I do that.
Above all, I just keep writing.

12. Please share with us your social media and book links::

Sure! You can find me all over the place. Here are my current haunts:

Facebook- (friend me!)

If you're interested in a no-risk, all-reward introduction to my books, I offer a free Shades Below Starter Library when you sign up for my mailing list. You can claim yours by signing up here:

And finally, here is where my books currently live:

A WORLD APART (Shades Below, #1)

PTOLEMY'S TABLET (Shades Below Shorts, #1)

SEASON OF THE WITCH (Shades Below, #1.5)

THE DEVIL'S DISEASE (Shades Below, #2)

IF YOU WERE MY VAMPIRE (Shades Below, #2.5)

13. Anything to add...

Nothing besides thank you again for the interview! It's been a blast :-)

If You Were My Vampire (Shades Below, #2.5)If You Were My Vampire by L.J.K. Oliva
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ok, before I begin I do wish to inform because as you will notice in the title, this says that it is ‘A Shades Below Novel’ that this book can also be read as a stand-alone novel, so you don’t have to feel obligated to purchase a prior book, unless of course, you want to. The decision is yours, and you will have no problems following along, if you haven’t read any of Ms. Oliva books. Although I can assure you, once you experience her writing, you will want to. Just a heads up from me. ::grin::

Grace Alan is very beautiful woman, and as a member of a very intuitive family, she is one of those people who is always aware of her surrounding, in more ways than one. There’s just one thing, she has spent most of her life isolated away from people, because she has a hard time trying to be a normal person.

Finally, Grace has found a beau that she can relate to and has captured her heart, and is everything she has ever dreamt of, and he is even quite handsome too. His name is Asher Evans, and he is someone who is and has been haunted by history, because wouldn’t you know it, he had been turned into a vampire in a concentration camp that claimed his entire family.

Asher has never been the same since the loss of his humanity. He has forced himself to face his eternity alone, and never planned on meeting someone he could actually love and care for, that is until he met Grace.

Then the unthinkable happens, and Grace is murdered.

Asher accidentally stumbles upon the dying Grace, and find his heart is now in his throat. He knows he should leave well enough alone, but she understood him. She never once seen him as a monster, or a creature of the night. He admires her beauty in her lifeless and still body, and remembers that she reminds him what it is like to be human.

Asher knows rescuing Grace will have consequences. The World has deemed female Vampires illegal for centuries now, and the choice Asher has made may have caused complications now for both of them.

Now together Grace and Asher will try and survive the mortal world without trying to get noticed, and creating enemies along the way. Together they hope that their love can protect them, and help them evade other mortal enemies.

This book is a beautifully written five-star romantic book, that will make you fall in love with romance all over again. Some may think Vampires are always bloody and evil, but not this time. This book is truly a romantic read that shows you, love can come in all different shapes and sizes, and that it doesn’t matter, love will always prevail over all else. I truly enjoyed this book, and am glad I had the opportunity to read it!

View all my reviews