Origin of Aaron Jackson
By Norman
R. Colson
Jackson seemed like a quiet kind of hard working mechanic, who liked to
practice martial arts when he wasn’t working. He had friends, and didn’t make
trouble, that is; until it came looking for him. And when it did, he made his
presence known, especially if you messed with his friends and family, and made
the mistake of leaving your own paper trail for him to find you. And that is
exactly the case with the Russian Mafia, who decided to make a stop at his
place of employment.
decides to make his own crusade of revenge against the Russian Mafia. Little
does anyone but Mr. Park, Aarons teacher and mentor know, that Aaron will make
good on his promises.
martial art skills aren’t just basic, they are also deadly. He was taught how
to kill, not just harm if need be. Not many knew that, except of course, Mr.
Park and Aaron himself. Aaron didn’t brag, and didn’t want people to know that
he had advantages, some may fear him, and he didn’t want that. But now, there
was no other choice.
Russian Mafia is there to take over Aaron’s old neighborhood, and they will do
whatever it takes to get it. And the law doesn’t seem to want or do anything. To
Aaron, this means war, and to the Russians, they think they have the upper
advantage. For one, they have more people, and for two, they don’t know Aaron,
and they only see him as just one person with a vendetta.
what all I have just shared with you, you yourself are probably thinking the
same thing. How can one person win against a Russian Mafia, right? Do you think
it can be done? What? You’re waiting on me to give you the answer? No, that’s
not how this works. You need to read the book yourself.
personally enjoyed this book, because I honestly was worried all the way
through it as I read it. It is a five-star read, and you will see why, if you
read it too. It is very action packed, and will leave you wondering and
worrying for Aaron. So, go get your copy, this way you don’t have to sit there
and wonder!
1. What made you decide
to write this book and how long did it take you?
I don't know but I
had an idea to write this book and I started writing and it all started
flowing. It took me a half a year. give or take...
2. Who designed the
cover of your book?
the cover design was
a guy off fiverr named Olieboldador, amazing painter and sketch artist
3. Do you have any
photos or description of your characters?
Photos or
descriptions of the characters are all on the facebook page...
4. What are you working
on now?
I am working on the
sequel but Also my third book which will be a large scale fantasy series.
5. What motivates you to
the future... that's
what really motivates me. I'm hoping to turn my novels into full fledged media
vehicles, animated series, movies, netflix specials... that's what I'm aiming
you ever gotten writers block and if so what would or should you suggest for
those who have had it?
Writers block is a hinderance but you can get around it.
focus on other things and projects, come back to what you were working on with
a new perspective.
7. What suggestions can
you offer to future writers out there?
The only thing I can
tell you is not to listen to critics or take too much to heart, master your
craft and if the majors won't publish you, self publish your work, someone out
there will read it, don't be discouraged or give up. If I listen to only
negative stuff people said about my stories I would have quit and stopped. Just
push through.
8. How long have you
been writing?
I've been writing
ever since I was a kid. poems, rhymes, songs, and then stories... I love
writing only problem is that there's not too much time in the day.
9. What are your
I don't have many
hobbies. I play video games at times, watch movies & kung fu flicks,
scifi, Go out somewhere I used to love driving when i had my car, put
some music on and just vibe with my music. I love writing tho. and
brainstorming and coming up with new ideas. I also read business magazines I
try to stay ahead of the curve, new technologies, cryptocurrencies,
nanotechnology, bioenergy, stuff like that.
10.Do you put
yourself into your characters?
I don't put myself into any of my characters except certain
traits, I try to keep them grounded as much as possible, flawed but great.
11.Where is your
favorite place to write?
don't have a favorite place per se' I write from home mostly.
12.What would you do
if you ever received a negative review?
I got a negative
review from this online book club org and the worst thing was I paid for it.
$97 down the drain the reviewer I felt emphasized all the negatives about the
book and there was nothing positive about the review at all.. I won't be paying
for another review ever again... even if I need it. this literary world can be
shady. reviews I saw could be brought. and granted my book does have a few
grammatical errors created when it was uploaded to amazon's service which when
corrected seems to always be there. the book is still a readable piece of work
I'm confident as the work stands on its own its still a diamond in the rough,
reviewers can be book snobs.
13.Please share with
us your social media and book links:
Ok social media.
people can reach me on the aaronjackson fb page. twitter:normanrcolson I got a website
dedicated to my works but its still a work in progress.
extra to share:
Lastly I just want to
tell people, not to give up... fortitude & perseverance pays off...

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Aaron Jackson seemed like a quiet kind of hard working mechanic, who liked to practice martial arts when he wasn’t working. He had friends, and didn’t make trouble, that is; until it came looking for him. And when it did, he made his presence known, especially if you messed with his friends and family, and made the mistake of leaving your own paper trail for him to find you. And that is exactly the case with the Russian Mafia, who decided to make a stop at his place of employment.
Aaron decides to make his own crusade of revenge against the Russian Mafia. Little does anyone but Mr. Park, Aarons teacher and mentor know, that Aaron will make good on his promises.
Aaron’s martial art skills aren’t just basic, they are also deadly. He was taught how to kill, not just harm if need be. Not many knew that, except of course, Mr. Park and Aaron himself. Aaron didn’t brag, and didn’t want people to know that he had advantages, some may fear him, and he didn’t want that. But now, there was no other choice.
The Russian Mafia is there to take over Aaron’s old neighborhood, and they will do whatever it takes to get it. And the law doesn’t seem to want or do anything. To Aaron, this means war, and to the Russians, they think they have the upper advantage. For one, they have more people, and for two, they don’t know Aaron, and they only see him as just one person with a vendetta.
Reading what all I have just shared with you, you yourself are probably thinking the same thing. How can one person win against a Russian Mafia, right? Do you think it can be done? What? You’re waiting on me to give you the answer? No, that’s not how this works. You need to read the book yourself.
I personally enjoyed this book, because I honestly was worried all the way through it as I read it. It is a five-star read, and you will see why, if you read it too. It is very action packed, and will leave you wondering and worrying for Aaron. So, go get your copy, this way you don’t have to sit there and wonder!
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