by Alexis
With the cover
of this book, those blue eyes just grab you and pull you in. Actually, they do
more then that, they make you crave opening the book and desire reading it.
Seriously, but I am good with anything by this author, her work is always
entertaining, so I know I want to read it even before opening the book.
Upon opening
the book, we are meeting once again the beautiful red head Scarlett Vanderwall.
And I am glad, I just loved her character before, she has a great personality,
honestly, I feel parts of her are much like the author, but that’s just me.
Saying this will get this review deleted, if it even posts. Truth. All because
I am a big fan of this author, and this review is justifiably, my version of
the truth.
Anyway; as I
was saying.
Scarlett and
Ivan are headed on yet another journey. It’s just that this time, they are trying
to rescue Ivan’s sister from Ivan’s own former boss, who is a Norwegian crime
Lord. The man is known as Kieran ‘The Punisher.’ If that doesn’t just say it
all, what does?
Thanks to
Scarlett and her own ‘style’ of associates, she and Ivan manage to gather
together the gear they need. Some weaponry and such, and embark on their
journey, one that they hope, they will be able to return from.
As they are on
their journey, Scarlett is still receiving phone calls from the DEA agent Aiden
Bradley and one CIA supervisor Collin Kincaid. The alphabet soup group keep
begging her to come back and work for them.
Then Scarlett
receives word of a posing threat on the United States itself, and realizes she
is in fact needed. Scarlett must be forced to decide, and her thoughts are put
between a rock and a hard place.
Scarlett has a
dark life beckoning for her in the back of her own mind, and she wants to give
in. And the needs of the good ole USA are important to her too. And Ivan’s
sister, will this be the last fight of her life after all?
Wait; what? You
wanted me to give you the scoring details? Not happening. You need to read the
book yourself, just like the rest of us, that’s cheating!
What I can do
is tell you this: this book is a fantabulous read, five stars, even. And I
enjoyed it, because I wanted to know the choices that Scarlett would make. And
I was worried about that evil crime boss, and I wanted him to get what he
deserves. And I understand how jobs nag at you, as well as wanting to do the
right thing, and even wanting to resort to a dark side. Sometimes the dark side
can be fun and entertaining. But you are going to have to read the book
yourself. You’ll like it, so go on. Go get your own copy!
1. What made you decide to write this book and how long did it take you? I wrote it as the sequel to Two Faced because I loved writing Two Faced and knew Scarlett had more stories to share. It took me about 3 months to write it.
2. Do you have
any photos or descriptions of the characters? Photos are
attached. Here’s how I think of them: Scarlett Vanderwall is
unstoppable, untouchable, cool, confident, intelligent, beautiful, suave,
fearless, sexy, sly, secretive—and she has the conviction that she will always
get what she wants.
Stanislovsky is handsome, charismatic, daring, strong, dangerous, smart—and
ready to face any challenge in an assignment.
3. Did you put yourself into any of these characters? Just my sarcasm
4. Which of the characters is your favorite? Scarlett is my
favorite, and if I could be like her, I would be.
5. Does writing ever try to put itself in the way of
your life, by insisting that you write? (Like for example when you're trying to
sleep.) Yes, always when I’m trying to sleep. Since I started writing, I
stay home more often. I just need my dog and my PC. I carry a notepad in my
purse, so when I’m waiting at the doctors office or wherever, I can write.
6. Do you enjoy writing, if so, why? I love it. I
like creating worlds I can control when I feel like my own life is out of
7. What do you think of Amazon deleting reviews?
(Please explain in detail, with your link.) I hate it. It’s hard enough to make money
writing, but then they lessen our chances of gaining new readers by removing
our reviews. Here’s what I told the BBB: They claim our reviewers are biased,
as if we aren't entitled to have fans. It's ridiculous for them to assume that
they know what a reviewer is thinking when they post a review, and it's
ridiculous for them to assume that the reviewer is a liar. If they doubt the
reviews, perhaps they should read the book and see for themselves and post
their own reviews. They are violating the first amendment. Our readers, who are
their customers, have the right to express their personal opinions about our
8. Have you ever met any of your fans, and if so, how
was that experience for you? I did a book signing at Penned
Con once, but I was a stranger to those people. However, in March, I’m going to
be making a personal appearance at a book club, who is starting Indelible now,
and I’m very excited about that.
9. What is your upmost favorite book of all time? My favorite
book is Scandalous. I’m totally in love with my hero, Adrian Casimir. I poured
love and romance into the story and left room for plenty of laughter and a few
10. What are your hobbies? Other than
writing, I really don’t do much else. Health issues keep me under house arrest
most of the time. I enjoy playing with my dog and spending family time with my
parents and my 18-year-old son.
11. Where is your favorite place to write? In my office
with TV reruns on in the background.
12. Please share with us your social media and book links:
Facebook page:
13. Anything extra to add: Thank you for doing this
interview. Also, if readers want an autographed eBook or softbound, they can
order it from my website

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
With the cover of this book, those blue eyes just grab you and pull you in. Actually, they do more then that, they make you crave opening the book and desire reading it. Seriously, but I am good with anything by this author, her work is always entertaining, so I know I want to read it even before opening the book.
Upon opening the book, we are meeting once again the beautiful red head Scarlett Vanderwall. And I am glad, I just loved her character before, she has a great personality, honestly, I feel parts of her are much like the author, but that’s just me. Saying this will get this review deleted, if it even posts. Truth. All because I am a big fan of this author, and this review is justifiably, my version of the truth.
Anyway; as I was saying.
Scarlett and Ivan are headed on yet another journey. It’s just that this time, they are trying to rescue Ivan’s sister from Ivan’s own former boss, who is a Norwegian crime Lord. The man is known as Kieran ‘The Punisher.’ If that doesn’t just say it all, what does?
Thanks to Scarlett and her own ‘style’ of associates, she and Ivan manage to gather together the gear they need. Some weaponry and such, and embark on their journey, one that they hope, they will be able to return from.
As they are on their journey, Scarlett is still receiving phone calls from the DEA agent Aiden Bradley and one CIA supervisor Collin Kincaid. The alphabet soup group keep begging her to come back and work for them.
Then Scarlett receives word of a posing threat on the United States itself, and realizes she is in fact needed. Scarlett must be forced to decide, and her thoughts are put between a rock and a hard place.
Scarlett has a dark life beckoning for her in the back of her own mind, and she wants to give in. And the needs of the good ole USA are important to her too. And Ivan’s sister, will this be the last fight of her life after all?
Wait; what? You wanted me to give you the scoring details? Not happening. You need to read the book yourself, just like the rest of us, that’s cheating!
What I can do is tell you this: this book is a fantabulous read, five stars, even. And I enjoyed it, because I wanted to know the choices that Scarlett would make. And I was worried about that evil crime boss, and I wanted him to get what he deserves. And I understand how jobs nag at you, as well as wanting to do the right thing, and even wanting to resort to a dark side. Sometimes the dark side can be fun and entertaining. But you are going to have to read the book yourself. You’ll like it, so go on. Go get your own copy!
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