
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Unpredictable By: Sherry Robinson


By: Sherry Robinson

When I met Carlos in this book, I totally found him irresistible. He is strong willed, and handsome, and doesn’t let anyone get in his way. He came from poverty, only to make something of himself, and knew he wasn’t gonna let anything get in his way. Even if he did make something of himself the illegal way. In his eyes, someone had to do it, if he was doing it, at least it was safer for everyone in the long run anyway.

You see, Carlos was a drug dealer. Taught by Marco Devane, one of the biggest drug lords, and the one who had taught Carlos everything. Marco was the man that had taken Carlos off of the streets, and educated him on the ins and outs. And that proud moment when Carlos branched out on his own, totally through Marco for a loop, so much so he became irate.

What made it even worse on Marco, is that Carlos also took with him, Danny, another employee of Marcos one who owed Marco a lot of money. And Carlos even repaid the debt. 

To be fair, Marco decided to make a deal with Carlos. You can continue to deal your drugs, but you’re going to pay me a percentage. Because after all, Marco felt he was owed that much. Carlos and Danny however, did not feel that way. Not only did they get their supply from Marco, but they didn’t take away from Marcos customers. Carlos and Danny obtained their own supplier and customers both. They didn’t feel they were impeding on Marcos territory, or anything, so they were playing fair. 

In the meantime, Carlos is dating the love if his life Tisha. She is a beautiful woman, who even the waitress wishes she could trade places with. Everyone noticed and admired Carlos, and when Tisha entered a room, the same for her. However, she knew that the waitress wanted what she had, therefore she managed to treat the waitress rudely, and send her away, when the chance arose. 

Tisha, on the other hand, was dealing with her past, a boyfriend that could not accept no for an answer. Tommy is the biggest jerk, and violent and hateful as ever. And he wants Tisha all to himself, and no one, and nothing is going to stop him. 

Marco has put a hit out on Carlos and Danny, since they refuse to comply with his request, to pay their dues. Carlos and Danny get extra security, guns, and cameras, and take extra precautions. And for the longest time, they over react, at the slightest wrong movements, a pizza delivery guy who goes to the wrong house, a trash can falling in the street. Still, nothing happens. Months of nothingness, go by.

Eventually, Tisha confesses what is happening to her with Tommy. She has no choice because she is living in fear, with the life that Carlos lives, and the boyfriend haunting her. Both are driving her insane, and she is going crazy. Eventually, she decides she needs a break, and heads home to relax, and schedules a dinner at her place for Carlos and her.
This is where I am going to leave off, and tell you, before I close. Look at the cover. And then say this: oh. my. heavens, the ending just blew me away! I was astounded. I was just so blown away!

This is by far one of Sherry’s best work! I loved it! This is a five star read, and I promise you, you will not believe the ending! Five stars, I tell you! FIVE! 

Here are my questions for Sherry:

1.    What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
I wrote this book because I wanted to try something different. I looked up an icon to put on my FB, and thought that this would be a great title for a book.

2.    Who designed this awesome cover?
This cover was designed by Matildatechs on 

3.    Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters?
No, I don't have any photos these are people from my imagination.

4.    What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on "The Initiation: A Sorority Horror Story.

5.    What motivates you to write?
The things that motivate me to write are just listening to my inner being, or if I hear what I think is a good title I just act on it, and try to come up with something that is reading worthy.

6.    What do you do when you get writers block?
When I get writer's block I just take a moment from my writing to try and clear my head, or I will reread what I have written and let the creativity flow back into my mind.

7.    What can you say to those who want to become writers?
My words to anyone that wants to be a writer is read as much as you can, and try to come up with something that you think is original, and don't be afraid to be yourself.

8.    Do you have an Editor, or do you edit your own books?
Yes, I have an editor, and I promote her as much as I can.  Her name is Deneale K. McElhaney-Williams I let her read all my books. She critiques them and points out all my flaws, and I only feel that makes me a stronger writer.

9.    How did you find your Editor?
My editor contacted me through social media, and once she read the first book that I sent her she was inspired by my style of writing, and has been my professional editor ever since.

10. Do you put yourself into your characters?
I don't think I put myself into my characters. I think my characters are within me.

11.Who is your favorite Author of all time?
My favorite writer of all time is Stephen King.

11. Social media links:
twitter: @grndbaby