
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Lake Lights By: William D. Burt

The Lake Lights

By: William D. Burt

Let me start by telling you that the cover of this book, is honestly quite beautiful. It looks mystical, and quite secretive all at the same time. It is quite artistic, and I honestly like the way it is calling you in, making you want to open the book, and check it out.

So, that’s what I did. And I must admit, I am glad that I did. This book, was truly a bit of a mystery, and even suspense, and to top it off-a pinch of education all wrapped up into one. Thing is, I kept on reading, because I wanted to know what all the hype was about, and what was going to happen next. Once you start into this book, there is no putting it down, simply put, because there is something you will need to know after every page turn.

The Lake on the cover is meant to be Oswego Lake, and it is on one of the moonlit nights. Our main character, Jonathan Oliver is homeschooled. And he has a project to do. For this project, he is going to look into the source of the lake lights.

Yes, look at the cover of the book again. Jonathan and his curiosity has him wondering if maybe the marsh is causing the lights, or maybe some kind of gases.

Eventually, as Jonathan manages to search all around the lake, he finds an old Prosser mine, and many of its secrets. There are many old devices within this cave, things Jonathan didn’t even understand.

On top of all of this, Jonathan’s father, Matthew ends up missing. Luckily, Jon’s grandfather is willing to help decode the things Jon has found, and figure out even, if they are dangerous, or what. In the meantime, of all this, the father’s past business partner wants to get his hands on one of the devices, and has plans of his own, to sell it to an organization up to no good.

Jon’s discovery cause him to reveal more than he had bargained for. With all of these discoveries the scientific world can surely benefit from these findings. The main thing he has to keep warding off, is the partner who is up to no good, and keep himself a step ahead of him. To do so, will keep the town from ending up doomed.

This book is action, suspense, and truly entertaining, because you never know which way to turn, and what will happen next. This is truly an entertaining five-star must read for any age group! I in fact would recommend it as a bed time story to read, not because it will put you to sleep, but because it is seems like that kind of story I personally would like to have read to me before bed. But, that is just my opinion.

Here are my questions for Mr. Burt:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?

My motivations for writing this book were twofold. First, I grew up only about a mile from the old Prosser Mine on Iron Mountain in Lake Oswego where most of this title's action takes place. As a boy, I was warned against entering the mine, which at that time was accessible. The City has since sealed it up. In writing this book, I frequently visited the Iron Mountain trail and photographed key vistas and landmarks to ensure my descriptions in the book were accurate. Second, the subjects of cryptology (creating and breaking codes), cryptozoology (the search for unknown animals) and Creation Science have always fascinated me, and I’ve woven all three disciplines into this title.

To write and publish this book took me about seven years. To finish the next title in this series will probably take about a year.

2. Who designed the cover?

I designed the cover myself, as I do all my book covers. However, I rely upon the artistic talents of others—in this case, the inimitable Becky Miller—to execute those designs (as well as the pen-and-ink illustrations inside). The cover of The Lake Lights differs from my seven previous book covers (The King of the Trees, Torsils in Time, The Golden Wood, The Greenstones, The Downs, Kyleah’s Mirrors and The Birthing Tree) in that it’s not a painting. Instead, Becky cleverly photoshopped several different pictures into a cohesive single image. I should add that the fuzzy, floating specks of light hovering over the lake in the cover image were intentionally left out of focus to conform to descriptions in the book. 

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters that you can share with us?

Attached is a photo roughly depicting Jonathan Oliver from the trailer I created specifically for this title. In the book, he is described as a freckled, brown-haired boy of fourteen. His blond sister, a nine-year-old, is forever getting into his business. Their grandfather, Dr. Roberts, is a grey-haired paleontologist with bushy eyebrows and a fine sense of humor who ends up homeschooling his grandchildren.

4. What are you working on now?

I am currently working on a sequel to The Lake Lights. It’s too early to share the title with you, but the plot begins in Lake Oswego and ends in Scotland. I’ve finished the prologue and first four chapters, and it already promises to be even more of a blockbuster than The Lake Lights. The Vikings—and a new, nameless antagonist—are among the characters woven into this work of mystery and adventure in progress.

5. What motivates you to write?

I love words and languages in general. I enjoy manipulating words to create a particular image, scene, effect or idea. I also enjoy watching my characters develop and seeing how plot threads intersect and interact with each other to bring about the denoument. The satisfaction and thrill of creating a unique work that has the potential to inspire readers and even to change their lives for the better is simply incomparable.

6. If you were to get writer’s block, or have ever had it, what do you do for it?

Writer’s block, more often than not, is merely the result of fatigue and/or lack of oxygen to the brain. I find that just standing up and walking around (or engaging in more vigorous exercise) is usually sufficient to recharge my brain cells.

7. What suggestions can you offer for the aspiring writers out there?

Don’t just dabble at writing. Throw yourself into it; give it your all. That’s the only way you’ll ever come out with something worthy of publication. And don’t put off writing that novel or poem, because if you do, it might never be written. Above all, learn the ins and outs of the English language—and find a good proofreader. Good luck!

8. How long have you been writing and what inspires you to do so?

I’ve been writing seriously—and for fun—since about the eighth grade. In high school, for example, I helped my father edit his published works, which are still in print. One of my greatest inspirations for writing is the feedback I receive from my readers, but as I alluded to earlier, just the act of writing—putting one’s thoughts on digital paper—is its own reward.

9. What are your hobbies?

I enjoy edible landscaping, foreign languages, reading, and best of all, writing.

10. Do you put yourself into your characters?

I did put myself into the main character in my earlier “King of the Trees” series. In my new “Creation Seekers” series (of which The Lake Lights is the first title), fewer of my interests and experiences are reflected in the characters.

11. Where is your favorite place to write and why?

Any comfortable rocking chair, my Apple laptop and a quiet place will do. Rocking helps dissipate my nervous energy and improves my circulation; I have difficulty sitting still. I have been a “rocker” since about age five and have worn out the mechanisms on several chairs. I do my best work in rocking chairs. (According to my calculations, I travel approximately six miles per day in my rocking chair, though I don’t actually go anywhere, as my wife is quick to point out.)

12. Please share with us your social media and book links:

Book links:


The Lake Lights (paperback version)

The Lake Lights (Kindle version)

Social media:

13. Anything to add:

Not that I can think of right now, thanks!

The Lake Lights (The Creation Seekers Book 1)The Lake Lights by William D. Burt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Let me start by telling you that the cover of this book, is honestly quite beautiful. It looks mystical, and quite secretive all at the same time. It is quite artistic, and I honestly like the way it is calling you in, making you want to open the book, and check it out.

So, that’s what I did. And I must admit, I am glad that I did. This book, was truly a bit of a mystery, and even suspense, and to top it off-a pinch of education all wrapped up into one. Thing is, I kept on reading, because I wanted to know what all the hype was about, and what was going to happen next. Once you start into this book, there is no putting it down, simply put, because there is something you will need to know after every page turn.

The Lake on the cover is meant to be Oswego Lake, and it is on one of the moonlit nights. Our main character, Jonathan Oliver is homeschooled. And he has a project to do. For this project, he is going to look into the source of the lake lights.

Yes, look at the cover of the book again. Jonathan and his curiosity has him wondering if maybe the marsh is causing the lights, or maybe some kind of gases.

Eventually, as Jonathan manages to search all around the lake, he finds an old Prosser mine, and many of its secrets. There are many old devices within this cave, things Jonathan didn’t even understand.

On top of all of this, Jonathan’s father, Matthew ends up missing. Luckily, Jon’s grandfather is willing to help decode the things Jon has found, and figure out even, if they are dangerous, or what. In the meantime, of all this, the father’s past business partner wants to get his hands on one of the devices, and has plans of his own, to sell it to an organization up to no good.

Jon’s discovery cause him to reveal more than he had bargained for. With all of these discoveries the scientific world can surely benefit from these findings. The main thing he has to keep warding off, is the partner who is up to no good, and keep himself a step ahead of him. To do so, will keep the town from ending up doomed.

This book is action, suspense, and truly entertaining, because you never know which way to turn, and what will happen next. This is truly an entertaining five-star must read for any age group! I in fact would recommend it as a bed time story to read, not because it will put you to sleep, but because it is seems like that kind of story I personally would like to have read to me before bed. But, that is just my opinion.

View all my reviews

Submit to Him By: Sascha Illyvich

Submit to Him

By: Sascha Illyvich

If you have red or know of me, you know I love to read Sascha’s work. To this date, I still have the same favorite book, and I keep waiting for that to change, but thus far, ‘Taken Unaware’ is and always has been my favorite book of his.

Reinhold is a character I enjoy, because he is an Alpha wolf in one of the oldest wolf packs in the Mid-West. Because of his name, I see Judge Reinhold as his face, but his build is much more masculine, and very devout. But the face of Judge Reinhold, if you know him, (I will include a photo.) is cute, and a sincere one. With a body that is masculine, knowing he is an Alpha male wolf, you know, this is someone whose arms you would be safe in.

The best thing about this book, is there are these three magical sisters: Theresa, Crissy and Lynne. And Theresa, she is the youngest of these sisters, and she has to learn about herself, and her magical powers. One of the things that Theresa must learn to do, is learn how to submit. Now mind you, Theresa is stubborn, and she is young, and those two things just don’t coincide.

Reinhold only has so much patience, and Theresa’s stubbornness is pushing his limits. He is starting to realize that maybe, just maybe walking away from this nonsense is the only choice he has left.

The sisters do try and convince Theresa that he needs to submit to him, they even explain everything to her. They show her that the end results will be something she will have never experienced, and even longed for, and it will be everything she ever desired.

Still, uncertain, Theresa has a battle of wits with herself, and she teases Reinhold, and tests him, and enjoys the test of time.

But the question remain, will she submit to him?

This is where I leave you, because I don’t want to give everything away. I will tell you, this book, will entice you and wake up those desires and make you want to submit to Reinhold, in Theresa’s place. Because as you read, you will be ready, willing and able.

This book is a delicious five-star read. Honestly, it kept me on my toes, telling Theresa to do things, and wondering why on Earth, even how, she could deny him. But then again, to each is own, I suppose.

Here are my questions for Sasha:

1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?

Again, with a book that took quite a few years. The original drafts take me no more than a month or two, depending on the length of the story, maybe I might spend three months from start to finish on a draft. Then I did edits, and life got in the way. I think I wrote this in 2012 but every time I’d try to pull it up to get it into shape, nothing came to me. The thing is, it was written to be part of a trilogy and Totally Bound had accepted the partial, but I lost contact with them a year later when I was moving from Oakland to San Francisco, and again from there to Tennessee. When I was looking at some of my work on my desk as I occasionally do, I realized that this story just needed an ending that made sense and something that would make the original inspiration proud. I couldn’t give it to TEB, my editor had long gone off to different things. But I believe this story appeared as part of a second boxed set that featured 5 other paranormal romance authors. And when that ran its course I took it over to City Lights to see what awesome they could do.

2. Who designed this beautiful cover?

That again, would be Rachel Del. Grasso of City Lights fame.

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters that you can share with us?

Shar is a redhead, curvy, could be described as a BBW who likes wearing sexy red lingerie to match the pale tone of her skin. As to Reinhold, I mean….no?

4. What are you working on now?

A paranormal MC romance involving a Fae trucker heroine with a surprise and a biker vampire who is trying to steal the cargo she’s hauling across Faery. I’m (as of this writing) 40k in for this story that’ll be released on Feb 18th of 2018 I believe, through the I Love Vampire Novels people.

5. What motivates you to write?

The answer hasn’t really changed but over time I suppose I’ll eventually have to be honest with someone about it.

6. If you were to get writers block, or have ever had it, what do you do for it?

There is no such thing as writers block. It’s a bullshit construct for lazy authors who didn’t do their plotting properly and don’t understand story structure. Seriously, put some damn words on the page and edit it later. You can’t fix a blank page.

7. What suggestions can you offer for the aspiring writers out there?

Don’t quit your day job. Try the bukkake udon. (Or just the bukkake!) Seriously, grow a thick skin, and don’t kid yourself about self-publishing. You need a team behind you and that includes editors and people who tell you how to improve. Find those who will butcher your work but give you constructive criticism. This isn’t just for editors of houses and to suggest that self-publishing is not viable, but remember with that, you start out with a negative ROI on your personal TIME.

Having a publishing house put you through the wringer, or maybe you hire editors who do the same, will give you confidence to go forward and continue making your dreams reality if this is what you want.

8. How long have you been writing?

As of this interview, 19 years, published from day one. I know I have talent, I’m a great writer. My stories are great, my readers are the best. But let’s not forget one fact here: At the beginning? I got lucky. And I was smart enough to jump on that luck. I came across so many talented authors when I was editing more that you’d have been stoked to read, but then I came across some authors who had talent but didn’t pursue it.  I came across authors who I couldn’t help back in the early days, who I know would have sold because they had talent. So yes, 95% of this is skill, that little luck makes a HUGE difference.

9. What are your hobbies?

Chess, mostly. Stock investing, options trading, the education I’m getting just paper trading is amazing. Cigars are a lifestyle, not a hobby. Music. When I go back to California I’ll bring my 5 string electric bass guitar back Georgia and irritate my neighbors with THALL! 

10. Do you put yourself into your characters?

Still, nope. No longer on purpose the way it once was.

11. Where is your favorite place to write?

My office.  Thanks to Loved Ones it’s becoming an actual living space, rather than an overpriced office that happens to have a bed and a chair and a place to smoke cigars in.

12. Please share with us your social media and book links:

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13. Anything to add::

As little as $5, or a cup of coffee, once a month, can help support an author via my Patreon! I have rewards for my readers who, as I mentioned, are the best!

Submit To HimSubmit To Him by Sascha Illyvich
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you have red or know of me, you know I love to read Sasha’s work. To this date, I still have the same favorite book, and I keep waiting for that to change, but thus far, ‘Taken Unaware’ is and always has been my favorite book of his.

Reinhold is a character I enjoy, because he is an Alpha wolf in one of the oldest wolf packs in the Mid-West. Because of his name, I see Judge Reinhold as his face, but his build is much more masculine, and very devout. But the face of Judge Reinhold, if you know him, (I will include a photo.) is cute, and a sincere one. With a body that is masculine, knowing he is an Alpha male wolf, you know, this is someone whose arms you would be safe in.

The best thing about this book, is there are these three magical sisters: Theresa, Crissy and Lynne. And Theresa, she is the youngest of these sisters, and she has to learn about herself, and her magical powers. One of the things that Theresa must learn to do, is learn how to submit. Now mind you, Theresa is stubborn, and she is young, and those two things just don’t coincide.

Reinhold only has so much patience, and Theresa’s stubbornness is pushing his limits. He is starting to realize that maybe, just maybe walking away from this nonsense is the only choice he has left.

The sisters do try and convince Theresa that he needs to submit to him, they even explain everything to her. They show her that the end results will be something she will have never experienced, and even longed for, and it will be everything she ever desired.

Still, uncertain, Theresa has a battle of wits with herself, and she teases Reinhold, and tests him, and enjoys the test of time.

But the question remain, will she submit to him?

This is where I leave you, because I don’t want to give everything away. I will tell you, this book, will entice you and wake up those desires and make you want to submit to Reinhold, in Theresa’s place. Because as you read, you will be ready, willing and able.

This book is a delicious five-star read. Honestly, it kept me on my toes, telling Theresa to do things, and wondering why on Earth, even how, she could deny him. But then again, to each is own, I suppose.

View all my reviews