
Saturday, October 21, 2017

Twisting You By: Simone Elise

Twisting You

By: Simone Elise

When I started reading this book, I instantly was pulled in. Not because I’m one of the people who can’t put a book down, because trust and believe that I can and do. This one, wanted me to read it. Maybe you understand me, maybe you don’t. But if you are a reader, then you know what a: ‘true calling’ is when a book won’t allow you to put it down. In layman’s terms, this is when you set the book down, and try to do something else, and you worry about the characters and if they will do what they need to, because you see… you stopped reading they are now stuck in time. Waiting on you to allow them to finish their journeys. But because you closed the book, or sat your kindle or nook down, now everyone is paused. There, now do you understand? Stop rolling your eyes, I am not strange!

The book, ‘Twisting You’ was twisting my arm to finish it. I had things to do, and couldn’t because of Chloe and Xavier, the main characters in this book.

This is a werewolf story, and the thing about werewolves, they have one mate which is supposed to be their perfect counterpart. And on Chloe’s eighteenth birthday, Xavier denies her, and the thing is, Xavier is not only supposed to be her perfect mate, he has always been her teacher. Now if you can only imagine, this just causes Chloe’s World as she knows it to just crumble around her. To be denied by her alleged perfect counterpart, and on her eighteenth birthday, is not just heart breaking.

Chloe decides to put on her big girl panties, and show ‘Mr. Clark’ that she can do this. Which Xavier hated it when she called him that, but he was her teacher after all, and he did also choose to deny her.

What’s worse, now Chloe was to be expelled from School for lack of grades and participation. Expelled, this was going to go over well at home.

It seemed like to Chloe, it was one wrong after another and they just kept happening. And all she wanted, all anyone usually wants is a happening ending, and true love. To Chloe, this seemed like this was not going to be the case.

Xavier was older then her, maybe that was part of the problem. And Xavier doesn’t honestly want to let Chloe go, but he has too has problems of his own to deal with. You see, Xavier is married, to a human none-the-less, and with two children.

The road to love is a hard bumpy one, and sometimes it takes time, to figure out, what is the right path to take, or if there even is a right one, or if it’s even the right time.
In the case with Xavier and Chloe, time will tell, and unfortunately, it requires that you buy this book, to determine if Chloe and Xavier actually get together, or if Chloe moves on and finds someone else. Because I am not going to ruin it for you.

I will, however, tell you that this book is an excellent read, and would make a great romance movie. I give this book five-stars, and enjoyed it a lot. I think you will too. It already has a lot of reviews, which should tell you that it’s worth checking out! So, what are you waiting for?

Here are my questions for Simone:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?

With Twisting You I wanted to write a book that was more modern as my other werewolf story was based in an older time frame.
So, I wanted to write a story that was slightly different from others in its category. I wanted an older male lead. Yet still keep the female main character relatable.

2. Who designed the cover?
Inkitt designed the cover

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters that you can share with us?
I do have models that I based my descriptions on;

And this is the inspiration picture I’m using for Chloe for Bitterly Yours which is the sequel for Twisting You

This picture is basically how I pictured Chloe grown up.

As for Xavier I used this picture for inspiration;

I wanted him to look more mature and clearly see he is older than Chloe. However in Bitterly Yours (sequel) he changes- (not going to put a spoiler in here)

I have to admit Inkitt got the cover perfect with the description and physically characters

4. What are you working on now?

I am working on so many stories! I have a habit of working on multiple stories as my mind flickers from one idea to the next.
So I have to have a few stories on the go. Right now I’ll list my top three;
-      Rewrite of His Chambers
-      Bitterly Yours (sequel to Twisting You)
-      Rewrite of Royal Blood

5. What motivates you to write?

I just love it. It relaxes me, gives me piece of mind and keeps me sane. I write every day and if I can’t write, I mind map and use my visual diary to jot down potential outcomes for the stories

6. If you were to get writers block, or have ever had it, what do you do for it?

Time. I find that’s the best and listen to music. I don’t watch mucht television and I don’t read. Because I feel like both could influence my stories. And I don’t want to copy ideas I want my ideas original. So what I do is take time, chill and listen to music. Mainly songs that won’t influence my writing too much.
I am actually a heavy metal fan.

Sometimes I get it to the point I feel like it will never lift and I’ll never write again- when this happens my family remind me that it will pass and I will write again. They are always right.

7. What suggestions can you offer for the aspiring writers out there?

Just write, journals, visual diaries! Write enjoy it. I started writing for myself and I still write for myself it is a bonus that people enjoy it.

8.. How long have you been writing?

Ten or so years now.

9. What are your hobbies?

Is it lame that I say writing?! Cause that’s my main hobby!
I love Tarot cards by Doreen Virtue and I do a lot of Art Therapy. So, I suppose both class as hobbies.

10. Do you put yourself into your characters?

No, never.

11. Where is your favorite place to write?

I have two set up at home. One is on my desk, at my PC. I love candles and incense and have things around it that influence me. This picture is of my pic desk set up.

Then my laptop goes everywhere I go. But I usually like to set up at kitchen/dining with candles and incense.
This is the pic of my set up usually of a night.

12. Please share with us your social media and book links:

Where you will find all my work; 
Or just google Simone Elise Amazon, and all my books pop up. 

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 Simone Elise @explodewattpad
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 Simone Duin
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Side note all stories posted on Wattpad are Drafts. Which means mistakes. Published versions will differ from Wattpad Drafts. 

13. Anything to add::
Thank you for the interview
Twisting YouTwisting You by Simone Elise
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I started reading this book, I instantly was pulled in. Not because I’m one of the people who can’t put a book down, because trust and believe that I can and do. This one, wanted me to read it. Maybe you understand me, maybe you don’t. But if you are a reader, then you know what a: ‘true calling’ is when a book won’t allow you to put it down. In layman’s terms, this is when you set the book down, and try to do something else, and you worry about the characters and if they will do what they need to, because you see… you stopped reading they are now stuck in time. Waiting on you to allow them to finish their journeys. But because you closed the book, or sat your kindle or nook down, now everyone is paused. There, now do you understand? Stop rolling your eyes, I am not strange!

The book, ‘Twisting You’ was twisting my arm to finish it. I had things to do, and couldn’t because of Chloe and Xavier, the main characters in this book.

This is a werewolf story, and the thing about werewolves, they have one mate which is supposed to be their perfect counterpart. And on Chloe’s eighteenth birthday, Xavier denies her, and the thing is, Xavier is not only supposed to be her perfect mate, he has always been her teacher. Now if you can only imagine, this just causes Chloe’s World as she knows it to just crumble around her. To be denied by her alleged perfect counterpart, and on her eighteenth birthday, is not just heart breaking.

Chloe decides to put on her big girl panties, and show ‘Mr. Clark’ that she can do this. Which Xavier hated it when she called him that, but he was her teacher after all, and he did also choose to deny her.

What’s worse, now Chloe was to be expelled from School for lack of grades and participation. Expelled, this was going to go over well at home.

It seemed like to Chloe, it was one wrong after another and they just kept happening. And all she wanted, all anyone usually wants is a happening ending, and true love. To Chloe, this seemed like this was not going to be the case.

Xavier was older then her, maybe that was part of the problem. And Xavier doesn’t honestly want to let Chloe go, but he has too has problems of his own to deal with. You see, Xavier is married, to a human none-the-less, and with two children.

The road to love is a hard bumpy one, and sometimes it takes time, to figure out, what is the right path to take, or if there even is a right one, or if it’s even the right time.

In the case with Xavier and Chloe, time will tell, and unfortunately, it requires that you buy this book, to determine if Chloe and Xavier actually get together, or if Chloe moves on and finds someone else. Because I am not going to ruin it for you.

I will, however, tell you that this book is an excellent read, and would make a great romance movie. I give this book five-stars, and enjoyed it a lot. I think you will too. It already has a lot of reviews, which should tell you that it’s worth checking out! So, what are you waiting for?

View all my reviews