
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Undead Key Series By: Kimberly Connor (3 Books!)

The Undead Key Series
By: Kimberly Connor

This includes:
The Undead Key Blood Moon
The Undead Key Part 1
And Blood Born (The Undead Key Book 2)

The Undead Key Blood Moon:

     I thought I was going to be in for the usual kind of books when I started reading these, but let me tell you: ‘Nope!’ The Undead Series is a totally different outlook on creatures from the dark side, that walk the Earth. 

     In the story of blood moon, everyone is worrying about it coming to pass, because once the blood moon arrives, Drake, the King of Hell is to arrive. And no one is looking forward to his arrival, because once he gets here, it will be total chaos.

     In the meantime, we have Alex and Max, who are learning to survive, and fight on their own, all the while, Alex is learning that because of the experiments conducted on her as a child, her powers are becoming more and more powerful each and every day. It is getting to the point that Alex is having problems controlling her powers. 

     The only advantage is, that Alex realizes that Max is her true love, and only he can help her control her powers, and keep them at bay. Together they help one another learn how to cope, and grow closer in doing so.

The Undead Key Part 1:

     Max has group of friends, and some of them are hunters. Together, they are all hoping that they can stop the soon to be Hell on Earth, compliments of the Blood Moon, and rising of Drake, the King of Hell. 

     Alex had a sister, her name was Jasmine. She had been taken Alex and turned into an evil being. This causes Alex to find herself lost in something worse than horror, and worse than hate, and causes her to take action, whereas God may not even prevail this time. The hurt, the loss, the anger, just may be too much for Alex to handle. This time she intends to lash out.

Blood Born (The Undead Key Part 2)

     The cover of this book is truly beautiful, I love it. It is my favorite cover out of the entire series! Truly beautiful!

     Everything is left up to Alex, to keep the ultimate weapon out of Evils hands. Otherwise, life as we know it, here on Earth is done for. 

     Chaos is already taking place, as Alex struggles to find this weapon in utter darkness. If she cannot do it, creatures from Hell will rule and walk the Earth and mankind will cease to exist.


     As I was reading these books, I couldn’t help but want to follow alongside of Alex and root the woman on. She is a true heroine, who knows that the World is in her hands, so she must do what it takes to save everyone and everything. 

     I truly fell in love with these books, and honestly was reading anxiously as I read, rooting on for the good guys and wanting to help send the bad guys back to hell. My feelings were non-stop as I read along, not wanting to put these books down for anything, for fear if I did, that the World would end. 

     These are some great books, truly a five-star read, that I think most people will honestly enjoy, if they like dark worldly stories. And these ones, are written quite well, and they will pull you in to the point that you won’t put the books down, and you will worry about the well-being of Earth, the heroine and everything! It’s just that well written that you’ll imagine it happening, and everything! And that’s how books should be written, so you can use your imagination, and feel involved with the characters!

My questions for Kimberly:
1. What made you write this entire "Blood" series and how long did it take you?
        Growing up in school I never liked to read (Yeah, I was one of those kids) until I reached High School. That was when I was introduced to Stephen King and Dean Koontz. I loved their work. I dreamed of becoming an author then life happened. A few years ago, I went through a tough time. A family member decided since she didn’t have a daughter she wanted mine. So, to court we went. It was during that time I started The Undead Key Series. It was my escape from the hurt I was going through.  After almost a year of court battles I won. Blood Moon was born, I loved the story line and decided to keep going.

2. Do you have photos or descriptions of all of these characters?
I don’t have the pictures anymore. I have changed computers and lost some of pics I had. I made a video of the very first version of The Undead Key that was redone and made into Blood Moon. Here is the link.

3. Who designed these beautiful covers?
Blood Moon (the remake of The Undead Key) was made by the publisher I was using at the time. Blood Born I made myself.

4. What are you working on now?
I am working on two books Blood Bond the third book in The Undead Key Series and Night Stalker.

5. Have you ever had writers block? If so how do you resolve it? Whether or not you have, what do you suggest to anyone who gets writers block?
I have a few times. I walk away from it for a few days or weeks. All I can say is take your time. If you ever find yourself with writer’s block walk away from it for a while. Get out and do something it will come back to you.

6. What are your hobbies?
Being an author is the main one but I can also make candles.

7. What is your favorite book of all time and why?
That would be “It” by Stephen King and “Winter Moon” by Dean Koontz. I’m a horror buff those two books gave me the chills.

8. What inspired you to become a writer?
 My kids. I wanted to make them proud of me. I wanted to show them you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it.

9.  Do you plan on being a writer forever? Why or why not?

Yes, I love what I do. Meeting all the wonder readers and other authors. I couldn’t see myself doing anything else.

10. Please provide us your social media and book links:
Blood Moon
Blood Born

11. Anything to add:: 
I just want to thank all the fans and yourself for taking the time and reviewing The Undead Key Series. I hope you all enjoy. There are many more books to come.

The Undead Key Blood Moon: Good may not prevail the evil with in (The Undead Key Sega)The Undead Key Blood Moon: Good may not prevail the evil with in by Kimberly Connor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Undead Key Blood Moon:

I thought I was going to be in for the usual kind of books when I started reading these, but let me tell you: ‘Nope!’ The Undead Series is a totally different outlook on creatures from the dark side, that walk the Earth.

In the story of blood moon, everyone is worrying about it coming to pass, because once the blood moon arrives, Drake, the King of Hell is to arrive. And no one is looking forward to his arrival, because once he gets here, it will be total chaos.

In the meantime, we have Alex and Max, who are learning to survive, and fight on their own, all the while, Alex is learning that because of the experiments conducted on her as a child, her powers are becoming more and more powerful each and every day. It is getting to the point that Alex is having problems controlling her powers.

The only advantage is, that Alex realizes that Max is her true love, and only he can help her control her powers, and keep them at bay. Together they help one another learn how to cope, and grow closer in doing so.


As I was reading these books, (I read all three!) I couldn’t help but want to follow alongside of Alex and root the woman on. She is a true heroine, who knows that the World is in her hands, so she must do what it takes to save everyone and everything.

I truly fell in love with these books, and honestly was reading anxiously as I read, rooting on for the good guys and wanting to help send the bad guys back to hell. My feelings were non-stop as I read along, not wanting to put these books down for anything, for fear if I did, that the World would end.

These are some great books, truly a five-star read, that I think most people will honestly enjoy, if they like dark worldly stories. And these ones, are written quite well, and they will pull you in to the point that you won’t put the books down, and you will worry about the well-being of Earth, the heroine and everything! It’s just that well written that you’ll imagine it happening, and everything! And that’s how books should be written, so you can use your imagination, and feel involved with the characters!

View all my reviews The Undead Key Part 1: Good may not provail (The Undead Key Sega)The Undead Key Part 1: Good may not provail by Kim Connor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I thought I was going to be in for the usual kind of books when I started reading these, but let me tell you: ‘Nope!’ The Undead Series is a totally different outlook on creatures from the dark side, that walk the Earth.

The Undead Key Part 1:

Max has group of friends, and some of them are hunters. Together, they are all hoping that they can stop the soon to be Hell on Earth, compliments of the Blood Moon, and rising of Drake, the King of Hell.

Alex had a sister, her name was Jasmine. She had been taken Alex and turned into an evil being. This causes Alex to find herself lost in something worse than horror, and worse than hate, and causes her to take action, whereas God may not even prevail this time. The hurt, the loss, the anger, just may be too much for Alex to handle. This time she intends to lash out.


As I was reading these books, (I read all three!) I couldn’t help but want to follow alongside of Alex and root the woman on. She is a true heroine, who knows that the World is in her hands, so she must do what it takes to save everyone and everything.

I truly fell in love with these books, and honestly was reading anxiously as I read, rooting on for the good guys and wanting to help send the bad guys back to hell. My feelings were non-stop as I read along, not wanting to put these books down for anything, for fear if I did, that the World would end.

These are some great books, truly a five-star read, that I think most people will honestly enjoy, if they like dark worldly stories. And these ones, are written quite well, and they will pull you in to the point that you won’t put the books down, and you will worry about the well-being of Earth, the heroine and everything! It’s just that well written that you’ll imagine it happening, and everything! And that’s how books should be written, so you can use your imagination, and feel involved with the characters!

View all my reviews
  Blood Born (The Undead Key Book 2)Blood Born by Kimberly Connor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I thought I was going to be in for the usual kind of books when I started reading these, but let me tell you: ‘Nope!’ The Undead Series is a totally different outlook on creatures from the dark side, that walk the Earth.

Blood Born (The Undead Key Part 2)

The cover of this book is truly beautiful, I love it. It is my favorite cover out of the entire series! Truly beautiful!

Everything is left up to Alex, to keep the ultimate weapon out of Evils hands. Otherwise, life as we know it, here on Earth is done for.

Chaos is already taking place, as Alex struggles to find this weapon in utter darkness. If she cannot do it, creatures from Hell will rule and walk the Earth and mankind will cease to exist.


As I was reading these books, (I read all three!) I couldn’t help but want to follow alongside of Alex and root the woman on. She is a true heroine, who knows that the World is in her hands, so she must do what it takes to save everyone and everything.

I truly fell in love with these books, and honestly was reading anxiously as I read, rooting on for the good guys and wanting to help send the bad guys back to hell. My feelings were non-stop as I read along, not wanting to put these books down for anything, for fear if I did, that the World would end.

These are some great books, truly a five-star read, that I think most people will honestly enjoy, if they like dark worldly stories. And these ones, are written quite well, and they will pull you in to the point that you won’t put the books down, and you will worry about the well-being of Earth, the heroine and everything! It’s just that well written that you’ll imagine it happening, and everything! And that’s how books should be written, so you can use your imagination, and feel involved with the characters!

Life in its Rawest Form: A True Story of Perseverance & Triumph By: Qiana Hicks

Life in its Rawest Form:
A True Story of Perseverance and Triumph
By Qiana Hicks

     Upon receiving this book, I admired the beautiful cover. At first, I thought it was just a beautiful woman, until you look closer into the blouse that she is wearing and see. Within the blouse, you can see a lingering past dwelling up, and then you look at the smiling face again, and you can see where the end word on the title of this book, helped to make that smile shine.
     Then, I started reading this book, and could feel my throat knot up as I read. A little girl who had to deal with so much at such young age, striving to succeed, no matter what came her way. 
     Qiana and her siblings had drug addicted parents. So often, as a child, Qiana would try to stop her parents from getting high or even intoxicated, only to fail. With sadness to see her efforts lost, Qiana often wished she could just disappear into another reality, with better parents; and take her siblings with her. So many times, Qiana didn’t even understand why her and her siblings had to tolerate such neglect and abuse. There had to be another way, something better, or even a reason. 

     Finally, rescued at the age of fifteen, Qiana and her siblings are taken away from her parents and put into foster care, and group homes, and even shelters too. Alas, she thinks there is hope. But because of the frequent transitions from place to place, Qiana herself ends up pregnant. 
     Although this seemed like a step in the wrong direction, Qiana refused to deem it as such. She refused t turn out anything like her parents. She was going to be different, if it took everything she had.
     Qiana struggled, with her bruised ego, low self-esteem, and a child, and managed to strive toward the top. Wanting and looking for jobs, not a handout. She wanted to make something of herself, not ask for help, not depend on someone else to give it to her, or help her. She wanted to be the story for her own success. To Qiana, failure was not an option, and she was going to be the best person, and mother she could be. 
     Qiana shares with you, the reader, her story. She opens her heart, her hurt, and lets you the reader in. She wants you to see, that although you may have had a bad road behind you, that yes, you can make a difference, and a new start.

     Through Qiana’s own words, she wants to help you, the reader, see that you are a person, just as she was, and is, to this day; and that you matter. Her words are insightful, and truly eye opening. 

     This book is truly an amazing read, you need to read it. I was truly uplifted, and found a new vision through Qiana and her words. I think you will too! This is a five-star read, worth sharing with your family and friends!

Here are my questions for Qiana:
1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
It took me a year and a half to write my fist book, the memior. I wrote a second, companion workbook, thereafter. I chose to write the book because I wanted to release a number of memories from my past that I had been harboring for some time. I also wanted to share my story with other disadvantaged youth, parents who battle addiction, family services professionals who work with families in crisis, centers or facilities that house disadvantaged youth due to their conditions at home, and people in general who may come in contact with these families. I wanted the youth and young adults of a disadvantaged upbringing to know that they are not alone. Although they grew up in unfortunate conditions and circumstances, that should not keep them for dreaming and hoping of a better, brighter future someday. Our environments or past experiences cannot break us or stop us from having better. Only we can ourselves. I also wanted to bring awareness to parents who battle addiction the trauma their behaviors have on their children and loved ones. I wanted to share with family service professionals, foster homes and group homes how they can help make a positive difference in the children our youth life as they reside with them.  

2. Do you have any photos to go along with this book to share with us? 
I did not include any photos in my book.

3. What inspires you to write?
Writing was a form of therapy for me. It brought clarity to some of the things from my past I struggled with. And writing allowed me to share things that I would normally be afraid to share with others, directly. Writing was always a peaceful experience for me.

4. What are you working on now?
Promoting and marketing my book, as well as looking for opportunities to perform speaking engagements and provide mentoring and advocacy to youth and young adults of similar backgrounds.

5. What are your hobbies?
Since I've started writing, I haven't had many hobbies outside of it. 

6. What is your favorite book of all time?
Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody.

7. Did writing this book help you realize or achieve any goals?
It did. I set out to gain understanding and clarity for some of the things that occurred in my past that I never understood beforehand.

8. Has your book helped others?
My book was just recently published, so it is too early to see the difference it makes with others.

9. Please share with us your social media and book links:
This is a work in progress. So far, the only social media platform I have is Instagram (words_inspire). Others are soon to come.

Life in Its Rawest Form: A True Story of Perseverance and TriumphLife in Its Rawest Form: A True Story of Perseverance and Triumph by Qiana S Hicks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Upon receiving this book, I admired the beautiful cover. At first, I thought it was just a beautiful woman, until you look closer into the blouse that she is wearing and see. Within the blouse, you can see a lingering past dwelling up, and then you look at the smiling face again, and you can see where the end word on the title of this book, helped to make that smile shine.

Then, I started reading this book, and could feel my throat knot up as I read. A little girl who had to deal with so much at such young age, striving to succeed, no matter what came her way.

Qiana and her siblings had drug addicted parents. So often, as a child, Qiana would try to stop her parents from getting high or even intoxicated, only to fail. With sadness to see her efforts lost, Qiana often wished she could just disappear into another reality, with better parents; and take her siblings with her. So many times, Qiana didn’t even understand why her and her siblings had to tolerate such neglect and abuse. There had to be another way, something better, or even a reason.

Finally, rescued at the age of fifteen, Qiana and her siblings are taken away from her parents and put into foster care, and group homes, and even shelters too. Alas, she thinks there is hope. But because of the frequent transitions from place to place, Qiana herself ends up pregnant.

Although this seemed like a step in the wrong direction, Qiana refused to deem it as such. She refused t turn out anything like her parents. She was going to be different, if it took everything she had.

Qiana struggled, with her bruised ego, low self-esteem, and a child, and managed to strive toward the top. Wanting and looking for jobs, not a handout. She wanted to make something of herself, not ask for help, not depend on someone else to give it to her, or help her. She wanted to be the story for her own success. To Qiana, failure was not an option, and she was going to be the best person, and mother she could be.

Qiana shares with you, the reader, her story. She opens her heart, her hurt, and lets you the reader in. She wants you to see, that although you may have had a bad road behind you, that yes, you can make a difference, and a new start. Through Qiana’s own words, she wants to help you, the reader, see that you are a person, just as she was, and is, to this day; and that you matter. Her words are insightful, and truly eye opening.

This book is truly an amazing read, you need to read it. I was truly uplifted, and found a new vision through Qiana and her words. I think you will too! This is a five-star read, worth sharing with your family and friends!

View all my reviews