
Monday, November 20, 2017

Collision Book 3 in Hwy 17 Series By: Leaona Luxx


(Book 3 in the Highway 17 Series)
Leaona Luxx

When I seen this writers name, yes, the writers name, I was drawn to her name itself. Then I looked at her work. Then I was hooked. I had to know more. Stop judging me, I know I am weird, but hey, everyone has a little weirdness in them somewhere, or you just don’t know the real person yet. ::Truth!::
So here I am trying to stop staring at the cover of this book on my kindle. Yes, I admire that part first, and why shouldn’t I? Someone put a lot of time and effort into designing it! Give that person some kudos people! Knucks are all around!
As you can well enough notice, this book three. And apparently Walker has been in all the other books, and he is once again returning in this book as well. So as the cover states: “Buckle up this is gonna hurt.” But you’re wondering why?
Sometimes people try to avoid love, and think it isn’t the right time or place, or maybe even they aren’t ready for it. In this case, the title “Collision” means to collide. And Honestly, Walker had no intention of allowing anyone to ‘collide’ into him, and cause himself to ‘fall’ into love. He didn’t want nor to need it. It wasn’t part of his plans. 

In Reese’s stead, she causes Walker to allow his own walls to come crashing in, causing him to actually have a need for her. And the thing is, Reese does love him, and she loves him like no other. And part of him is afraid of getting hurt, and another part of him is afraid of something else, but what is it?
And the thing is, now Walker knows, that he just can’t walk away, that he in fact, does need and want Reese. But on the same token, he is afraid of the outcome.
This is where the case in question comes into play. Walker is truly afraid of getting hurt, of what though? What is he afraid of? Love? The past? What am I not telling you here? 
This is where you need to get your own copy of the book and find out for yourself, because you will not be disappointed, I promise you that! This is a delicious heart throbbing read, worthy of five delicious stars! So, go and get your copy, so you can find out what is gonna hurt! Hurry! Before it’s too late!
Here are my questions for Miss Luxx:
1. What made you write this book and how long did it take you?
Collision is about Walker Pennington. He's kinda a bad guy in Still Creek and a great big brother in U-Turn. My readers hated him in the first but begged for him after U-Turn. Well, it took me several months, unlike the rest of my books. I've had a lot of personal issues, including a huge health crisis. 

2. Who designed this beautiful cover?
AWT Cover Designs and Emma Ryder

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters that you can share with us?
I used Chris Hemsworth as my muse for Walker and Meghan Trainor as Reese. Walker is tall, blond and muscle bond. Reese is a red-head, curvy and badass.

4. What are you working on now?
Several books including a novella for Sallie Pennington.

5. What motivates you to write?

6. What do you think of those leaving one star reviews?
Everyone has an opinion, I just hope that people base it on their own thoughts.

7. What suggestions can you offer for the aspiring writers out there?
Find an editor that's trustworthy!! Ask for sample work!!

8. How long have you been writing?
All my life but just published eighteen months ago!!

9. What are your hobbies?
Gardening, FOOTBALL!! NASCAR and I love to surf fish.

10. Do you put yourself into your characters?
Every one I write has me or my husband in them.

11. Where is your favorite place to write?
Family room beside from my favorite guy. 

12. Please share with us your social media and book links:

Twitter: @leaona_luxx

Spotify: leaonaluxx

Pinterest:  leaonaluxx

Amazon links:

~*~*~*Cherry Grove - Book 1 in The Cove Series~*~*~*

*~*~*Still Creek - Book 2 in The Cove Series*~*~*


*~*~*Changing Lanes: Book 1 in the Highway 17 Series *~*~*


~*~*~*U-Turn: Book 2 in the Highway 17 Series~*~*~*

"An emotional journey about finding yourself and believing in who you are.  A story of life's adventures and the u-turns you take to finally get to where your going.  A must read." - Kaylee Ryan - NYT and USA Today Best Selling Author


~*~*~*Collision Book 3 Highway 17 Series~*~*~*
SUPER HOT Enemies to Lovers!
⭐️Amazon: LIVE!!!

13. Anything to add::
Thank you so much!!

Collision (Highway 17 #3)Collision by Leaonna Luxx
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When I seen this writers name, yes, the writers name, I was drawn to her name itself. Then I looked at her work. Then I was hooked. I had to know more. Stop judging me, I know I am weird, but hey, everyone has a little weirdness in them somewhere, or you just don’t know the real person yet. ::Truth!::

So here I am trying to stop staring at the cover of this book on my kindle. Yes, I admire that part first, and why shouldn’t I? Someone put a lot of time and effort into designing it! Give that person some kudos people! Knucks are all around!

As you can well enough notice, this book three. And apparently Walker has been in all the other books, and he is once again returning in this book as well. So as the cover states: “Buckle up this is gonna hurt.” But you’re wondering why?

Sometimes people try to avoid love, and think it isn’t the right time or place, or maybe even they aren’t ready for it. In this case, the title “Collision” means to collide. And Honestly, Walker had no intention of allowing anyone to ‘collide’ into him, and cause himself to ‘fall’ into love. He didn’t want nor to need it. It wasn’t part of his plans.

In Reese’s stead, she causes Walker to allow his own walls to come crashing in, causing him to actually have a need for her. And the thing is, Reese does love him, and she loves him like no other. And part of him is afraid of getting hurt, and another part of him is afraid of something else, but what is it?

And the thing is, now Walker knows, that he just can’t walk away, that he in fact, does need and want Reese. But on the same token, he is afraid of the outcome.

This is where the case in question comes into play. Walker is truly afraid of getting hurt, of what though? What is he afraid of? Love? The past? What am I not telling you here?

This is where you need to get your own copy of the book and find out for yourself, because you will not be disappointed, I promise you that! This is a delicious heart throbbing read, worthy of five delicious stars! So, go and get your copy, so you can find out what is gonna hurt! Hurry! Before it’s too late!

View all my reviews


Wet Daddy Book 4 of the Hybrid Series By: Andrew Harding

Wet Daddy
The Hybrid Series Book 4
By: Andrew Harding

I wanted to read this book simply because the title grabbed me at first, to tell the truth. I have not read the other four books, and because of that you have a review from someone on the outside looking in. This could be to your advantage, or disadvantage, however you want to take it.

The title grabbed me eye, because it instantly made me think of kinkiness. I had never heard of this Author, until I seen the advertisement for this book, either. Therefore, to me, this was worth a try.

The cover of the book is very pretty, designed like an artist took the time took the time to relate the story into the art work. I liked that part as my next step review process.

Then within the pages, I met a group of hybrids including: Harvey, and Alli and their friends. While in the midst of trying to finally enjoy life, and relax a little, they happen to once again, end up in another murder scene.

Fortunately, their boss from MI5, decides it high time he tag along to see how they’re clearance rate is, and see just how they conquer their jobs.

What ends up blowing everyone’s mind, is the serial number of the case. This time it won’t just shock the hybrids, it will also shock the humans, this is not the kind of thing, anyone expected to find…ever. This was truly not what any of the readers, myself included; had bargained for either.

Now how will the case be handled, and what should they do? Was this all part of the plan? Baffled by their find, and uncertain of their next move, this is where I will leave you to wonder as well.

This book is recommended for readers eighteen years of age and above. The contents of this book are not intended for minors, please be aware of this before reading.

I give this book a five-star read, even though I have not read any of the other books. Why? Because, I was entertained, and the desire to keep reading was there at all times. I think that I will be reading the prior books, out of sequences after this. I was quite impressed with this, and am glad I found myself a new Author!

Here are my questions for Andrew:

1.     What made you write this book and how long did it take you?

Wet Daddy was a natural progression as book 4 in The Hybrid Series. Each book has a unique serial killer crime for the hybrids to solve and the back-story of their personal lives runs across the books. It took a month to write this book’s initial draft and I’d completed the next three books in the series before my publisher got their act together and published book one. In the year it took for them to publish, I wrote the three books, dealt with their incompetence where they asked me to sign off Split Decision 6 times. Each draft they sent was filled with glaring mistakes I had to correct, which they put down to computer errors. When one of the middle manuscripts was filled with over 500 mistakes, I made a spreadsheet detailing what they had to correct and copied the lot to their CEO, as well as the production team; only to find out I’d been talking to the wall; he hadn’t worked there for a year but I received emails from him in all that time. The lies, when I was told the truth by exiting staff was diabolical. I couldn’t wait to get away from them and go Indie, where I will stay.

2. Who designed this awesome cover?

All my covers have been made by Jun Ares:
With each one, all I’ve done is write a description of what I want. Don’t know if he’s psychic, but he just gets exactly what I want, straight away. The only changes have been different text styles or colour. He’s quick, efficient and very reasonably priced and worth every penny I’ve spent with him, and will do into the future.

3. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters in this book?

No, is the short reply. There couldn’t have been photos as these characters are not fully human and this is fiction. Their names just jumped into my head from the off and I haven’t described them at all. Every reader will have a different idea on what they look like. Each one has their own particular quirk and the few times I’ve mentioned what they look like or what they’re wearing has been integrated into the narrative. I wanted them to read fast and not laboured.
When reading other books, I’ve always hated getting bogged down with pages of diatribe, not relevant to a story. Twenty pages could have slipped by as they bump up the word count and ‘so’ interesting I’ve been unable to remember any of it. I quickly understood I couldn’t go down that path. It would have bored me to death.

4. Explain how you came up with the title for this book to our readers:

If I did that, it would give away the story. I’m a punster so I had no idea where this story was going or how I’d get there. So, I got as much of a surprise as the reader. The research, making sure every detail of autopsies or what the characters face in the crimes they have to solve, has been fascinating. I also have a retired copper to call on, who answers any questions I have on police protocol.

5. Do you put yourself into any of the characters?

Absolutely not. I’m human and not half vampire so I had to build a world where they’d be accepted by the police force to work on the worst crimes imaginable. It’s been an incredible ride, thinking completely out of the box for this series of books.

6. When writing explicit scenes, do you practice them, or imagine them, or even.. experience any results while writing them?

No. Yes and a definite ‘No’. Your question makes me wonder if you’d have asked this of a female author – I think not and this is a work of fiction.
It’s been fun working out on paper whether the mechanical things they play with, in their outrageous private lives, would actually work in real life. Most of them would be lethal to a human and Wet Daddy is quite tame compared to the other books. The explicit scenes in The Hybrid Series are just character extensions of the hybrids and nothing more. They were never written to titillate – more as a balance for the reader, as the graphic crime scenes are disturbing and extreme.

7. What is your favorite thing about being a writer?

The escape and why I love writing fantasy thrillers. Most people know I’ve had MS for twenty years, and writing takes my mind away from real life where I don’t think about my health for hours at a time. The last six years have been a godsend. I now have a new job and a new life as an author, marketer and every other job attached to the craft. May it never end... 

8. Have you ever met any other writers?

Only on social media. I’ve had so much help from other writers on Twitter I’m indebted to them. They know who they are and I can’t thank them enough for the help and most of all their time. I know how precious that is to any Indie author and they’ve gone above and beyond.

9. What are you working on now?

I’m nearing the end of ‘Oedema’, the sequel to the Spirit Trilogy. I always felt the story was unfinished and the characters have been screaming to be heard since it was published. I’m writing it to shut them up, once and for all – I hope!
The Dint Finder, Bk1 Vault, is my first dystopian thriller and will be published very soon. I’ve also written the first chapter of a new detective book ‘Cain’. Is he insane? Who the hell knows? Not me, yet.

10. Where is your favorite place to write and why?

I always carry writing material, as I never know what might fill my mind until it’s written down, no matter where I am. If I don’t write it, it’s lost forever – maybe that’s just me. Other places I write are in my sitting room, in the shade in the garden, or my studio at the bottom of my garden. My studio is somewhere to write, paint or use the gym equipment to keep me mobile; something that’s really important...Use it, or lose it – isn’t that the truth?

11. Please share with us your social media and book links:

I have 2 accounts on Twitter: @AndrewHarding4 and @HybridSeries

12. Anything to add: Thank you for reading Wet Daddy, and inviting me to do an interview, Deneale. Much appreciated.

Wet Daddy (The Hybrid Series)Wet Daddy by Andrew Harding
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I wanted to read this book simply because the title grabbed me at first, to tell the truth. I have not read the other four books, and because of that you have a review from someone on the outside looking in. This could be to your advantage, or disadvantage, however you want to take it.

The title grabbed me eye, because it instantly made me think of kinkiness. I had never heard of this Author, until I seen the advertisement for this book, either. Therefore, to me, this was worth a try.

The cover of the book is very pretty, designed like an artist took the time took the time to relate the story into the art work. I liked that part as my next step review process.

Then within the pages, I met a group of hybrids including: Harvey, and Alli and their friends. While in the midst of trying to finally enjoy life, and relax a little, they happen to once again, end up in another murder scene.

Fortunately, their boss from MI5, decides it high time he tag along to see how they’re clearance rate is, and see just how they conquer their jobs.

What ends up blowing everyone’s mind, is the serial number of the case. This time it won’t just shock the hybrids, it will also shock the humans, this is not the kind of thing, anyone expected to find…ever. This was truly not what any of the readers, myself included; had bargained for either.

Now how will the case be handled, and what should they do? Was this all part of the plan? Baffled by their find, and uncertain of their next move, this is where I will leave you to wonder as well.

This book is recommended for readers eighteen years of age and above. The contents of this book are not intended for minors, please be aware of this before reading.

I give this book a five-star read, even though I have not read any of the other books. Why? Because, I was entertained, and the desire to keep reading was there at all times. I think that I will be reading the prior books, out of sequences after this. I was quite impressed with this, and am glad I found myself a new Author!

View all my reviews