
Sunday, October 8, 2017

Off Limits By: Vivian Ward

Off Limits

By: Vivian Ward

Did you look at the cover? No? Look again. Okay, now wipe your mouth, what were you thinking drooling on the screen? 

You think that’s tasty? You should read the description of Chase! He is downright sexier in words, I think. But, I’ll let you be the judge of that. 

Chase and Melanie knew each other from School, and now they’re adults. And obviously it has been sometime since they’ve seen each other last, and you know how the ‘School Girl’ crushes are right? Well when the guy turns out even better as an adult, ohhhh boy! 

Well, Melanie ends up in debt up to her eyeballs, and Chase, well he is charge of: “The Pink Pouch.” It is a dancer’s club. And for him, he has just one rule. You read the tile of this book, right? You guessed it, the dancers are: “Off Limits” and Chase’s rule is to never get involved with them. Simple, right?

Melanie is stressing over the money she needs to come up with in less the thirty days, or she’s going to lose everything. Chase explains that there is money to be made as a dancer, especially if you do it right. 

In the meantime, Chase remembers seeing Melanie in her swimsuit when she was younger, it can’t be all that bad. He is certain he can handle this. There are a lot of beautiful women on stage, and all of them want him, and he is firm on his rule. While it’s true Melanie could be quite a catch, he knows better.
Chase watches as Melanie appears on stage with her pasties on. He gulps, realizing this is a lot different compared to a bathing suit. He can’t look away as she sways and dances on the pole. It is than that Chase realizes, more than his eyes have awakened. 

This book is truly a five-star read that I could not put down, not for one second. I had to know what was going to become of Chase and Melanie. I was right there with Chase watching Melanie dance on stage when I felt his body get warmer, and his emotions get the best of him. I knew he had lost his own battle. I just wondered if Melanie and he would still want to be together, I was curious if her debt was going to be a problem or not. So now, I leave with you the thoughts, did they get together or not? Maybe something ‘did’ get in the way. I’m not giving you ‘all’ of the answers! It’s your turn to go get this delicious book!

Here are my questions for Vivian:
1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
I thought Off Limits would be a fun read, and it took about two months to write this book.

2. Who designed this beautiful cover?
My awesome cover artist, Nikki! I love, love, love the cover for Off Limits.

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters that you can share with us?
The model on the cover is Chase. He’s super hot, and very frustrated. LOL

4. What are you working on now?
I’m working on two books right now. I’m co-writing one with another author and I’m working on a story called Love Me Twice that will release on Halloween.

5. What motivates you to write?
All of the stories in my head, and bills. LOL I’m naturally a talker and telling stories allows me to venture into other worlds, explore different people, their problems, their love life and give them a better place to live. It’s sort of my way of talking, but I get to be creative and have fun.

6. If you were to get writers block, or have ever had it, what do you do for it?
I get writers block all the time! I typically call my friend, Jill, and bounce ideas off of her until I’m ready to sit down and set the keyboard on fire.

7. What suggestions can you offer for the aspiring writers out there?
Read, read, and then read some more. Study what other writers are doing, but most importantly, study the writers you feel are successful and see how they tell stories. Everyone’s writing style is different, and you have to create your own way of telling stories. It’s what makes each of us unique. Reading is more of the job than writing, believe it or not, and you can tell which authors are readers and which ones aren’t.

8. How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing since 2013. I started out writing short stories under several pen names before I started writing longer works.

9. What are your hobbies?
Reading, crocheting, putting puzzles together, and reading. ;) lol (See, there’s that reading thing again.)

10. Do you put yourself into your characters?
Absolutely! I put some of myself into the hero and heroine of each story.

11. Where is your favorite place to write?
Any place quiet. Seriously. As long as it’s quiet, I’m happy. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to write because I have four children, and they have two volumes: mute and Metallica. They’re mostly on Metallica, so I appreciate any quiet time I get.

12. Please share with us your social media and book links:
Facebook Fan Page➡️
Newsletter💌 (download a free novel that I wrote for you!)
Amazon Author Page➡️
13. Anything to add::
Thank you for interviewing me! Also, I have a book signing with Writers on the River in July 2018. Proceeds will help two charities, and the tickets are cheap!

Off LimitsOff Limits by Vivian Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Did you look at the cover? No? Look again. Okay, now wipe your mouth, what were you thinking drooling on the screen?

You think that’s tasty? You should read the description of Chase! He is downright sexier in words, I think. But, I’ll let you be the judge of that.

Chase and Melanie knew each other from School, and now they’re adults. And obviously it has been sometime since they’ve seen each other last, and you know how the ‘School Girl’ crushes are right? Well when the guy turns out even better as an adult, ohhhh boy!

Well, Melanie ends up in debt up to her eyeballs, and Chase, well he is charge of: “The Pink Pouch.” It is a dancer’s club. And for him, he has just one rule. You read the tile of this book, right? You guessed it, the dancers are: “Off Limits” and Chase’s rule is to never get involved with them. Simple, right?

Melanie is stressing over the money she needs to come up with in less the thirty days, or she’s going to lose everything. Chase explains that there is money to be made as a dancer, especially if you do it right.

In the meantime, Chase remembers seeing Melanie in her swimsuit when she was younger, it can’t be all that bad. He is certain he can handle this. There are a lot of beautiful women on stage, and all of them want him, and he is firm on his rule. While it’s true Melanie could be quite a catch, he knows better.

Chase watches as Melanie appears on stage with her pasties on. He gulps, realizing this is a lot different compared to a bathing suit. He can’t look away as she sways and dances on the pole. It is than that Chase realizes, more than his eyes have awakened.

This book is truly a five-star read that I could not put down, not for one second. I had to know what was going to become of Chase and Melanie. I was right there with Chase watching Melanie dance on stage when I felt his body get warmer, and his emotions get the best of him. I knew he had lost his own battle. I just wondered if Melanie and he would still want to be together, I was curious if her debt was going to be a problem or not. So now, I leave with you the thoughts, did they get together or not? Maybe something ‘did’ get in the way. I’m not giving you ‘all’ of the answers! It’s your turn to go get this delicious book!

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