
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Montant Marine By: Debra Parmley - Kindle Worlds

Montana Marine

By: Debra Parmley

When you first get this book, you will want to stare at the cover, I mean, because that’s what I first did. I mean, I tried not to, but just wow. How can you not. I mean, seriously, how can you not? A marine? Without his shirt? I mean, seriously!

Now, before I get hot and steamy just talking about the cover, I need stop and tell you about the book, right? Yeah so let’s do that.

If you read or subscribe to my blog, or know me for that matter, you know Debra Parmley is one of my frequented authors. I can’t help it. 
She’s an Ohioan, and we Ohio girls stick together, even when we still don’t live there anymore, our heart still does. That’s point number one. Number two, Ms. Parmley knows how to write. She pulls you in within the first chapter, and you are not going to put the boo down, because you just need and want to know what is going to happen next, because you are right there with her as she writes. And I like that about her technique. So, yeah, I am one f her biggest fans, she doesn’t know it yet, so whatever you do. Don’t tell her. I can’t have her head swelling up or anything. 

Now, in this book, were going to meet Gunnery Sgt. Jack Barr. He has retired, and returned to Texas, when the Brotherhood Protectors bodyguard service of Montana decides they want to hire him. They need him to protect a beautiful actress named Angelica Glory who is being stalked. 

Now we all know it is not unusual for actors, actresses, musicians and even writers to get stalked. They have a fan base, and people just must have their hair, and follow them around like groupies, because they seem to have a need, oh and no life. 

Angelica’s assistant is Lucy Wood, who is very shy, and the job seems to be somewhat overwhelming for her. 

In the meantime, Angelica and Lucy, along with the body guards, are sent to Montana to lie low for a while, in order to either draw out the stalker, or cause the person to become bored and maybe disappear.
Angelica and the sexy Marine lay by the pool, and soak up the sun. She drinks her rum and cola’s while Jack watches her, and tries to also keep an eye out for the tentative stalker at the same time. Both Jack and Angelica are sexy, and end up drawn to one another beauty.

In the meantime, the stalker, becomes exceedingly jealous, because only he can have the girl of his dreams, not someone else. And this stalker sees the romance blooming between Jack and Angelica and this lights a fire under him.

This is where I am going to stop and leave you, in Montana, where an angry stalker could ruin the perfect romance. Because from here, you need to decide if you want to buy this Kindle Worlds book for yourself, and see where the excitement leads. 

I personally give this book a five-star rating myself, because I enjoyed it immensely and found it to be quite a satisfying read. I was excited with the romance, and the need of the stalker of as well. It made me want to keep reading, and that is exactly what I did. This is another exceptional piece if work by the wonderful Debra Parmely.

Here are my questions for Debra:

1.     What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
This book began when I was invited by Elle James to write in her Brotherhood Protectors series Kindle World and to be in on the first wave to launch along with twelve other authors. It was very exciting and I juggled all my other writing projects around in order to write this one and have it done on time. One of the things I had to do first was to read the four books in her series that were out around the time she asked me. Then I had to research Montana since I’ve never been there and never set a book there. There was also a series Bible for us to follow. It was great fun writing this book! But it did take me longer than usual because I was starting from zero. I usually have a book idea and characters in my head for a while before I actually write. I always have multiple books I’m working on, so my time to write any book is going to be longer than for an author who works straight through on the same book. Time spent writing the book and reading and researching for it, I’d guess around six months. I’m not sure how to separate the time actually spent creating new pages from the time spent reading and researching. I should track this more than I do and should be better at using my Panda Planner, since I juggle so much, but that’s been kind of hit or miss this year so far. This was my first year to use a planner so hopefully I’ll get better at it.

2.     Do you have any photos or descriptions of these characters?
I had my cover artist start working on a cover right away and I liked the cover so much that I actually was looking at it quite a bit when I was writing Jack’s story. That was a first for me. I usually have a story nearly done by the time we start talking about the cover. Now with this cover, Jack is a twin and I’ll be working on his brother’s story soon. That book is planned to release before Christmas and has the creepy elf in it that I was talking about last December. We needed to use the same cover model for both because they’re twins, but it’s not an obvious thing. Most of the time I close my eyes and see my characters, they aren’t really based on any one person. This time though I found the cover inspiring and looked at it often as I wrote. I like the pose. It’s facing straight on, looking directly at the reader. That’s like a Marine, direct, facing things straight on. Strong, bold. I think the cover portrays that. Elle has told me she’s had a lot of positive comments on my cover. I think Sheri McGathy, my cover artist did a great job.   

3.     Did you do any research for this book?
Oh yes. I researched Bozeman Montana and found the Sweet Pea Festival, the local bars that had dancing and live music, the local drinks, where they go to dance, the airports Jack would have flown out of and into, details like that which are in the book. Though it’s set in a fictional Kindle World it is near Bozeman and I wanted those details to be authentic. I tend to look up all kinds of little things even for a contemporary romance, probably because I started out writing historical romance where every little detail is important. For my Marine research I relied on Charles Welshans who advised me on everything from fight scenes and weapons to dialogue. I’d write a scene and then he’d look at it and tell me what a Marine would call something. I try to be as authentic as possible with the smallest of details in my books so I wanted a Marine to be able to read this and think yes this rings true.

4.     What are you working on now?
I’m in second round edits for A Change of Scenery, which will be out any day now. It’s scheduled for July 29th. It’s book one in the Hunger Roads trilogy, which is my first sci-fi romance and has a SEAL hero. I’m also in edits for the audiobook for Aboard the Wishing Star, which should be out by the end of July or the first of August. Then I’m writing new pages in between all that and working on Dancing Butterfly, book two in my Butterflies Fly Free series about 1920’s flappers. Each book in the series is about a different flapper. This is Suki’s story. So I’m juggling a lot right now! Guess I need to up those Panda Planner skills soon!

5. What inspired you to become a writer?
I’ve loved stories from the time they were read to me as a child. I think I’ve always wanted to be a writer even before I knew I wanted to be. I just love stories of any kind. So maybe I should say it was all the wonderful storytellers and authors that came before me that have inspired me, because I think they all did.

5.     Do you ever put yourself into your characters?
Sometimes they have little bits of me that I place into them. In Aboard the Wishing Star, which probably comes the closest, the heroine has a water phobia and the hero teaches her how to snorkel. I too have a water phobia and have learned how to snorkel. So it’s more of me pulling from my experiences like I did in the snorkel scene and my heroine having similar ones or ones I can relate to than me becoming the character. That book also was set on a cruise ship and I have cruised often so I know that world well. That’s why it’s the closest. My friends will say they see bits of me in this one or that one. Lucy Wood, in Montana Marine, is trying so hard to do a good job for a woman who will never appreciate her, and I think maybe we’ve all had a job like that at some time or other. It might be one of those universal things. She also doesn’t speak up for herself like she should, something I used to have trouble with. I was quite shy when I was younger. So I like to use slivers of life in my books but for my characters to be very much themselves.

6.     What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time 'other' than write?
In past years I would’ve had many different answers to this as my interests changed. What I’d most like to do is to spend time at the beach, walking it watching it, just taking it in and letting it feed my soul. But I live near Memphis and there’s no beach around these parts. LOL So I guess it would be going to see movies, or watching a good movie at home. There are so many on my list that I haven’t seen yet and then there are the favorites that I like to watch over and over again. So for now, my answer is watch movies. J

7.     Where is your favorite place to write?
I have a desk in the office in the garage and a little writing desk and chair in the guest bedroom but haven’t used them much really over the last year. My place has become the couch in my living room out of necessity because I can prop my foot up on an ottoman and ice it. Recently I’ve had to cancel all out of town events until the end of this year in order to heal my foot so I have to follow doctors orders and put it up every so often. Once it’s better I’ll be back at my desk and able to go to out of town events again. In the meantime many more books will get written. So I hope everyone is ready for a bunch more books from me to read because they are going to be out soon!

8.     Please share with us your social media and book links:
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I have a brand new Author Facebook personal profile so if you’ve been following the old one and can’t find me, be sure to add the new link posted above.

Buy link:

Montana Marine is only available through Kindle Worlds on

9.     Anything else to add?
I’ll be doing my first Goodreads author chat event on Friday August 4th and looking forward to chatting with my readers over there so come on by and say hello if you can.

Summer reading is always fun and I have a new fun Summer Book Selfie contest going on until the end of August. To enter all you need to do is take a selfie pic of you holding one of my books either in print or eBook and share it on Facebook or Twitter with the hash tag #SummerBookSelfie and remember to tag me on it or share to my page so we know to enter you! Each month we’ll draw one winner for one $25 gift card. Their choice of Starbucks, Amazon or Barnes and Noble. I’m looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces!

Thank you Deneale for this fun interview! I always enjoy visiting here. 

Montana Marine (Brotherhood Protectors)Montana Marine by Debra Parmley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When you first get this book, you will want to stare at the cover, I mean, because that’s what I first did. I mean, I tried not to, but just wow. How can you not. I mean, seriously, how can you not? A marine? Without his shirt? I mean, seriously!

Now, before I get hot and steamy just talking about the cover, I need stop and tell you about the book, right? Yeah so let’s do that.

If you read or subscribe to my blog, or know me for that matter, you know Debra Parmley is one of my frequented authors. I can’t help it.

She’s an Ohioan, and we Ohio girls stick together, even when we still don’t live there anymore, our heart still does. That’s point number one. Number two, Ms. Parmley knows how to write. She pulls you in within the first chapter, and you are not going to put the boo down, because you just need and want to know what is going to happen next, because you are right there with her as she writes. And I like that about her technique. So, yeah, I am one f her biggest fans, she doesn’t know it yet, so whatever you do. Don’t tell her. I can’t have her head swelling up or anything.

Now, in this book, were going to meet Gunnery Sgt. Jack Barr. He has retired, and returned to Texas, when the Brotherhood Protectors bodyguard service of Montana decides they want to hire him. They need him to protect a beautiful actress named Angelica Glory who is being stalked.

Now we all know it is not unusual for actors, actresses, musicians and even writers to get stalked. They have a fan base, and people just must have their hair, and follow them around like groupies, because they seem to have a need, oh and no life.

Angelica’s assistant is Lucy Wood, who is very shy, and the job seems to be somewhat overwhelming for her.

In the meantime, Angelica and Lucy, along with the body guards, are sent to Montana to lie low for a while, in order to either draw out the stalker, or cause the person to become bored and maybe disappear.

Angelica and the sexy Marine lay by the pool, and soak up the sun. She drinks her rum and cola’s while Jack watches her, and tries to also keep an eye out for the tentative stalker at the same time. Both Jack and Angelica are sexy, and end up drawn to one another beauty.

In the meantime, the stalker, becomes exceedingly jealous, because only he can have the girl of his dreams, not someone else. And this stalker sees the romance blooming between Jack and Angelica and this lights a fire under him.

This is where I am going to stop and leave you, in Montana, where an angry stalker could ruin the perfect romance. Because from here, you need to decide if you want to buy this Kindle Worlds book for yourself, and see where the excitement leads.

I personally give this book a five-star rating myself, because I enjoyed it immensely and found it to be quite a satisfying read. I was excited with the romance, and the need of the stalker of as well. It made me want to keep reading, and that is exactly what I did. This is another exceptional piece if work by the wonderful Debra Parmely.

View all my reviews


Madison By: Leanne Krieger


By: Leanne Krieger

Today we’re going to meet Madison, who has been through so much over the past two years. Her entire family was taken from her, and she feels so lost, and empty inside without them.

However, something inside is telling Madison that she is not alone, and making her drive on. This gut feeling turns into more than a feeling when she is encouraged by her friend Nick to go and see a friend of his at homeless shelter. 

Madison, curiously begins to wonder, because all this time, Nick has planted himself by her side, encouraged her to eat when she didn’t want to, and listened to her complaints, and sob stories, and even offered words of encouragement.

 And yet now, here he is trying to point her into a path to take. Madison can’t help but wonder how Nick knows anything, and what his purpose was or is in this. She also can’t help but to be leery at the same time.

Madison decides to listen to Nick, and go see his friend at the shelter. And from this point, an entire new adventure begins for Madison, one she never expected or anticipated. 

You as the reader, are in for an adventure, and a lot more than you bargained for. This book, Madison is packed full of adventure that will keep you looking in every direction, wondering just what will happen next. 

The book, Madison is definitely a five-star book, and you will be glad that you decided to read it. If you like a book that will keep you guessing at every turn of the page, then this is the book for you. I loved the fact that the excitement was never ending, and I was right there, feeling like I was involved! I hope to be able to read more books by Leanne in the future!

Here are my questions for Leanne!
 1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
 It was when my son went away to camp for the first time, he was going to be away for a month. And I had to the chance to sit down and get my thoughts on paper. It took me 8 months to finish it and I have not stopped writing since. 

2. What led you into writing in the first place, and how long have you been writing?
I always loved to write since grade school. I always had a journal some would use as a diary, I would write down thoughts or characters I dreamt up. I was told at an early age ‘if you can dream it, we can read it.’ I always stuck to that motto. 

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of your characters that you can share with us?
A lot of my characters are a part of me I would love to be, as well as people I have met in my life. They are courageous, beautiful, full of adventure, they can be reckless, and at the beginning some are scared or delicate. So, to build these characters up and watch them blossom is an honor.

4. What is your favorite book of all time?
My favorite has to be Stephen Kings It, the way he makes the impossible, possible and unbelievable, believable, I have to admire that. 

5. What are you working on now?
I am working on a paranormal alien book. I usually stick with paranormal genre, I feel freer to write as I want to write, there are no rules, I can create worlds as I see my characters would like to live. 

6. What are your hobbies?
I love crafting, scary or suspense movies, and reading.

7. Where is your favorite place to write?
My bedroom is where I love to write.

8. What do you like best about being a writer?
I like being a writer because, I can put a smile on someone’s face and allow them to dream about one of my characters and not think of maybe the bad day they may have had for a few moments. I like that as a writer anyone who reads my books can escape their reality for a few minutes or hours and come into mine mind.

9. Do you plan on continuing your career as a writer?
Oh yes absolutely, I have to write, I love thinking up new worlds and new people who live in them. I feel empty and as if my day is not complete if I do not write a few pages. 

10. Any suggestions for anyone just starting out as a writer?
Just keep writing, write all of your thoughts down even if they seem like they do not make sense. Eventually they will. And don’t let anyone tell you not to follow your dreams. Write for yourself and what your interests are not what you think people will like to read about.  

11. Please share with us your social media and book links, so that we can follow you:  My books can be found on under my name Leanne Krieger. Twitter: leannesbooks201 facebook:

12. Anything you would like to add: 
Yes, Thank you Deneale for giving me this opportunity and reading and reviewing my book. I look forward to a long wonderful relationship with Deneale and maybe she will edit my next book. ::Hint:: ::Hint::

MadisonMadison by Leanne Krieger
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Today we’re going to meet Madison, who has been through so much over the past two years. Her entire family was taken from her, and she feels so lost, and empty inside without them.

However, something inside is telling Madison that she is not alone, and making her drive on. This gut feeling turns into more than a feeling when she is encouraged by her friend Nick to go and see a friend of his at homeless shelter.

Madison, curiously begins to wonder, because all this time, Nick has planted himself by her side, encouraged her to eat when she didn’t want to, and listened to her complaints, and sob stories, and even offered words of encouragement.

And yet now, here he is trying to point her into a path to take. Madison can’t help but wonder how Nick knows anything, and what his purpose was or is in this. She also can’t help but to be leery at the same time.

Madison decides to listen to Nick, and go see his friend at the shelter. And from this point, an entire new adventure begins for Madison, one she never expected or anticipated.

You as the reader, are in for an adventure, and a lot more than you bargained for. This book, Madison is packed full of adventure that will keep you looking in every direction, wondering just what will happen next.

The book, Madison is definitely a five-star book, and you will be glad that you decided to read it. If you like a book that will keep you guessing at every turn of the page, then this is the book for you. I loved the fact that the excitement was never ending, and I was right there, feeling like I was involved! I hope to be able to read more books by Leanne in the future!

View all my reviews