
Thursday, February 22, 2018

50 Ways to Worry Less Now By: Gigi Langer, PhD

50 Ways to Worry Less Now
By: Gigi Langer, PhD

This book was an eye opener, just let me tell you that right now! And if you haven’t read it, don’t even start thinking, “This is just gonna be another self-help book.” Because it isn’t ‘Just another self-help book!’ This book will help you see things that you never even thought about!

I am so impressed that I had the privilege to read this book! I will admit, I started off thinking in the negative, but as I read, I was not just enlightened, I was awakened. So much of what I think, do and see, and even feel, is negativity and I have the ability to put a stop to it, not just by walking away, not just by staying away, but by changing the way I think and do things. And this, my friends, is only the beginning.

The Author of this book: Gigi Langer opens up with her own truth, and shares her own stories with you, the reader. Through recovery of her own stress, and problems, Miss Langer started applying the tools she learned from the recovery programs, the therapies she learned, the scientific researches, and philosophical and spiritual teachings and incorporated them into her own unique remedy to relieve stress and anxiety. Then she shares them with you the reader, so that you may make the same changes and become a better version of yourself.

The book itself offers you four life strategies and fifty eclectic tools to help you dissolve the negativity of the World, your past, and your life, and make the healing changes into the person you know you want and deserve to be.

Miss Langer shares life experiences that have helped her, and others as well, defeat negative and dysfunctional relationships. With this book, you will feel the need and desirer to make changes, and benefit from them at the same time.

This book will help you:

1.     Manage relationships with calm wisdom.

2.   Create relationships that will blossom and thrive.

3.   Fulfill your own dreams without limitations.

And last but not least:

4.   Serve others in their own personal growth.

I give this book five beautiful healthy wise stars! Because with this book: you’ll be able to gain peace, clarity and wisdom, and share it with the World! Just as I am sharing it with you now! So, before it’s too late, get your own copy, and start making changes today! And remember: you read it here with me, and I was inspired enough to share it with you, just as you will be inspired enough to share it with others!

Now here are my questions for Miss Langer:

1. What made you decide to write this book and how long did it take you?
“Worry Less Now” began as a memoir chronicling my career as a professional horseback rider; three short marriages; and adventures in Spain, Hawaii, Brazil, and Germany (yes, those husbands travelled!). My wise fourth husband (of 30 years) suggested that instead I write a self-help book with “all those helpful things you say when you counsel people on the phone.”
I’ve worked with hundreds of women in recovery because I spent many years using alcohol, drugs, and romance to deal with a lifetime of worry and anxiety. When I stopped drinking 30 years ago, I began applying tools from therapy, recovery pro­grams, scientific research, and a variety of philosophical and spiritual teachings to overcome my negative thinking, dysfunctional relationships, perfectionism, addictions, chronic pain, and worry about loved ones.

I wrote Worry Less Now to share these tools with people who might benefit from them. I used parts of my own story to illustrate how I discovered the tools and how they helped me become happy and at peace. The book is very practical with four life strategies, 50 concrete tools, and step-by-step exercises.

It took 3 ½ years to write the first draft; then I sent it to beta readers and a developmental editor (Nina Amir) who suggested revisions. I took a year off to co-author an education book for Sage Publishing, and got back to “Worry Less Now” in 2015. I revised it two more times using feedback from two more groups of beta readers. Then I spent most of 2017 with editors, typographers, book cover designers, and proofreaders.

The book’s official release date is February 22, 2018. It was a lot of work, but I love the result and I hope it helps many people overcome their worries so they too can face their challenges with calm wisdom and courage.

2. Do you have any photos or descriptions of the characters?
Yes, I’ve attached the vision boards that I used with affirmations to help me persist and trust that “Worry Less Now” would finally be complete and ready for the world.

3. Did you plan to be a writer when you grew up?
I had no clue what I would become; I just kept following men around the world and becoming what I thought they wanted me to be. That’s how I ended up in grad school, became a professor, and began writing articles and books for teachers. I found I could write clearly and enjoyed the process. (However, the deadlines were rather crazy-making; I was still a prisoner of worry back then.)

4. What inspires you to write?
I love writing short essays about life lessons and personal growth. Anything that might help someone through a tough time. For example, after a friend wrote a blog about “looking beyond the contours” of our troubles, I journaled about it and later tied it to a beautiful quote from Rumi (“Out beyond ideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing is a field…”). That piece ended up in Chapter 5 (recovering your “true self”).

5. Do your friends and family support your writing?
Yes, my husband has been patient and encouraging, in spite of all the hours spent writing and publishing “Worry Less Now.” Many friends have supported me through masterminding, and other spiritual and recovery-related groups. My inner circle (my “posse”) has been with me the whole way, cheering me on and giving me courage during the scary times. Of course, I couldn’t have done with without my kitty, Murphy.

6. Where is your favorite place to write?
In my pajamas in my work space.

7. What are you working on now?
Connecting (via social media, articles, presentations, and retreats) with those who might benefit from the tools and ideas presented in “Worry Less Now.”

8. Who is your favorite Author(s) of all time?
Antoine St. Exupery (The Little Prince); Karen Casey (Each Day A New Beginning, Hazelden); Ann Patchett (Bel Canto); Muriel Barbery (The Elegance of the Hedgehog).

9. What all education have you had? 
LOTS! (You’ll see why when you read about the “invented self” in Chapter 2)
BA Spanish, French, and Education from University of Colorado
MA Education from Boston University
MA Psychology, EdS in Educational Evaluation from Stanford University
PhD in Psychological Studies in Education from Stanford University

10. Please share with us your social media and book links:
Purchase Links:
Twitter: @gigi_langer
Linked In: Gigi (Georgea) Langer
Google+: Gigi Langer

11. Anything to add:
Worry Less Now is about changing your life from one of limitation, fear, and negativity to one of peace, dream fulfillment, and connection. It outlines four strategies and 50 tools from a wide variety of sources that I and others have used to overcome past wounds, chronic worry, perfectionism, dysfunctional relationships, alcoholism/addiction, chronic pain, and worry about loved ones. 
50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection50 Ways to Worry Less Now: Reject Negative Thinking to Find Peace, Clarity, and Connection by Gigi Langer, Ph.D.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was an eye opener, just let me tell you that right now! And if you haven’t read it, don’t even start thinking, “This is just gonna be another self-help book.” Because it isn’t ‘Just another self-help book!’ This book will help you see things that you never even thought about!

I am so impressed that I had the privilege to read this book! I will admit, I started off thinking in the negative, but as I read, I was not just enlightened, I was awakened. So much of what I think, do and see, and even feel, is negativity and I have the ability to put a stop to it, not just by walking away, not just by staying away, but by changing the way I think and do things. And this, my friends, is only the beginning.

The Author of this book: Gigi Langer opens up with her own truth, and shares her own stories with you, the reader. Through recovery of her own stress, and problems, Miss Langer started applying the tools she learned from the recovery programs, the therapies she learned, the scientific researches, and philosophical and spiritual teachings and incorporated them into her own unique remedy to relieve stress and anxiety. Then she shares them with you the reader, so that you may make the same changes and become a better version of yourself.

The book itself offers you four life strategies and fifty eclectic tools to help you dissolve the negativity of the World, your past, and your life, and make the healing changes into the person you know you want and deserve to be.

Miss Langer shares life experiences that have helped her, and others as well, defeat negative and dysfunctional relationships. With this book, you will feel the need and desire to make changes, and benefit from them at the same time.

This book will help you:

1. Manage relationships with calm wisdom.

2. Create relationships that will blossom and thrive.

3. Fulfill your own dreams without limitations.

And last but not least:

4. Serve others in their own personal growth.

I give this book five beautiful healthy wise stars! Because with this book: you’ll be able to gain peace, clarity and wisdom, and share it with the World! Just as I am sharing it with you now! So, before it’s too late, get your own copy, and start making changes today! And remember: you read it here with me, and I was inspired enough to share it with you, just as you will be inspired enough to share it with others!

View all my reviews