
Sunday, August 27, 2017

Evolution of F.O.R.C.E. By: Sam B. Miller II (The Origin og F.O.R.C.E. book 3)

Evolution of F.O.R.C.E.

(The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. book 3)
By: Sam B. Miller II

I had to read this book, I mean after all, it is book number three of a series that has intrigued me from the get go. I have been completely drawn to the character ‘WhatsIt’ since his arrival here on Earth. He is just the most amazing Alien I have ever encountered, and compliments of my imagination, and reading; I’ve met quite a few.

Honestly, and personally I feel that you as the reader need to read the other two books to follow along and understand, but I presume you could possibly get a grasp of a war between planets if you try and read this book as a standalone. So honestly, the choice is yours. I however, as someone who have read all three, feel they accompany one another nicely, and belong together, like family. But, you know what they say about opinions. 

WhatsIt, Colonel Doug and Major Change have been teammates, working together to learn about Chrysalis, the planet that WhatsIt came from. The technology that had been gained through the ship the failed attack where they found WhatsIt was quite remarkable. The hard part was learning it, thankfully WhatsIt was there to help, once he eventually learned that this planet, our planet Earth was not as volatile as Chrysalis was, and that it wasn’t right to conquer it and destroy the entire planet and their species just for another to live. 

On the other hand, General Harrier of Chrysalis now had his own problem, he didn’t care what it took, he wanted the Asiddians destroyed. He didn’t care what it took, but he needed to try, especially now that it seemed that Earth was a no-go. On top of it all, he was noticing that some of the Chrysallaman people had become collaborators now. He just couldn’t understand for the life of him, how his own kind, could turn against him, unless it was the only way they thought they could survive. But he would not stoop that low.  Especially now that the Asiddians had the Chrysalis princess, he had a job to do. 

Now, with General Tom Blunt, he decided to make it their mission to set out and destroy those who took over and destroyed Chrysalis in the first place, the Asiddians, and make an attempt at helping Chrysalis out, so that they can recover their own planet back. He was determined to gather together a team and form a new and better F.O.R.C.E. and work with the Chrysallaman Army, and teach the Asiddians, (who already knew of human existence.) just what war was all about. 

With the Chrysallaman technology, and Earths technology, and some modified and remodified, they set out to make a difference. The battle will be long and hard, because existence will be proven, and lives and planets are at stake. A point is needed to be proven, but who will be the ones to survive and make a difference? Through a lot of struggling, and time, and much deliberation, and pain, as well as lesson’s learned, this book will teach you about friendship, and battles through interplanetary life. 

A lesson can be learned here, if you read closely, and understand. Not just only the strong survive, but that together, uniting as one, and working together, will the strong survive. You cannot fight the battle alone, and don’t try to run away from it to another planet. Stay there, and fight for what is yours. Defend your property, and defend what is yours, and stand for you believe in.
I found this book, as with the other two, to be amazingly written. I enjoyed every minute of it. As soon as I received it, I rushed to read it excitedly. I was so glad that Mr. Miller had written yet another one of these books. Honestly, I love spending time with ‘WhatsIt!’ He is truly an enjoyble Alien, you gotta check him out! 

This book is as always, a five-star read. I enjoyed every single minute of it. I will always be a fan of Mr. Miller. He just knows how to entertain his audiences. And I enjoy going through outer space with him. 

So, the next time you want to read an out of this Word book, you know where to look! 

Here are my questions for Mr. Miller:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
I wanted to complete the 3 book series finishing the loop I created beginning with “The Origin of F.O.R.C.E.”.  Bringing Whatsit back to his Home Planet, removing his nemesis Hisspat Zeck and tying up loose ends brought me great satisfaction.

2. Who designed this beautiful cover? The final cover was a collaboration of the cover artist who has stuck with me from the beginning, Shamsul Alam, my spaceship designer, Pantelis Lemos in Greece, and myself. The cover needed to evolve with “Evolution of F.O.R.C.E.”

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters that you can share with us?
I have new illustrations of McPherson, Dr. Heinbaum and Whatsit. They are attached. The spaceship, Destinnee (which is featured on the book cover) is also attached within this interview and review!)

4. What are you working on now? I am beginning the 6th Chapter of an adventure, mystery, involving King Solomon. My daughter and part-time editor, Anna C. Miller, is captivated by the first 5 Chapters so I think the new book will be fantastic.

5. What motivates you to write? I have a lot of stories in my head and enjoy letting them out. I tell my family my concepts, and they have no idea what universe my brain occupies.

6. If you were to get writers block, or have ever had it, what do you do for it? When I feel the block coming on, I stop writing and thinking about my story and get involved with something that settles my mind. Mundane chores like mowing the lawn or washing the car work. Then a good night's sleep and I'm usually ready to hit the words again.

7. What suggestions can you offer for the aspiring writers out there? You need a team. You need to have people you can bounce your story off of as you are building it. You need both young and old in the team. Family and friends. I can't tell you how many times my 30 yr old daughter or my 29 yr old son would say, Dad, this sounds like it was written by some old guy. It's not fresh. Or you need to describe this character better. Or this character needs more background so the reader can really understand why they act in a certain way. Your spouse will really not pull any punches and believe me I was punched plenty while writing my novels! I had a doctor and a pilot read the books and they pointed out a couple of technical errors which I corrected. All I can say is a team is very important!

8. How long have you been writing?  I began in February, 2015, and I’m still going.

9. What are your hobbies?
Dogs, home improvement projects, gardening, and painting miniature plaster Christmas houses.

10. Do you put yourself into your characters? Yes and family members as well. Whatsit’s girlfriend is named after my wife’s favorite name, Chellsee. Becky Chang talks like my sister-in-law. Many of the responses of McPherson, Dr. Heinbaum and General Blunt as based on how I respond to my wife and family.

11. Where is your favorite place to write? I have a large dining room with plenty of natural light and privacy.

12. Please share with us your social media and book links: Here they are and please everyone like my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter and Goodreads

13. Anything to add:

I want everyone to know what a wonderful and kind person, Deneale Williams, is and how respected her book blog has become. She has been receptive to my writings since the beginning and is someone to be respected.

Evolution of F.O.R.C.E. (The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. Book 3)Evolution of F.O.R.C.E. by Sam B Miller II
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I had to read this book, I mean after all, it is book number three of a series that has intrigued me from the get go. I have been completely drawn to the character ‘WhatsIt’ since his arrival here on Earth. He is just the most amazing Alien I have ever encountered, and compliments of my imagination, and reading; I’ve met quite a few.

Honestly, and personally I feel that you as the reader need to read the other two books to follow along and understand, but I presume you could possibly get a grasp of a war between planets if you try and read this book as a standalone. So honestly, the choice is yours. I however, as someone who have read all three, feel they accompany one another nicely, and belong together, like family. But, you know what they say about opinions.

WhatsIt, Colonel Doug and Major Change have been teammates, working together to learn about Chrysalis, the planet that WhatsIt came from. The technology that had been gained through the ship the failed attack where they found WhatsIt was quite remarkable. The hard part was learning it, thankfully WhatsIt was there to help, once he eventually learned that this planet, our planet Earth was not as volatile as Chrysalis was, and that it wasn’t right to conquer it and destroy the entire planet and their species just for another to live.

On the other hand, General Harrier of Chrysalis now had his own problem, he didn’t care what it took, he wanted the Asiddians destroyed. He didn’t care what it took, but he needed to try, especially now that it seemed that Earth was a no-go. On top of it all, he was noticing that some of the Chrysallaman people had become collaborators now. He just couldn’t understand for the life of him, how his own kind, could turn against him, unless it was the only way they thought they could survive. But he would not stoop that low. Especially now that the Asiddians had the Chrysalis princess, he had a job to do.

Now, with General Tom Blunt, he decided to make it their mission to set out and destroy those who took over and destroyed Chrysalis in the first place, the Asiddians, and make an attempt at helping Chrysalis out, so that they can recover their own planet back. He was determined to gather together a team and form a new and better F.O.R.C.E. and work with the Chrysallaman Army, and teach the Asiddians, (who already knew of human existence.) just what war was all about.

With the Chrysallaman technology, and Earths technology, and some modified and remodified, they set out to make a difference. The battle will be long and hard, because existence will be proven, and lives and planets are at stake. A point is needed to be proven, but who will be the ones to survive and make a difference? Through a lot of struggling, and time, and much deliberation, and pain, as well as lesson’s learned, this book will teach you about friendship, and battles through interplanetary life.

A lesson can be learned here, if you read closely, and understand. Not just only the strong survive, but that together, uniting as one, and working together, will the strong survive. You cannot fight the battle alone, and don’t try to run away from it to another planet. Stay there, and fight for what is yours. Defend your property, and defend what is yours, and stand for you believe in.

I found this book, as with the other two, to be amazingly written. I enjoyed every minute of it. As soon as I received it, I rushed to read it excitedly. I was so glad that Mr. Miller had written yet another one of these books. Honestly, I love spending time with ‘WhatsIt!’ He is truly an enjoyble Alien, you gotta check him out!

This book is as always, a five-star read. I enjoyed every single minute of it. I will always be a fan of Mr. Miller. He just knows how to entertain his audiences. And I enjoy going through outer space with him.

So, the next time you want to read an out of this Word book, you know where to look!

View all my reviews