
Monday, October 9, 2017

One New Message By: Vivian Ward

One New Message

By: Vivian Ward

If you have a spouse, or even significant other, then you have probably wondered just what the other person wanted deep down sexually. No one ever tells you all of their fantasies, do they? They always tend to keep something hidden, just because.

This book is a ‘Dark Romance’ Novel, which promises to entice you in more ways than one. Why? Because low and behold Drew and Madison have hit a dry spell in their relationship.
One-day Drew ends up finding an online ad from someone who promises there is a way to get into your spouse’s head, and learn her secrets. Drew thought it sounded promising, so he downloaded the app. 

I know, right? Typical man, can’t ask the right questions, has to do it the difficult way. Just like a hint, can’t catch those either. 

So now, Drew is playing with fire, and getting the inside scoop and making his wife fall in love with another man, or is still in love with him too? 

Drew refused to lose Madison, or Maddy as she preferred to be called, to a stranger that didn’t even exist. But he was in too deep now.

This stranger was giving her things he hadn’t been able to give her in years, but the thing is, the strange was…him. 

All of this could end badly, if she discovers the messages. Or he could maybe seduce her, or blind fold her, and start doing the things he was saying, and then undo the blind fold. Was Drew up for this? Could he actually pull this off? Would Maddy go for it, or would she get angry?

You will have to read this deliciously sexy book to find out for yourself, I’m not gonna give you the answers! But I will tell you that it is hot, hot hot, and I loved every minute of it! This is most definitely a five-star read, and I promise you, that you will not be disappointed. In fact, you will want to be a member of Vivian’s fan club! The woman knows how to write, and make you see what you are reading! Trust me!

Now here are my questions for Vivian:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
It took me about a month to write One New Message. This is one of my favorite stories, and I’m not finished telling it yet. There will be more books in this series to come (two more, to be exact).

2. Who designed this beautiful cover and can you link said person?
I picked out the models and my cover artist, Nikki, put everything together.

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters that you can share with us?
The characters on the cover accurately depict what Drew and Maddy look like.

4. What are you working on now, and do you ever stop writing?
I’m currently co-writing a book with Derek Masters, and I’m also working on a book called, “Love Me Twice”.

5. What motivates you to write and keep these sensual stories coming?
The voices in my head. LOL Kidding! I love developing characters and letting them tell me their stories.

6. Do you ever visualize the romance before you write the scenes?
Nope. I let my characters tell me how dirty they want to be.

7. What is your favorite thing about what you write?
Developing and showing their love and dedication for one another.

8. Do you put yourself into any of your characters?
Always. There’s at least some small part of me in every single character that I write. Sometimes it’s loving and caring, sometimes it’s naughty or playful, but I’m always there.

9. What do you do if and when you ever get a negative review?
Hide in a cave? LOL No, I don’t mind critical reviews, as long as they’re tasteful. A 1-star review that says, “I didn’t like this book,” drives me insane. Tell me what the problem was or why you didn’t like it so that I can keep it in mind for future works. No matter whether you liked the book or not, please do NOT spoil it in the review. As a reader (and a writer!) I hate that.

10. Does writing the sexy scenes every turn you on?
My husband and I have a running joke about this. He always wants me to “enact the scene”, you know, just to make sure I wrote it accurately. ROFL!

11. Who is your favorite Author if all time?
Gillian Flynn! Gone Girl was ridiculously simple, but insanely good!

12. Please share with us your social media and book links:
Facebook Fan Page➡️
Newsletter💌 (download a free novel that I wrote for you!)
Amazon Author Page➡️
13. Anything to add:
Thank you for reading and reviewing my work, and for the awesome interview! Be sure to check out my website in the near future for 2018 book signing info under my “Blog” tab. I have a couple lined up!

One New MessageOne New Message by Vivian Ward
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you have a spouse, or even significant other, then you have probably wondered just what the other person wanted deep down sexually. No one ever tells you all of their fantasies, do they? They always tend to keep something hidden, just because.

This book is a ‘Dark Romance’ Novel, which promises to entice you in more ways than one. Why? Because low and behold Drew and Madison have hit a dry spell in their relationship.

One-day Drew ends up finding an online ad from someone who promises there is a way to get into your spouse’s head, and learn her secrets. Drew thought it sounded promising, so he downloaded the app.

I know, right? Typical man, can’t ask the right questions, has to do it the difficult way. Just like a hint, can’t catch those either.

So now, Drew is playing with fire, and getting the inside scoop and making his wife fall in love with another man, or is still in love with him too?

Drew refused to lose Madison, or Maddy as she preferred to be called, to a stranger that didn’t even exist. But he was in too deep now.

This stranger was giving her things he hadn’t been able to give her in years, but the thing is, the strange was…him.

All of this could end badly, if she discovers the messages. Or he could maybe seduce her, or blind fold her, and start doing the things he was saying, and then undo the blind fold. Was Drew up for this? Could he actually pull this off? Would Maddy go for it, or would she get angry?

You will have to read this deliciously sexy book to find out for yourself, I’m not gonna give you the answers! But I will tell you that it is hot, hot hot, and I loved every minute of it! This is most definitely a five-star read, and I promise you, that you will not be disappointed. In fact, you will want to be a member of Vivian’s fan club! The woman knows how to write, and make you see what you are reading! Trust me!

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